"Kill you? Oh... it sounds so cruel," the Mad Hatter wiped off the bright red blood stains on his wrist, and raised his eyebrows with interest, "but I like it."

"High five," he waved his hand, eager to try, "I want to see the exciting excitement. Xiaowogua said you can 'make the impossible possible,' and I'm looking forward to the excitement you can tell."

Quan Heng raised his hand and high-fived him. Seeing that the road he had just opened was blocked by criminals again, he turned sideways and said, "Maybe it would be easier for you to come."


The Mad Hatter raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the flying dark red chain rushed down, becoming huge in shape, like a blood-red python running rampant. The eroding black mist caused the monster to scream sharply.

The corrosive stench fills the air. These monsters always use their own bacteria to infect others, causing skin ulcers. Now, evil is rewarded.

"Ladies first." The Mad Hatter took half a step to one side.

"Thank you." Quan Heng said and went ahead.

The Mad Hatter slowly watched her climb up to the lighthouse with the help of the "Tianshu", her movements were smooth and neat.

I couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "Her physical skills are not average, is Xiaowogua included in her sequence? Why do you say her legs are not good?"

"Who knows," the Mad Hatter gave up and walked towards the lighthouse. "Maybe Xiaowogua's brain is broken. I can help him see if his brain is still healthy when he goes back. I hope he won't always reject my kindness..."

There were some sinners around who were ready to take the opportunity to vomit a few mouthfuls of infectious saliva. Their eyeballs were maliciously watching, but before they could open their mouths, the chain was swept over and split into two halves in the middle!

"Don't think too hard," the Mad Hatter made a "cut" gesture with a smile, but there was no emotion in his eyes, just indifference, "otherwise you will be cut very symmetrically."

The monster separated by chains exploded on the spot, and thick black plasma splashed on the other criminals. The monster's eyes turned in horror, and its urinary nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong was clearly revealed.

"Look, Nian Beast is much more fun than you. Although his ears are relatively fragile and he is afraid of firecrackers and blood, he still has some backbone." The Mad Hatter turned his top hat, not hiding his disdain at all, "You are like the 'Baqi Little Snake' Just like those team members, they are nasty and cowardly."

The sinner, who had been frightened and backed away, did not understand what the Mad Hatter was saying.

Not all monsters in the new world are A-level or above, especially foreign monsters. They are not as adaptable to the environment of the new world as native monsters, and will be weaker than ordinary-level monsters.

That is to say, this skill is disgusting, and the inner core cannot resist beating at all.

"It's so boring. I'd better go and have fun with the boss." The Mad Hatter touched his newly grown right hand and was surprised as he walked. "This newbie looks a little whiter. I'll cut off the left hand and grow a symmetrical one." of……"

The trembling criminal saw the young man tearing off his left hand casually and twisting it off. The fracture was particularly ferocious, and the bones were directly broken.

Blood dripped all over the ground. The Mad Hatter threw his severed hand back. Before the evil beasts could snatch the food, the chain in the air expanded to a terrifying size, sweeping all the evil beasts into the circular area!

The Mad Hatter curled his lips, and the Joker on the playing card opened his crimson eyes crazily, seeing the deformed souls wearing research clothes and squealing among these black beasts.

"I don't like dirty things. Your souls are so dirty and twisted. There is no need to exist."

The chains squeezed all the criminal animals together, the screams were terrifying, and black and smelly blood spurted out half a meter high!

"It reminds me of the sound of crushing red fruits in front of the castle when I was a kid. It relieves stress and makes me feel comfortable."

The Mad Hatter looked away, looked at his left hand that had not grown back, and wondered, "Hey, why didn't it grow back? That's not fair. Did Quan Heng use any props just now? It looks so ugly now that one is missing..."

"Sister, the SSS level is really strong."

Mu Jing placed her hands on the edge of the lighthouse platform and watched the whole process intently. "Not only is the intensity of the use of the brand, their physical energy recovery speed is also very fast, with almost no CD!"

It is completely different from other sequence faults. It is like there is some kind of natural chasm in the middle.

"Well," Quan Heng observed the Mad Hatter's offensive habits and the use characteristics of the brand, and responded after hearing the words, "After all, the promotion conditions of the SSS sequence are also different from other sequences, which is understandable."

"It's different?" Mu Jing was stunned for a moment, "The instructions related to ascending order didn't say it was different. Isn't it a sequence buff?"

"Because these things are not common knowledge, but the result of players' independent exploration," Quan Heng retracted his gaze, "It can be said that they are the core secrets of every club - of course, small and medium-sized clubs are not qualified to know."


Did your sister find something in the information on the seventh floor?

Mu Jing wanted to ask, but now that the channel was on, he couldn't ask directly, so he had to wait until he went out.

Quan Heng gestured to open the live broadcast panel, and sure enough he saw the prompt "Signal abnormal, audio connection has been disconnected".

"Mr. Jiang," Quan Heng took advantage of this waiting interval to ask, "You have been here for a while. Do you know anything about the governance system of the new world?"

"Rule...?" Jiang Jin thought carefully, "Just like what the young comrade said before, it is jointly ruled by the Blood Emperor and the White Queen, but the underground city has another governance system."

"Do you know the five-pointed star and two-headed snake totem? There is also a giant sword in the middle."

"Ah, I know this!" Jiang Jin said, "This is the totem logo of the underground city rebels. The leader is called [Head Wolf], but it was only in the early stage. Later, their leader changed and the totem became the sun. It should be said that It is the red Golden Crow totem, and the underground city rebel army has officially changed its name to [Golden Crow]."

"When was the change made?"

Jiang Jin shook his head: "I don't know this, but I know that the meaning of Jinwu's name is [when the sun rises, the lighthouse loses its meaning of existence]. The ruler of the Paradise Kingdom calls himself [World Lighthouse]. This sentence is To attack them."

Golden Crow...is Chinese culture.

Quan Heng nodded slowly and accepted the message: "It was very helpful to me, thank you sir."

"This is nothing, it's obviously you who helped -"

"Hey, Quan..."

The Mad Hatter suddenly used the chain as a springboard to jump to the edge of the lighthouse, like a doll in a scare box.

When he wanted to shout, he stopped suddenly, glanced at the astonished Mu Jing, then at the shocked Jiang Jin, and finally turned his attention to Quan Heng, asking in a serious and formal tone:

"-Dear Madam, may I ask you a question."

"...Okay," Quan Heng nodded calmly, "You ask."

The Mad Hatter did not say Quan Heng's real name, and raised his torn left hand in great distress.

"It can no longer grow quickly, and it is recovering very slowly now. Can I ask what props you just used?"

Quan Heng: "..."

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