Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 133 Long Chapter Short Story

"This..." Song Jingyun scratched his head, "This matter is a bit complicated. It's too long to say in one sentence."

Quan Heng nodded: "Then let's make the story short."

Song Jingyun: "..."


"I am the Song family, the last branch of the Yan family, and the last one of us. You should have guessed this. Later, I was taken away by Nirvana's group. I escaped from control six years ago and was captured by my master. Rescued."

Song Jingyun tapped his temple with his right index finger and said:

"But in Nirvana, they have a magical weapon called the [Brain Medullary Needle], which can pass directly through the brain, seal memories, control sensibility, and can make people extremely indifferent or irrational. It all depends on the specific spell. .

"I later tried my best to pull out the silver needle. Although I didn't recover the specific memories of those years, I at least recovered as a human being. But when I am stimulated or want to recall things from the past, the pain will be severe. "

It was six years ago again...

Quan Heng nodded and said nothing more.

"By the way, why do you ask this?" Song Jingyun said.

"It's not a big deal." Quan Heng said, "By the way, when Xiaoting is discharged from the hospital, do you want to come to Lanzhuang to sit down?"

Song Jingyun: "Lanzhuang...?"



The classical garden mansion, an asset under Quan Heng's name, was later expanded to occupy the entire hilltop.

"Oh, now that I've finished watching it, it's actually so big."

Song Jingyun walked around Lanzhuang and stretched his waist: "This village is surrounded by mountains on all sides. On the left is a golden basin offering auspicious gifts, on the right is water shooting into the middle hall. In front of it is a Chinese courtyard with cranes and sky, and behind it is the Jingshan Jade Jade pillow. It is a place full of wind and water. image."

He turned around and smiled, looking handsome and handsome under the bright light, with only a few strands hanging down his cheeks:

"Gathering wealth also brings good fortune to others."

"So, there is no problem with Feng Shui." Wen Sangting didn't understand the previous sentence in classical Chinese, but he understood the last sentence.

——To gather wealth and bring good fortune to others.

easy to understand.

"Yes, Feng Shui means the elements of wind and water - the house cannot block the airflow. Although Lanzhuang is surrounded by mountains, the airflow is smooth and the tigers are full of wind. There is no problem with the wind." Song Jingyun stepped towards the road leading directly from the mountains to the village. running water.

"The water phase is unique," Song Jingyun marveled, looking at the rocks in front of him that formed a natural ring due to erosion by mountain streams. All mountain spring water enters Lanzhuang through this stone circle, "Long Tuzhu Cave."

Sang Ting followed him and didn't understand: "What?"

"It's just that the rocks trap the water and draw the water up to bring wealth. It forms the image of a water dragon chasing a pearl, and even better, it will form a dragon pearl."

Song Jingyun pointed to the mountain ring and said with a smile, "The feng shui of Lanzhuang is quite good. Maybe Mrs. Lan is also proficient in feng shui."

"Maybe." Sang Ting couldn't say.

"By the way, how well do you know about the border areas?" Song Jingyun turned over a bluestone slab in the clear pool according to the momentum of the water flow. If a Feng Shui dragon ball was formed, it would be in this direction, "Don't just pick me up and let me see Feng Shui."

"I've understood the most basic things, but there are some places I'm not allowed to visit," Sang Ting frowned, "I've never been to the day and night borderland, and there's no borderland forum."

"Normal, because you logged out abnormally."

As expected, Song Jingyun saw a round, milky-white pebble under the rock, and then he was relieved and dropped the stone slab.

I thought that the owner of this house really put a lot of effort into decorating it. Feng shui nourishes people's luck and also affects people's emotions and character.

With this Feng Shui in place, it can bring blessings and ensure success.

"You can obtain the status of an official player when you enter the border area." Song Jingyun used the protruding rocks to easily jump out of the clear water pool. "The corresponding exclusive brands can be unlocked. By the way, did you bring any weapons in? "

"Of course it's a gun," Sang Ting said, "and it seems to have become a usable weapon."

"I'll go, hot weapon..." Song Jingyun scratched his face and said helplessly, "It's really buggy."

"Hey, Xiao Wu went to feed Xiao Liu, where did Quan Heng go?"

Song Jingyun asked again, "Even if you can't help yourself, you still have to be careful - she's probably going to be spinning around in the past few days, and she has to go into the border area tonight."

"The boss has his own plan," Sang Ting's attitude became calmer and a little cold, "I advise you to keep your mouth shut."

