[KP tip: There are nine minutes left, please complete the task as soon as possible! 】

Kepper's cold reminder sounded, constantly urging vigilance——

"I can't move now."

Lu Mang barely stood up after being reduced to S, the rapid decline in physical fitness, and the multiple pressures from the side effects of the brand. He used special items to heal Hao Shi without hesitation and watched him grow his arms again.

"I need you to hold on for these four minutes, and then we can seize the last five minutes to kill and fight!"

Lu Mang was breathing heavily, with sweat all over his forehead, and a slight chill ran down his spine the moment he looked at Quan Heng in the audience.

The other party had also just heard Keeper's prompt, but there was no anxiety on his face. There was a faint smile in his raised eyes, showing an interesting look, as if he was waiting for a good show to start.

Lu Mang frowned, feeling vaguely uneasy, but he didn't know where this uneasiness came from, so he could only spit in disgust:

"Why are you so proud? We're waiting for that kid's imprinted CD to see who can be saved—"

The sound stopped suddenly, Lu Mang's pupils shrank suddenly and his eyes widened, his lips trembled as he looked at the katana that penetrated his heart.

Rare rare quality katana sword.

——This is Haosi’s most valuable special item, and it is also a piece of equipment that can easily break through Sequence S physical protection!

"you you……"

The blood from the corner of Lu Mang's mouth overflowed uncontrollably, and behind him, Haoshi, with a look of hatred on his face, kicked him in the back and quickly pulled out his samurai sword!

The sharp blade is not stained by blood, and the poison-quenched blade surface is not stained by blood, reflecting a vague light green color.

[Endangered reminder: Player Lu Mang’s health value is -36, and his current health value is 4 points! 】

Lu Mang's body was stiff and he fell straight onto the solid stone slab. Blood spurted out from his slightly curled body due to the impact.

"How could they turn against each other?"

Song Jingyun was startled by this sudden change, "These two are the chief and vice-chairman of the same club, aren't they still PKing now?"

"Conflict of interest." Quan Heng laughed meaningfully.

How could Song Jingyun not understand? He tilted his head and said in shock: "What did you do again?"

"Speaking like I can do anything."

Quan Heng put his hands into the pockets of his knee-length windbreaker and raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "Watch the show first, we'll talk later."

Lu Mang forced his body to turn around, looked at Haoshi with a stern face in disbelief, and yelled angrily: "What are you doing? Why are you crazy!!"

"Am I crazy? This is what I call preemptive strike! I don't believe you haven't thought about killing me!!"

Not to be outdone, Haoshi yelled back, his eyes full of relief: "You are going to die anyway, so don't hold me back anymore. You are a timid coward who dares to steal my top position!"

Lu Mang opened his mouth, blood dripped from his mouth, and finally laughed hoarsely, but the corners of his mouth could not be restrained from bending down, and his eyes were full of sadness and anger: "You miss me so much? Do you think I helped you so much just to kill you in the end? ?!”

He used to rely on his rank to do evil and harm others, and do whatever he wanted, but now he was stabbed in the back by his own henchmen in embarrassment. Cold rage filled his mind, forcing him to roar with blood:

"If I really wanted to kill you, I would have killed you while I was dealing with your mess!!"


Another scream sounded, not only the player's eyes, but also the eyes of all the monsters -

The bride wearing a colorful wedding dress broke through the blockade of the paper man, her fingers turned into claws, and she penetrated the heart of the eldest son of the Mu family with a sinister smile!

"Now you are satisfied."

Lu Mang, who was seriously injured, suddenly laughed out loud, gritted his teeth and said, "You fell into Quan Heng's trap!"

The PK trend is one-sided. In this bet, Quan Heng’s real opponents are no longer them!


"Did you set a trap?!"

Song Jingyun couldn't hold back his curiosity and urged: "What's going on? Tell me what's going on!"

Anyway, the goose egg in my hand has not hatched yet.

Quan Heng looked at the eldest son of the Mu family who had his heart crushed by Bu Ziyou on the high platform. Seeing that his face was pale and his eyes were still open, the Yin Yuan Pendant that he clenched tightly in his hands gradually loosened and fell to the ground with a "ding-dong" sound.

For a time, the paper man controlled by Yin Yuanpei turned into a headless fly, bumping around everywhere.

"I checked the information of these two people when I came here, and there were only a few gossip posts about Lu Mang - I know that this person is very strong, but he will offend his teammates because he cannot control his temper when he is playing."

Quan Heng answered.

Although the seventh level does not apply for professions, members of the organization must have played in multi-person groups, and have even fought against popular classes such as the Mad Hatter and the Forbidden Queen. They will be included in the channel more or less, and it is not uncommon to post on the forum. thing.

"But after all, the sequence strength is there, and this arrogance and recklessness is easily ignored."

Quan Heng rubbed his chin and found it interesting: "As for this generous post... I can't even finish reading it."

"I also know some of these gossips."

Song Jingyun is always on the front line: "He is so generous and lustful. Not only is his behavior annoying, but he also looks down on female players - I really can't figure out how he has survived for so long in the border area and is still the deputy of the seventh floor." Seat."

"It's not your character that counts."

The chaotic paper figures were flying everywhere, and Quan Heng swung his knife to kill the attacking monsters.

“Haosi is a very arrogant and vain person, but he is also extremely suspicious, selfish, and ruthless. He will become suspicious if something goes against him, and he will often sacrifice his teammates or other players to protect himself.

"And I read some rumor posts: Lu Mang once helped Hao Si, took him to work on his studies, and then dragged him into the seventh level at the beginning. Hao Si was also half of Lu Mang's subordinates, and later the sequence After being promoted and meeting the change of chief on the seventh floor, he became the deputy chair and received bonuses from the club, so he has become so arrogant until now."

