【Ding! The challenger has lost the support of the ghost groom because the Mu brothers' favorability dropped below the passing mark! 】

Haosi turned his head and saw the paper man rushing toward him. He quickly turned around and swung the electric baton, almost tripping over his untied pants!

【Ding! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -1! 】

Quan Heng calmly used the props to stop the bleeding and gathered his coat slightly.

[Holy shit! ! Quan Heng is such a fucking dog! ! This is the NPC boost buff used to set up a trap to kill the challenger]

[It’s so scary. One ring after another, her HP dropped below 30! Aren’t you afraid that you might accidentally lose it?]

[Damn, crazy]

[The betting starts again, no matter what, I will vote for Quan Heng this time]

[Add me one! Add me! I have trypophobia, I will be scared to death by Quan Heng’s mind]

"I almost couldn't help but use the exclusive brand, little bastard," Song Jingyun's heart was still pounding, "I was even afraid that you would lose it!"

"What are you afraid of?" Quan Heng buttoned up his coat and said casually, "I originally thought my health would be in single digits, but now..."

"Quan Heng," Song Jingyun interrupted expressionlessly, "Don't let me slap you with my shoe blade."

Quan Heng paused slightly in the buttoning action and laughed: "Okay, no more."

The young master of the Mu family in front of the hall looked at Quan Heng who was communicating with Song Jingyun, and then gritted his teeth and said something to the eldest son of the Mu family.

The eldest son of the Mu family glanced in Quan Heng's direction and suddenly turned the Yin Yuan Pendant in his hand.

The stingy ghost boy who was originally besieging Lu Mang turned away his dark polka-dot pupils and stared at Quan Heng——

"I knew I could only wait for a while! What to do next?" Song Jingyun split the paper ghost boy open, "You said you were going to save other brides, where are they?!"

"Behind the wedding hall—the bride in the mist was dragged to the back of the hall. I suspect that there is something underground behind the hall." Quan Heng swatted away the paper figures that came towards him, "I'll lead them away, you can take them later." Mu Jing goes in."

The main target of these ghost boys is Quan Heng, and she can only be used as bait.

Song Jingyun gritted his molars and said, "Be careful."

Quan Heng nodded, swept away the paper monster in front of him with his rotating knife, and ran straight in the other direction!

All the paper figures screamed and chased Quan Heng under the control of Yin Yuanpei——

The eldest son of the Mu family glanced at the direction in which Quan Heng was running, and suddenly stared directly at the remaining Song Jingyun, showing a sinister smile. The next second, he directly raised the Yin Yuan Pendant, and the dark red light radiated!

More than a dozen coffins in front of him began to shake. Song Jingyun cursed secretly, and saw the coffin lid collapse with a "bang bang bang", and more than a dozen skeletons in groom's clothes slowly sat up.

The empty hole eyes flashed with the same dark red light as the Yin Yuan Pei.

"Damn, ghost groom? No wonder the paper figures are chasing Quan Heng!" Song Jingyun was startled, "Why did Quan Heng use his big moves as soon as he left?!"

A dozen ghost bridegrooms crawled out of the coffin. The bones of their hands showed a silver sheen, and you could feel the sharpness at a glance.

[While watching Quan Heng, check in from Song Jingyun’s perspective. Quan Heng has no problem at all and will be back in about a minute]

[With so many ghost grooms blocking the way, can Song Jingyun really get in? ]

[Why not, don’t forget that the Ghost Bridegroom is not only attacking Song Jingyun now. Lu Mang and Haosi have now lost the buff of the Ghost Bridegroom NPC. They now have to deal with the Ghost Bridegroom like Song Jingyun, so that they can get the Yin Yuan Pendant. ]

[And not only that, Song Jingyun’s brand has not been used yet]

[How could I forget this time? Song Jingyun has not used Zhuan brand yet! Has Quan Heng already thought about it?]

Song Jingyun swung his knife and collided with the sharp claws of the Ghost Bridegroom!

