Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 149 Never retreat, never make peace

"Bang! Bang bang bang!!"

After the continuous gunshots, Sang Ting took off his earmuffs, his hair on his forehead was a little damp, and the childishness in his eyebrows had not faded.

He didn't care about the way other people looked at him, and he didn't even take off his school uniform. In this area of ​​professional and unprofessional players, the cold hostility around him made people retreat, and no one dared to share the warm-up practice area. .

"The moving targets at this speed actually all hit the heart or head." The club owner, who was familiar with Sang Ting, flattered him, "The young master's shooting skills are simply amazing."

"It's not up to you to judge whether I can do it or not."

Sang Ting didn't speak politely, and didn't care whether the boss was choked or not. He threw the pistol to him and drank a bottle of water himself.

If it weren't for the fact that this club is his own, with guaranteed privacy and security, up to professional standards, and the players participating in the competition are considered to be average, Sang Ting would have planned to go boxing underground.

But firearms competitions are more fun than studying, and it’s not bad to support your own industry.

Sang Ting was an expert at skipping classes and climbing over walls. The man in the monitoring room rolled his eyes and pretended not to notice, and the big yellow dog outside the wall turned around and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The mobile phone placed on the soft chair suddenly lit up. Sang Ting picked it up and looked at the time——


"Pfft-cough cough cough!!" Sang Ting squirted all the water without swallowing it, choking so much that the gods and gods shook the world.

Damn it, school ended at 6:30 in the third grade of junior high school, and he just said that he didn’t skip class for the first time today, so he should be home by now!

The boss knew what was going on when he saw Sang Ting's panicked look, and said in his heart: You naughty kid who is afraid of his parents, why are you dragging him? He should be caught, he deserves it!

Before Sang Ting could reply to the message, a message from Acheng popped up first:

"The number one whistleblower is a certain success": Young Master, the boss said that he wants you to have fun and not have to worry about studying all the time, which is not good for your mental state.

Sang Ting: "…………"

He only struggled with whether to follow the rule of "three long and one short and choose short" during the exam, or to cut the rubber into pieces and throw them away.

The boss looked at Sang Ting and hissed, with a look that was partly guilty, partly embarrassed, but also thankful and unexpected. He wiped his sweat with his baggy school uniform sleeves and started typing back the message.

As he moved, he pulled back the sleeves of his school uniform, revealing a little of the tourmaline jade gem on his left wrist that was protected in the sleeve, and was seen by the sharp-eyed boss.

"The rosary beads on the second master's wrist must be those of the big boss."

Sang Ting paused, lowered his eyes and carefully put Shibazi into his sleeves.

When Quan Heng had free time, he would accompany Sang Ting to practice shooting here, and he would also go out to compete with Sang Ting. The owner of the club would close the game and follow him the whole time. Anyone who can sit in this position is a human being.

He must clearly remember the Eighteenth Son who was always in his hands.

"The game will start in a moment. The second master wants to change his clothes and compete first." The boss said, "These jade beads are precious. Can I help the second master put them in the safe in the office first?"

"No need." Sang Ting refused.

He wouldn't worry if he put it anywhere else, not to mention that Quan Heng said to wear it with him, "Go and get a wristband. I'll make an opening on behalf of the club later. It's not an outdoor game, so there won't be any problems."

"Then the second master is going to change clothes now?"

"Later," Sang Ting dialed the number and raised his chin slightly to signal the boss to leave. "I'll call the boss back. You go and get ready."


"Well, I know. For the games tomorrow and the next two days, just stay at the club."

Quan Heng listened to Sang Ting's muttered apology, along with the usual compliments from children to their parents.

"You don't need to praise me, as long as you pass two subjects in the midterm."

Sang Ting on the other side of the phone choked and said something hesitantly. Mu Jing, who was eating next to him, raised his ears to listen but didn't hear clearly.

Quan Heng used serving chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat from the belly of the fish and put it into Mu Jing's bowl, then ended the call over there.

"Have fun, and don't leave the gun or the Eighteen Sons."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Jing bit her chopsticks and thought for a while and asked, "Is it because my sister emphasizes that Shiba Zi should be taken with her because brother Xiaoting wants to enter the border area?"

After reading "Yinyuan Pendant", Mu Jing can probably guess the special nature of Shibazi, and it is even linked to Quan Heng's brand.

With the help of Shibazi, guns can be brought into the border areas.

