[What a strong brand! ]

[Oh my God, it turns out that it can suppress 20 times the force of gravity... Wait, what is the concept of 20 times the force of gravity? Can anyone explain it to me? ]

[Let's put it this way, it feels like a hundred grass-mud horses stepping on you. I bet that Quan Heng's internal organs must be bleeding profusely, and it's impossible even if his eardrums don't rupture. ]

[The impact on SS is not small, no wonder Lu Mang has never been used. If he uses it rashly, he will be put into danger. ]

[No, isn’t Haosi still there? You should be able to survive the one-minute side effects, so why don’t you use it if you have teammates? ]

Song Jingyun's back was slightly bent and was also affected by the heavy pressure. There was an intermittent buzzing in his ears and pain in his internal organs like spasms.

Sequence Three will all be suppressed, not to mention the pain Quan Heng is enduring now.

Mu Xiaoliu and Haosi were fighting, and upon seeing this, Mu Jing immediately unlocked the brand——

Inverse cross formation, one's side absorbs 20% of the enemy's sequence buff.

But it is too late to use it now. The damage caused by twenty times gravity is instantaneous, and the hearing and vision have been devastatingly affected. Improving the sequence only speeds up the speed of wound healing, but what effect can this minute have?

"Brother Taoist Master!" Mu Jing scolded sternly, "What on earth are you doing?!"

Song Jingyun woke up with a start. His headaches and convulsions had eased, but he still had the phantom feeling of needles pricking on both sides of his forehead. He clenched his hands to kill Yama, but he still couldn't help but glance at the coffin beside him——

The bride had her eyes closed, but it seemed like she would wake up the next second and open her eyes filled with resentment and hatred.

"Look at the way you choose your teammates," Lu Mang sneered, "I see you dying, but you dare not approach because of a female ghost who hasn't opened her eyes."

Even if the sequence is downgraded, it is impossible for Quan Heng to be his opponent now.

"Even though I was being hunted back then, I was able to get myself out of the Ghost Bride's book even if I was blindfolded. Now, I don't even want to get closer."

Lu Mang said with a sarcastic smile: "This can be regarded as a wise way of protecting yourself."

Every move of the scimitar hit the critical point. Quan Heng's vision was blurred due to blood congestion, and his voice could not be captured accurately.

"——But now you are alone and helpless!" Lu Mang changed his words.

"Tianshu" instinctively protected the master, but the scimitar made a false move and cut directly towards Quan Heng's right wrist!

He wanted to directly pick on Quan Heng's hand!

There was a figure who was one step faster than him. He lifted up the scimitar with his dark horizontal sword and "cut Yama Luo" to defeat the scimitar attack. Song Jingyun pulled Quan Heng back two steps.

"Quan Heng," Song Jingyun held Quan Heng's shoulders and watched as she blinked, blood mixed with tears flowing down her face. He cursed in a low voice and shook his head hard to stay awake, "I..."

"Don't be sensational."

Quan Heng wiped off the blood that was in the way, his vision gradually became clearer, and he calmly interrupted Song Jingyun's words: "Now you are on top."

Song Jingyun: "......"

Damn it, I feel so guilty.

After Quan Heng finished speaking, he took out the butterfly knife and went to save Bu Ziyou in the coffin.

Lu Mang raised his sword and was about to stop him. He slashed Yan Luo and blocked the way with his sword.

"Although Mr. Dao has a severe headache, you can beat the dog with your eyes closed," Song Jingyun stabilized his dizziness and said coldly, "Come and fight with me."


Quan Heng pulled out the peach wood cone, gently lifted the chin of the person in the coffin, and quickly and accurately cut the cinnabar silver thread sealing the coffin with the butterfly knife. Thick black mist dispersed from her seven orifices.

The next second, the man in the coffin opened his eyes, turned around a few times in confusion, fixed his pupils, and looked at Quan Heng beside the coffin.

"Welcome back." Quan Heng smiled softly.

