Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 116 Innocence and magnanimity

"Brother Taoist Master, the replacement time has come."

In the sedan chair, Mu Jing whispered: "Those two people have returned to normal."

"I remember you are Sequence A, so your imprint CD is twenty minutes long."

Song Jingyun was busy pulling off all the gold threads of his wedding dress and putting them away. Hearing this, he thought for a while and said:

"It's okay, it doesn't take long. Besides, Quan Heng said she has a way."

"Okay..." Mu Jing said, "Sister, are you chatting with the bride who was originally sitting on the sedan chair? The bride's sister seemed very surprised when she first saw her."

"Can you not be surprised?" Song Jingyun, who lives in Guatian, raised his eyebrows and nodded, "That bride is the youngest generation in the Mu family compound, the granddaughter of the old lady you know."

"Why do they even bully their own children!" Mu Jing said and then fainted, " seems like this."

Song Jingyun said "Hi", took out the melon seeds and peanuts from the small bag on the side of the sedan chair and stuffed them into Mu Jing's hand.

"I don't solve my doubts, and my doubts will come to me; I don't cultivate predestined relationships, and the predestined relationships will be perfected by themselves; I don't study the Tao, and the Tao will come to me by itself. If you don't have a predestined relationship, don't force it; if you have a predestined relationship, you don't need it... I know you don't understand, let me educate you. .”

Mu Jing: "..."

"To put it simply, since they are not good to you, then don't miss them. You now have a family of your own choice. When I sell the gold thread, I will buy you candied haws."

"Brother Taoist Master, are you poor?" Mu Jing wondered, "I asked Brother Xiaoting, and he said that as long as you have real skills, you can make money. Don't you have the skills?"

"...your mouth is really red when you are close to the vermilion, and dark when you are close to the tincture," Song Jingyun said sadly, "Look how nice I speak, why don't you learn from me?"

Mu Jing: “…………”

"But a poor Taoist is a poor Taoist. Although I can sell a talisman for 88,000 yuan and I am very capable, money is also used everywhere in the temple. Most of our temples are children and orphans. I am this Senior brother, I have to take care of things!"

Song Jingyun paused and said, "As for the money in the game, I had no intention of using it on myself."

Mu Jing wanted to ask again, but Song Jingyun had already started laughing: "Don't worry about Quan Heng. I think she cares about the old, weak, sick and disabled. Now I don't know how to comfort that little girl."


"Sister, Xitang is just ahead. You should run now."

The little girl clenched Quan Heng's sleeves and begged: "Sister, if you can fight against those 'evil masters', you must be able to run away - I don't ask you to help us, and there is no reason for you to bear our lives." "

The little girl wiped her tears and smiled with red eyes: "As long as you get out of this town well, you will definitely be more successful than those arrogant men. You will definitely be able to break through the dirt in the future and become a dragon and a phoenix among people." That’s what I felt when I first saw you.”

Quan Heng lowered his eyes to look at her, and suddenly asked warmly: "Do you have any wishes?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment, her dark eyes were blank for a moment, and then she gradually began to look forward to it: "I think, I want to go outside and have a look. Like men, do things equally and work hard on your own."

"I don't want to live like a bitch without dignity, or a sow that only gives birth to babies."

The little girl forced a smile:

"Sister, don't you know that women here have no dignity, and even more so when they get married - they have to be beaten and scolded at will. They work all day and are not qualified to eat at the table, because if they do something, they will be regarded as lazy and dishonest. use.

"When I was young, there was a couple in the town. They were kidnapped while they were out. The husband pushed his wife to the robbers to protect himself. Later, the wife came back alive and became pregnant and gave birth to a little boy."

"Instead of blaming the cowardly husband, they drove the girl to death, thinking that she was unruly, unclean and ignorant, and that she was disloyal if she was not a chaste and martyr woman. Why did she come back alive? Why did she die when she was not humiliated? "

"What did I do wrong?! What you think is most wrong is that I am a woman! This is not my sin, this is your sin! It is the sin of this world!"

The woman's screams and accusations shocked the surrounding townspeople who were holding sticks. She was trapped in the "circle", her hair disheveled, but her eyes were burning brightly in anger, like a wolf at the end of the road.

At that time, she was caught in the crowd watching the excitement. She saw the woman laughing and standing up, tears falling out of her eyes when she closed her eyes.

"This is my body and my destiny, but they are not in my hands - I have no fault. I came to this world innocently and left innocently!"

The woman was like a remaining butterfly in early winter, rushing away from the crowd and rushing towards the sharp bamboo tube used to catch the rain. Her blood dyed the ground red in the first snow.

The sadness and courage at the end of the road pierced through the body and soul, deeply shaking the girl's young heart.

The little girl burst into tears as she spoke:

"She committed suicide, and her husband matched her with a secret partner the next day and bought a new girl, who is a college student who has not graduated!"