"Yeah." Quan Heng put down his chopsticks, "An extra layer of protection is a layer of protection."

"I read a forum post saying that the "Audition Map" is a garbage dump. Only one or two of the ten preparatory players brought in will survive. This is still the best situation, and most of them will not survive. "

Not only because auditions are difficult, but also because the overall quality of preparatory players is too low.

Most of the audition maps are dark, but those who can't bear it are mostly ordinary people who are indifferent to the world. I'm afraid they have never killed a chicken. In that case, let alone decryption, as long as they can think normally, it counts. good.

At the beginning, Quan Heng's audition book was linked to Yujing Beidou, which was more difficult than Dark. The newcomers quickly received their lunches, and they didn't even get through the map plot.

——It completely became the "denominator" of the audition.

But by drawing in humans endlessly, there is even a suspicion of deliberately increasing the death rate without selection...

Why did Bianyu do this?

"But brother Xiaoting is very powerful," Mu Jing laughed, his eyes bright, "I can play darts, archery, and boxing! If you go to the border area, there will be no problem in auditioning for maps."

"Dark, I'm not worried."

I'm just afraid that like herself, I won't be living in the Dark.

Quan Heng calmed down his emotions and said warmly: "I'm exhausted today. Let's rest after taking a shower."

"Okay," Mu Jing yawned, "Sister, do you want to go to the Special Investigation Bureau tomorrow?"

"If you don't go, the Legal Department will receive the relevant information tonight," Quan Heng said. "We will meet tomorrow to complete the handover. The day after tomorrow, I will go directly to the Modern Building to meet with the person in charge of the other party."


"Good morning, Deputy Tang."

The next day, when the car was parked in the underground garage of the Modern Building, Quan Heng saw Tang Junyi without surprise.

Thinking about it, Tang Junyi has been in charge of this matter from the beginning, and he should also be responsible for the finishing work of the handover.

Tang Junyi saw Acheng behind Quan Heng and another lady wearing a light blue casual suit with a white lining.

The dress is intellectual yet capable, hard-edged yet restrained, with just the right sense of proportion.

Tang Junyi did not look too closely out of politeness. The team member behind him suddenly asked: "Are you the president of "Yunxiu Realm"? "

The realm of Yunxiu?

Isn’t that an internationally renowned luxury brand? !

Tang Junyi looked at the team members with obvious doubts in his eyes: "How do you know?" "I have a partner." The team member looked proud.

"Feng Yao likes to hunt for samples at big-name events. The one she wants to grab the most is the Realm of Yunxiu. I wanted to give her a set as a surprise for her birthday. I happened to see the end of the president of the Huaxia District in the live broadcast room. I remember it!"

Tang Junyi: "..." Damn, I really owe it.

Fortunately, Team Feng followed the deputy bureau on the mission, otherwise I would have been fed this dog food.

"The realm of Yunxiu?" Tang Junyi looked at Quan Heng and then at the woman behind her.

"The pine trees are feng shui and the moon is shining brightly, and the clouds are mist." Seeing Quan Heng's acquiescence, Song Zhutan replied politely, "Yunxiu is Wugang's property. "

"Isn't Yunxiu's headquarters in Li?" the team member asked.

"Chinese people always think that imported products are more fashionable and noble, so we put our headquarters there. Furthermore, with foreign fashion circles as a springboard, it is easier to have international influence."

Song Zhutan's tone was polite, "But the company registration is still in China. Nowadays, the national trend is revived. Maybe Yunxiu will move its headquarters in a few years."

This is not a secret. You will know it if you search carefully online.

"Zhutan is very capable," Quan Heng pointed at the armrest of the wheelchair, his voice was elegant and clear, "she is the most suitable candidate to be the president of Modern Rose after it is launched."

Song Zhutan looked at Quan Heng, her eyes seemed to be bright, and she couldn't help but smile: "I won't let the boss down."

There was no politeness in these words, and Tang Junyi could hear intimacy and admiration.

"Then let's go."

Tang Junyi opened his mouth and entered the elevator together with Quan Heng.

"I have shut down the surveillance of the entire building, and notified all the middle and high-level officials as you requested - Wugang's name is very effective, and today's conference hall is full of seats."

"Thank you."

"It should."

Tang Junyi handed the information in the hands of the team members to Quan Heng.