"Bah-!!" A sharp, sour sound.

Song Jingyun suddenly sheathed the knife and swung around to dodge the sharp claws of the Ghost Bridegroom: "Keeper, use Special Brand!"

[Ding dong! KP Tip: The exclusive brand - "Invite to Drink" has been released from the shackles! 】

The three clones were separated from the main body at the moment Song Jingyun jumped up with the chopping knife!

The four Tang Heng knives attacked from different directions, blocking the ghost bridegroom's retreat. The four Tang Heng knives directly chopped the ghost bridegroom's head into pieces.

Broken skulls exploded.

One clone went directly to meet Mu Jing who rushed down, while the other two clones provided cover, and even cooperated with the main body to kill the ghost groom again!

"Quan Heng is coming soon, let's go first!"

After Song Jingyun finished speaking to Mu Jing, he broke into the back of the hall under the cover of his clone. The eldest son of the Mu family stood behind the two monster ghost grooms, gritted his teeth, waved his Zhongyin Yuan Pendant, and directly directed the other ghost grooms to go to the back of the hall to stop them!

"It's really authentic!"

Song Jingyun saw the tunnel as soon as he turned into the hall, and dragged Mu Jing straight into the 4x4 square tunnel at the back of the hall, which is a common size for tombs.

The steps go down, and down again, until you reach a flatter ground, which is another masterpiece of hollowing out the mountain.

The entire underground tomb is huge, with a length and width of more than 100 meters!

Song Jingyun looked up and saw the top of the tower, which was more than ten meters high. Looking down, he saw a round platform sunk four to five meters deep.

There are several ditches running through the middle of the round platform, forming the shape of the "Big Dipper".

Dark red liquid flows in the ditch, and the large round platform is densely packed with double coffins. Each coffin is locked with an iron chain, and cinnabar-drawn talismans are attached to each coffin.

"The Beidou family's suppression techniques are really the gutter rats that can't be eliminated."

Song Jingyun recognized what it was at just one glance, and his face turned slightly pale.

"Brother Taoist Master, sister asked us to cut off the iron chain." Mu Jing tugged on a corner of Song Jingyun's Taoist robe. Hearing the noise behind him, he slid directly to the round platform.

Song Jingyun suddenly came to his senses and slid down nervously: "Mu Jing, be careful!"

The Ghost Bridegroom followed closely and saw the two sliding down the round platform, the bones of their upper and lower jaws clashing, and waving their white bone claws angrily.

When the young master of the Mu family saw Mu Jing running in front trying to chop off the iron chain, his distorted facial features became even more ferocious, and he became so angry that he turned around and kicked the ghost groom next to him!

The ghost groom who was kicked over inexplicably: "?!"

The young master of the Mu family leaned over and pulled out one of its sharp claws!

The ghost groom whose hand was inexplicably pulled away: "???!!!"


The ghost bridegroom angrily tried to take back his hand bones. The young master of the Mu family glared at him viciously, and then threw his sharp claws towards Mu Jing's back.

"Mu Jing!"

Song Jingyun's pupils shrank suddenly. He was still looking at the ditch absentmindedly, and his mind was shaken. He rushed towards it in three steps and two steps at a time!

Behind him, the young master of the Mu family swung out another sharp claw without hesitation, blocking the front where Song Jingyun was lunging!

If Song Jingyun avoids the first claw according to the current inertial trend, he will be seriously injured by the second claw!


Electricity burst out and the sound of hitting sounded the moment Song Jingyun completely protected Mu Jing!

"Tianshu" slammed back the ghost claws in mid-air like a roadblock, crushing the ghost bridegroom's skeleton at multiple speeds.

Quan Heng landed firmly on the stone surface of the round altar and looked at the ghost groom's camp above.

【Ding! The remaining time for PK is 30 minutes, players are requested to complete the task as soon as possible! 】

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the PK was coming to an end.

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