
Sang Ting was shocked and confused for a moment.

This tourmaline and jadeite eighteen is a relic of Quan Heng's mother. It never leaves her body and is extremely precious.

"Put it on and leave." Quan Heng put the Eighteenth Son into Sang Ting's hand and "return it to me personally."

Sang Ting keenly noticed something was wrong.

The focus of Quan Heng's words was not on Shiba Zi, but on Sang Ting's intention to return it to her in person... Was something going to happen?

——Is it related to the boss’s recent anomaly?

"Yes." Sang Ting carefully wrapped the eighteen pieces around his wrist and hid them in the fat sleeves of his school uniform.

"Go to school," Quan Heng raised his chin slightly and gestured to Sang Ting to look at his watch, "You still have ten minutes."

Sang Ting reacted with excitement again. He felt that this morning was more exciting than at the training ground. The solemn expression on the head teacher's face, "This kid is probably useless", appeared in his mind.

He cursed lowly, quickly grabbed his schoolbag and ran out. It seemed that he only had a few papers in it.

"I'm leaving first, boss!"

Quan Heng nodded slightly and glanced at Sang Ting's schoolbag shoulder strap, which was dented by the weight of his school uniform, but said nothing.

"That string of beads is important to my sister, right?"

Mu Jing saw Sang Ting running away in a hurry, and thought for a moment: "I remember that in the dollhouse, when my sister attacked "me", she also shot at the beads first. "

"It's important."

Quan Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, "But no matter how important it is, it's just a relic, and it's not as expensive as a living person."

The living people in front of you who can jump and jump are the existences that should be cherished the most.

"By the way, I'm going to feed Xiaoliu some food first so that he can work hard when he has the strength." Mu Jing suddenly remembered, "Sister, wait for me."

Quan Heng nodded and watched him go upstairs.

She slowly closed her eyes and tapped the armrest of her wheelchair a few times with her fingertips: "Let's make a deal."

Quan Heng's voice fell, and a dark red "eye" was outlined in the void, lifelike:


"I want the files, usual logout times and locations of all non-operational personnel on the seventh floor."

Quan Heng rested his right elbow on the armrest, resting it on his forehead, and spoke in a light and calm voice:

"You agree."

The "eye" in the void moved a few times and finally settled:

"Deal, 49 copies in total. I need you to put the special items in the PK map (3, 8) into the human world."

Quan Heng opened his eyes slightly, unable to see clearly the emotions behind them.

"make a deal."


The borderland of day and night.

"Ding dong! The linker period is approaching, please start the group as soon as possible, otherwise mandatory punishment will be implemented!"

"You have 32691 unread messages from unknown connectors. You can click to view them!"

"You have a "reward order" waiting for confirmation"

Quan Heng, who had just logged into Bianyu and was about to delete all the messy messages: "..."

This rule is quite humane, and the reward order must be personally confirmed by the person offering the reward.

See how much you are worth?

"Hey, what are you doing? Where are you looking at your reward order?"

Song Jingyun suddenly appeared behind Quan Heng and gloated over her misfortune and read aloud for her:

"Today, the reward link is offered to Quan Heng. Anyone who provides his information and whereabouts to this club will be rewarded with fifty game coins.

——The seventh-level chief Lu Mang’s lottery. "

"Oh, I know you are a person who looks human-like, but you are really dark and crazy. Sooner or later, you will be noticed by others! Why don't you change your face?" Song Jingyun said happily, "But it won't be of much use, you The information was leaked when I logged into the border area."

After all, this bounty is not for nothing, it’s only fifty game coins.

"Oh, right."

Song Jingyun took out his phone and shook it, still staying on the transfer page in the background of the forum.

"I also provided him with some information. Anyway, you want to play PK with him. If you don't make money, you won't make it in vain - do you want me to share half of it with you?"

Quan Heng glanced at the dozen or so transfer records on the page: "..."

What do you call it?

You even replied with a "Thank you boss" star-eyed emoticon!

"Brother Taoist Master," Mu Jing pouted, "you are really good at making money."

