Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 134 Radicals become conservative

"Boss, do we still want to continue investigating Song Jingyun's origins?"

After dinner, Sang Ting followed Quan Heng to the company in the car and couldn't help but ask.

Quan Heng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes light, "Continue to check, but don't check him anymore, check the details of other people in the Taoist temple."

Sang Ting: "Yes."

It seems that the boss is not too partial to the Taoist priest.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of drumming came faintly from the window, along with the noise of the crowd.

Quan Heng tilted his head and looked out the window.

I don’t know when there were several parades on the street wearing ugly fanged masks and khaki clothes. The crowd gathered around the dancers, taking pictures with smiles, while some were tapping their phones with depressed expressions. Some aunts and aunts He frowned and pointed.

At the front was a woman wearing a pure white face mask, wearing a bright red floral dress, with a small pillow tied behind her waist, and holding a wooden sign:

"Autumn Festival"

"It's like a Japanese wind," Sang Ting's eyes fell on those people who were dancing with their bodies deliberately short. Their behavior was unnaturally vulgar and weird. "It's far worse than Nuo opera. This is not our thing."

Quan Heng frowned imperceptibly.

"Who asked you to dance such a mess in Gujiang?!" The girl, obviously dressed as a college student, suddenly rushed to the front of the team and angrily pulled the sign from the woman's hand.

"This is promoting the culture of friendly neighbors. What are you doing?"

The woman in kimono was not convinced, "Do you have the quality? We are promoting diverse cultures. This is a dance used for foreign sacrifices. Why don't you let us continue? Who are you?"

"Why? Who am I?" the female student yelled angrily, "Just because this is Gujiang City! This is the City of Heroes! Just because I am a fucking Chinese! Just because the whole street in front of you is the Martyrs Memorial Hall! Keep going. It’s a mass grave!”

"This is an era of peace, and we pay attention to friendship between both parties. I really don't understand that you people, who worry about the past all day long, will die early..."


The female student slapped her hand, knocking off the woman's geisha mask, and rushed towards her with an angry roar: "Don't you fucking say that again! I'll tear your mouth apart!"

"Why are you still beating people? What's going on?"

"What kind of sacrificial dance are these plaster men doing here? They deserve a beating."

"Don't leave this girl alone. Wear a mask and keep fighting! It's not radical enough, it's too conservative!"

"If I don't fight now, I'm afraid I'll regret it even in my dreams!"


"Boss?" Sang Ting looked at Quan Heng, eager to try.

"Don't go. It's easy to kill people if you attack too harshly, and it's hard to guide public opinion."

Quan Heng told the secretary on the side, "Call the new media department and our urban newspaper. Fengqing Street and Ghost Dance should not be in Gujiang. The measures taken by the above can't suppress the public's anger. Now that the opportunity has come, let's use the east wind to add fuel to the fire." Get rid of it.”

"I understand." The secretary nodded.

Quan Heng closed his eyes and rested: "Also, let the person in charge of Modern Rose report before this meeting."

The secretary subconsciously whispered: "Okay."

Sang Ting raised his hand and dimmed the brightness in the car.


Special Bureau of Investigation-Office Building

"The finishing work of Modern Rose this time is indeed beautiful, and the deputy bureau said it was solved smoothly."

In the task force captain's office, Tang Junyi listened to Nie Cang's words and leaned on the back of the sofa to browse the game forum. He only raised his head when he heard the words:

"Captain, what is the opinion of the bureau on the long-term cooperation with Quan Heng?" "The director agrees, and the other two captains have no objections." Nie Cang put his elbows on the table and pondered slightly, "But the deputy The bureau doesn’t agree.”

"The deputy bureau has called me to commend him and he still doesn't agree?" Tang Junyi was slightly surprised, "Why?"

"Because finishing is not a trivial matter, the Deputy Bureau does not agree to hand over such a project to one person," Nie Cang said solemnly, "Besides, Quan Heng's resume is not clean, and Wugang's development is not clean either."

Quan Heng and Song Jingyun revealed that they relied on betting to increase Wugang's market value. This was true, but that was only part of Gujiang's industry.

There is no law in the core gray area, and neither is formal gambling. It relies on plunder mixed with profit and violence.

"After the pollution is cleared, the finishing work is left to the general departments, and the companies they tender for are not necessarily clean."

Tang Junyi said, "Furthermore, what we are cooperating to hand over is the location where the pollution occurred, not the pollution project. What does it have to do with the experience? Quan Heng can get the bidding project even if he starts from the ordinary route. Direct cooperation and docking is definitely The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.”

"I know that Quan Heng's status as a connector is also suitable for work handover, but the deputy director is very insistent on this matter and thinks that we need to discuss it further."

"I always feel that the deputy bureau is hiding something from us." Tang Junyi frowned.

"It is true that the less people know about some things, the better. There are many things I don't know," Nie Cang said.

Tang Junyi had nothing to say, so he lowered his head and continued reading the information, while flipping through the forum posts.

In the past few days, the forum has been completely occupied by Quan Heng. Every time Tang Junyi refreshes it, there are analysis posts about Quan Heng. The most popular post is not whether she will participate in the intercontinental competition, but whether Quan Heng will challenge Ekhi next time, and Can he reach the top three in the rookie rankings in one fell swoop?

"Is Quan Heng already at the top of the rookie list?"

Tang Junyi was stunned for a moment. He had no longer paid attention to the rookie list, but this speed of rushing into the list...

"Not counting auditions, this is only her third time working on her job." Tang Junyi was stunned and turned to the list, "She is already fifth on the rookie list?!"

"Well, not only that, her sequence has also been upgraded to A level."

Nie Cang sighed, "No wonder he is not interested in various club invitations. This kind of people naturally like to be the leader. What they want is an organization that is completely in their hands. They will feel comfortable if they can do it themselves."

"You can't use ordinary people's standards. Quan Heng is suitable for high-pressure development." Tang Junyi said, "But if she attacks Ekhi for the fourth time, it's still sequence A. I'm afraid it's not safe."

Although Quan Heng seems to have...never done anything that seems safe.

As soon as Tang Junyi finished speaking, his phone vibrated and a message came:

[Today’s news: A Japanese-style autumn festival brainwashing team appeared in the urban area of ​​Furue. The leader of the kimono people promoted the style street, made rude remarks to the heroes, and was cared for and educated by the enthusiastic people]

Tang Junyi: "??"


Tang Junyi clicked in to read the news, and his eyes suddenly fell on the photos taken of the scene, and he zoomed in on the blurry vehicle in the corner of the photo.

This car familiar.

Nie Cang, who was sitting, suddenly stood up and picked up the uniform jacket next to him.

"What's wrong Captain?"

"Oh, the patrol said that traces of wanted aliens were found at the Heroes Memorial Hall," Nie Cang adjusted his cuffs, "I will lead the team to take a look now. You just need to enter the game."

"Heroes Memorial Hall?" Tang Junyi suddenly felt something was wrong, "What kind of alien body is it?"

"The wanted order for the foreign alien body was also issued by the Supernatural Alliance. The researcher named it after "Lethe", the daughter of Eris, the goddess of strife. "

"'Lethe'? "

"Yes, translated into Chinese it means..."

Nie Cang looked at him, his eyes darkened slightly, "Forget."

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