Furue-Memorial Hall

"Has it been tested over there?"

"The test is over and no abnormalities were found."

"Captain, we've checked here and found no trace of Lethe's visit."

Nie Cang listened to the team members' report, frowned and nodded.

"Although the patrol team said they found contamination residue here, it was only at the entrance of the memorial hall."

The researcher responsible for recording behind said: "We found no other energy fluctuations in the museum. Maybe Lethe did not enter the memorial hall."

Nie Cang was not at ease, "Where is Yan Su?"

"Professor Yan entered the game and has not come back yet," the accompanying researcher replied, "otherwise I could give a more detailed analysis."

Nie Cang is not an expert in pollution detection. The instrument does not provide relevant data and he has no way to identify it in detail. After all, pollution factors cannot be easily sensed by the human body.

But Yan Su is the direct disciple of the previous head of the research office, and is also the best and most talented containment expert. He is young but joined the job early, and his qualifications are not much worse than Nie Cang.

"Test again," Nie Cang looked at the team members, "This place is no better than other places. If Lethe anchors here and contaminates it, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Yes." The team members responded and watched Nie Cang go to the monitoring room, probably wanting to see the investigation status of other team members.

After all, the Lethe announced this time is a transferable alien body, and even has the ability to disguise itself as humans, animals, and other objects. The possibility of concealing pollution fluctuations with the help of high positions cannot be ruled out.

The team members couldn't help but focus on the historical relics around them. The golden fishhooks were shining, the blood-stained rosters had traces of smoke, and the mottled Charge silently spoke of the generosity of the past.

"Gong Gu," the team member couldn't help but ask the accompanying researcher, "What is Lethe's danger rating?"

"Ekhi," the researcher surnamed Gu looked solemn and his tone was extremely serious, "he is a level four with very dangerous abilities."

The Global Occult Alliance has a set of differentiation levels for these alien entities that penetrate the human world: the criteria for classification are the ability of alien entities to disrupt the normalcy of human society, disrupt the public, cause casualties, and break the existing order.

There are five levels of division within the alliance's current danger level:

The lightest level is named "Dark", and the possibility of disturbing the public and disrupting order is extremely slim.

The second level is named "Vlam", which has a low potential to disrupt order, and the scale of disturbance is generally limited to rural areas.

The third level is named "Keneq", which has a medium possibility of disrupting order, and the scale of disturbance is generally small and medium-sized cities.

The fourth-level "Ekhi" is not only more likely to disturb the public, but also the pollution can easily spread widely, and the scope of impact expands to large urban areas and even countries and continents.

The fifth level rarely appears, and has only been recorded three times in the files of the Special Bureau. Each time it was the dedication and sacrifice of one or even two generations. This is why the Special Bureau attaches so much importance to cultivating the younger generation.

The seniors at the front may never know when an accident will happen, and then the responsibility of protection will fall on the shoulders of the younger generations - this inheritance is very heavy, and the younger generation must endure hardships if they want to carry it.

"Lethe's wanted information details its ability: Oblivion."

The researcher looked up at the objects recording history in the glass cabinets of the memorial hall. "Its pollution ability can make the history represented by these objects disappear."

"Disappear?" The team members were stunned, "Changing people's memories?"

“Not just people, but traces of time, space, logic and things.”

The researcher nodded solemnly, "That's why the rating of this containment project is so high." "History cannot be forgotten, heroes cannot be forgotten, and humiliation cannot be forgotten." Forgetting and killing are undoubtedly connected with the four words "repeat the same mistakes". What does this mean, I don't need to say it again, right? "

The team member moved his lips, and finally nodded with a tight frown, "Then...since it is a globally wanted alien, and it comes from the ocean, and the information has been collected so comprehensively, why can't it be caught? Danger level It doesn’t mean the difficulty of containment. I looked at the data on Lethe’s force value..."


The researcher put his index finger on his lips, signaling the team member who was asking the question to be silent, and whispered:

"From the customs to Gujiang, Lethe was not discovered by the branch all the way. This is a problem in itself - but the handling of these matters has nothing to do with the Special Investigation Bureau, and naturally there are relevant personnel in charge. Who wants to use Lethe to erase this history? We all know it and there is no need to discuss it anymore.”

The pupils of the team members shrank suddenly, and they were filled with indignation and became angry like puffers.

"Gong Gu, do you mean that someone deliberately escorted Lethe to Gujiang?! Or that group of foot pot chickens and their godfathers who didn't eat enough mushrooms..."

Gu Xingze's eyelids twitched wildly, and he hit the team member's head with a headache.

"Hiss..." The team member covered his head and looked at the researcher in confusion, "Gong Gu, why did you hit me?"

"As long as you know everything you've said, it'll be fine."

Gu Xingze sighed, "Can you guys in the task force be smarter? Don't just think about what new weapons will be released next month, and don't just think about what gifts to buy for your girlfriend during the holidays. You should be more careful."


The team member nodded, then corrected dissatisfiedly, "But Gu Gong, I am already engaged to my girlfriend, and we will get the certificate in November. She is now my fiancée, so you have to call me right in the future!"

Gu Xingze: "......"

Ah, yes, yes, you have a fiancée, you are amazing! If you want to get the certificate, you are great!

I want to show off eight hundred times a day, why not take a loudspeaker and go to the city center to shout? !

"Go and get tested, be serious." Gu Xingze wanted to kick him in disgust, "If we can really hide the pollution fluctuations, we can only rely on this kind of carpet search."

He suddenly remembered something, "By the way, remember to check places like vents and toilet pipes. Lethe can disguise itself and transform. It can get in through these places."

"Understood, I'll go right away." The team member took the pollution detector and walked to the bathroom on this floor.

Just as he was about to walk to the bathroom door, a hurried volunteer went out with his head lowered and bumped into a team member!


The boy was taken aback, and the materials in his hand were scattered all over the floor. The boy looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, but now we advocate practical education, and most of the volunteers are middle school students nearby.

The team members have seen the volunteer on duty at the memorial hall today, and this face is suitable.

"Sorry, sorry." He apologized quickly and helped pick up the materials.


The boy wearing the uniform of a volunteer commentator responded in a muffled voice, picking up the scattered materials, and the ends of his hair were a little damp.

The student stood up and took the information in his hand, then lowered his head and carried the information to the information storage room.

"Are all middle school students today so reserved? What am I doing in my second year of middle school...am I going to become an armored warrior and save the world?" The team member scratched his head in confusion and suddenly saw a wet patch on his shoulders.


The team members reacted suddenly, their expressions changed suddenly, and they kicked open the toilet door——

The water pipes were still leaking out, and there was a mess from the sink to the floor.

Looking back, the middle school student just turned around, his original human face twisted into a big black mouth full of sharp teeth, and rushed into the data room with a grin!

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