"That's really a nest of snakes and rats. Birds of a feather flock together." Song Jingyun was amused, "I didn't expect that I didn't remember any kindness." After he mocked him, he wondered: "But you are off topic, and you haven't answered me yet, 'How did you do it? To make them turn against each other?"

"I've been answering." Quan Heng smiled helplessly, "People like Haosi all have the same shortcomings."

"Their vision will be limited to the things in front of them, they will be blindly confident in their own inferences, fall into the misunderstandings of their own thinking, be selfish to the point of holding grudges but not gratitude, and like to judge others by themselves."

Song Jingyun suddenly realized: "Did you take advantage of his rigid thinking?"

"I just prompted Lu Mang to show some new information that Hao Xie wanted to see." Quan Heng smiled lowly, with subtle cunning flashing in his eyes, "Take advantage of his "confirmation bias" way of thinking a little bit. "

If Haoshi has already had the idea that "Lu Mang has had a grudge against him for a long time and wants to murder him", then it will be difficult to accept other conclusions that are contrary to this information. He will involuntarily find fault with Lu Mang in order to maintain this conclusion. the correct position in one's own mind.

And if he happens to see new information that supports his original conclusion at this time, he will readily accept it and further verify the original conclusion.

The presentation of this new information took advantage of Lu Mang's "temper".

——He cannot control his temper well and is very likely to scold Haoshi.

Haosi is now the deputy chairman, and he despises Quan Heng from the bottom of his heart. Being reprimanded like this will definitely make him feel dissatisfied and doubtful. Combined with the suspicion during the chief election, the superposition of multiple incidents can easily achieve what Quan Heng wants. Effect.

"But even if Haoshi is angry and suspicious, he can't really be stupid enough to kill Lu Mang, right? In this way, PK really has no chance!"

It’s clear which one is lighter and which one is more important!

"Even if Lu Mang is seriously injured and gets backlash, he will still have four or five minutes to duel with us after he recovers." Song Jingyun felt something was wrong, "If Lu Mang was killed by him at this time, there would be no hope for the PK. .”

"That's because he's holding back."

Quan Heng motioned Song Jingyun to look up, "Equipment that can be called equipment usually has additional buffs, otherwise it wouldn't be considered valuable - shouldn't you know this better than me?"

"You really think highly of me, how could I think of this all of a sudden?"

Song Jingyun muttered and looked up.

Haosi glanced at the bride behind him, and his eyes lit up when he spotted the Yin Yuan Pei.

As long as you get the Yin Yuan Pendant, you can control those paper monsters!

"Do you think I'm as timid as you?"

Haoshi looked coldly and said: "You are just a burden now. You might as well turn it into my valuable nutrients. At least you still have a chance to keep our club!"

Just as Lu Mang was about to hide, the samurai sword was already thrust into his belly. Haosi twisted the blade, his eyes full of pleasure: "Go to hell!"

"You can……"

The light in Lu Mang's eyes gradually dissipated, and his last words were filled with hatred, "You will die badly..."

【Ding! KP Tip: Player Lu Mang’s health bar has returned to zero! 】

"You think I'm you?" Haosi sneered.

[KP tip: The katana comes with a "shameless" buff. As long as the user does something shameless and obscene enough, the buff can be activated]

[Congratulations to player Haoshi for activating the "shameless" buff and plundering the dead sequence for one minute! Current sequence SSS]

“Holy shit, it’s indeed the island country’s samurai sword, it’s such a local characteristic!”

Song Jingyun was disgusted and saw Hao Xi proudly snatching the Yin Yuan Pendant at the feet of the ghost bride.

"If he can reach SSS, no wonder he can move...it's wrong."

Song Jingyun noticed the loophole and frowned at Quan Heng, "How do you know he has other equipment, and how can you be so sure that Haoshi will take action?"

"I don't know, and I'm not absolutely sure. I can only guarantee that he will be irritated to the point of turning against him 95% of the time."

Quan Heng smiled nonchalantly, "But this is called a life-and-death bet, isn't it?"

It is impossible for her to be sure of everything, but she has the courage to make big bets and has a strong plan to control the direction of the gambling.

Risks cannot be eliminated, it just depends on whether the gambler is crazy or not, and whether he dares to show his hand.

Song Jingyun gritted his teeth and wanted to curse, but the goose egg in his hand suddenly shook, and a crack appeared with a "click". The light yellow goose beak shattered the egg shell in the next second, and a little goose came out.

"Look! The shell is broken!!"

Song Jingyun looked excitedly at the bald goose that had broken its shell, and then touched its wet bald head with some disgust: "No, why is it so ugly?"

The little goose, who had just been excitedly born, immediately stared, flapped its bald wings and "quack, quack, quack," and pecked Song Jingyun several times angrily!

"Go, go! It hurts so much!"

Song Jingyun immediately took off his hand and threw the egg out with a "ouch". The goose pursued freedom in an enchanting manner, its flippers sliding freely in the air, and then it smashed face down into Quan Heng's hand with a "pop"!

Xiao Goose raised her head and said, "Gah!" It was so embarrassing.

Quan Heng wrapped his fingers around the goose's neck and handed it back to Song Jingyun, "Get ready to seal the coffin."

"Wait a minute," Song Jingyun said in a low voice, holding the goose that was jumping alive just after it hatched in his hand, "you haven't told me whose coffin you want to seal."

Quan Heng looked at him silently for a few seconds and confessed: "The boss's coffin."

Boss? Isn’t that the Ghost Bride? !

"……what are you saying?"

Song Jingyun's face darkened: "Quan Heng, do you know that your behavior is called 'killing the donkey'?"

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