"You know better than anyone else." Tang Junyi sneered.

"Deputy team, should we take her back to the special investigation bureau?" the team member asked.

"No need to go to such trouble." Tang Junyi motioned to the team members to cuff Wen Xiran, "Have you got the colorful wedding dress under control just now?"

The team member immediately called the team leader: "It has been contained."

"Bring it up."

Tang Junyi sat on the sofa, glanced at the red wine glass on the table, and said with a heavy gaze, "Since President Wen doesn't know what she did, we have an obligation to help her recall it."

Wen Xiran's eyes shifted, and when he heard about the neon wedding dress, his face turned cold, and his cheek muscles tightened: "Bringing my company's final design up, what do you want me to remember?"

She put on a decent smile again: "Do you want me to recall the entrepreneurial history of our company? It is indeed not easy to recall - a woman started from scratch to create such a large company, and it is a company that is about to go public. The difficulties encountered There are so many that I can’t recall all the memories.”

"I have a relatively complete investigation. I can give Mr. Wen a reminder."

When it comes to hypocrisy and coercion, Tang Junyi is not necessarily worse than Wen Xiran, and he also has a smile on his face:

"I remember that in the first year after he founded "Modern Rose", President Wen hired a well-known high-achieving student from the design department as the chief executive. I heard that he was your junior sister from the same school, and even the tutor was the same.

"Not only is she strong in negotiating and handling official affairs, but her designs are also very innovative - she is very good at combining retro elements with modern fashion, and she also laid the foundation for the style of 'antique fashion' for Modern Rose."

Tang Junyi pushed up his glasses and said with a smile: "Her name is Qiu Nichang, and her name means 'seeking light' - the Nichang wedding dress that President Wen is pressing at the bottom of the box is her manuscript from three years ago, but... I think the designer What is written in the column is not the name "Qiu Nishang", but the name of President Wen. "

He had a smile in his tone, but concealed his coldness and pressed forward: "President Wen, you really deserve the words 'dove occupying the magpie's nest', 'ungratefulness', 'killing the donkey' and 'human face and animal heart'."

Wen Xiran exerted force on her hands, and there was resentment and jealousy that could not be disguised in her drunken eyes, and she blurted out: "What do you mean?! Are you saying that I can't compare to a smelly girl who is still wet?!"

"If President Wen insists on understanding it this way," Tang Junyi smiled, "how can I say it's not allowed?"

"You——!" Wen Xiran was annoyed, and then gritted his teeth to suppress it.

The depression of being threatened by Quan Lin just now was blocked in her heart, and Wen Xiran's mood became unstable due to the influence of alcohol. But after all, she has so many years of experience in power. When the mountain collapsed, she calmed down a little -

"Don't you dare to gossip! The colorful wedding dress is a work designed by me myself. It is my hard work for many years. What does it have to do with others!"

Wen Xiran snorted coldly: "You men can't see us women getting ahead at all. I have been suppressed everywhere since I started my business. There are many dirty people trying to frame me. Your tricks are not enough for me!"

"Qiu Nichang was my junior sister and my right-hand man, but she died in a car accident three years ago! She died on the way we went to investigate. All the employees in our company know this!

"I originally designed this wedding dress based on her preferences. I specifically used her favorite red color and also added her favorite rose elements. I even used the name "Nishang" to commemorate her! But these are not the reasons for you to slander me! "

"Was there an accident on the way to the inspection?"

Tang Junyi nodded slightly, as if he agreed with her: "This is what we found before - but there are some changes in the files we just found."

He motioned to the team members to hand him the file: "What we found out is that you left Qiu Nichang at the inspection site and used it to exchange for a place in the 'human trafficking' transaction." Tang Junyi threw the file on the desk in front of her. He stood up and said condescendingly: "I don't care what things protected you in the past, but now these methods are ineffective, and the scandalous things you have done will soon be exposed to everyone's eyes."

"Vice team!" The team member came in holding the red wedding dress wrapped in the containment bag, "The wedding dress you want."

Tang Junyi took the storage bag, rubbed the wedding dress that exuded infinite enthusiasm through the transparent bag, and suddenly turned around and lifted it up to Wen Xiran.

"Do you know why this wedding dress sometimes has no detectable contamination and can be actively worn on people to commit murder?"

Tang Junyi slowly approached with the wedding dress, "Because Qiu Nishang had no intention of killing innocent people, she killed all the employees who participated in or watched the reselling of women, and some of them even participated in the business of incest marriage, digging graves.

"And you were so anxious to get rid of Qiu Nichang that you even kidnapped her roommate Bu Ziyou because they discovered your deal and even joined forces to report her!"


Wen Xiran said angrily: "How could I do such a heartless thing? What do you think is the original intention of our establishment of Modern Rose?! It is to protect the rights and interests of us female employees in the workplace!"

"Maybe at first, but not necessarily later."

Tang Junyi said as he opened the containment bag, with the mouth of the bag facing Wen Xiran.

"Since you said you designed this wedding dress and said you didn't do those things, let her prove it herself."

As he spoke, he opened the storage bag completely. The wedding dress inside moved, turning around like a living person, facing Wen Xiran.

There seemed to be a pair of clear, beautiful and firm eyes on that wedding dress, which suddenly became resentful, painful, and angry——

The wedding dress suddenly jumped out from the storage bag towards Wen Xiran!


Wen Xiran screamed in horror, desperately tugging at the wedding dress that fell on her body: "I say! I say everything!! Save me! Help me!!!"

Tang Junyi looked at the wedding dress with cold eyes to vent his resentment. He waited until she finished shouting heartbreakingly before reaching out and grabbing the collar of the wedding dress.

The wedding dress actually had the spirit not to struggle and allowed Tang Junyi to pick it up. However, the hem of the dress lifted up and "kicked" Wen Xiran several times.

Tang Junyi put the wedding dress into the storage bag with his hands and said in a cold voice:

"That's right. I won't be lenient if I confess, but at least my death won't be unclear."

"Take her away!"

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