"Ekhi's mission buff?" Quan Heng paused.

"Hmm, have you unlocked it?" The Mad Hatter leaned over and said, "Ekhi's unique rules are used to balance the continuous damage players receive in the new world."

Sustaining damage?

Quan Heng's heart moved slightly, "You mean San Pan?"

"Bingo!" The Mad Hatter tilted his head with a smile. The Joker on the black and white poker also followed his movements and tilted his head, which looked particularly weird. "Unless you are a player in the 3S sequence, other sequences will be affected."

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s three-game fluctuation is 1%! 】

As soon as he finished speaking, a sound sounded in Quan Heng's ear.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Mu Jing realized something was wrong and asked quickly.

"It's not a big deal." Quan Heng said warmly. She had thought of this before coming.

This was one of the reasons why she brought Mu Jing instead of Song Jingyun.

Mu Jing has a special status and his sanity is basically not affected by the pollution of the new world. He has more auxiliary advantages than Song Jingyun.

"Of course it won't have a noticeable impact on you at first, but you won't know for a long time."

The Mad Hatter rubbed his chin, his smile still on his lips, "And there is too little information about Ekhi on the forum. You just came in like a super A... Do you want to explore the difficulty of the league before the Ekhi channel is closed? I remembered what the old man said. You will participate in S18."

Quan Heng looked at him with steady eyes.

"Oh, you are so brave."

The Mad Hatter understood the meaning of this look, and his smile deepened, "The first time I entered Ekhi was at S level - I'm curious about what mission buff you unlocked. I was the 'Pollution Buffer' at the time, which was used to reduce the impact of pollution in the new world. The influence of Sanpan.”

But it was of little use, as the pollution only affected him in a small part.

[Ding dong! Congratulations to player Quan Heng for obtaining the mission buff - "Group Identity Confusion"]

Details: Can change the identity of the user's designated group and confuse monsters.

Mission buff - "Group Identity Confusion".

This is indeed like a timely rain.

Quan Heng raised his head and looked in a certain direction. The channel camera changed the angle in a coordinated manner. Quan Heng smiled faintly. She always had a kind of stability and elegance that was away from the impetuousness of modern times. A simple nod of greeting could do the trick. A glimpse of excellent self-cultivation.

"Thank you all." She responded warmly.

The audience in front of the screen breathed a sigh of relief, and some responded cheerfully, "You're welcome" and "You should".

This kind of responsive dedication will really make the audience feel comfortable.

Quan Heng clicked the [Use] button next to the buff, and the gray mist floating around him consciously moved closer to the four of them. When Quan Heng approached the city gate, an eye on the city gate suddenly opened and turned several times. Then he stopped and stared at Quan Heng and the four others.

After a few seconds, it slowly closed and hid in its original place, and the originally closed door also opened.

"It's really a good thing to avoid trouble. The old man likes it like this."

The Mad Hatter followed Quan Heng into the city. It was rare for him to be normal, not crazy and think clearly.

"Humans cannot directly enter the monster city, even if they are given some kind of role-playing identity. After all, the borderland's 'turning a deer into a horse' is only useful for workers."

"Being a worker?" Quan Heng asked interestingly.

She does know about the relationship between some New World citizens and the Border Territory, but the Mad Hatter obviously knows more. This is a good opportunity to get information from the high-sequence, and Quan Heng will not let it slip away from his hands.

"Hmm, to be precise, he's a working monster."

The Mad Hatter didn't mind saying more. He even revealed the password to the Monster Party's vault once, although he misremembered the order and the person with evil intentions was directly destroyed by the [Thunder Lock] of the vault.

"Before Ekhi, monsters worked for Bianyu to act as NPCs. Well, there were also NPCs who were human beings who were sucked in. Maybe Bianyu had some problem with striving for reality.

"But in Ekhi, players are directly thrown into the new world to perform tasks. They will not listen to Bianyu for everything, especially ordinary citizens who have not signed an 'informed contract' and only use Bianyu as a way to make money while watching shows. entertainment.”

Informed contract? There is a high probability that it will be the kind of informed consent form that formal players will be forced to sign.

"The low-level monsters obey everything. The relationship between the high-level monster boss and Bianyu should be more like cooperation, right?" Quan Heng could also deduce the situation of the low-level monsters by analogy. He considered his words and smiled, "'It depends on what others do,' Bianyu Very proficient in this technique." It's like the existence of "boosting buff".

