The team member quickly took out the black piccolo in front of him and blew "ring" hard while running.

This kind of flute forged by pollution will not emit sound to disturb the masses, but it will allow other flute owners to receive modified "babble" signals directly into the brain.

"Yes, this is the video. Slow it down and zoom in..."

Nie Cang watched the technicians zoom in on the video. The tourists in the tour group were listening to the tour guide explaining the precautions at the entrance of the memorial hall. A tourist at the end took advantage of the crowd to unbutton his sportswear jacket.

Something dark suddenly fell off the coat, like a puddle of black mud. The moment it hit the ground, it formed an irregular sphere the size of a fist. The shark's fangs were revealed ferociously at the top, as if something was struggling. Come out of the seal.

"It's really hard for them, they actually used [Inner Space Domain Body]."

Nie Cang sneered, "Special-level containment equipment is overqualified to contain Ekhi. Two copies in each region is considered superior... No wonder not a trace of pollution leaks out."

The black ball under surveillance kept spinning, and was kicked into the drain outlet of the outdoor air conditioner next to it by someone who was looking around.

The road that had just rained was still wet, and the sphere melted into fluid as soon as it touched the water. The fangs sniffed around, followed the accumulated water and stuck to the wall, and then climbed into the pipe.

If a contained object wants to break through the containment barrier, it must absorb things that will enhance its pollution power.

Lethe feeds on items and memories with strong emotions attached to it. The more it bears a heavy history and engraved with glorious or tragic memories and items, the more conducive it is to the recovery of its abilities.

Not to mention the small area where Lethe fell, there is no better choice than the memorial hall in the entire Furukawa.

"Search the pipelines of the memorial hall immediately," Nie Cang ordered solemnly, "apply for the release of micro machines..."


The piccolo placed in his front pocket suddenly vibrated, and the specially modified containment equipment emitted harmless murmurs. The noisy background noise was mostly weakened, and clear inorganic information was poured directly into his mind!

Nie Cang's pupils suddenly shrank.

Not only Nie Cang, but all the members of the memorial hall received the signal!

"Turn on the jammer and seal the data room to prevent Lethe from spreading pollution!" Nie Cang sternly said and rushed out of the control room.

"Yes!" The researcher next to him took action immediately.

The jammer's range of action is too small and cannot be used on the entire memorial hall. Now that we have a targeted range, we can block it to the greatest extent.

"If Lethe wants to unblock it, it must swallow memories or items with strong emotions." Nie Cang came to the locked door of the data room, his expression tense, "What did it swallow?"

"Here, Captain."

The team member who discovered it first opened the schoolbag in his hand and handed it to Nie Cang.

"I found this schoolbag in the bathroom, and a volunteer who fell to the seems to be a student from a key middle school here."

"Student?" Nie Cang was stunned for a moment and took the wet schoolbag from the hands of the team members. He was wearing the pure black isolation gloves uniformly issued and was not afraid of contamination residue.

There were chewed-up papers in the schoolbag, and the math papers were covered with bright red crosses. The geometry questions were filled with nonsensical line segments, like a crazy vent during a breakdown.

Nie Cang's nose moved slightly and he smelled the smell of blood from his schoolbag. He frowned and took out an art knife from his schoolbag. When he pushed out the blade, he saw the blood that had not been cleaned up.

"When I was a child, my study was not so broken. My mother was always afraid that the 100-day oath that we swore, 'If you don't learn to die, learn to die,' would affect me. She tried to persuade me tactfully for a long time not to learn. It was enough to go to the school and sell pancakes and fruit in front of the university. Alive.”

The team members couldn't help but panic, "How much emotion can this make Lethe directly break through the containment barrier..." "The resources at the bottom of society are limited. If you want to fly out of the pheasant nest and become a phoenix, studying is actually the best way. The nearest way - being a subject writer in a small town is never a derogatory term, the bitterness and collapse involved can only be understood by those who have experienced it."

Nie Cang sighed slightly, put the things back into his schoolbag, and ended the topic, "Eradicate that student's memory and send him to the hospital."

This can be considered a blessing in disguise. Lethe absorbs these emotions and painful memories, which at least allows students to breathe temporarily.

"Yes." The team members took the order and left.

"How is the instrument data?" Nie Cang bent over and looked at the pollution imager. In addition to the images of objects on the screen, a blurry human-shaped black mist suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Lethe is indeed inside, but its ability to transform and escape is very good. It can be imaged entirely because it has just woken up. It is not recommended that you rush in easily." Gu Xingze adjusted the locking position of the jammer while looking at the imaging screen.

Nie Cang nodded, which was one of the reasons why he immediately ordered the jammer to be turned on.

In addition, Lethe is located in the data room. Once cornered, he will self-destruct and contaminate, and the consequences will be immeasurable.

"The jammer has been positioned, Captain Nie can rest assured," Gu Xingze breathed a sigh of relief, "We just need to wait for a while..."

Nie Cang's eyes did not leave the screen. The perspective of the imager moved along with Lethe's movement route, new scenes were included, and blurry figures fell into the image.

Nie Cang's heart skipped a beat, "Who is at this window? Is there anyone else in the data room?!"

Everyone present became nervous instantly. Before they could search, the commentator just now ran down from the office upstairs in a panic, "Reference room? The curator is still in the reference room! Did something happen in the reference room?!"

"The old curator is in the reference room?" Nie Cang tensed up and said quietly.

"Yeah, every time the curator thinks about things in the past, he will go to the reference room and stay for a while, not to mention that a tourist said something like that today." The guide was so nervous that his eyes turned red, "And he was sitting in the end by the window. In the cubicle, the curator is over a hundred years old and still deaf..."

So there was no abnormality in the chaos outside.

"The old curator has experienced too many things personally, and her memory has the same impact as the memorial hall," Gu Xingze looked solemn, "Captain Nie, what should we do now?"

"Of course, save the curator first, life is at stake!" the commentator trembled. Although she didn't know what happened inside, she could guess the seriousness of the scene.

"Captain Nie!" the commentator begged, "I beg you."

Nie Cang frowned tightly, and the thin lines on his forehead seemed to be deeper. His eyes swept across the surrounding structures, stopping at the built-in central air conditioner, and then landed on the air conditioner vents everywhere.

"Air conditioning ventilation ducts..."

Nie Cang whispered, having already made up his mind, "Is there an air-conditioning vent in the reference room?"

"Yes!" The commentator nodded quickly, "The equipment renovation just carried out last year has built-in air-conditioning ducts, and each room has at least two air-conditioning outlets."

"Okay." Nie Cang nodded.

"Pry open the nearest air-conditioning duct opening, and the first team leader and second team leader sneak in through the duct."

Nie Cang turned around and ordered, "Bring portable containment items and aura concealment equipment - first ensure the safety of the old curator, and try not to disturb Lethe before containment."


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