[Fuck! Dropped so much? ! What are you doing! ! what's the situation? ! ]

[There is no physical attack, this is just a mental breakdown to the extreme! He even lost his HP! ! ]

"Are you in so much pain just because of empathy?"

Quan Heng slowly squatted down and looked directly at Song Jingyun, "Song Jingyun, why are you so afraid of the female ghost in wedding clothes?

"I've always wanted to know why you, a Taoist priest, are so afraid of ghosts? And you only limit it to female ghosts wearing red wedding dresses."


Song Jingyun trembled his lips and clenched his hands involuntarily.

Quan Heng looked away from his hand and smiled softly at Song Jingyun with a gentle voice:

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to say it now.

"If you want to say something from now on, I'll listen at any time, okay?"

Song Jingyun lowered his head in silence, resting his elbows on his knees. His loose long hair brushed against his heroic brows, and his eyes were red, as if he was filled with endless loneliness and loneliness at this moment.

"...Okay." He opened his mouth and nodded slightly.

[I guessed that Song Jingyun had some kind of psychological trauma, but he insisted on saying that his master used to pretend to be a ghost to scare him]

[Song Jingyun panicked when he met the female ghost in red, and even messed around. This time, he even lost his health points. If he really played in a professional game, he would have to finish it]

[In the future, there should be no loopholes in high-sequence duels - Why doesn’t Quan Heng continue to ask and find out the reason? ? ]

[you're so dumb? In this situation, digging it out forcibly will not solve the problem. It is better for Song Jingyun to say it himself in the future. Those who can play with other people's psychology will have dirty hearts! Quan Heng even dares to engage in psychological warfare to kill "himself", what can you think of her? ]

"Okay, Taoist Song." Quan Heng sighed helplessly, "You are a grown man, so don't cry."

Song Jingyun forcibly slowed down, trying to calm down his emotions, and replied smoothly: "...Don't label me."

"It's not a label."

Quan Heng tilted his eyes and scratched the corners of his eyebrows with his little finger, and finally said sincerely:

"The main reason is that you have stubble, it doesn't look good when you cry, and you can't feel sympathy."

Song Jingyun: "......"

"Quan Heng!" Song Jingyun suddenly became angry, rolled up his sleeves and stood up, "Damn it, do you really want me to chop you down?!"

[Warm reminder: The soundproofing item you are using, "The Soundproofing Version" is no longer valid]

"Who's up there?!" The eldest son of the Mu family yelled.

Song Jingyun's voice hadn't finished yet, and the sound was transmitted through the ineffective soundproofing props.

Several paper figures instantly raised their heads, staring directly at the damaged tiles. When they opened their mouths, the paper shot out toward the roof like a long tongue.

Quan Heng and Song Jingyun reacted almost simultaneously and retreated. Their original positions were pierced ruthlessly, paper was like a sharp blade, and iron was cut like mud, sharp and unstoppable!

The paper man stared closely at the roof, pressing on the two of them every time they stopped——

Listen to the sound and identify the location!

Quan Heng immediately raised his hand, and "Tianshu" shot out electric current, sweeping across the roof rubble!

The noisy sound of tiles and stones covered up the sound of footsteps. The paper man's eyes rolled around and his long tongue attacked randomly.

The two took the opportunity to evacuate from the roof.

"Ugh——" the paper man screamed like a cry, his long blood-red mouth grinned behind his ears, and his straight tongue rolled casually around his chin, as if he was about to rush out——

"no need."

The eldest son of the Mu family stared at the cracked roof, suddenly twitched his lips and sneered, and raised his hand to stop the paper servant's movement.

"I know who it is, there's no point in going."

The paper servant tilted his head and lowered his head lifelessly like a puppet.

"Young master, do you know who it is?"

The midwife handed the baby to the waiting servant in the hut, picked up her pipe again, and asked with interest.

"A match for my brother-in-law," the eldest son of the Mu family patted the dust on his clothes and said with a cold expression, "After tomorrow, she will be my sister-in-law."

"It turns out to be the second young mistress," the midwife said happily, "This woman who has not yet left the palace is just ignorant and curious about everything. She will be fine once she is personally trained - a man must be in charge to be obedient."

"Just tell me what's so good about giving birth," the midwife smiled while smoking a cigarette, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes bunched together, "In the future, we are destined to meet each other, and I will personally pick up the second young master's child."


"Let me go, are those paper figures all hanged? Their tongues are so long! I'm scared to death."

Song Jingyun landed on the ground with Quan Heng and patted his chest with lingering fear.

He tilted his head, seeing Quan Heng's thoughtful expression, he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of some questions." Quan Heng said, "Song Jingyun, what is needed to suppress the resentment of the ghost bride in a dark marriage?"

Song Jingyun's eyes averted for a moment, "I... let me think about it."

"You don't need to talk about the process," Quan Heng said quietly, "I'm asking about the tools."

"Peach wood cones, goose blood, and cinnabar." Song Jingyun plucked the gourd, "Why do you ask for these? I can give you peach wood cones and cinnabar, but I can't give you goose blood."