Bu Ziyou blinked, his broken lips raised an inconspicuous arc, and he slowly sat up from the coffin.

She was wearing a neon wedding dress and a gorgeous and exquisite phoenix crown. After scanning the surroundings a few times, the eldest son of the Mu family fixed his gaze on the entrance. He showed hatred when he saw the Yin Yuan Pendant in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he held the coffin with both hands and leaped up, his fingers turned into claws and stabbed at the hiding young master of the Mu family!

The Yin Yuan pendant in the hands of the eldest son of the Mu family flashed with blood, and countless paper figures flew out.

"Roar——!!" The wolf dog's roar was shocking.

"Ah——!!" Haosi screamed harshly.

The wolf dog bit Hao Ci's arm, cut off Hao Ci's arm with its sharp teeth, and swallowed it into his belly!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lu Mang immediately retreated to Haosi, picked up his back collar and dragged him away from the danger zone.

[Branding time left: 30s]

Lu Mang gritted his teeth, grabbed the injured Haosi and jumped out of the round platform, hoping to escape from the stage for treatment.

"Want to run?!" Song Jingyun wanted to chase.

"They have life-saving items. It's useless to go up now." Quan Heng stopped Song Jingyun's movements.

"Less than ten minutes..."

Song Jingyun still listened to Quan Heng's words: "Then what are we doing now?"

Quan Heng raised his eyes, with a trace of unwiped blood at the end of his eyes, "I need you to prepare to seal the coffin."

Song Jingyun was startled, "What?"

"Seal the coffin?" Song Jingyun's voice trembled slightly, and you could hear the panic if you listen carefully, "Seal whose coffin?!"

"You have the cinnabar and peach wood cones for sealing the coffin, but there is only one thing left..."

Quan Heng did not answer, but glanced at the black blood flowing in the ditch: "Can you use the goose blood in these ditches?"

Song Jingyun fixedly looked at Quan Heng's calm profile, and finally shook his head with trembling breath: "You can't... you have to use it, you have to use fresh goose blood."

"You also have fresh ones." Quan Heng turned his eyes to Song Jingyun, "That egg is Wujin Dawn's special item - it can hatch any animal, including geese."

"Oh yes, that egg!"

Song Jingyun slapped his forehead and rummaged through his backpack suddenly, "I didn't even know where I stuffed it after I grabbed it...here it is!"

After he finished speaking, he held up a smooth and white egg, and the camera sensibly gave a close-up, making the egg appear to be shining brightly!

"My balls!!"

On the viewing platform, Lu Xiaoman pinched his waist and stood up angrily. The already high value of the "emotional eye" in his hand directly exploded to level three:

"Chief, that's our egg! How can Song Jingyun use our club's egg?!" For a moment, all eyes in the viewing platform were focused on Lu Xiaoman and the night watchman.

The two double-headed eagles on the side looked at the night watchman in shock, with extremely strange expressions that were difficult to describe.


The night watchman collapsed, covering half of his face in shame, and grabbed Lu Xiaoman's clothes.

"Yes, yes, that's our egg... No, it's a special item. Lu Xiaoman, please sit down first... I'm going to lose my old face by you."

"I can't sit down and he can't use it! That's our duckling!"

Lu Xiaoman was furious and said, "And he also wants to hatch geese! I don't like eating goose meat at all!"


The night watchman was in a bad mood. He couldn't understand it and criticized angrily: "I have said it many times, no matter what is hatched, you can't give it to me to eat!!"

The "emotion value" on his seat, which originally had only one level, instantly rose to level three, and his "green" emotional eyes exploded into "dark red".

Sure enough, it has to be a naughty child, the best one can break the parents' defense.

[PK is coming to an end, the betting countdown is ten seconds, and betting is about to end]

As soon as the prompt sounded, the night watchman immediately looked at the high odds of Quan Heng's betting market.

"I didn't plan to place a bet..."

