"Abandon your writing and join the army to protect your family and country."

Under the warm yellow light of the memorial hall, the hero's medal in the glass case shone with golden luster. Next to it was a small yellowed book and a rusty pocket watch.

Nie Cang stood in front of Jiang Jin's introduction of personal deeds and sighed slowly.

"Why is Captain Nie Cang sighing?"

An old and kind voice came from behind. Nie Cang quickly turned around and walked a few steps quickly, helping the old lady from the hands of the staff.

"Why did Director Liu come out in person?"

"Of course it's to cooperate with the organization's work," the old curator smiled, folding his hands and leaning on the cane, "Is there anything Captain Nie Cang needs our help with?"

"Maybe we can't help with professional matters, but if it's related to the library's collection of books and materials, architectural layout, etc., we can help."

Nie Cang also laughed: "You must ask the old curator about these matters. How can we laymen keep up with the professionals?"

"What kind of professionals are we? We just watch the deeds of heroes every day, and explain these precious heroic relics and the stories behind them over and over again with the students who come to visit."

The old curator looked at the bulletin board in front of him and then at the items in the display cabinet, his eyebrows gentle.

"Over time, the beliefs of these heroes are engraved in our souls."

Just as Nie Cang was about to say something, he suddenly glanced behind the old curator and saw the commentator secretly wiping his tears, and was stunned for a moment.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

The little girl was suddenly noticed, and she hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, her voice still hoarse and choked with sobs.

"Nothing, nothing."

"Oh," the old curator sighed, took the guide's hand and patted it gently, "It's okay, it's okay, we just need to strengthen our beliefs and don't think so much."

Nie Cang looked back at the team members behind him. The team members he saw immediately couldn't help but start talking, with resentment in their tone.

"Just now, Ms. Lin was explaining about bacterial weapons. When she was talking about the live bacterial experiments, a tourist aged 17 or 18 took off his coat, and he was wearing a kimono underneath!"

Nie Cang was stunned and looked at the commentator who was crying in disbelief, then looked at the team members: "In the memorial hall?!"

"Where else could he be?" The team member became more and more angry as he spoke, "Ms. Lin asked him to go out after stopping him. That tourist was simply... unreasonable!

"Not only did he talk about the freedom to dress, but he also criticized the establishment of Miss Lin's memorial hall as being harmful to peace. Building a building specifically to commemorate the past will only waste resources, not be environmentally friendly, and also affect cultural exchanges!"

"Have you notified the Security Department?" Nie Cang frowned tightly, "Maliciously causing trouble and insulting the martyrs, leave this matter to them."

"It has been notified." The team member looked at the commentator who was crying and sobbing, and quickly took out a bag of tissues from his pocket, opened it and handed the paper to the commentator, "Ms. Lin, wipe your tears, your eyes will hurt if you cry again. of."

The commentator took the tissue and said "thank you" in a hoarse voice.

The old curator sighed, as if he wanted to sigh away his loneliness:

"This is the Fujiang Memorial Hall. It is not only the historical museum of the Fujiang War of Resistance, but also the place of silence for the massacre. Even if there is peace now and people's lives have improved, the history and suffering should not be forgotten.

"The speeches and thoughts of some young people nowadays..."

The old curator looked up at the heroic statue in front of him, his eyes seemed to be filled with tears, and his voice was trembling and hoarse, "You say, those of us who enjoy peace and happiness now, how can we be qualified to make decisions and forgive for our ancestors?

"They...how could they just say those words?"

Her sorrow and pain seemed to be turning into reality, and sadness surged in everyone's heart.

The commentator lowered her head and sobbed softly. Just as the team members beside her were about to comfort her, their own eyes became red.

Nie Cang opened his mouth, his eyes fell on the mottled knife marks on the old man's neck, and finally he lowered his eyes and fell silent.

He knew that the old curator's husband was named Jiang Jin, and he was a hero who defended his family and country.

We also know that the old curator led the women in the city to form a team to fight when Furue fell. Later, they were captured and became comfort women. They managed to survive the inhuman torture and rescued several women in the concentration camp.

Later, he became a red agent and lurked in the core of the white area for a long time. No one here would be more saddened than her by what the tourists said.

"I'm sorry." Nie Cang responded softly. The deaf old man just stared at the familiar statue without moving his eyes.


"So you want to visit your family after getting the three-city pass. Is there any time limit?"

Under the bloody crescent moon, Quan Heng walked beside Jiang Jin.

"Yes, if you get a pass stamped by the three cities when the red moon is full, you can cross the river to visit your relatives."

"Crossing the river?" Quan Heng captured the information, "What river?"

"The river that connects this place with the human world is called the Dark Dirt River in the Three Cities Home Guide."

Dark dirt river?

Is it the current "Wugou River" she knew?

Jiang Jin sighed: "Last year, many comrades woke up with me, but I didn't expect that I would be the only one left this year."

Quan Heng paused slightly: "Are there any conditions for waking up?"

"There needs to be someone in the human world who remembers you and knows your basic life. It would be better if the items you used during your lifetime could be kept basically intact. But what if..."

Jiang Jin paused, looked up at the moon in the sky, and pursed his lips:

"If everyone forgets about you, you will never wake up again, and we will usher in true death.

"Forgetting is erasure in the true sense."

Jiang Jin smiled at Quan Heng, his eyes shining like stars.

"Actually, we don't care whether we will be remembered, and we have never regretted devoting our blood for our faith and a bright future - we just have this hope every year and want to go home and see. See the people who care about us, and the people who care about us people."

Quan Heng was quiet and asked, "When was the last time you crossed the river?"

"This, I feel ashamed to say it." Jiang Jin scratched his hair in embarrassment, "Actually, I have never successfully obtained a three-city pass."

Quan Heng: "..."

"Um, cough." Jiang Jin put his fist to his lips and coughed seriously, "It's really hard to get a pass for the three cities. I try very hard every year."

Quan Heng reached out and rubbed his eyebrows: "Then my teammates and I will help you get it this year."

"Do you still have teammates?" Jiang Jinxian noticed the first message, "Then why don't you see anyone else? Did you get separated from your teammates after falling into a pit? Let me help you find them. I'm very familiar with this area."

After this series of events, Quan Heng didn’t even have a chance to refuse.

"The most common place for players to log in around here should be in this forest. There is a half-exploited mine over there."

Jiang Jin motioned for Quan Heng to follow him inside and started talking:

"Speaking of which, our platoon also conquered an enemy-occupied mine. We overfulfilled our mission. I even seized two pocket watches! Later, the organization rewarded me, so I kept one for myself and one for my wife. !”

He said taking out a golden pocket watch from his pocket with a smile on his face.

"There is also a photo of my wife in it. I am so precious."

Jiang Jin said as he opened his pocket watch, revealing an old black and white photo——

The elegant yet heroic woman smiled and looked towards her like-minded husband behind the camera.

Warmth freezes this moment, where love and faith are all present.

Wish me a happy birthday! !

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