Quan Heng: "No rush, meet Xiao Wu first, don't let him wait..."

"Hey, there are so many enemies on the same road." A voice from far away interrupted, with a long and unruly tone and a sneer.

Quan Heng followed the voice and saw that the man with yellow hair was wearing a fluorescent yellow jacket and holding a high-power flashlight in his hand, the light swaying with his steps.

"It saves me the trouble of looking for you."

Haosi smiled evilly and deliberately raised the high-power flashlight high, intending to shine the bright and dazzling light into the eyes of the two people opposite -

Quan Heng stood calmly and didn't even hide.

As soon as the light hit him, he stretched out his hand, and a half-arm-long concave mirror fell out of his backpack and landed firmly in his hand. Haosi didn't even react!

The concave surface focuses the light, and the already dazzling light reflects "swish".

"Ah! Fuck me!"

Haoshi's eyes were in severe pain, and the picture in front of him went completely black after being exposed!

Quan Heng seized the opportunity and jumped out with a swing of the mirror. The "Tianshu" lightning burst out rapidly, and the dark red current illuminated the dark path.

Song Jingyun hurriedly hugged the concave mirror thrown by Quan Heng, with a confused look on his face:

"Holy crap! When did you get such a big mirror??!"

Haoshi's mind was cloudy, and the sound of breaking wind was approaching in the next moment. The blessing of the sequence prompted him to react, and he rolled to the ground to avoid it!

"Tianshu" whipped his shoulder, and the electric current burned through his clothes and exploded his flesh!

[Ding dong! KP Tip: The player’s health value is -2]

The high-power flashlight fell on the cobblestone ground, and the glass cover on the front of the flashlight shattered everywhere with a "pop"!

The noise covered the sound of the butterfly knife cutting the wind.

Cooperate with Tianshu's attack and containment to force Haosi into the designated area!

A series of attacks were smooth and precise, and the butterfly knife's killing intent was like a tsunami overwhelming the environment, reaching straight to the neck, and the afterimage was about to appear——

Blood spatter!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Hao Chi’s health value is -8! 】

Haoshi was unable to defend himself, and had already lost ten health points in just a few seconds!

Haoshi gasped, and the blurry picture in front of him gradually became clear, and he saw the butterfly knife spinning, being held by the person standing in the darkness.

The flashlight rolled down beside Quan Heng's feet.

Haosi covered his bleeding neck and quickly used tools to stop the bleeding. Unknowingly, he was covered in cold sweat.

If he hadn't ducked in the end just now and his sequence quality was high, that blow would have cost him at least twenty health points!

"You can only do these dirty tricks when others are not prepared!" Haosi stood up straight, gritted his teeth and cursed, "See if I don't..."

"Miss Quan! Miss Quan——!"

The voice of the young master of the Mu family came from far away, interrupting Haosi's words.

He remembered what Lu Mang had said about the special nature of NPCs towards female players, and sneered: "I'll spare you this time, and I'll make it easier for you when we meet again!"

After Haosi finished speaking, he left immediately.

[grass! Why doesn't Quan Heng take advantage of the victory and pursue it? ! ! This combo is simply beautiful, what a great opportunity! ! ]

[If you’re afraid, just do a sneak attack. Sequence B is damn weak]

[It’s so ridiculous upstairs. Why didn’t you say Haoshi and just ran away? Can Xiao Heizi get out of here? ]

"When did you get the mirror?"

Song Jingyun saw Quan Heng turn around and immediately turned the concave mirror in his hand. He was still shocked and said, "Is that a concave mirror?!"

"I took a lot of them from the dollhouse at the amusement park, but I didn't tell you."

"Then when did you notice it?"

"You mean attack? Just now he came with a flashlight." Quan Heng said, "I guessed that he would shine the flashlight on us, so I took the opportunity to take action."

"No, why? Is he an idiot?" Song Jingyun's eyes widened and he blurted out without even thinking.

Quan Heng pondered and said seriously: "Maybe, it's a shame."

Unlike her, that yellow hair doesn't look like a good person.

"My lord, you have a mental illness." Song Jingyun had to admit, he raised his hand and gave a thumbs up, "What you said makes sense."

"Miss Quan! Miss Quan!" The shouting voice got closer and closer.

Seeing Quan Heng's unsurprised attitude, Song Jingyun's heart moved slightly: "You...haven't you already pushed the NPC to come and come to see you?"

"Well, after all, we didn't go to dinner, and it's time for the NPC to come."

Quan Heng didn't hide it, "We haven't reached the time for a formal duel yet - now is the right time, and it's also the right time to use the NPC to stop the war, and we can use our power to bring peace."

Song Jingyun held it in for a long time, but still couldn't hold it back: "Do you... want to borrow your brain?"

"Let's go meet Xiao Wu first. I guess he's already waiting impatiently." Quan Heng said.

"Hey," Song Jingyun nodded and suddenly asked in a low voice, "But what happened just now and the work permit... will there be any impact outside?"

Quan Heng looked at him: "Someone will solve it, don't worry."

The last chapter was blocked, Oh Shet! ! ! ! This chapter is free

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