"You are from Fog Harbor..."

Tang Junyi glanced at Acheng, who was standing behind her, and then returned his gaze to Quan Heng. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Master?"

"Head of the family?" Quan Heng couldn't help laughing when he heard this description, "You can also say that I am indeed in charge of Wugang."

Tang Junyi thought, this is purely modest.

Wu Gang is 100% owned by Quan Heng. She is the sole and unshakable chairman of the board and a veritable dictator.

This title is too out of touch with modern society. Even after Tang Junyi said it smoothly, he felt something was wrong, but Quan Heng's dress and temperament would inevitably take away his thoughts.

I just don’t know why…

Such a young person would take over such a big industry.

Even after getting rid of the Quan family, it developed under the suppression of the Quan family. This is simply impossible.

But Tang Junyi had the sense to say no more. He covered his lips and coughed a few times, changing the topic.

"You want to tender for a modern building?"

“There should be quite a few companies that want to invite bids, and I think this is reasonable.”

Quan Heng smiled and answered officially, "This project will do more good than harm to Wuhan Port. We also have a flow of cash that can be turned over and have enough ability to ensure the development of Modern Rose and eliminate the losses caused by pollution. It is in line with your wishes." Tender requirements.”

"I don't doubt Wu Gang's ability." What's more, Quan Heng is an insider in the restricted area, and this fact plays into the special investigation bureau's plans.

Tang Junyi paused for a moment, then spoke with a hint of doubt: "I also received the news that you entered the game before. It was still at a higher level, and the time is close to the human world. It has only been a few hours, and you are face to face with me. ?”

He did not shy away when he said these words. Ah Cheng, who was standing behind Quan Heng, frowned calmly. His ears buzzed for a moment, but he ignored what Tang Junyi said.

Quan Heng smiled and said nothing.

Tang Junyi was immediately enlightened when he saw her. He couldn't help but open his eyes wide and said in surprise: "Have you passed the relevant map?"

He never had time to read the game forum, but Quan Heng’s performance made it easy for him to guess the answer.

"It's just right." Quan Heng crossed his fingers on his lap, with a gentle smile in his words, "It means that you and I are destined to cooperate."

Tang Junyi rubbed his eyebrows and said to himself, no wonder the director didn't let me intervene more. In the end, Quan Heng himself would come to the special investigation bureau.

Their special investigation bureau was afraid that Zhen and Quan would have trouble getting through.

"You tried so hard to prevent us from finding out about Wu Gang and conceal your identity before," Tang Junyi sat down, "Why did you take the initiative to expose it now?"

"If I can't see the situation clearly, I won't show my cards easily. After all, the development of Wugang is not my business alone." Quan Heng chuckled, magnanimously and calmly, "Now that I take the initiative to come to your office, of course I express my cooperation. Sincerity.”

The chairman of Wugang came in person, was willing to take over the mess, and even took the initiative to cooperate with the special investigation bureau, which was already suspicious of her, to make profits... It was indeed sincere.

"It's not worth it," Tang Junyi frowned, "If it's really just a modern building project, it's not worth doing so much."

"Then what if I say that I want to cooperate with you for a long time?" Quan Heng raised his eyes, not joking.

"What did you say?" Tang Junyi was stunned for a moment, "Long-term cooperation? With the Special Investigation Bureau?"

"Most of the containment projects you handle have contact with society. I'm afraid we can't rely solely on official agencies for the finishing work. If we want a proper handling, we need to cooperate with private enterprises.

"But the vast majority of private company leaders do not know the inside story and will not take over a mess with unknown conditions. They will choose to wait and see, delaying the time to solve the problem. This has the same effect as the suspension of construction sites with broken capital chains in society. Time The longer it lasts, the more harmful it will be, and the greater the impact on the people’s livelihood.”

Quan Heng smiled. Her tone was gentle as usual, but her words hit home.

"I think that even if the later work will be handed over to the general departments and will not be directly linked to the Special Investigation Bureau, you will pay a certain degree of attention - I admire the high sense of responsibility of public officials and think you will also We are actively seeking appropriate solutions.”

Tang Junyi pursed his lips. The team member behind him could no longer control his expression, with a "how do you know" expression clearly hanging on his face.

"The handover of the Modern Building project was specially approved by the director, otherwise the process would not be so fast." Tang Junyi finally relented and took the initiative to reveal the information.

"I will hand over the handover information to you as soon as possible. As for long-term cooperation... this is not something I can decide, but the outcome of Modern Building will have a great impact on the decision-making of the upper management."

Quan Heng's pupils moved slightly, and the questions in his mind were answered when he heard "Special Approval from the Director".

She originally prepared with two hands, bidding one for the Special Bureau of Investigation and one for the relevant general departments. She had no intention of coming in person - but the Bureau of Special Investigation approved the bid too quickly, and the information disclosed also agreed to this cooperation.

Quan Heng had doubts about the Special Bureau's information control after the incident at Dragon City Amusement Park, and this approval is even more doubtful.

She changed her mind. Firstly, she wanted to find out the inside story. Secondly, she really wanted to swallow the cake of "cooperation with the Special Bureau" and turn the other party from a potential enemy into a legitimate partner.

Did the director give special approval...?

"Okay, then I'll go back and make preparations," Quan Heng said with a smile, "I hope our cooperation will have a good start."

Tang Junyi nodded and suddenly said: "By the way, Quan Heng, I have another question that I want to ask you alone."

Quan Heng looked at him, smiled and motioned for Ah Cheng to go out.


Five minutes later, Tang Junyi opened the door first and pushed Quan Heng out of the conference room.

The two said goodbye.

"Damn, I didn't even dare to speak just now, deputy captain!"

When the team members saw Quan Heng leaving, they immediately spoke with excitement.

"I'm almost suffocating. Is she really the chairman of Wugang that I know? She's so young!

"If you think about it this way, she started dealing with those things when she was thirteen or fourteen years old. Even if she didn't start from scratch, it would be amazing! When I was thirteen or fourteen, I still wanted to save the world. I got a notice from Hogwarts and made a lot of mistakes. I’m sick!”

Tang Junyi: "..."

Fortunately, he suppressed his behavior in front of Quan Heng, otherwise the Special Investigation Bureau would have lost face.

"Age is never a problem," Tang Junyi sighed, his eyes darkening slightly, "The proud ones who can become human masters have long stood out. Only the mediocre and mediocre ones will care about these worldly and seniority restrictions."

"Vice-Team, what a famous saying." The team member gave an exaggerated thumbs up.

"Get lost." Tang Junyi scolded with a smile.

The team member chuckled, "So about what she just said, are we writing a report and submitting it to the director?"

"Why do you think the director specially approved her to come in?" Tang Junyi sighed, "I guess there is no need to report it, just go through the process."

"Does the director know the chairman of Wugang?" The team member tried to figure out the meaning of his immediate boss, "Could it be that he is the junior of our director?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Tang Junyi patted the team member on the shoulder and said, "Let's prepare some handover materials first, and finish the relevant matters tonight. It is estimated that the handover of Modern Building will be completed tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, so soon?!" The team members were shocked, "This is a company that is about to go public. Is it so soon?"

"We will detect the contamination, then complete the handover, and leave the rest to Quan Heng. We only need to conduct routine supervision and inspections."

After Tang Junyi finished speaking, a system notification suddenly sounded in his ears:

[Your special concern "Nie Cang" has cleared the level and logged out of the border area. 】

"The captain is back." Tang Junyi breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll go take a look."

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