Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 117 Standing on a Dangerous Wall

The mist gradually dispersed, and the red coffin wedding hall in the illusion also twisted and disappeared in front of the eyes.

"Let's leave now." Song Jingyun looked unhappy, "We will run away as soon as they lift the sedan."

"How to escape?" Mu Jing looked around in confusion at the enclosed space, and finally his eyes fell on the red curtain of the sedan chair.

"We definitely can't rush out directly," Song Jingyun rummaged through his backpack, "Let's sneak out from behind the sedan - I'm looking for a special item, I forgot the name."

Mu Jing murmured in a low voice: " sister is still reliable."

"Okay, little Du Wei, stop patting your sister's rainbow fart." Song Jingyun said, "If you make me angry, I'll leave you here and run away."

Mu Jing hugged the puppy and looked at him, her eyes wet with pitiful puppy eyes: "No, Taoist brother is so kind that he wouldn't leave me here."

Song Jingyun was choked by the sight.

Damn it, is this kid heartless or minded?

"Besides, it wouldn't be good if you left me here and let my sister know about it." Mu Jing changed the subject, her eyebrows arched, revealing a row of small white teeth.

Song Jingyun: "..."

Choose B! Just choose B! Puppies are all evil!

Special Item: Wall Rat

Introduction: Jerry pries open the wall of Tom's house to eat cheese - oh! Brave Shushu, not afraid of difficulties!

How to obtain: Drop from BOSS

The sedan chair was lifted up again, and as it passed by the grass on Tomb Hill, the side of the car body wavered like water. Song Jingyun seized the opportunity, jumped out quickly under the cover of the darkness and the grass, and turned around to catch Mu Jing, who was following closely.

"Shh." Song Jingyun signaled Mu Jing to stop moving. The paper man, who keenly caught the rustling sound, looked around vigilantly, and then continued forward until nothing unusual was found.

The sedan chair has a soundproofing function, so it is easy for monsters to pick up the sound when you step out of the sedan chair. Although there is a suona sound as a cover, it is still best to be careful.

"Brother Taoist Master, should we follow the team or go around on our own?"

"I won't follow." Song Jingyun said, "We can't follow the ghost groom's circle, otherwise we will all be surrounded. Follow me."


"Get off the sedan——!"

The ghost bridegroom raised his voice and shouted, and the paper man cried out and got off the sedan. In front of him was the wedding hall that was exactly the same as in the white mist.

The only difference is that the eldest son of the Mu family is sitting on the imperial chair in front of the hall, wearing new clothes and smiling.

There were several black coffins in front of him, and the coffin in the center had been opened. The young master of the Mu family was standing in front of the hall with a smile on his face, wearing a groom's outfit.

As soon as the sedan chair landed on the ground, the young master of the Mu family couldn't wait to reach out and lift the red curtain——

The dark red electric current split open the red curtain in front of the sedan, and directly flew away the ghost groom who stretched out his hand.

All the paper monsters watched in shock as the young master of the Mu family, who had just looked proud, was thrown into a perfect parabola and fell right into his coffin!

"Be careful."

Quan Heng raised her hand, Tianshu's current subsided, and she helped the little girl wearing small embroidered shoes out of the sedan chair.

"Wake up all the brides and let them hide for a while."

The little girl looked at Quan Heng hesitantly, as if she wanted to say something.

"Zhuang is crying," Quan Heng wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded indicatively, "I'm here, don't worry."

With these words as a guarantee, the little girl spread her legs and ran to each sedan chair.

There was chaos in front of the wedding hall, the paper figures were screaming, the second young master of the Mu family was trying to stop him, the red lanterns were swaying, and the high eaves were blown down by the strong wind from "Tianshu"!

[Just ask if you don’t understand, aren’t these brides just NPCs? Just beat him to death, wouldn't it be enough to achieve the purpose of ruining the wedding? ]

[Although I don’t quite understand human thoughts, I heard the night watchman say this. The original words are: “If a being has human ideology, human physical form, and human experiences and memories, then he is "people". "Killing these NPCs is no different to humans than killing innocent people indiscriminately]

[Although Quan Heng intends to rescue all those brides, why not take advantage of the previous chaos? Isn't it too late to be afraid of hurting these NPCs? ]

[Upstairs, please change your mind. In the chaotic situation just now, Quan Heng and Song Jingyun couldn't deal with Lu Manghaoshi, and then the ghost bridegroom came! ]

[I can add this, in addition to the reason for the PK fight, the bride will also notice something is wrong when she leaves the ghost groom. Quan Heng and the others will probably not be able to enter the back mountain. Quan Heng is a hypocritical person who likes to maximize profits]

[By the way, where did Song Jingyun and the others go? This is all happening! ]


"Brother Taoist Master, I saw them go behind my sister!" Mu Jing stared closely at Lu Mang and Haosi after walking around the wedding hall, avoiding the paper man and the ghost groom, and hid in Quan Heng's blind spot.

"Two bad guys want to ambush my sister!"

