"I thought you would be worried about whether you would be discovered."

Song Jingyun clicked his tongue and put the wire back into the inner pocket of his Taoist robe, "If you had told me earlier, I would have kicked you, and you can still work here."

"Looking at the situation on this map," Quan Heng smiled, "There's no need to be so careful."

One is that this place is considered unlucky, even the old lady of the Mu family is very shy, generally no one will come here, even the paper servants will not patrol here.

Second, this game may require players to take sides. Not to mention Quan Heng’s ghost mission, just the possibility of being targeted by NPCs has already prompted Quan Heng to make a choice.

The map only has 48 hours to unlock. They will face the monsters tonight at the latest, so why bother to be secretive unnecessarily.

"This yard has looked deserted for a long time."

Song Jingyun looked around at this place that the old lady of the Mu family wanted to avoid -

Apart from the weeds and dry well, there was only a short house that looked to have been in disrepair for many years.

"Well, let's go in and have a look."

Quan Heng walked in front. When he opened the door, he first smelled a faint musty smell, a sense of dampness as if he had been idle for a long time without seeing the sun.

"Cough cough cough...what does this smell like?"

Song Jingyun twitched his nose, choking on the mixed stench and coughing.

"Woof woof!" Mu Xiaoliu suddenly barked several times and looked around fiercely.

"Sister, there is a faint smell of blood in this room," Mu Jing twitched the tip of her nose and frowned in confusion, "It seems... not quite the same."

Not quite the same? Does it mean they belong to different people?

"You can smell this?" Song Jingyun was shocked, "Is it true?!"

"Yes, Taoist Brother." Mu Jing pursed her lips, "I am a monster now. I don't have the same sense of smell as a monster and a human."

"...Oh, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me." Song Jingyun said happily: "So you still have this advantage. Then it will be faster and less laborious for us to find clues in future competitions."

Mu Jing laughed and nodded vigorously: "That's perfect."

Quan Heng reached out and rubbed Mu Jing's head, saying warmly: "Look for clues."

"Hey, there's nothing to find here. It's just broken bricks and tiles."

The room was full of chaos and there were very few things. Seeing Quan Heng walking towards the other side of the bed, Song Jingyun changed direction and searched for other things.

Small incense burner, cup, comb, makeup box, and...

Song Jingyun tilted his head and faced the bronze mirror in front of the table——

It seemed that the bronze mirror had been left there for a long time, and the surface of the mirror was already a little faded. The hole in the window paper faintly let in the sunlight, and in the afterglow of darkness, a ray of light shone impartially on the bronze mirror. .

Song Jingyun's heart moved slightly and he got closer to take a look.

The bronze mirror fluctuated the moment he came closer, casting a faint shadow.

Wearing a bright red wedding robe, a phoenix crown dangled lightly on her head, and the colorful clothes on her body swayed lightly as she turned her head——

The next second, the woman who was turning her head suddenly approached the mirror, her figure became clear, and she turned to look at Song Jingyun outside the mirror!

A pretty girl with bleeding from her orifices, a ghostly bride in gorgeous wedding clothes.

Song Jingyun's pupils shrank sharply, and his brain felt tingling for a moment.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Song Jingyun’s san disk fluctuations have increased! 】

A scream of resentment rose up, and the ghost bride in the mirror waved her pointed nails, her eyes were opened to the extreme, and she stabbed her hand forward!

Song Jingyun instinctively turned sideways to avoid the blow, but when he raised his eyes, he stiffened under the hateful eyes of the ghost bride in red. One of his legs was weak and he lost his balance and fell back!

Quan Heng held Song Jingyun, who was retreating in panic, with one hand, and swung the butterfly knife with the other hand to smash the bronze mirror directly!


The bronze mirror shattered and scattered, and the bride inside, who had just screamed and wanted to crawl out, disappeared with the broken mirror.

Song Jingyun gasped for breath, his hands trembling imperceptibly.

Quan Heng put away the knife and frowned slightly: "The ghost in the mirror?" Mu Jing moved forward to pick up the broken copper mirror and looked at it, "Sister, it's not the ghost in the mirror."

He knew as much about mirrors as Song Jingyun, so he turned around and said, "It's 'possession'." "

"Possessed?" Quan Heng paused, "In other words, she only stayed in the mirror for a short time, but she can actually directly possess people's bodies."

"Yes." Mu Jing nodded, "Sister is so smart."

"Song Jingyun," Quan Heng put his hand on Song Jingyun's shoulder and used some strength, "Slow down and calm your mind."

Song Jingyun breathed slowly: "Okay... okay..."

Quan Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

"... Party A's demands are so hard to impose!" Song Jingyun collapsed.

Quan Heng: "..."

"I'm afraid of ghosts and you told me not to be afraid. Why don't you tell me not to die if I'm half dead? Can this be controlled? Even if you are my boss, you can't be so unreasonable!"

Song Jingyun said as he supported Quan Heng's hand. He was still in a state of emotion and the words were squeezed out through his teeth.

"My legs are weak, you, please hold me up for a while."

Quan Heng helplessly helped.

[I just said don’t enter the map with female ghosts! It was the same before, Song Jingyun was so afraid of the female ghost in red that he could hardly take care of himself]

[I’ll go, Song Jingyun’s level of fear is not right]

[Besides, Song Jingyun is still a Taoist priest, so a reaction of this level can be called PTSD]

[I remember he was also able to control corpses and drive away male ghosts! Why the female ghost...]

"Brother Taoist Master, are you afraid of ghosts?"

Mu Jing still held the broken lens in her hand. Hearing this, he tilted his head in confusion: "Are Taoist priests still afraid of ghosts?"

"I'm not afraid of ghosts, I..."

Song Jingyun paused for a moment, and when Quan Heng looked at him, he turned his eyes away and whispered: "I...is afraid of the ghost bride."

Quan Heng looked at him quietly for a few seconds, and finally looked away without asking.

"Wang! Wang Wang!"

Mu Xiaoliu suddenly barked a few times, wagging his tail and turning his head, his spiritual silver eyes shining with excitement.

"Woof woof! No woof woof!"

Mu Jing stood up and came closer, following Mu Xiaoliu's line of sight and pulling something out from under the bed——

"Sister, Xiaoliu found a clue."

Mu Jing took the thing in her hand, turned it over and looked at it, "It's that plastic card again."

Quan Heng took it and glanced at it, his eyes stopping at the employee position information on the work permit:

Position: Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Fashion Ballet Magazine

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows in surprise, actually wanting to laugh.

"Modern Rose again?" Song Jingyun calmed down.

"No," Quan Heng's eyes still rested on the blood-stained work ID, "It's fashion ballet."

Song Jingyun looked at Quan Heng's face and felt something was wrong: "...you know?"

"I know," Quan Heng said calmly, "These two companies have a lot of cooperation. In addition, it is still an industry under Quan Lin."

"Quan Lin?" Song Jingyun heard this name for the second time and couldn't help but wonder, "Who is it?"

"He used to be my brother in name, but there was no blood relationship. Now..."

Quan Heng was in a weak mood and didn't even bother to smile.

"Just a piece of trash who committed suicide."

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