Song Jingyun slashed to the side with his sword, breaking through the scimitar attack, and knocked away Lu Mang who was trying to make a dirty move.

"My skills are good, but I'm far behind."

Song Jingyun turned his hand to kill Yan Luo. When he raised his eyes, his sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes were arrogant and wanton, "It is better to learn Western boxing from the reckless men outside than to learn more Chinese Taoist martial arts - at least you won't be tortured so miserably by me."

Lu Mang gritted his teeth and took a few steps back. Suddenly he heard the sound of a suona that resounded through the bamboo forest. Countless pieces of white paper were flying not far away, and a paper man wearing a pointed hat could be vaguely glimpsed.

——The ghost bridegroom is here!

Lu Mang raised his hand and dropped something. The choking mist rose, and when it dispersed slightly, the two people were gone.

"He ran really fast." Song Jingyun muttered.

Quan Heng put away Tianshu and let the electric baton fall to the ground.

The branded weapon will automatically retract after a certain distance from the owner. She can't use the brand now, and she can't take this thing away.

"elder sister!"

Mu Jing slid down the slope. His force level was not high. He could not participate in such a battle. He could only use it as a remote control to protect himself.

"Sister, are you okay?" Mu Jing reached out and carefully pressed Quan Heng's wrist, "Did the shock hurt just now?"

"What could happen to her?" Song Jingyun said bitterly, "Why don't you care about me?"

"Is Brother Taoist okay?"

Mu Jing glanced at him and nodded with certainty before Song Jingyun could answer.

"You're okay!"

Song Jingyun, who was about to open his mouth, choked: "..."

No, isn't your double standard too obvious? !

"I'm fine. The use of the brand just now is very important," Quan Heng said with a smile, "otherwise it would be difficult to deal with these two people."

"But it only lasts half an hour," Mu Jing pursed her lips, "What should I do with the branded CD?"

The dollhouse was his territory before, and the imprint had no CD time, but he is no longer a boss, and the imprint will be restricted to a certain extent.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, don't worry." Quan Heng rubbed his head and looked at the ghost grooms' team heading this way.

"Let's get into the sedan chair." Quan Heng ordered, "When you get to the back mountain, look for an opportunity to get off the sedan chair immediately."

They are all trapped in the ghost bridegroom’s nest, and it’s hard to get out.


"This brand is so powerful, it can actually absorb other people's sequence qualities to supply itself!"

On the viewing platform, Lu Xiaoman expressed unabashed envy: "I wish I had such a brand."

The night watchman was speechless: "...don't say this in the borderland of day and night."

Isn't this pure Versailles if you are not satisfied with being free from injuries?

"Oh..." Lu Xiaoman nodded reluctantly.

The ghost groom's team on the screen approached, and the paper figures who were still in chaos calmed down, but the fire of the brand was still burning.

"How are we going to put out this fire? If Haoshi doesn't put it out, no one else can put it out." Lu Xiaoman looked at the fire that was clearly blocking the way.

The leader of the ghost bridegroom glanced at the fire, and suddenly took out something from his sleeve——

The dark red and almost black jade pendant flickered a few times when it was lifted up, black mist filled the air, and the flames were extinguished in a few breaths.

"It's gone now." The night watchman looked at the Yin Yuan Pendant in the Ghost Bridegroom's hand, "The brand originally comes from pollution, and it can be suppressed with a higher concentration of pollution."

[Ding dong! The "Yin Yuan Pendant" has been used, and the branding flame has been extinguished! ] "Hey, Quan Heng... didn't the chief say she is disabled?" The girl with a high ponytail sitting aside was confused and stopped chewing gum. She looked at her companion and asked in Russian, "What's going on?"

"How do I know?" My companion wondered, "Maybe some special items were used in this game."

"What special item can cure disabilities? Didn't the Black Count take it long ago? Doesn't she have a right hand?" Liu Mila didn't believe it, looked at Lu Xiaoman, and said in unskilled Chinese, "Brother, I'm with you Just ask me something."

"Ah?" Lu Xiaoman blinked and nodded, "Okay."


"Get up the sedan——!"

The ghost bridegroom shouted in a high voice, and countless paper figures emerged from the Yin Yuan Pendant, becoming new ghost boys one after another.

The suona played again, and the procession of sending off the bride staggered forward again.

"Damn it," Haosi looked at the team from a distance, gritting his teeth while waiting for the items to restore the stumps, "I can't spare Quan!"

Lu Mang's face was gloomy, and everyone could feel how bad his mood was——

Being teased by a young, yellow-haired girl, there is no way I can get away with it in terms of face.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Haoshi, your branded weapon has been automatically put into your backpack because it was disconnected due to the distance! 】

Haoshi was overjoyed, then took out his electric baton, held it in his hand and waved it:

"It's just like that. How can you beat us by relying on that brand to eat up our serial quality? What's more, Chief, you haven't used the brand yet. Don't we have a trump card? Why are you so depressed?"

He said with disdain: "If Song Jingyun hadn't protected her, what would this woman have accomplished -"


Lu Mang was angry and shouted unbearably: "If the ghost bridegroom hadn't arrived suddenly, do you think you could still stand here and talk properly?! Quan Heng is indeed a female gamer, but don't make excuses for this!"

He looked coldly and warned sternly: "If you don't pay attention to your words and deeds again, and if you continue to underestimate me and hinder me... you don't have to wait for Quan Heng to deal with you, I will kill you first!"

Haosi felt a chill in his heart and froze when Lu Mang said these words.

Haosi stared at Lu Mang's mouth that opened and closed without any choice of words, as well as his anger that he wanted to find a "roly-poly" to vent his emotions, but he was not very surprised in his heart. Instead, he felt like "it's true":

"Sure enough, he has wanted to get rid of me for a long time - due to the competition for the chief position back then and the current ascending order, he has long wanted to go to the SSS level. As long as I die, he can quickly get rid of me by eating all the club's bonuses. Ascending order!”

Haosi sneered in his heart, he had seen through everything.

"He just wants to find a suitable reason to convince the public so that he can kill me and continue to consolidate his position as chief! What a selfish thing!"

He was thinking in his heart, but still lowered his head and muttered:

"I understand and I won't do it again."

Lu Mang's furious mood eased slightly, and the cold and reckless anger in his mind was reduced a little:

"Quan Heng cannot be treated like an ordinary player. Although her rank is low, she should not be underestimated. I am reminding you to protect your own life!"

Haosi was sarcastic in his heart, but still nodded: "Remember, I will follow your command from now on."

Lu Mang gasped to calm down his anger, his eyes showing viciousness:

"Quan Heng's other teammate is just remotely controlled and doesn't show up. It's probably because the force value is not enough - this is a very worthwhile point in Quan Heng's team. When we meet again, we will first deal with the player with the control mark! "

"But our sequence is weakened now," Haosi said, "I'm afraid it won't be easy to attack them."

"This kind of extraordinary control brand will have a time limit. When the lock expires, we can use the brand CD to ambush, not to mention we have the help of the Ghost Bridegroom."

After Lu Mang finished speaking, Keeper's prompt sound came to his ears——

[Ding dong! KP Tip: The exclusive brand "Reverse Cross" has been released! 】

"This is an opportunity," Lu Mang said coldly as he felt his strength returning, "I will make Quan Heng pay the price!"

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