"Normal operation of PK, what do you think you are doing now? These two idiots still want to be praying mantises, they have no brains."

As Song Jingyun said this, his eyes were still on Lu Mang and Hao Si, and he was also observing the situation on Quan Heng's side with his peripheral vision.

"Slowed down?" Song Jingyun keenly sensed something was wrong and stared closely at Quan Heng's movements, "Quan Heng's speed is wrong. There is something wrong with her physical fitness."

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Your current physical strength is 29 points, please replenish it in time] Quan Heng, who was besieged by the paper man and the ghost groom, retreated and dodged the attack of the young master of the Mu family, his wrists were slightly numb.

"I have never seen Quan Heng replenish the blue buff since the beginning," Song Jingyun frowned, "Although B-level is better, the blue bar cannot withstand such play."

"Maybe my sister used it in the sedan chair!" Mu Jing also became nervous.

"This is the effect of low physical fitness. I can't mistake it...this little bastard did it on purpose."

Hao Si and Lu Mang, who were hiding behind the hall, began to approach, and Song Jingyun woke up.

Quan Heng clearly knew that Haoshi and Lu Mang would be suspicious because of the last ambush, so he deliberately used his body as bait to introduce people into the ghost boy's circle.

"A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. This little bastard is really... If your strength is not worth it, don't go over. Stay here."

After saying that, he drew his knife and rushed down the small slope.


"Why are you hesitating, Chief!" Haosi urged urgently, "Even if there is an ambush, this is still a good time!"

"Quan Heng's current situation is obviously that the blue bar has dropped below 30! Slow down, and even the attack power will decrease!"

"Quan Heng's physical fitness level is not enough, so why didn't he replenish mana in the sedan chair before, and now it has dropped below 30?" Lu Mang didn't believe that Quan Heng would make such a low-level mistake, "This is obviously a scam."

"Even if it's a scam, it's still a low-level scam!"

Of course Haosi knew something was wrong, but this was indeed an opportunity in front of him. "This opportunity must not be missed and will never come again. Once Quan Heng's teammate's imprint CD passes, we will not have such a good opportunity - we might as well take a gamble." ! Nail the hoax directly into fact!”

Lu Mang's eyes were deep. After seeing that Quan Heng's speed had slowed down again, and that he was even attacked by the ghost groom due to the dizziness that his physical strength continued to decline, and his health was reduced, he finally put aside his doubts and seized the opportunity in front of him.

"Kill her!" Lu Mang ordered coldly.

But as soon as the two of them stood up, Song Jingyun on the hillside had already rushed down.

"I'll stop him. Chief, you can deal with Quan Heng," Haosi said clearly and fiercely, "As long as you kill Quan Heng, the remaining two will be defeated!"

After saying that, he rushed straight towards Song Jingyun, his weapons creating afterimages!

Lu Mang only glanced at the two of them, seized the opportunity to enter the circle surrounded by the ghost boy, and jumped up while Quan Heng was dodging the attack of the ghost bridegroom. The scimitar was cold and gleaming, and when it struck down, it carried the remnants of the blood moon in the night sky. film.

[Ahhh! ! Quan Heng can't hide! ! ]


The cold butterfly knife whirled, and he held it upside down flexibly with his back hand. He struck the scimitar from a tricky angle from one side, deflected the scimitar's attack direction, and flexibly deflected the power of Lu Mang's scimitar!

Quan Heng suddenly turned around, turned around and swept his legs, throwing them directly at Lu Mang's waist.

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Lu Mang’s health value is -2! 】

"Tianshu" quickly emerged from the afterimage, and pulled away the unprepared Lu Mang, and electric current burst out!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Lu Mang’s health value is -5! 】

"What's going on? Your physical fitness level...?!"

Lu Mang listened to Keeper's prompts, lowered his head and glanced at the wounds on his body, and when he raised his head, his face changed drastically.

"No, you can't be acting! There's no intermission or sequelae - you used health trading cards?!"

Quan Heng raised his eyes, his eyes calm.

[Ding dong! Detect player Quan Heng’s use of “Health Trading Card”! 】

Health Trading Card: Use health points to fill the gap in physical energy without any intermission period. You can only exchange 30 points at one time! An additional 5 health points will be deducted as the exchange price.

(Note: This transaction cannot be canceled or reversed, please use it with caution.)

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s physical energy value is +30, and his health value is -35! 】

Player ID: Quan Heng

Health: 46

Physical fitness value: 56-

"You damn..." Lu Mang couldn't help but be horrified, "What a madman!"

Who would exchange life-and-death health points for physical energy points, and who would take such high risks as bait? !

"Thanks for the compliment."

Quan Heng chuckled. The speed and intensity of Tianshu's attacks had returned to normal, and he struck at Lu Mang one after another while stuck in the blind corner.

Lu Mang was slapped several times, and he suddenly realized something at this moment, and cold sweat broke out on his back——

Quan Heng seems to have mastered his attacking habits!

A brief review of the plot: The prop card was "borrowed" from Lu Xiaoman in the chapter of Buddha's Tears.

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