Song Jingyun's hand holding his robe paused slightly, and he looked at Sang Ting, who had cold eyebrows, and suddenly felt something in his heart——

That's right, this kid only gave him face because of Quan Heng. Once out of Quan Heng's sight, he no longer has the youthful and lively temperament.

"Little Second Master."

Suddenly, someone walked quickly behind him. He glanced at Song Jingyun first and hesitated for a moment.

"The boss has asked someone to prepare tea for you," Sang Ting looked at Song Jingyun, "The Mengshan tea we picked is said to be a tribute tea that your Taoists often have. Your Taoist temple is in Tianfu, so you should be used to drinking it."

"You are so attentive," Song Jingyun laughed, "How do you know I am from Tianfu?"

Sang Ting glanced at him and said coldly: "As long as you are standing here, you have been investigated from top to bottom."

Song Jingyun: "..." You're too honest, brother.

Sang Ting waited until Song Jingyun walked away before speaking: "What's the matter?"

"There is a meeting at the training camp today," his subordinate whispered, "Boss, are you going to go and see it, or skip over?"

Sang Ting watched as Song Jingyun was ushered into the gallery: "There will be a meeting at the company today. I'll go ask the boss later."

"Yes." The subordinate hesitated for a moment, "There is one more thing about the Boss."

"Boss?" Sang Ting looked sideways, "Did you ask for confidentiality?"

Quan Heng didn't speak, even Sang Ting shouldn't know.

"No," the subordinate hurriedly clarified. He knew the rules. "The boss didn't give orders."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Boss sent forty-eight people out and scattered them all over the place. It was all... bloody things."

Sang Ting was slightly surprised: "Forty-eight people?"

"Yes, students who are in the top fifty in terms of skill."

Do you still need skills? Those are all gangsters raised by a bunch of people.

"I understand," Sang Ting glanced at him, "Stop here and seal your mouth."

"Don't worry, Mr. Er."

"By the way, when will Sister Yunbai come back?" Sang Ting asked.

"Sister Huo will be back the day after tomorrow. It should be during the boss's birthday party." His subordinate said hurriedly, "Everything goes well."

Sang Ting nodded: "Okay."


"You didn't clean it all up."

In the study room, the blood-red "eye" totem was suspended in the void, and the voice of consciousness reached Quan Heng's mind.

"It doesn't have to be full of blood to be called clean."

Quan Heng slowly turned over a yellowing page of the "Orthodox Taoist Canon". When the Eight Kingdoms invaded China, all official volumes of this collection were destroyed. Although many Taoist canons were awarded to various Taoist temples during the Ming and Qing dynasties, very few survived due to repeated wars.

Of course, the destruction of everything was just an excuse to cover up and sneak away.

The book in Quan Heng's hand was a "private collection" given to her by her British partner to show her sincerity in cooperation.

"Some people handle it perfectly when they log out, just deprive them of the connection anchor. The bounty hunters are all profit-oriented, and they are not familiar with each other. It doesn't matter if I don't want to deal with the remaining few."

Quan Heng glanced over the complicated characters, and there was no problem in speed reading, and his tone was a little lazy.

"After all, those prediction sequences are not enough, and the sequences are not of S level, and the memory of Bianyu is very vague - Zhuanlao has changed people, and the identity and cognition of mid- and low-sequence players have been replaced in Bianyu. It cannot be lifted. A storm arose.”

"Wife, children, young and old, you kept your hands."

Quan Heng's hand while turning the book paused slightly, and he raised his eyes with a half-smile: "I don't need others to tell me what to do."

The border area is a killing place, let alone a bounty hunter on the seventh floor.

Most of these core members are ruthless people who are alone in the human world and have no morals or deeds.

But there were a few cases where the wife, children, and children were forced to go to jail.

Quan Heng is not a pure and kind person. Now he just relaxes a little when there is a conflict of interest. It doesn't matter.

She can't be traced. If she has any delusions of revenge, don't blame her for getting rid of it.

The cold voice in my head fell silent and sounded again:

"Yin Yuan Pendant, trade"

"The time has not come yet." Quan Heng said quietly, "I will not break my promise."

dong dong.

The panel was hidden, Quan Heng raised his head, "Come in."

Sang Ting opened the door, "Boss, there is a meeting in the company tonight. Do you want to go?"

Quan Heng twirled the Eighteenth child with his fingertips, "Let's go take a look after dinner."

"Yes," Sang Ting responded, "Then I'll tell them to prepare."

"and many more."

Quan Heng clasped the book on his lap and handed it to Sang Ting, "Scan a copy of this book and keep it for your files - wrap up the original version and give it to Song Jingyun, he likes these."

Sang Ting pursed his lips slightly, but still responded: "Yes."

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