The borderland of day and night.

【Ding! Congratulations on clearing the audition map "Death Camp", obtaining the border area connection certification, gaining the right to draw a special item, and unlocking related permissions! 】

Sang Ting listened to the belated announcement, and his face uncontrollably darkened when the words "death camp" appeared.

"It's all over." Quan Heng said.

Sang Ting nodded slowly and quietly leaned towards Quan Heng.

If he hadn't tried his best and risked his life at that time, he wouldn't be by Quan Heng's side now. There is a high probability that he would stay in the training camp like everyone else, or be sent directly to an orphanage.

When he grows up, he becomes a thug in Wugang, or, to be more pitiful, he really passes by Quan Heng and goes to school to enter Wugang Enterprise.

[Ding dong! Congratulations on breaking the record of the fastest rise for this season’s connector Quan Heng! Get the "Newcomer King" achievement! 】

"I actually broke my sister's record," Mu Jing said "Wow", holding Mu Xiaoliu under her arm, and happily clapped her hands, "Brother Xiaoting is super awesome!"

Sang Ting's eyes lit up and he looked at Quan Heng.

Quan Heng laughed: "Not bad."

"It's amazing, even the record of the monster Quan Heng has been broken." Song Jingyun was surprised, "It is really dangerous to use Keneq in the sea selection, but there are indeed many benefits."

"Keneq is a backdoor operation in the border area. It does not provide special calculations in this regard," Quan Heng said with profound meaning, "otherwise the reward should be more."

She had the weighting of Yujing Beidou, but now Sangting has passed Keneq but there is no special reward.

[Ding dong! Detection connector Sang Ting passed the special audition map and was given difficulty compensation and branded weapon forging! 】

Just like history reappearing, the soaring list is updated, and the name of the newcomer appears at the top of the list out of thin air, plated with the gold of the crown.

[Sangting, Club: None]

At the same time, celebratory fireworks exploded from the twin screens:

[Ding dong! Warm congratulations to reserve player Sang Ting for becoming a border connector and becoming the second connector to win the "Newcomer King" achievement in S18! 】

"What's going on? The Rookie King can only be obtained by preparing players to break the records of their predecessors in the audition. It was Quan Heng before, and now it's this newcomer, no, who is this?!"

"I'm just saying, S18 is so evil! It's like dreaming back to the great fights of the past!"

"Now that you say that, I, King Gou, am not sleepy anymore. I can talk about this matter. In the past few years, the Forbidden Queen, the Night Watch, and the current commander of the "Monster Party", 'Crescent Father', and later the Mad Hatter How many people, it’s true, record-breaking at dusk and record-breaking at dawn. "

"Maybe S18 can also see exciting competitions, I'm really looking forward to it - this person doesn't have a club, so someone else is probably going to rob him, and he doesn't know what a brand is?"


"Please sign the "Connector Informed Consent Form""

"The informed consent form sounds like the "User Registration Agreement" for a game account."

Sang Ting never looked at this when registering an account, and directly checked the box to sign.

Anyway, this thing won’t let you log in if you don’t select a game, you have to select it.

[Equipment: Ordinary pistol/none/none (you are already qualified for forging, you can click to forge)]

Sang Ting looked at the content in front of him:

[Current Sequence: Fifth Sequence-B Stage]

[Prediction sequence: second sequence-SS order]

"Well, your boss has just arrived at A, and you have already caught up with B."

Song Jingyun said happily, "Hey, I was also in the B level back then, but I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child - which means your physical fitness is quite good."

Is not this nonsensical? Don't even look at how he survived or what he is doing now. Well, physical fitness.

Quan Heng thought back: Then it’s not bad that she is D, at least not E.

"Is there any difference between these two scores?" Sang Ting asked.

"The current sequence is the current situation, and the predicted sequence is the prediction of your final sequence by the boundary."

Song Jingyun said, presenting his data analysis, "I don't know what factors it is based on, but it is just the assessment."

Connector ID: Song Jingyun

Current sequence: Third sequence-S order (super)

Prediction sequence: Second sequence-SS order

"This thing is quite accurate," Song Jingyun scratched his chin, "I have read relevant posts, and the prediction sequence it shows is basically error-free - what order it is, and what sequence it will be when the connector dies."

"That means its predictions include time." Quan Heng said, "Or even further, the fate of those who control the connection in the border areas."

"Hey, then you can think more sinisterly."

Song Jingyun shook the wine gourd that he had filled again. It was full of wine from the Lanzhuang wine cellar:

"Perhaps it's because the border area has its lifespan locked. Anyway, the entire border area is controlled by it. When it reaches that stage, it just kills people directly. If it doesn't reach that stage, it just helps quietly - isn't this all something that can be done secretly?"

It's like a tampered audition, with role cards deliberately swapped.

"If this is really the case, I have to think about the reason why it did this." Quan Heng chuckled.

After all, this behavior "seems" to be of no benefit.

Mu Jing looked left and right, and finally looked at Sang Ting with bright eyes: "Brother Xiaoting, hurry up and form your own brand and forge weapons!"

"Okay." Sang Ting reached out and clicked the "Equipment" button.

"The brand has been shaped based on the weapons you used in the audition."

"The gun has been selected, weapon forging has been carried out, and a branded weapon has been formed."

Sang Ting looked at the scattered light ball.

A small silver pistol was suspended. On the corner of the gun body was the word "Ting" engraved by Quan Heng himself in a graceful and elegant regular script.

The weapons such as guns, daggers, bows and arrows given to Sang Ting by Quan Heng all have this word on them.

——Shibazi really helped Sang Ting bring thermal weapons into the game.

"Yes, it just so happens that you also like firearms." Quan Heng said, "Take it down and take a look."

"Ding dong! The weapon "*Eternal Spear" has been formed"

"Weapon Explanation: A Pistol with Endless Bullets"

"Exclusive brand-"Gungnir", the shackles have been released"

Sang Ting twirled the pistol, cocked it skillfully and aimed at the neon light above. When he heard the name of the brand, he was confused: "What?"

What kind of fart are you making? !

"Gungnir means 'through'," Quan Heng answered, slightly raising his chin, "Explain."

"Exclusive brand-Gungnir, the shackles have been released"

"Fate binds me with dirt, and I return fate with songs of triumph."

"Brand-Gungnir: Effect of law of cause and effect. Used in conjunction with the eternal gun, it can achieve the "hit and penetrate" effect. Those hit by the eternal gun will have their health reduced to 50% of the original value and cannot be restored."

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