Although the Mad Hatter has never actually met Quan Heng, this person was too good at setting records and was too eye-catching in S18. It was difficult to attract the attention of the chiefs of major organizations, and even the first starters got her analysis data.

"The old man took a video of you, but the video has signature rights and doesn't allow multiple people to watch it, so he just took fifty pictures."

This Quan Heng really doesn't know that money is like a number. She is only responsible for clearing the red dots of messages sent in the background.

However, this video cannot be watched by many people. Bianyu is really squeezing blood everywhere.

The Mad Hatter stepped back slightly and stopped at a suitable distance, "So I've seen your video and report."

He rubbed his chin and thought carefully: "But I was thinking about improving my skills in twisting balloon animals, and I wasn't paying attention. Of course, I might not remember it after watching it."

Anyway, his memory is fragmented. He can't remember it when he should think about it, and he can't even sleep well when he shouldn't.

"The name is just a code name. If I don't approve it, it's not my name."

Quan Heng smiled and said: "Heaven and earth are the reverse journey of all things; time is the passerby of generations. Life is like a dream, even if it is nameless, it doesn't matter - is it important?"

The Mad Hatter stared at her quietly for a few seconds, then suddenly grinned:

"Not important, of course not."

He said with pleasure on his brows, "I still remember the guy in the team said you were a 'thousand-year-old fox who became a spirit' and that you were very good at psychological induction. So, can you read minds?"

Whose nickname is Xiaowogua?

"Unfortunately, I don't have this ability."

"Okay," the Mad Hatter regretted, "I don't even know what I'm thinking. When I opened my head before, I could only see the brains. I couldn't find the 'shackles' in my brain, so I thought you could help me see them. "

"Open your head?"

Mu Jing, who was studying dog origami with Jiang Jin next to him, listened for a while and looked at the Mad Hatter's forehead in astonishment.

"Brother, don't you feel pain?"

The Mad Hatter tried to remember, and finally shook his head: "Probably, I don't remember."

[Hey, I remember, I also recorded the screen, and I was scared to death when I saw it... I always use it to remind myself that the world is not easy, and even if I win the human territory, I will be blind, and I will still be exploited to the point of madness]

[If you talk about the Mad Hatter, the picture will be mosaic...probably because of the madness, the remaining blood will destroy the sanity, and then go crazy]

[This human being is always looking for "shackles". I thought he was looking for his brand, but I didn't expect that he was looking for "freedom" by removing the shackles.]

[I didn’t expect that when my opponent asked him to open a ladle to see if he could dig it out, he really dug it out. The expression on Father Crescent Moon’s face was really that of a shocked and annoyed father who had his own son passive]

Taboo outside the screen stopped stroking the black cat, looked at Father Crescent Moon who looked very unhappy, and said in a very light voice:

"Craniotomy is a serious injury that can leave blood. How can the data be refreshed if the three disks fluctuate so much?"

"There is no difference between reality and fiction for him, and he can't tell the difference between games and reality. This fundamentally has nothing to do with Sanpan. Besides, he can't control his temper."

Father Xinyue held down his cross and closed his eyes, "For him, everything is a bubble, a decadent dream. He is both lucid and crazy.

"——You have fought against the Mad Hatter so many times, and how many times has he not exited with injuries all over his body and on the verge of death? It's just that you have never looked at him, even if he is connected to you by blood.

"The physical strength of the 3S sequence will allow him to quickly recover from his wounds. You know - this level is already close to that level, and the biggest feature of those beings is that they cannot even 'suicide'."

"But he hasn't reached that sequence yet."

The Forbidden Queen withdrew her gaze indifferently and touched Maomao's chin gently, "The harder you work, the more you can achieve 'suicide' - as long as you reduce the number of special items on him, I don't mind helping him find 'freedom'."

"As for the blood connection you mentioned..."

It is taboo to look coldly.

"Don't use worldly responsibilities to pressure me, and don't use illusory things like blood to make me bear the fate of a stranger. I am not a savior who will be crucified, and I will not tolerate myself doing this. Ridiculous sacrifice.

"If this is the salvation that the Father talks about, then your God is just a hypocritical villain who tries to use high-sounding excuses to conduct glorified exploitation from above.

"As for blood ties, I might as well go to hell to find my father. He left many seeds behind, and the Mad Hatter is just one of them."

Father Crescent Moon was speechless.


"As long as you keep walking along this road, you can reach the territory of Sancheng. Maybe you can meet other fellow villagers who want to go home on this road."

Jiang Jin led the way a few steps away with a flashlight. The red moon dimly illuminated the mountain forest, and a strange cry could be vaguely heard. It didn't look like a wolf or a bear. It was probably a special beast of the New World.

As he walked, the Mad Hatter easily blew up a long balloon, folded out a funny and vivid puppy in twos and threes, and gave it to Mu Jing, "I'll give it to you to play with."

"Thank you, big brother." Mu Jing put the origami crown she just got on Mu Xiaoliu's head, and put the balloon wings on Mu Xiaoliu. Now she took the balloon puppy, and after thinking about it, she stuffed it into Mu Xiaoliu's head. Liu Huali serves as its toy.

He really enjoys it and never rejects anyone who comes.

Quan Heng looked back at Jiang Jin and asked warmly: "Mr. Jiang, how much do you know about the passes to the three cities?"