"This is what you want, about Bu...Wei Ziyou and Qiu Nichang. Also, we searched the town and found a crypt under the tomb mountain based on the clues you provided, and found Wei Ziyou and the remains of Qiu Nishang. They were incinerated after testing that there was no contamination left."

"They have no other relatives." Tang Junyi paused, "We followed Wei Ziyou's last wish and buried their ashes together. They were buried in the cemetery at the Cross Cemetery. I also looked at the tombstone. ——Take the trouble.”

"This is what I should do." Quan Heng said in a gentle voice, "What do you think about the colorful wedding dress?"

"The contamination of the colorful wedding dress has been eliminated, and the containment is allowed to be released. Thank you for opening the map in time."

Tang Junyi replied: "I brought the wedding dress. I will bring it to you after this matter is settled."

The elevator reached the top floor. Tang Junyi looked at the slowly opening elevator door, waiting for Quan Heng to get out first.

"Vice team," the team member whispered, "is it really feasible to transfer a company from one capital to another? And I don't think Wu Gang has ever had a conflict with the Quan family. Is it really possible?"

"It used to be the past, but the situation is different. I have seen that Wugang's business in the past was basically in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Yunnan. Now the focus has shifted to Gujiang. It is obviously to compete with the Quan family."

Tang Junyi put his pockets in his pocket and looked at Quan Heng entering the conference hall with a deep look.

"As for capital... I already asked this question yesterday."


Yesterday, the Special Investigation Bureau.

"What does Captain Tang want to ask?" Quan Heng asked.

"It's Deputy Tang. Don't force me to ask for help. Thank you." Tang Junyi declined, "I just have a question."

"All ears."

"How do you solve the problem of "antagonism" between men and women this time? Tang Junyi said, "I know that you have the highest probability of keeping Modern Rose as it is. I just want to know what you think." "

"What a sharp question. I think if I speak on the Internet, I will be criticized by thousands of people." Quan Heng smiled and said calmly, "But this issue does not need to be discussed, or there should be no such statement at all. "

Tang Junyi: "Then you..."

Quan Heng pondered slightly and said:

"This problem has nothing to do with biological sex. It is basically a shortcoming in resource allocation and social environment that needs to be solved. The root cause is power, which should be called "patriarchy" more closely, and the representative of relative power is called "feminism." .

"But "patriarchy" does not refer to gender, but is the epitome of patriarchal power and patriarchal oppression. "Feminism" mostly represents tolerance, strength, and sharp kindness. For example, "aircraft carrier" also represents the relatively weak party. .

“Sometimes biological women will become “patriarchal” and biological men will become “feminist”. But unfortunately, 99% of vulnerable groups are women. When we protect women's rights, we are actually safeguarding the survival and development of most vulnerable groups. "

Tang Junyi nodded.


Nowadays, this phenomenon occurs in all walks of life. Some positions only recruit men, euphemistically saying that women cannot fill them, and then it becomes an example of women being inferior to men.

Or there are boys who want to be a nanny, a pastry chef, or a househusband, but they become the butt of jokes.

But this is no longer the era of slash-and-burn farming. Is it because it can’t be done, or is it inherent prejudice against gender, or is the gender itself kidnapped by traditional concepts and unable to break through the obstacles and take this step forward.

"When public resources are biased, we need private support and preferential treatment. This is a necessary means in social development. We call it "fairness." When society does not need it, the public problem will be solved.

"To put it simply, I don't agree with the idea of ​​"men and women are in opposition" at all. As the great leader said, what we resist is the oppressor, and what we unite is all the forces that can be united.

"All forces that try to provoke gender antagonisms and artificially create conflicts and cause internal strife among us are our common enemies. All those who have gender stereotypes, try to point fingers, and hinder the survival and development of vulnerable groups are the darkness that we must break away. .”

Quan Heng always leaves a three-point escape route when he speaks, but now he is unshakably sober and sharp, with a clearly defined bottom line.

Never retreat, never make peace.

"I still have the same view. There is nothing wrong with being weak. Despicable people who want to oppress and humiliate the weak and make them unable to live are the source of evil. It is the spiritual and material world that makes it difficult for the weak to live, that must be changed."

"I think that before a person becomes the weak or the strong, before a man or a woman, he is first a "person", a person with dignity who can be treated fairly and equally and live well. "

Tang Junyi was stunned. He looked at Quan Heng for a long time, exhaled deeply, and showed a relieved smile and admiration.

"I understand," he said.

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