"Remember our deal"

The barrier was closed indifferently, and the system didn't want to say anything at all.

Quan Heng's temples felt swollen and painful, and the feeling of needles piercing his skull resurfaced.

"No, I don't want to go into the incinerator, I don't want poisonous needles..."


The young man's vague murmurs sounded in his sleep. Quan Heng suppressed his discomfort and immediately turned around and moved to the bedside.

Sang Ting clenched the sheets tightly, sweat broke out on his forehead, and the veins on his wrists were exposed: "No, don't... don't!"

The iron furnace for burning "waste" in the concentration camp burst into blazing flames in front of him. Sang Ting suddenly opened his eyes, gasped and sat up, tears falling uncontrollably, and his hands trembling.

"Xiaoting." Quan Heng said warmly, "Look at me."

Sang Ting's dazed eyes slowly focused and he said hoarsely: "Boss...?"

"I'm here."

The next second, Quan Heng reached out to catch Sang Ting who threw herself into his arms. The child hugged her tightly, tears falling uncontrollably:

"Concentration camp, I dreamed that I was captured by the group of people in the concentration camp, no... not human beings, but monsters. I was dragged into the incinerator by them. When I was about to die, the beads lit up..."

"Okay, okay," Quan Heng patted his back gently and whispered comfortingly, "I'm here, I'm not afraid anymore."

"Cough cough."

The door was pushed open, and Song Jingyun glanced at the scene awkwardly:

"Well, I didn't mean to see this child cry."


"Um, I..."

Song Jingyun looked at the child who was watching him warily on the hospital bed, decisively turned to Quan Heng, and raised the thermos bucket in his hand:

"I only brought one portion of food. Do I want to go back and get another portion for you?"

Agree quickly! ! Let me go! ! !

Quan Heng looked at Song Jingyun's eager eyes that were about to pop out, and the extremely obvious hint of wild blinking, and turned his eyes and ignored:

"No, I'm not hungry."

Song Jingyun: "?!" Angry.

I don’t care if you are hungry! I don’t care if you starve to death! !

"I know you." Sang Ting pulled out the bleeding needle tip on his left hand and spoke coldly.

Song Jingyun stiffened and turned his neck, looking left and right, and found that there were no other strangers in the room, so he could only point to himself shakily: "Me?"

Sang Ting nodded.

Song Jingyun felt a hair on his back: "No, no, no, is it because I am the public face and you admit it wrong?"

"I won't recognize the wrong person," Sang Ting frowned, and there was a shadow in his reddish eyes, "To be precise, I recognize your voice."

Sang Ting's eyes and tone were questioning, "Your voice appeared twice in my boss's room."

Song Jingyun felt a thump in his heart.

"You must have heard wrong!"

Song Jingyun immediately retorted without even thinking, "I used to do dubbing part-time! Your boss was secretly playing the game and forgot to turn off the sound!"

No matter what, he couldn't afford to offend this kid with a gun. He was afraid of being attacked by American freedom.


Sang Ting looked him up and down, his anger dissipated a little, and finally hesitantly asked: "Are you sick?"

Although he was dressed like a dog and looked upright, he behaved like he had run away from a mental hospital. "You have the disease!"

Song Jingyun couldn't bear it any longer and looked at Quan Heng, who was holding back his laughter, "You're still laughing! How did you teach these children? How come two of them are as irritating as you?!"

"I think you had a good chat," Quan Heng helped Mu Jing cut the cantaloupe into pieces, "I'll talk about it after you finish chatting."

Which eye of yours sees well? You are such a melon-eater!

Song Jingyun was angry: "Get out!"

"What are you doing?" Sang Ting's hair suddenly exploded, "Are you looking for death... um?"

Quan Heng put a small piece of cantaloupe into Sang Ting's mouth and took back the small iron fork, "Try it, it tastes okay."

Sang Ting turned off the fire and swallowed calmly.

"Is it tasty?"

Sang Ting nodded obediently.

"You haven't eaten, so don't eat more." Quan Heng handed the fruit plate to Song Jingyun and motioned for him to eat the fruit. "I'll get you a bowl of sweet porridge later."

"Okay, thank you, boss."

Sang Ting's mood gradually calmed down, and Quan Heng's eyes fell on the wound on his forehead.

"The boss is worried," Sang Ting avoided his gaze and reached out to touch the gauze on his forehead, "Just a dream..."

"It's not a dream." Quan Heng said calmly, "It's real."

"Do you remember that I said I would introduce you to a friend?"

Quan Heng introduced: "Song Jingyun is a Taoist priest from the Tianshi Mansion, and he is also a high-sequence player in the game."

Sang Ting had not yet finished receiving the information about the collapse of his worldview. After listening to Song Jingyun's introduction, his eyes immediately turned questioning:

That's it? Just him? !

"What kind of look do you have?" Song Jing Yungua was stared at again after eating well, and looked at Quan Heng with conviction, "No, what are your methods of raising children?" "The way to kill a Taoist priest"?"

"How could someone like you know my boss?" Sang Ting snorted, then looked at Quan Heng, "Boss means that that world is real and that you and this Taoist priest are also in it?"

"I'm here too, brother Xiaoting."

Mu Jing put her hands on her face and smiled, the silver in her eyes condensed into a clear cross, "I am also a border player, my sister and Taoist brother are both, and now you are too!"

Sang Ting blinked, looking a little dazed, and couldn't help but wonder: "My middle school world?"

What world?

"Don't worry, kid," Song Jingyun rarely reacted faster than Quan Heng, "You haven't opened your eyes, and you can't learn the seventy-two transformations. You can't transform with Balala energy magic, and destroy everything on behalf of the moon - you just walked into a street lamp. A capitalist’s game, working hard to pay the poll tax.”

Sang Ting: "…………"

"Okay, I'll go get you a bowl of porridge first. You have to eat something." Quan Heng said with a smile, "Let Mu Jing tell you about the border area first, and Song Jingyun and I will go to the restaurant."

Sang Ting moved his lips, as if he wanted to stay, but in the end he just nodded.

"I'll be back soon," Quan Heng reached out and rubbed Sang Ting's head, "It's safe here, no problem."

Sang Ting felt a little relieved, and Quan Heng motioned to Song Jingyun to go out with her.

"What's wrong?" Song Jingyun closed the door, knowing that Quan Heng deliberately pushed the two children away, "What happened?"

"When Yin Yuan wore the map, you were stressed by the female ghost, and ended up with a severe headache." Quan Heng asked, "I want to know the reason for your headache."

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