
how can that be possible? !

Quan Heng only fought against him once briefly, and the longest time he fought was with Song Jingyun, unless...

"Except when I fight Haosi, my main focus is not on him, but on the battle between you and Song Jingyun."

Quan Heng seemed to know what he was thinking, with a smile on his face and his usual gentle tone towards his enemies:

"People who are on the same level as me don't pose much of a challenge to me, and distraction is not a problem."

"Just that one battle?" Lu Mang couldn't believe it, but Quan Heng directly swiped his left hand that he wanted to raise!

Lu Mang immediately dodged, barely escaping the blow, but Tianshu, like lightning spinning rapidly at high altitude, turned back and struck Lu Mang in an instant!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Lu Mang’s health value is -2! 】

Lu Mang's pupils shrank, and the weird lightning bit his wrist.

During his previous investigation, he specially summarized the characteristics of this "branded weapon" and customized two sets of current-isolating props from the ferry merchant, but this weapon was too weird.

It's strange that it doesn't look like a branded weapon that can be automatically generated.

"There are a lot of small movements, and it is easy for people to spy on their body movements." Quan Heng replied, "Analyzing people's behavioral habits is a basic skill."

Lu Mang gritted his teeth, grabbed Tianshu, which was tied to his wrist, and pulled hard, trying to use the difference in strength to seize the weapon.

The lightning dissipated in an instant, and at such a high speed that even the naked eye could not catch it, Lu Mang was staggered by his exertion!

Quan Heng seized the opportunity and "Tianshu" struck again in the next second.


The electric baton and Tang Hengdao struck together, and the blade of the Hengdao sharpened the body of the electric baton. Song Jingyun glanced at Quan Heng, turned his eyes downwards, and suddenly glared: "Huh? Your belt is open! "

Haosi was shocked and vivid by his sudden shout, and he was also excited to look down.

"I'll go to you!"

Song Jingyun succeeded in his goal and kicked Hao Si in the lower abdomen!

The knife was moved downwards and slashed Haosi's belt and crotch. He slid it down to reveal his bright red long johns!

"Hey, this is still the year of your birth year!"

Song Jingyun had an overly exaggerated expression of surprise, "You're so big that you can't wear crotchless pants, right? You're taking off your pants in public!"

"Song Jingyun!!"

Haosi picked up his ripped trousers and fastened his belt, his face turned purple from suppressing it, and he said angrily: "Are you doing this dirty?!"

"You don't care if it's dirty or not, as long as it's easy to use," Song Jingyun said happily, "Besides, you should use certain tricks on certain people. A dirty person like you must be worthy of dirty tricks!"

"Sister!" Mu Jing stood up suddenly on the hillside, her voice anxious!

Song Jingyun turned his head and his expression suddenly changed——

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -6! 】

The scimitar broke through the blockade of "Tianshu", and the speed of the double S sequence was far faster than that of B-level. Quan Heng only had time to use the "butterfly blade" to deflect the scimitar that was attacking the vital part.

The sharp blade hooked straight into the waist, and with the advantage of the scimitar, it was cut out from the side of the flesh!

Blood spurted out instantly, and blood gathered in an instant.

"So what if you see through the moves?" Lu Mang disdainfully said, "If your opponent is far stronger than you, with greater speed, endurance, and strength than you, then you are still a weakling."

Quan Heng's lips turned white uncontrollably. Before he could catch his breath, Lu Mang pressed forward further.

"Quan Heng!"

Song Jingyun shouted urgently, and just as he was about to lend a helping hand, Hao Si rushed forward.

"Why don't you hurry up and put on your crotchless pants!" Song Jingyun locked arms with him. Seeing that he had not yet put on his red autumn pants, he said with disgust, "Why are you so incompetent?!"

"You actually have the nerve to say that others are incompetent?!"

Haosi sneered: "Don't talk trash to me, Quan Heng will definitely die in this map!"


"Quan Heng can't do it anymore, he's out of fun." "I already told you that I can't do it, but you still rush to place a bet! Are you stupid?!"

"Isn't it the end yet? I think Quan Heng can do it!"

The connectors on the viewing platform watched Quan Heng dodge the dense attacks of scimitars, being cut to bleed from time to time, and the wounds that had not stopped bleeding were still reducing his health.

"What else can you do? This HP is already down to thirty!"

[Betting Tip: Moviegoers can place bets based on the performance of both parties in the PK, and the winner can obtain betting funds according to the betting ratio. The betting funds are sponsored by Bianyu]

The betting reminder sounded, and the moviegoers almost poured their game coins into the "challenge" betting plate.

"Ah! Sister Heng only accounts for 1.2% of the total bets. When the bets are less than 1%, it will become more difficult!"

Lu Xiaoman almost cried out, so anxious that he didn't know what to say:

"What to do? What to do? What to do?!"

"Sister Heng is in great danger now!! Teammate Brand CD is also injured!! The betting price is now less than 1%!! I will put tens of thousands on Sister Heng now..."

"Don't be anxious. Isn't it time yet?" The night watchman had a headache. "Song Jingyun is so anxious that he still hasn't used the exclusive brand. Don't you think it's strange?"

"Yes, Song Jingyun's exclusive brand is a clone, which can completely bypass Haosi!"

Lu Xiaoman was stunned, and then wondered, "Why is this?! Did he knock out his brain in a fight?"

"..." The night watchman looked at Lu Xiaoman seriously and said in a serious tone, "Classmate Lu Xiaoman, please pay attention to your words."

"Your behavior affects our image and makes our club very uneducated! Do you know that I was admitted to graduate school more than 30 years ago!!"

Lu Xiaoman blinked, turned his eyes away and ignored the night watchman's words, almost writing "I don't know" on his face, confused and anxious: "So Chief, why?"

Liu Mira, who was complaining to her chief at the side, pricked up her ears and quietly approached: "Why?"

"..." The night watchman's head hurt even more, "Do you still need to ask? Of course it was Quan Heng who gave him the order not to use the exclusive brand."

"Quan Heng, get out of the way!"

The connector in front exclaimed, Lu Mang's scimitar on the screen was already approaching Quan Heng's forehead!

Quan Heng raised his eyes, with a very faint smile in his eyes, as if he was slightly relieved after the plan was completed.


The paper figures that had formed a circle suddenly became furious and commotion, surging up like a "sea" of paper!

Lu Mang was shocked. The ghost boy had no real independent consciousness. He must have been instructed to attack suddenly!

[Ding dong! KP Tip: The eldest son of the Mu family’s favor with players is rapidly declining! You will lose the ghost groom’s help]

Lu Mang looked up and saw the unhappy face of the eldest young master of the Mu family, as well as the angry young master of the Mu family standing beside him.

"Why do you think I cooperated with entering Yuelao Temple? The additional identity of Ghost Bride is still useful."

Quan Heng calmly stopped the bleeding, "It's not like you, a foreigner, can just kill you if you can. Chief Lu has done so many times, and has he even forgotten the role of the character's setting?"

Lu Mang suddenly reacted: The map character setting is related to the plot, and then it is related to the behavior of the NPC.

How could he make such a stupid mistake? !

Lu Mang gritted his teeth: "Have you planned it long ago?!"

"I don't dare, I have to cooperate with Chief Lu," Quan Heng said.

Lu Mang slashed open the approaching ghost boy with his sword and glanced angrily at the eldest son of the Mu family who was watching coldly with the Yin Yuan Pendant.

"Think on the bright side," Quan Heng said with a smile, "At least now, Chief Lu can fight with different opponents."

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