Watching the egg being tossed around by Song Jingyun, the night watchman not only wanted to hatch a gosling, but also wanted to be put on the guillotine immediately. He was half-hearted, one-third sad and angry, and one-third strangely relieved. He immediately prepared the egg that had been prepared for a long time. Game currency betting——

[You have successfully bet 100,000 game coins! 】

At the last second when the betting market closed, the night watchman confidently boarded the boat with huge odds!

"This is my psychological damage fee, which I deserve."


"Hatch the egg, hatch the egg, hatch the goose!" Song Jingyun shook the egg crazily.

"Brother Taoist Master," Mu Jing was stunned, "Are you going to stun the egg and let the gosling break its shell?"


Song Jingyun said awkwardly: "What, this egg is not mine, so I don't have instructions for use and don't know how to hatch it..."

"??!" Mu Jing was stunned, "Brother Taoist Master, why are you so unreliable?!"

"What do you mean I'm unreliable? Quan Heng didn't tell me to use this egg!" Song Jingyun said angrily, "It's okay if Quan Heng's brand can be used, but isn't it useless?"

"Yeah, I don't even know how this egg hatched."

Lu Xiaoman pouted, "Although he is very angry, now that Sister Heng needs eggs to hatch goslings, he doesn't know what to do?"

The night watchman laughed: "What does it matter? As long as Quan Heng knows."

"Sister Heng knows?" Lu Xiaoman was stunned, "Why does sister Heng know?"

The night watchman smiled softly: "It's all thanks to your big mouth."

Quan Heng looked at the snow-white egg quietly for a few seconds, then suddenly turned around and took out a hand of goose blood from the ditch, raised his chin slightly and said, "Special item."

Song Jingyun held up the big white egg in his hand without knowing why, and Quan Heng wiped blood on the egg with his finger——

The white egg body lit up a few times, the blood was slowly absorbed, and the outline of the embryo inside the egg was vaguely revealed in the bright light.

"How did you know to use blood?" Song Jingyun was shocked, knowing that this was a reaction to the activation of a special item.

"To be precise, it's contaminated blood."

Quan Heng wiped the blood from his fingers, "Lu Xiaoman said that their chief would use special items to hatch duck seedlings, and he also went to catch ducks in the Wugu River."

If the core team members of Wugou Dawn want to eat duck meat, they can buy live ducks in the store, and there is no need to go to the Wugou River to catch them and fall into the river for this.

"They did this because the ducks in the Wuguo River are special: they are not animals in the human world, but monster birds in the new world. There is only one possible connection between the two things, and that is that the monster birds in the Wuguo River can Affects hatching varieties of special items.”

"I guess it's their contaminated blood." Quan Heng's eyes fell on the goose eggs in Song Jingyun's hand, and the corners of his lips slightly curved, "It seems that I guessed it right."

"Contaminated blood?" Lu Xiaoman looked at the night watchman.

"Well - otherwise what do you think?"

The night watchman raised his eyebrows and elongated his voice, a kind of clarifying pleasure, "Why should I go to the Wugou River to catch ducks?"

The Wugou River is the only river in the Day and Night Frontier. Its water flow is dark red all year round. In it are some animals that already exist in the Border Territory, or some lightly polluted monsters. Most people think that it connects to the new world. Unfortunately, the area near the river was not included in the club's site selection.

Only the Night Watchmen contracted the location along the Immaculate River and named the club "Immaculate Dawn".

"I originally wanted to hatch a female duck that can only be raised in Wuguo River, and then breed it to have cubs to make that area more lively."

The night watchman propped up his chin and said with a smile on his face, "It's not bad to sell it now, and we can also help the world."

"This proves that even the ducks in our club can only be male. How on earth can we defeat the Forbidden Queen and the Black Earl?" Lu Xiaoman complained softly.

[KP tip: There are nine minutes left, please complete the task as soon as possible! 】

The prompt came out again on the screen.

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