dong dong.

There was a knock on the office door, and Nie Cang, who had just logged out from the border area, paused and said, "Come in."

Tang Junyi walked in, saw Nie Cang sitting on the sofa and rested, so he went to get a cup of hot water, then walked around to the sofa and handed it to him: "Captain."

"Thank you." Nie Cang took the water glass and took a sip of hot water.

Tang Junyi stood in front of the sofa and waited for him to recover.

The game has different requirements for each level of sequence. In order to squeeze out all the wool, Nie Cang's sequence will be forced to enter a map above Vlam.

This kind of map is closer to the core of the new world and has a greater impact on the human body. The amplitude of the oscillation increases, and it is not easy to restore energy after logging out.

"I received a message from Mo Yan as soon as I arrived at Xingdial." Nie Cang put down his cup and his dizziness was relieved. "He said that after I left, pollution was found in the modern building, and that the neon wedding dress did have a certain degree of mutation. .”

"Captain, don't worry, I received a notice on the way here: the colorful wedding dress is not a foreign body, it should be a contaminated ordinary item, and the pollution it carried has dissipated spontaneously."

Tang Junyi said: "This containment project is mainly targeting the small town businessman who cooperated with Wen Xiran. The second group has cooperated with the patrol team and went to contain him."

"That's good. What happened this time is probably because someone opened the map that anchors the human world."

Nie Cang's thoughts were still clear, and he quickly connected the clues, "When I first came out, I saw the commendation from the Day and Night Frontier. Quan Heng made a life-and-death bet with the seventh floor."

Tang Junyi couldn't help but gasped: "A life-and-death bet?"

"Yes, an S and an SS sequence." Nie Cang continued, "That is, the chief and deputy chairmen of the seventh floor."

SS sequence? !

Tang Junyi was stunned and blurted out, "Then how is she?!"

After saying that, he wanted to knock himself to death: Damn, what else can I do? I just saw a living person!

"She won." Nie Cang thought for a while, "She also won 100 million gambling game coins."

"One hundred million?!"

Tang Junyi was a little short-circuited by this large amount.

"No wonder she said there is a flow of funds available. Aren't these game coins ready-made money? Convert them into gold according to today's exchange rate, and then turn into..."

"What gold?"

Nie Cang didn't follow Tang Junyi's train of thought, "The seventh floor couldn't get the gambling money, so Bianyu directly mortgaged the seventh floor club. Now Quan Heng is the new chief of the seventh floor."

"New chief?"

Tang Junyi thought he heard it wrong, "Quan Heng is the chief now?!"

It’s only been a few days!

"Yes." Nie Cang also didn't expect Quan Heng to be so ruthless. He was simply plundering resources and primitive accumulation in the border areas, and developed wildly and uncontrollably.

"Now that Quan Heng has a club, she has the right to participate in the intercontinental competition. Even if there are not enough personnel, she can directly choose the starting lineup on the seventh floor."

Nie Cang thought far ahead: "We will probably meet her."

Tang Junyi nodded slightly solemnly.

Although he has no plans to participate in the league team competition, he will participate in the individual competition. Quan Heng is indeed a difficult opponent.

When the office fell silent, Nie Cang raised his head and looked at Tang Junyi.

"The containment project was solved well this time."

When he opened his mouth, he did not hesitate to praise his subordinates, "Young people should exercise more - after all, this burden will be left in your hands in the future."

Tang Junyi blinked, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve.

"Don't be proud. You still need to write a summary for this mission."

Nie Cang grimaced again, "It was a mistake not to notify the medical logistics department in advance to prevent sudden changes. If arrangements were made in advance, there is a high probability that the death of the female staff member could be reversed."

Tang Junyi lowered his head and said "oh" calmly.

"...You young people today can't even tell you."

Nie Cang saw that he was not very happy, and remembered the encouragement and education that the director always talked about, so he stood up and patted Tang Junyi on the shoulder. His movement was a bit sudden, and he hit Tang Junyi with so much force that he staggered and almost fell off his feet. stable.

"Ahem, I know this containment process is very difficult," Nie Cang said in a serious tone, "but you have done a good job and worked hard. The future is yours."

