[I knew the Mad Hatter would go crazy, but this time he probably used the brand to kill monsters as a catalyst... In comparison, he went crazy a little later than usual]

[By the way, the Mad Hatter's SSS level is really unstable. The energy in his body is running wild and it may collapse at any time. ]

[The death of high-sequence human players is beneficial to us. I just like to watch the mad hatter go crazy. Anyway, it’s not me who is killed. This scene is a lot of food. ]

[Hiss, the abilities of alien monsters are all derived from reality. Is this bacteria used to kill and torture other humans? He is even more disgusting than the rest of us. Even if he says he is a monster, I am afraid that he will be executed by the temple for "insulting citizens"! ! ]

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Mad Hatter stabbed the red eyeball at the core of the sinner with his bare hands, pulled it off and crushed it in his hand.

The monster screamed horribly, and other criminals who wanted to pounce stopped in their tracks, rolled their eyes in fear, and retreated with trembling black fangs.

"Although I am very hungry, your meat is not delicious, so what are you afraid of?"

The Mad Hatter blinked and shook the scraps of meat on his hand in confusion, "I like to play with monsters. Humans are afraid of me. Why are monsters still afraid of me?"

He had injuries on his hands, the barrier of cleanliness and blood was partially broken, the contamination gradually spread, and he ignored the warnings of decreased sanity and health.

In the close-up of the camera, you can see his excited and dilated pupils, and his vertical pupils approaching the beast to hunt.

Father Crescent Moon closed the view of the Mad Hatter he saw, and there was no trace of tension or any other emotion in his pale eyes.

The Mad Hatter said that he liked the feeling of collapse, and it would be futile to stop it. Father Crescent Moon had long given up on this futile effort, and his team competition plans over the years had also taken advantage of the Mad Hatter's characteristic of going crazy and killing.

However, the volatility of this kind of behavior is too high, and every time it is the result of reaching the limit. If you are not careful, you will suffer heavy losses and the foundation will collapse.

The monster party needs a stable main battle.

"It seems that the priest's concern for the Mad Hatter is mixed with most of the copper odor."

The Forbidden Queen did not divert her attention, but she could guess what Crescent Moon was doing, "Those of you who call yourself 'preachers' like to use high-sounding words to cover up your true purpose.

"You talk about saving him, but it's actually just a side thing. It's just that the empire I worked so hard to build will be crumbling without the Mad Hatter."

Taboo leaned back in his chair, with a mocking smile in his eyes, and placed another piece on the unfinished chess game.

"Again, does the priest really not know the consequences of serial promotion?"

"That's not true, Your Majesty."

The priest looked back calmly, "The people in the Monster Party are all dependent on each other. This building belongs to every member, and it will change if anyone is missing.

"Collapse is inevitable. I just want to extend its survival time so that every child who is marginalized by the world and 'normality' can have a place to live and at least feel a little care and warmth."

He ignored Taboo's final questioning, shifted his focus to refute the first half, and did not correct his initial conclusion.

"Really?" Taboo smiled.

This is normal. The club is originally a profit-making organization, and the members are just allies who can benefit from each other. Even if there is sympathy for each other, it cannot be pure and flawless.

"Why are you here?"

The Mad Hatter's voice sounded from the perspective of Quan Heng's home court on the screen.

Taboo's movements of stroking the cat moved slightly, but when he raised his eyes, he wasn't too surprised. He just didn't want to see the Mad Hatter's face, so he focused his gaze on Quan Heng——

Quan Heng used the "Tian Shu" that stopped the electric light to slightly press down on the Mad Hatter's right hand, which had started to swell with pustules, and stuck it at a distance where the infection would not be affected. The Mad Hatter tilted his head in surprise, staring at Quan Heng with golden eyes like boiling molten iron, "You are not afraid of infection..."

"You still know me?" Quan Heng said calmly.

"I know you," the Mad Hatter laughed when he heard this. He had a very delicate appearance, but his expression was too twisted, showing an almost eerie handsomeness. "I'm just crazy, not stupid."

"Really?" Quan Heng raised his eyebrows, his smile was like an inconspicuous ripple in a pool, and quickly disappeared.

"That's good." After she said that, she raised the knife and chopped off the Mad Hatter's ulcerated right hand without any delay!

The young man opened his eyes slightly, and even the chains on the void froze for a moment.

Before the confused Mad Hatter could react, the "limb growth spray" sprayed his hand. After the muddy sound of growth, a new right hand had grown.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: The player’s Mad Hatter is away from the source of pollution and his health stops decreasing]

[The player's mad hatter's thoughts are broken, the proportion of emotional consternation increases, the spirit becomes stable, and the fluctuation of the disk decreases...]

The severed hand turned a terrifying purple-red color almost as soon as it hit the ground, and the skin was swollen and pus-filled, being eaten by greedy monsters.


The Mad Hatter clenched his hands, the golden color in his eyes faded a little, and he couldn't believe it.

"Why did you chop it off? The way it rotted reminded me of a rotting corpse, and the blood and pain also gave me pleasure."

He asked seriously, seeming to be convinced of this conclusion, "I like this feeling, because I am as much a mistake as it is about to rot and get maggots."

"Frankly speaking, your turbulence is not a good thing for me." Quan Heng said.

Originally, it was enough for both parties to be clear about this matter - the Mad Hatter was an example, Quan Heng decided to be more honest.

"Before entering this game, I guessed that I would meet top players, or some high-level players who came to test the waters. This is the help I need, and it is also part of my plan."

"Tianshu" flew away the gathered evil beasts, and the splash of high-voltage current directly penetrated the body of the black and smelly monster.

"Aren't you saying that Ekhi's multiplayer game is difficult to start, or that you like the excitement?"

Quan Heng raised his head to confirm that Jiang Jin and Mu Jing had reached the top of the lighthouse safely, and then forcefully opened a path.

"Now that the multiplayer version is enabled, how boring is it to just play with these products of bacterial warfare?"

Quan Heng said in a gentle tone: "I don't mind if you go crazy, but as long as you clear the level, I will give you a wonderful excitement."

The Mad Hatter became interested: "What if I don't think it's exciting?"

Quan Heng's eyes were calm and he just smiled lightly, not caring:

"If it's not exciting, just kill me."

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