"Sister, I don't understand, why are we always the ones who get hurt? A cowardly husband will not feel guilty for not protecting his wife, but blame his wife for not protecting her innocence. Why must a woman die if she is forced to lose her virginity? Why should the victim? Self-certification?"

"And the little boy, he only lived to be twelve years old, but he had been bullied for these twelve years, and he had already accepted that he should be bullied. But the people in the village did not bully him because of any virtue, but just through beatings and scoldings. He gets the pleasure of being superior, he is just a child born of a poor woman who was violated, and they are just weak people wielding knives against even weaker people."

"In this world, can't the weak live? What are we! Are our lives the cost of their enjoyment? Are they consumables!" Cost...


"Don't cry, we didn't do anything wrong at all." Quan Heng helped the girl push her hanging hair behind her ears, "I will solve this matter, and we will all go out well."

As she spoke, the sedan chair under her seat suddenly swayed, and the advancing team stopped.

They had only been traveling for less than ten minutes and it was impossible to reach their destination. Quan Heng sensed something was wrong. Just as he was about to lift the curtain, he was hugged by the little girl. The girl shook her head in fear and couldn't stop her tears.

Quan Heng gave up watching and patted her back gently with his hand, listening carefully to what was going on outside.

On the other side, Song Jingyun, who was eating melon seeds in the sedan chair, was stunned.

"Brother Taoist Master, the sedan has stopped."

Mu Jing stroked Xiaoliu's head boredly and cheered up, "Are we there yet?"

"No," Song Jingyun, who raised the curtain of the sedan chair, paused slightly and said in a calm tone, "We don't have one."

The sedan chair directly in front stopped, and more than fifty meters away, a sedan chair was carried from the front.

It's just that the color of the sedan chair was too bright, and it seemed vaguely disharmonious and weird, which was even more gloomy when illuminated by the red lanterns carried by the wedding team.

Those bloody lights gathered together, swaying in the wind, and white mist spread in the dark night——

The next moment, several white paper figures jumped out of the white mist, with only a piece of red silk tied around their waists.

The outline of Xitang became increasingly clear in the white mist behind him. The dark wind blew up the sedan curtain, and for a brief moment I saw the bride being strangled in front of the sedan beam, her embroidered shoes dangling in the air.

"Illusion?" Song Jingyun was horrified, "The resentment on the tomb mountain can already form an illusion..."

"Is the illusion a dead person?" Mu Jing asked in a low voice.

"Absolutely. Illusion is actually a cycle of qi. People are born with souls, and the soul generates aura, which will return to the Five Elements Heaven and Earth with life and death. If there is an unnatural death, the aura will turn into resentment, and if it accumulates too much, evil spirits will be born.

"Illusion is one of them. The soul trapped in the dream will repeat what he experienced in his life over and over again."

Two paper figures lifted up the red curtain of the sedan chair and lifted the bride hanging in front of the sedan. Another paper figure held up a ladle of cold water and splashed it on the fainting bride. The cold water slid down her cheeks and down her bruised neck.

She opened her eyes in confusion, only to see several faceless paper figures bending over, with fishy red lips, and a mouth that split the white paper in half, and she could faintly see the long tongues curled together.

In front of the sedan chair, the two paper figures "looked" at each other, then turned around and dragged the thick hemp rope around their wrists.

The paper man who splashed water threw the bowl and reached out to clamp the bride's hands.

The thick hemp rope tightly choked the woman's breath, leaving her gasping for breath and unable to cry out. She could only pull the hemp rope in vain, as if she was reaching out to tear away the shackles and fate bound to her soul.

The two paper figures dragged her into the hall——

The sky on Tomb Hill was dark and starless. The red candle in front of the hall dimly illuminated the golden edge of the word [囍]. The bright red silk satin was hidden in the darkness that could not illuminate, and there was a suffocating feeling everywhere.

There is no high hall and no groom.

The lips were sewn with silver threads, cinnabar calmed the soul, a broken whimper sounded, and blood mixed with cinnabar dripped.

The bride was dragged, her limbs were nailed with peach wood, and then the coffin was sealed.

The hideous faces of the paper figures in the illusion were clearly visible, extremely ugly and disgusting. They laugh, they cheer, like wild beasts consuming their hair and drinking blood, but not for survival, just for the fun of abuse and perversion.

Song Jingyun clenched his fists tightly, veins spread, and his teeth felt sore after watching the whole process.

Mu Jing lowered his head and exclaimed in shock: "Brother Taoist Master, you are bleeding!"

Song Jingyun suddenly relaxed and saw blood on his palms when he lowered his eyes.

"Brother Taoist Master...are you okay?" Mu Jing asked worriedly.

"It's okay," Song Jingyun whispered, putting down his hand and hiding it in his wide sleeves, "Don't worry about me."

He knows very well what his current status is——

It's anger and guilt.

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