"Yes, Captain Bluebeard said such a thing," the Mad Hatter plucked the playing cards from his eyes, "Borderland promised to give him a more powerful magic ship, so he agreed to launch it and even became some The boss in the map.”

Quan Heng's heart moved slightly, "Captain Bluebeard?"

"Hmm, the captain of the ghost battleship, a lame captain, but his prosthetic limbs are super cool!"

The Mad Hatter made an exaggerated gesture of distance.

"And he is very strong. I even tried cutting off his legs, but I couldn't be as flexible as him - I seem to have made an appointment with him to drink together... When was it? I don't seem to remember. , I guess I missed my appointment..."

"The new world also uses game currency for currency exchange?"

"Yeah, that's right."

The Mad Hatter answered nonchalantly. He was more familiar with the new world than the human world. These questions seemed to him like common sense:

“Except for the fact that they live in a different environment and look different from humans, their social operations are not much different from the human world.

"The territory is divided into two parts, the Kingdom of Paradise on the ground, and the underground city. The Kingdom of Paradise is jointly managed by the Blood Emperor and the White Queen. However, I heard that the Blood Emperor has been seriously ill for a long time, and now the White Queen has been in charge, and even managed the legion.

"As for the underground city...oh, I don't know either. I heard that they are all refugees, illiterate people and the like. Although there was a resistance war before, they sang all the way and suddenly died and lost. Now they don't communicate with the outside world."

The White Queen of the Kingdom of Elysium?

The Yin Yuan Pendant belongs to the White Queen.

He is worthy of being the number one person in the world. He knows a lot of information and is generous.

"Yin Yuanpei, oh, it turns out that you have dealt with the White Queen indirectly," the Mad Hatter grinned and praised, "That's awesome."

Quan Heng's pupils narrowed and he turned to look at the Mad Hatter——

The black and white clown on the playing card in his right eye tilted his neck strangely, grinning like his master. His original black and white eyes glowed with blood red, staring straight at Quan Heng in front of him.

"A special item that can peek into people's thoughts?"

Quan Heng's eyes fell on the Joker card, remembering the first time the Joker acted strangely.

"Have you been spying on me since just now?"

"No, it can't be used for a long time. The tilt of the head is just following my movements."

The Mad Hatter smiled without hesitation, not caring whether his special item would be caught and targeted for flaws.

"It can only peek into a person's mind for five seconds, and that's without you looking at it.

"Let me tell you one more thing: the 'gaze effect' is actually a flaw of most items. If you are going to participate in S18 PK with other teams, this will be good news - just consider it as compensation for my rudeness."

As he spoke, he raised his hat and bowed his head in a simple salute.

"Of course, I don't object to you trying to get information from me." The Mad Hatter straightened up and reached out to pluck a corner of the playing cards. There was a crazy smile in his light golden eyes, "You can continue to ask, I really like to talk to you. Chatting with other players and making me feel comfortable talking to you.

"Before I go crazy and kill people, you have many opportunities to obtain information - if you want the password to our club's vault, I can also tell you."

I'm afraid this password is not safe.

"I will," Quan Heng chuckled, "I also benefited a lot from chatting with the top group."

The four of them entered the city but could not see any monsters. Even the streets were covered with a layer of dust.

The surrounding dilapidated houses were dark, with only a flickering light in the distance, which looked like a lighthouse.

"The Black Sun's residence is under the lighthouse," Jiang Jin looked at the flickering light. "The 'sin beasts' it spawned are also guarding there, numbering nearly a hundred, and they will be infected if they get close. Strange disease."

The Mad Hatter, who was wondering if he could find food, wrinkled his nose.

"This monster sounds dirty and must not taste good."

[Indeed, I heard that this kind of monster has been very dirty and smelly since its creation, and even the local monsters despise them]

[I originally wanted to join in the fun, but when I saw the "criminal animal" I knew that going to this place would make me sick.

[By the way, these monsters all come from the human world, right? They are foreign mutant monsters. Why are we so troubled by the natives? ]

[Hmm..., the dirtier the soul, the uglier the monsters will be. These beasts must have done things that monsters would despise in their lifetime. ]

[reasonable +1]

[By the way, speaking of this... I heard that a group of monsters happened to sneak out a few days ago by taking advantage of the instability of the seal of the two realms. I don't know if the pollution in this book was caused by them]

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