"My wife, Tang Xinlan."

Jiang Jin brushed the photo with care, "My wife and I were childhood sweethearts. Later, we attended a new school together and participated in various new movements. Later, I gave up writing and joined the army, and she supported the civilian industry in the rear."

"The relationship between you and your wife is so good." Quan Heng sighed, "It is a blessing in one's life to find a like-minded love."

Jiang Jin was a little embarrassed by the praise, and looked down at the photo on her pocket watch, reluctant to part with it.

"I'm ashamed to say that, not counting the days here, I haven't seen Xinlan for three years during my lifetime - the war was raging, and only letters traveled thousands of miles. I originally promised to accompany her to see Kapok, but it's a pity... …”

Jiang Jin paused, sighing long and silent.

It's a pity that the artillery fire is scorching, the war is cruel, and the hero has no return to shed his blood, so he can only break his promise to his beloved wife.

"Although the flowering period of kapok is already over, I have some ideas," Quan Heng said with a smile. "When we get the three-city pass and cross the Wugu River, I will fulfill your wish to enjoy the flowers."

Jiang Jinnian raised her head and couldn't help but want to laugh, but felt that it was not polite. She tried her best to hold her lipless mouth, and finally gave up hiding it and thanked her happily: "Thank you!"

"It should be." Quan Heng nodded with a smile, "After all, this is also my mission."

[KP Tip: Congratulations to player Quan Heng for unlocking the "Ferryman" role mission! 】

[Character mission: Help Jiang Jin get the three-city pass, cross the Wugou River, and cross the river before the full red moon]

"Sister! Is that you?"

A crisp call sounded from the grass on the side of the road. Mu Jing and a half-size wolfdog with its tongue sticking out its tongue emerged from the grass, holding a small flashlight in his hand:

"Wow! Xiaoliu is so awesome, he found his sister!"

Mu Xiaoliu raised his head proudly: "Ouch!"

Wolf dogs have very sharp noses, not to mention monster wolf dogs.

Quan Heng was not in a hurry to find someone because it was faster and easier for Mu Jing to find her than for her to find Mu Jing.

"Sister." Mu Jing said, trying to pull herself out from the grass. Mu Xiaoliu escaped from the predicament with a quick jump and took Mu Jing's collar in his mouth.

"Thank you, Xiaoliu!" Mu Jing patted it and hurried back to Quan Heng, "Is sister in danger? Is she injured?"

"There is no danger, let alone no injuries," Quan Heng replied patiently, "Just don't worry."

"Is this a hound?" Jiang Jin looked at the wolfdog obediently following Mu Jing in surprise, "It's so obedient, it's really a good dog with only intelligence."

Mu Jing smiled and hugged Mu Xiaoliu's neck, not afraid of Jiang Jin's face at all, and smiled brightly: "Thank you, uncle!"

"No thank you, no thank you," Jiang Jin said softly, rarely seeing such a lively child, "You are a member of the little comrade, right?"

"Yes!" Mu Jing first looked up at Quan Heng, and then answered after seeing the other party's acquiescence.

"What about uncle?" Mu Jing was curious, "Is he a resident of the new world or a player?"

"Mr. Jiang is a compatriot who needs our help to get a pass to go home to visit relatives." Quan Heng answered this question first.

She reached out and touched Mu Jing's head and changed the subject, "Did you get your character card?"

"I got it. It sounds like she is the same as my sister." Mu Jing knew that she had asked the wrong question just now. She scratched her head and looked at Quan Heng again, "They are both 'ferrymen'."

[Congratulations to player Mu Jing for unlocking the "Ferryman" role mission! 】

[Character mission: Help Jiang Jin get the three-city pass, cross the Wugou River, and cross the river before the full red moon]

"Well, it's the same." Mu Jing concluded.

"Is there only one?" Jiang Jin asked, "If we are all together, we can rest and then set off to the three cities." "There is still one left, the enemy is unknown."

I don't know if the teammates are all together. After all, in addition to the person Quan Heng is looking for, there is another person whose identity card is uncertain.

"It's because the roles and tasks are different." Jiang Jin has not only met Quan Heng as a mission worker, but also has some understanding of these things. He also reacted after hearing the words, "Then we can go further, or directly let the hounds search for him."

"Then choose B!" Mu Jing raised her hand actively, "Let the super powerful Xiao Liu come!"

The super-powerful Mu Xiaoliu held his head high and held his chest up very much, not feeling at all that he was forced to go to work.

"Xiao Liu," Mu Jing encouraged, "it's time to show off your real skills!"

Mu Xiaoliu let out an "ouch", his nose twitched to distinguish it carefully, and suddenly he wagged his tail and glanced at the three of them excitedly, before running in a certain direction.

Quan Heng: "..."

Well, it really complements Xiaoting's affection and IQ.


The blood crescent moon hangs high, and dark clouds drift by from time to time, dimly blocking the light. Under a towering ancient tree hugged by three people in the forest, a blood-red transparent chain shines with dark light, illuminating this small place. .

The chain hangs high, and the blood red condenses into blood dripping down. The two ends are tied to the tree trunk, and the hanging part in the middle penetrates the neck of a pure black monster. It is two meters tall, and its neck is full of rotten eyes. .

The uglier head has disappeared. It seems that the hunter took it as a football in disgust and kicked it high into the sky, flying to an unknown place.

"Uh huh huh, huh huh huh, happy night! Eat monsters!"

Illuminated by the blood-red light, the young man hummed an off-key song and talked to himself from time to time.

"The internal organs must be cleaned, otherwise there will be a fishy smell. The skin must also be peeled off. Although this one is a cub, it seems to have a skin disease... The feet must also be cut off. It seems to have athlete's foot."

He was talking ramblingly, like a psychotic man talking to himself.

Holding a silver needle larger than an adult's hand, he cut iron like clay, disembowelled the monster hanging in front of him, and used a thick needle to pick out the internal organs and other dirty things.

The flesh and blood viscera fell downwards from the monster's abdomen, and the blood flowed down, dyeing the dark black soil under its feet red, and accumulated into a puddle of blood, which continued to flow towards the puddle.

"It's done."

The young man stepped back with satisfaction, holding the huge silver needle in his blood-stained hand and turning it easily, but the splashing blood stains were bounced away by an inexplicable force before they even touched his body.

“Once you put the spices in, buy some vegetables and put them in,” he smiled happily, “then sew it up and bake it, and you can make an exquisite meat dish!”

He patted his stomach as he spoke, but the blood did not stain his clothes. "Speaking of which, my stomach is already starving to death."

A very subtle voice came from behind, and the young man in retro clothes paused and turned around slowly.

One of his eyes was covered by the black and white Joker card, and the other pale golden eye glanced at Quan Heng and others, and casually shook off the blood on his hand.

"Are you the connectors who will join my team?"

He tilted his head, his white and almost silver hair falling down his face, his eyebrows arched, and asked friendly:

"I'm going to roast this monster. Do you want to eat it together?"

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