Chapter 15 Confirmation of Death
The arms flying in the mirror are like mutated blood anemones, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Quan Heng immediately let go of the sign and took a few steps back.

Behind the broken mirror is a black corridor of nothingness, and the only body sticking out from the end of the arm.


Quan Heng was stunned.

What appeared after the [real mirror] was a tunnel, but there was no tunnel in the water just now, and there was no tunnel under the broken bathtub. It seems that the [fake mirror] cannot be used as a medium to help the ghost mother.

Yes, this shows that the ghost mother has not yet reached the point where she is hard to guard against and difficult to control.

The standing sign was torn into pieces, and Alice's curses completely disappeared.

The monster with arms turned to look at Quan Heng.

It had the face of a seven or eight-year-old child, with black button eyes, and obvious suture marks on its neck. The skull had even been stripped off, leaving only a beating, incomplete brainstem.

"Be a good boy," it opened its mouth, slowly showing a sickly smile, "stay and enjoy our love."

——I love you, don’t leave me.

Quan Heng retreated for a moment, his eyes cold.

It turned out to be the case.

This is the decapitated child standing next to the ghost mother in the family portrait. Those dark pink fragments stained on the wall are the child’s brain that was poached!

Those [old children] were made into controllable dolls by the ghost mother and became her nourishment!
Click, click, click——

There was the sound of the old door being pushed open outside the bathroom.

The door had been closed and locked long ago. An uninvited guest had broken the lock and entered.

The multi-handed doll tilted its head and retracted its hands to retract into the corridor.

"Wait a minute," Quan Heng said, "Mom, let's make a deal."

The monster looked at her, moved the corners of his mouth to smile vividly, opened his mouth, and came out with the laughing voice of the ghost mother:
"My child, what deal do you want to make with your mother?"

"I'll help you kill a player, and you'll help me deal with the trash."

"My good daughter, this request is a bit difficult. After all, even on such a beautiful night, mom can't hurt you lovely ones casually."

The ghost mother understood who Quan Heng was talking about.

"Besides, it's difficult to kill old players. They usually have trump cards to save their lives. I won't kill them, but I can cooperate with you."

Quan Heng nodded, "Deal."

The multi-handed monster in the corridor moved out, like a huge spider, with a blood line from the back of the neck to the back, extending into the corridor like the puppet string that controlled the puppet, and was held by the "puppet" at the other end of the corridor. "Teacher" hands.

It used many hands and feet, climbed to the ceiling like a spider, and stared down at Quan Heng.

Quan Heng frowned slightly, bent down to pick up his coat, and walked out of the bathroom.

"With such a big movement, it turns out that my legs are fine."

The visitor looked at Quan Heng and shook the prop card in his hand, "If I hadn't helped, you would have been disturbing the people."

"Thank you," Quan Heng picked up the towel on the hanger and wiped his head, "but I don't think my neighbors will mind."

"...You don't seem surprised at all?"

"If you need effects, I don't mind cooperating with the acting."

Quan Heng put down the towel, just smiled when he heard this, and took the initiative lightly:

“But if it’s not necessary, then use the bargaining chip to negotiate cooperation.

"I want benefits and sincerity."


"Brother Peng, it's already 3 o'clock in the morning. Why don't you wait? The curfew will be gone in a while."

Tang Badan yawned and stood at the door of the room.

There are eight single rooms on the first floor, and all players live separately.

"You don't abide by the curfew yourself, and you are still talking about the curfew with me?" Peng Qinan said impatiently. "The rooms are next to each other. Am I standing at my door?" Tang Bao leaned on the door frame and kicked the door open. "Word games and loopholes in the rules are allowed to be exploited. It's reasonable for me."

"The curfew rule is to stay in your room and don't go out casually. It doesn't say you have to stay in your room. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have finished the feast by now."

Peng Qinan looked at Tang Badian and said suspiciously: "I said, you are not attracted to that woman, are you?"

"What?" Tang Bao was stunned.

"It's normal if you like it. The food I like is pretty enough. If you want, just have enough fun first and then I'll kill you."

"No, I don't have that leisure time," Tang Bao frowned, "I just think that Quan is not simple, and even today's deal with the flute player is not right."

"What are you afraid of? I'm probably just like you. I exchanged the monster's belongings with the Piper for copper coins. Even if I exchanged the prediction reward with the Piper for prop cards, Dark can only use low-level props and poses no threat at all!"

Peng Qinan said a little annoyed:
"Taking a step back, she has experienced predicting the plot, and we can also ask for important clues when we go there. Isn't this what you said during the day?!"

"Hey... let's do it."

Tang Liang had no choice but to follow Peng Qinan.

"The one next door to you?"

Peng Qinan stopped at the door of the second to last room, and when Tang Bao nodded, he went to turn the handle.

"What are you doing here?"

The innermost room opened the door first, and Ah Xiao stepped out with a cold voice.

"Don't mind your own business." Peng Qinan glanced at the blue-red medal exposed under Axiao's cloak with fear, "I know who you are, and I don't want to conflict with the chief of the [Double-Headed Eagle]."


A Xiao covered the medal and sneered when he heard this: "You only stay in Dark and bully newcomers. At most, you rub up against Vlam's trash. Are you qualified to meet the chief? If it weren't for hunting players to damage the reputation of the club, do you think you can still sneak into the country? Come in?"

Peng Qinan: "What the hell -"


The door of the room at hand suddenly opened. Quan Heng was sitting in a wheelchair, raising his eyebrows slightly:
"What are you guys doing? Are you going to have a party at the door?"

"These two..." Axiao turned his eyes and said hesitantly, "Are you wearing clothes to swim?"

Where can I go swimming?

"This is not."

Quan Heng raised his fingers to wipe away the water droplets that fell on his collarbone. Clean water smelled much better than blood that was still thick after dilution.

"I'm ashamed to say that my legs and feet are not good. I just fell in the bathroom and soiled my clothes, so I just took a shower like this."

There was moisture all over her body, her skin became increasingly pale, and her black hair was soft.

Peng Qinan lowered his head and could see the beating aorta under his neck. It was warm and fragile, as if it could be easily torn into pieces and bleed out with bright red blood.

The gaze changed from indignation to greed.

"Senior, are you looking for me if you have something to do?" Quan Heng raised his eyes and met Peng Qinan's unobstructed gaze, "Then come in, I happen to have something to talk to senior alone."

"You want me to go in?" Peng Qinan narrowed his eyes, "Go in alone?"

"Yes," Quan Heng said softly, his clear eyes reflecting a faint light under the shadow of the lamp, "Alone, just the two of us."

Tang Bao took half a step back and looked into the house through the crack in the door. A black shadow flashed behind the broken bathroom window.

His eyes flickered for a moment, and he muttered: "No, it's too restrictive to only invite one person, so add me as well."

Quan Heng looked at him, who just smiled: "What, is it difficult?"


Before Quan Heng could speak, a woman's shrill scream erupted from the room opposite.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Ji Jie’s SAN value fluctuates beyond the limit]

A cold mechanical sound immediately sounded:

[——The health value is cleared and death is confirmed! 】

(End of this chapter)

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