"Put a lunatic in there."

Taboo sneered, and the "emotional eye" in the lower right corner of the channel jumped from steady [green] to [orange].

This means that her emotional value fluctuated from the first level to the second level, and her mood while watching the movie was no longer calm.

"Why are you so excited?" Father Crescent said in a calm voice, "Is it because the Mad Hatter met the new guy you like, or is it just because you saw the Mad Hatter?"

"Father Crescent Moon is getting older, so it's better not to spend too much time with some lunatics who are like memory fragments." The Forbidden Queen glanced at him lukewarmly, "I have 'killed' him many times in the game, what do you think? Is it because of the latter?”

Father Xinyue did not answer, but just lowered his eyes and looked at the cross in his hand.

Of course it won't be the latter. Taboo belongs to the command position + control position. The time buff attached to her "picture" can make the Mad Hatter's extra [agility buff] seem like nothing.

The top spot on the global list is due to the blessing of the "First Sequence·Club" and the Mad Hatter's habit of running to the new world to find food, which affects the clearance rate of advanced maps.

If we really want to eliminate these external factors, the Taboo Queen who has dominated the S6-S12 seasons is the real emperor of the league and the uncrowned king of the emperor sequence.


A lazy cat meowed, breaking the stalemate atmosphere. Taboo paused for a moment and looked at the black cat who slowly walked out of the elevator.

The black cat raised his head, and a pair of shining golden eyes swept across the chessboard to Father Crescent Moon.

"Nyx," the Forbidden Queen raised her head and called softly, "come here."

The name is taken from the goddess in charge of the night in Greek mythology, and complements the elegant black cat.

The black cat heard the call, walked a little faster, jumped lightly, and landed nimbly on Taboo's lap.

The shiny tail touched the long-sleeved gloves lightly, and the cat's paws spread out the plum blossom prints comfortably, curled up like a ball of black coal, and fell into the queen's arms.

Taboo stretched out his hand and scratched Nyx's chin. He narrowed his eyes comfortably at the black coal mass and made a satisfied sound "Gurgling".

Her eyebrows softened slightly, and the emotional value on the channel dropped from [orange] to a calm [green].

But the mood has been full for ten seconds just now, which can be regarded as contributing two points of mood value to Quan Heng.

"You better hope to your God that nothing happens to you."

Taboo looked at the screen, and the Mad Hatter tilted his head at Quan Heng in confusion, waiting for her answer.

"Otherwise," Taboo raised his eyes, his eyes turning a dangerous dark blue, like the sea surface about to be stormed, "S18 I will take action to get my authority back. During this period, I don't mind getting rid of some people who are in the way."

Father Xinyue held the cross with both hands and looked calm: "Don't you have confidence in the dark horse you like? She may already know how to solve it."

"My mission does not conflict with yours."

Quan Heng's calm voice came out, without panic, anxiety or guilt.

"The ghost card does not necessarily conflict with other character cards. Your mission should be more difficult than the ordinary character card - is it related to the Three Cities, killing the monster in power, or helping more people ferry across the river?"

After she finished speaking, the Keeper prompt suddenly sounded in the Mad Hatter's ear——

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Congratulations on unlocking the character mission! 】

Ghost mission: Kill the monster boss in three cities and help Jiang Jin and others cross the river and go home. "It's actually related to the three-city boss."

The Mad Hatter raised his eyebrows in disbelief, "I'm a little curious, can you tell me how you know?"

"It's not difficult, just some reasonable speculations." Quan Heng said.

First of all, this is a multiplayer game, not a multiplayer ranking. Ekhi is also somewhat different from other maps. As long as you accumulate enough game coins and complete the character tasks, you can leave.

This actually hints to humans that it is the monsters of the new world that should really engage in PK.

What's more, Ekhi is a global competition map, and it should be the one that implements the rules of the game. It would be unreasonable to use ghost cards that conflict with tasks to fight teammates instead of cooperating against monsters.

Furthermore, this map focuses on the "Three Cities" and the indigenous buildings of Monster City. The BOSS worthy of this difficulty is nothing more than a "city lord" level monster, or a river-guarding monster related to the Wugou River.

However, this is just a cover-up, and the exploitative behaviors of "fighting" and "internal friction" still exist.

The difficulty of the ghost card is high. If you really can't complete the game currency task, you can kill your companions and get game currency rewards to recharge. After all, they are all connectors who can enter Ekhi, and the value of game coins is much more than the "100 coins" for newcomers.

"Reasonable guess? This short answer is often because there are many endless guesses."

The Mad Hatter already had some experience, "The old man also likes to say this, but it's useless to tell me. There is something wrong with my memory system and I will forget it soon."

After he finished speaking to himself, he turned the silver needle in his hand and turned it into a normal-sized tailor's needle and inserted it into his coat pocket, "Then in return for helping me start the [Character Quest], I I won’t kill you.”

After the Mad Hatter finished speaking, he shrugged indifferently: "Anyway, the old man talks too much, and I often don't listen."

Father Xinyue across the screen: "..."

So you are still reasonable? !

"The priest himself wanted to curb his madness, so he came to me for help, but he didn't tell the Mad Hatter that he shouldn't kill easily?"

Taboo laughed, but there was no emotion in his eyes, "Killing will only make his humanity shallower, and then intensify the madness caused by sequence promotion."

"Is the Mad Hatter's intensification of madness related to his promotion of the sequence?" Father Crescent Moon's expression changed slightly.

"Have you never explored the secret of sequence advancement?" the Forbidden Queen asked indifferently.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two sides of the chessboard returned to a stalemate. The cat on Taboo's lap tilted its head and shook its tail leisurely.


There was a sudden sound on the channel, and the black cat screamed in surprise, and got into the owner's arms with a "meow".

The two of them looked up together and looked at the channel room where the "accident" had occurred and the camera lens had been covered by a black smoke——

"Cough cough cough..."

The Mad Hatter waved away the smelly black smoke, pinched his nose and jumped away, looking a little annoyed.

"I thought the lighter wouldn't kill me if I threw it into a pile of firewood. After all, it was just a small prop that used the space inside to store oil. Now it seems..."

The Mad Hatter looked at the burnt monster meat with regret, "The effect of the explosion was a bit unexpected."

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