"The Three-City Pass is the 'aura' of the three city monster bosses."


"Yes," Jiang Jin nodded, "As long as we get things that they often use, or things that have been attacked by them, even if we get the 'pass', when we collect it all, we can open the bridge on the Anguo River, and we can Go home."

Quan Heng nodded slightly: "I understand."

The forest in front reached the end, and the mist dyed light red by the moonlight lingered in front of us, and we could vaguely see the appearance of the city gate in front of us. The bright red paint of the city gate has faded, the walls of the city tower are extremely dilapidated, and a large part of the tall buildings that have been damaged by artillery fire have been damaged.

Jiang Jin's eyes were fixed on the part of the tower that was blackened by gunpowder smoke for a long time, and finally he sighed deeply.

Several figures vaguely appeared in the red mist, as if they were wandering outside the city, looking for something.

"Hey, fellow countryman..."

A passerby wearing an old cotton-padded jacket and looking skinny suddenly passed by. Jiang Jin raised his hand to stop him and asked for directions, but his body collapsed instantly when his fingertips touched him.

Jiang Jin's pupils shrank suddenly, and she stared blankly at the fellow villager who dispersed as soon as he touched her eyes. Even the shabby clothes were shattered into powder, leaving only scattered ashes.

"Sister, why..." Mu Jing looked at Quan Heng in disbelief, "Why is this happening?"

"Because his body was instantly evaporated of moisture during his lifetime, and only the skeleton and dry skin are left after his death," Quan Heng narrowed his eyes and whispered softly, "When touched, it will become like this."

Dissipated with the wind, leaving no trace.

Jiang Jin stared blankly at the remains on the black soil as he closed his hands that were stuck in the air.

The Mad Hatter was quiet, then took out a piece of velvet cloth from his pocket and handed it to Quan Heng, "Maybe you need this."

"Thank you." Quan Heng took it with both hands, knelt forward and helped Jiang Jin carefully collect the ashes.

Jiang Jin knelt on the ground and collected the scattered ashes with trembling hands. He gritted his teeth to hold back the sobs, but his eyes were full of tears, which fell uncontrollably. He wiped them away with the back of his burned hand, but he wiped away the tears no matter what. Not clean.

"The monsters in this city all wear scientific research uniforms. The biggest monster here is called Kamo, and it calls itself 'Black Sun'."

Jiang Jin wrapped the ashes and tied them tightly to his body. After a long time, he continued softly: "There are many souls here who are already confused and can't live without them. They also came here from the human world."

He lowered his head and pressed tightly on the ashes package in front of him, opened his mouth and said hoarsely, "Due to some reasons at that time, most people's names were not left, let alone their lives, so..."

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and slowly clenched the hands on his knees.

Therefore, they cannot return home and can only remain in the state they were in before death, as unconscious souls, only instinctively looking for the way home.

The red moon hung high, and there were wandering villagers everywhere in front of the city in this black land, but no one could stop to say hello to the fellow villagers. They passed by the four of them in a daze, with their eyes open. It seems that after death there is no rest and no eyes closed.

All of them were ulcerated with blood and flesh, and red spots were all over the exposed skin; some people had red cheeks and dark circles under their eyes, and they were constantly coughing up blood. Some people's hands and arms were covered with frostbite, and their flesh and blood had even been frozen...

The players who were looking at the channel across the screen were all staring silently. The lights dimly illuminated every face in the darkness, and the whole audience was silent in this scene.

"They...what disease are they suffering from?"

The girl in the front row turned her head, her eyes already red, and asked the boy next to her in a dumb voice.

"Bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax, typhoid, tuberculosis...all of them."

The boy was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth, with soreness in his throat. "Those experiments are not science at all. They are just to torture people. The cold tolerance limit and poison gas tolerance are all excuses for violence. They..."

The boy couldn't continue, so he turned his head to look up high and raised his fingers to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

What are they? They deserve to go to hell.

The girl pursed her lips tightly and suddenly raised her hand to invest half of the game coins in her assets.

[Ding dong! You have successfully tipped. ]

"What are you doing?" The boy was shocked. "You saved this with great effort for a rainy day. It doesn't mean that you only do it when necessary..."

"There is no time more necessary than now. I may not be able to help Quan Heng complete the mission, but I can contribute to another condition. Maybe I can help her unlock Ekhi's mission buff and indirectly help complete the mission."

"...Yes, you are right!"

As he spoke, he opened the reward interface and also played half of the game coins.

At the same time, the players around the two people also reacted.

"Yes, yes, rewards will help."

"Ekhi has a hidden mission buff, I even forgot about it."

"It's not easy to get into the movie theaters of the great gods. I squeezed in once and forgot about it."

"Insert the coin, insert it. Anyway, I just charged up my tax card, so I'll leave it alone."

"I haven't seen you reward players for so long. It's always been free. You are so enlightened today."

"Go away, can this be the same as usual?!"

Along with the noisy sound, prompts sounded one after another and intensively throughout the viewing platform.

[Ding dong! You have successfully tipped. ]

[Ding dong! You have tipped...]

[Ding dong! You have...]

[Ding dong! It was detected that the channel game currency increased rapidly. Congratulations to player Quan Heng for unlocking Ekhi's mission buff]

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