Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 14 Good people do it to the end

Chapter 14 Good people do it to the end

Three seconds left.

Quan Heng tightened his grip on the butterfly knife and stabbed the eyeball that blocked the drain!
The eyeballs popped open and the aqueous fluid splashed out.

Quan Heng's ears exploded with child-like screams and cries.

The bottom of the bathtub broke in the next second, and the blood drained into the drain with gravity.

[Blood Rage] is invalid.


Quan Heng took a big breath, reluctantly raised his arms, and cut the bloody thread binding his hands.

The physical energy value dropped to 71, and the health value dropped to 69 after the impact just now, but the overall gain was good.

"Ahhh my face! Don't step on your idol's face!"

As soon as Quan Heng landed, Alice, who was already looking stupid on the ground, screamed.

"Excuse me."

Quan Heng raised his feet and saw a footprint across Alice's face.

"You did it on purpose! Fortunately, this is just a sign. If you really dare to step on my beautiful face, I will definitely kill you!"

Alice gritted her teeth, "If the game hadn't dealt with the bug, you would have been sprayed to death by my fans for treating me like this!"

"Yeah." Quan Heng responded perfunctorily, holding the bloodshot in his hand to observe.

The material is more nylon, but more elastic.

Quan Heng didn't understand sewing thread, and the number of blood threads entwined together was similar to the diameter of No. 0.4 fishing line.

She paused and took out the stitches on the puppet for comparison.

the same.

The ghost mother uses this blood thread to sew dolls, and the doll looks exactly like her, which seems to be negatively related to her life state.

Quan Heng closed his eyes hard to relieve the soreness of opening them in the blood.

Fortunately, she had anticipated it, so she carried the cards and butterfly knife with her and arranged their positions.

I came back alone in a wheelchair, otherwise my ghost mother would have tied my legs, and this situation would have been difficult.

But it's not over yet...

She entered the bathroom according to the [bath] mentioned by the ghost mother, not only for clues, but also to test the peak of information Alice could provide.

If the system intervenes by testing too much, it is also using game monsters to intervene.

Since we are all coming, why not come together.

As long as you avoid the most critical [True Mirror] in advance, you can have a small buffer and avoid being killed.

But she had to give it a chance to attack, so she released the water in the bathtub and confirmed whether it was really "similar to a mirror, and the ghost mother can use it as an attack vector." This was also a [fake mirror].

Anyway, there is a lame in front as a cover, and a prop card in the back as a guarantee.

Can't die.Although she knew she would suffer, she didn't expect that the monster blocked the drain. Drowning would be too unkind to her.

"He's quite capable of fighting. He's not even dead."

Alice murmured softly, looking at Quan Heng sitting on the edge of the bathtub:
"Hey, aren't you in a wheelchair? Aren't your legs and feet pretty sharp just now? I saw you fall down today and thought you were really disabled in your legs."

Nonsense, you haven't used real legs in more than ten years, and you suddenly try using one.

Besides, how easy it was when I tore up your cards?

Quan Heng opened his eyes and said calmly: "He's either in a wheelchair or lame. I'm just tired."

The public screen went silent for an instant, and then went crazy after a few seconds——

[I wiped it, aren’t you lame?If you are not a cripple, why are you in a wheelchair?Do mobility aids consume less energy to travel?]
[Not only was she playing tricks on the audience, the puppet just now didn’t press her legs, it was obviously playing with the ghost mother]
[What on earth is she talking to?The mosaic keeps playing and the sound cannot be heard clearly. Is it haunted? ]
[You are the ghost upstairs, right? Wait a minute, what is she going to do? ]
Quan Heng landed on his feet and looked into the bathroom mirror.

The strange thing calling the baby in the sewer was most likely a [child from the past]. Unfortunately, the sewer outlet interfered with the judgment. She could not confirm whether the monster was using a [fake mirror] or simply attacking from the sewer pipe.

I can only try [Real Mirror] first.

But the risk is too great, so we need to find a scapegoat...

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Hey? What are you going to do? If you're going to die, don't hold me back!"

Seeing Quan Heng pick herself up, Alice felt even more horrified.

"It's good that he's not dead. Are living creatures approaching the mirror wanting to be killed? I'm about to leave. Don't splatter blood on me!"

"Don't worry, you are a guest and I want to give you a farewell gift.

"Since living things can achieve their goals by looking in the mirror, then Miss Alice, I still say the same thing: You are a good person and you will do it to the end, and I will thank you."

Quan Heng pushed back his forehead hair that blocked his sight, and smiled with a smile:

"Now let me see, what is in the mirror?"


As Alice screamed, Quan Heng opened the sign and stepped into the range of the [True Mirror].

Most of the heat in the bathroom disappeared, and the atomized water droplets messed up the mirror surface, vaguely revealing the appearance of a standing sign.

Alice has become a standing card, but she is still a living creature!
Spider web-like cracks appeared on the mirror, and blood beads of unknown origin seeped out of the cracks and flowed down the broken mirror.

"You're crazy! You asked me to be your scapegoat! Do you know that I will be affected if the card is destroyed!" Alice screamed, "Humans, we are at odds!"


The mirror suddenly shattered.

The ethereal, high-pitched laughter of a child echoed.

From the countless small fragments that spattered, several pairs of children's arms, stained with purple and blood, stretched out, holding on to the standing sign!

(End of this chapter)

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