Tang Junyi, who was almost beaten to death by this iron palm: "..."

Captain, I suspect you are PUAing me.


Special Bureau - Outside the office building "Boss, it's too dangerous for you to come in person." After entering the car, Ah Chengcai breathed a sigh of relief, "I haven't brought anyone else with me yet."

"There is no safer place in Furue City than here."

Quan Heng closed his eyes and leaned on the soft back of the chair. He felt uncomfortable due to the fluctuation of his waist. His temples had been swollen and painful since he just talked to Tang Junyi.

"Since I said you don't need to follow me, it really doesn't matter."

"Yes." Ah Cheng looked at Quan Heng's tired expression in the rearview mirror and whispered subconsciously.

He had just been unable to hear the conversations between Quan Heng and Tang Junyi several times in the conference room, but for a specially trained person like him, the chance of "empty ears" happening was extremely small, let alone when he was highly concentrated. .

This organization is already very strange, coupled with the recent bizarre events and the sudden order issued by Quan Heng...

"What do you want to ask?"

Quan Heng, who was sitting in the back seat with his eyes closed and concentrating, spoke.

Ah Cheng has known since he started working with Quan Heng: there is no such thing as "deception" in the eyes of this immediate boss. She knows exactly what the people below do, and her eyes-closed nap is just a kind respite provided to her subordinates. Chance.

Likewise, anything she wants to control and anything she wants to accomplish can eventually be accomplished.

——Even if it ends up being stained with a strong smell of blood.

But Quan Heng is still a very tolerant boss.

He is invisible but not uncertain. He is not as arrogant and vulgar as the bosses in the triangle area and loves to show off. He is the most elegant and gentle person that Acheng has ever seen.

Young but calm, quite skillful, ruthless but not vicious, and relaxed in his subordinates. Every year, he spends a very considerable amount of money to help the weak and provide shelter. He even gives 70% of the company's profits to his employees. .

Even because of employee benefits, I was embarrassed by the "peer bosses" around me.

Over the past few years, Acheng has long since transitioned from doubt to fear, and finally to awe and admiration now.

"What do you need me to do?"

Quan Heng's tolerance does not mean that he can indulge. This question is very measured. Ah Cheng knows how to be a smart person who doesn't talk too much.

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyes and saw Quan Heng smiling slightly in the rearview mirror. He slowly opened his eyes and spoke in a gentle tone:


Ah Cheng straightened his back involuntarily: "As you command."

Quan Heng raised his hand, rested his elbow on the armrest of the seat, held his fingers lightly on his forehead, and chuckled:

"Where did Xiaoting go?"

According to Sang Ting's habit, he should have returned to Lanzhuang at this time. If he didn't see anyone, he would call Quan Heng to check on each other's safety.

Ah Cheng felt a little embarrassed, "Second Master, he..."

"Think about this time," Quan Heng gently rubbed his temples without any intention of blaming him, "I'm participating in a gun club competition."

When Sang Ting went out this morning, he only brought his biology homework in his schoolbag, but the weight of the bag was wrong, and the shoulder straps were dented more than seven or eight exercise books - there should be disassembled gun parts hidden inside.

After all, this kid doesn't have many hobbies, so it's not hard to guess.

Ah Cheng had no choice but to nod his head: "Yes."

"The club has a game today, and it happens to be a day off tomorrow, so the second master went there."

I still skipped class and probably ran away after my morning study hall.

This is purely a matter of killing first and telling the story later, and you forget to tell the lies while having fun.

"Send him a message later." This was not a big deal. Quan Heng turned the page easily, "Children can't just study."

Ah Cheng looked at Quan Heng in the rearview mirror and thought to himself that the key point is how the younger brother and sister never learned this.

However, Quan Heng's original intention of sending Sang Ting to the school was not to "study hard, make progress every day, and strive to be an outstanding young pioneer".

School is not a prison, and Quan Heng never asks Sang Ting to abide by unnecessary rules.

"Boss, are we going back to Lanzhuang now?"

"No, let's go to the Cross Cemetery first." Quan Heng glanced at the Special Bureau building that was dyed red by the sunset. "I want to customize a tombstone and choose a suitable cemetery."


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