"Thank you, thank you. It's not a waste of money for stupid people."

Song Jingyun accepted it calmly and sighed with some regret, "I just provided too much information, and the people on the seventh floor blocked me - I really can't afford it." Mu Jing glared at him angrily.

"Why are you staring at me? Don't use too much force and the beads will fall out. It's scary," Song Jingyun tutted. "Besides, I'm here to catch it for you, why don't I just not catch it? After all, it'll be dirty if it falls on the ground."

Mu Jing covered her eyes and puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"Hey, I'm so angry that I'm a little toad again," Song Jingyun said happily, "Don't worry about it, the information I provided is easily searchable. The weaknesses she self-exploded in the dollhouse are of higher quality, okay?"

Mu Jing was stunned for a moment and looked at Quan Heng nervously: "Sister, I..."

"It's not a big deal." Quan Heng seemed to be typing something, and he didn't even look away when he heard the words.

"She even said it herself on the channel, do you really think these things can still disturb her? No one knows how to weigh the pros and cons better than your sister Quan Heng." Song Jingyun teased.

"By the way, Quan Heng, how do you plan to lure him into a PK match?"

PK game, as the name suggests, is that the connectors on the map are divided into two groups independently. Only one ghost card is drawn to determine the team's mission. The team that completes the mission first wins.

"There is a way."

Quan Heng was thinking about Sang Ting's usual scolding tone when playing games, and he answered truthfully: "But I plan to make a life-and-death bet."

She said clicking "send".

【Ding! Your friend Quan Heng has posted a new post, which you can click to read. 】


Song Jingyun's right eyelid suddenly twitched wildly, and he quickly clicked in——

"Quan Heng": Let's bet on life and death. 100 million game currency bets, whoever is a coward is a fool @Seventh Floor Chief Lu Mang

The post became popular almost instantly, and the number of comments increased like crazy! It’s too late to withdraw! !

"Fuck you! Quan Heng!"

Song Jingyun exploded instantly: "Are you a patient who ran away from the mental hospital next door to me?!"


"Your Majesty, Quan Heng and the chief of the seventh floor signed a gambling treaty."


The three-day birthday party was over. The Forbidden Queen changed from her Chinese clothes back to her regular clothes and slowly walked out of the organization building——

She wears a dark purple lady's hat and a cheongsam made of Xiangyun yarn. The dark stilettos make her figure taller, and she walks with a restrained elegance.


"Just now, Quan Heng also just entered the border area."

The protector paused and said: "It was originally a unilateral reward on the seventh floor, but Quan Heng took the initiative to propose the bet."

"How many game coins?"

"I heard it's... 100 million game coins."

"One hundred million?" Taboo tilted his head in surprise.

The reward for the "First Sequence" of the global competition is only 90 million.

"If we lose here, even our capital will be lost on the seventh floor."

The Forbidden Queen laughed: "How about the thing I asked you to check?"

"There are already results."

The guardian hurriedly said: "We negotiated with the game system last night, checked the player database, and found that the newly emerged connector information includes the connector 'Mu Jing' - but the identity authentication is a professional player."

"Well, that's right."

The Forbidden Queen lowered her lady hat a little, "The child's exclusive brand - the reverse cross can weaken the enemy and feed the enemy back to itself, together with the health value and SAN disk - this kind of brand is very difficult, and a targeted combat plan must be made."

"You mean, Quan Heng is going to participate in S18?!" The guardian was shocked, "But even if she can form a three-person team, there is no organization, and the intercontinental competition will be played in a few days."

"She has only been in the border area for five days and has become a professional player for one day, and she has already surpassed the record in the restricted area."

"A connector who can obtain the achievement of 'New God List Preparatory Position' is an exception. Is this obstacle still an obstacle?"

"Let's talk about the organization..."

She turned her eyes and smiled meaningfully: "There is no need to cancel the previous reward for the seventh floor. If someone wants to kill someone, why should we stop him in disguise."

"——Those 40,000 game coins are my early gift to Ah Heng."

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