Quan Heng used healing props to help the Mad Hatter quickly recover his stumps.

"Oh! Amazing!"

The Mad Hatter was surprised, like an active young man getting a new toy, he grabbed his wrist, forced it out and put it back again.

"It looks good, it hurts a little, it's true."

It must be true.

"Brother, have you never used props before? This kind of limb-producing props are very commonly used." Mu Jing paused and added, "The middle and high-level people often use them, but the low-level people rarely buy them."

Because a bottle of limb growth spray costs 666 game coins, the bottom class cannot afford such a large expense, so they can only hold on until they log out.

As long as the san disk is stable and the world perception is normal, the physical condition can be refreshed with one click.

You can save a lot of game currency, which can be used to pay the head tax of the border area and the membership tax of the club.

“I never buy props,” the Mad Hatter recalled. “The ferry merchants only use them to buy seasonings. Their seasonings are very useful in removing fishy smell. At that time, Captain Bluebeard caught a sea fish bigger than me in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Use just a little bit to remove the fishy smell and make sashimi!”

"And because I'm always crazy, the old man made me wear a lot of special items, but I can only remember the uses of one or two items."

The Mad Hatter clicked his black and white Joker card.

"But these things are in line with my aesthetics, and I don't object to their existence - I seem to have a Yujing Beidou in my backpack, although I have never used it."

Yujing Beidou?

Ah, found a friend.

"I found a way." Jiang Jin, who had been looking at the cowhide totem, suddenly said, but his brows did not relax at all, "But the blood of the evil animal must be used to open the teleportation array."

"It's very simple." The Mad Hatter sat back on the railing of the lighthouse with his hands, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, "I'll be in charge."

The chain that was shaking off its own blood stains under the lighthouse shrunk and soared into the air. When it reached the height of the lighthouse, it was only the size of a hand. A drop of sticky black blood carefully dropped in the center of the fuzzy and incomplete teleportation array.


Just like Na's violent reaction when it comes into contact with water, the black blood instantly heats up to the point of boiling, and disappears within two seconds.

At the same time, the vague and incomplete teleportation array on the ground was gradually outlined like magma burning, and the bloody sword and crown totem showed its majesty.

Thick black spread around the totem, with only a faint light like broken stars, like the afterglow of stars after the destruction of the ethereal universe, and countless crying heads appeared in an instant - some of them were human beings. Some were not, with distorted expressions, as if in agony.

After more than ten seconds, the teleportation array was fully formed and the transformation stopped.

"Oh, this is the totem of the Blood Emperor and the White Queen."

The Mad Hatter compared his hands with white skin with satisfaction, and after hearing this, he thought for a while and said:

"I have seen the portrait of the White Queen before. She is a very beautiful lady. As for the Blood Emperor...

"He seems to have been in the army and the palace, and I haven't seen the portrait, but 003 Wu Jin was once his confidant, and I heard that the Blood Emperor was a very skillful being. If it weren't for him, the Kingdom of Paradise would have been captured by the rebel [Golden Crow]. "

"Your rebel army was singing all the way and suddenly fell into a downturn. Was it because of the appearance of the [Blood Emperor]?" Quan Heng asked.

"Half and half." The Mad Hatter thought about it carefully, and finally remembered something, and said, "It seems because the leader of the [Golden Crow] also died. I heard the dwarf mentioned it. After all, what they made was war wealth, and the Golden Crow has good The equipment is all due to their leaders.”

"I understand, thank you." Quan Heng looked at the totem at his feet, "Let's go down."

The Mad Hatter raised his hand to block Quan Heng who was about to step into the teleportation array.

"What?" Quan Heng raised his eyes and asked.

"In some places, ladies are preferred," the Mad Hatter jumped into the teleportation array first, turning around and laughing, "but in some places, it's better not to." He stamped his feet, not noticing anything wrong, and only spoke when the light came on again.

"There's nothing wrong, come on everyone."

Quan Heng chuckled and gave up taking out the special items in his backpack: "Thank you very much."

The Mad Hatter curled his lips: "My pleasure."

[Hiss, these two people are really...neither should I say it, they are models of human etiquette]

[Don’t just look at human civilization and say that apart from being more aggressive and weird-looking, we are also very polite sometimes. Look at how elegant Princess Aurora looks when she sleeps! How politely the Snow Queen peels an apple! ]

[Hurry up and shut up upstairs. It’s enough for them to engage in sleeping and mucking broadcasts in a high-sounding manner. They are also polite and elegant. Alice’s appearance of eating the mermaid is also quite beautiful. The mouth is bigger than my giant octopus’s face. ]

[Little Heizi is showing off his flaws. He wants to die by criticizing our goddess, right? ! ! The next time I pierce Quan Heng’s baby, I’ll pierce you too! ]

[Damn, stop cursing my money tree! I will draw a circle right now and curse your female ghost’s traffic to collapse soon! Get over it soon! ! ]

The barrage between the New World channels instantly became chaotic, and the monitoring and collection values ​​of the "Emotional Eyes" also increased rapidly.

The teleportation array on the screen lit up and then went silent, the four figures disappeared, and the channel camera switched to a strange place.

The dull gray cement wall is visible. On one side is a room blocked by half glass and half wall. It looks like an experimental cubicle to observe some kind of reaction.

The place they teleported in was a relatively spacious office area, surrounded by various "samples".

The formalin shimmered coldly in the overhead light.

The screen inside and outside the viewing platform fell into dead silence again at this moment.

With trembling lips, Jiang Jin looked at the "samples" sealed in formalin around her. The half-dissected human body in the container was sealed, and various limbs that had been drained of water were sealed.

In an instant, the horrifying screams and laughter rang through the dusty time and could not subside for a long time.

After a long time, Jiang Jin reluctantly took a step forward, almost falling to her knees in front of the container, and choked with collapse in the blur of tears.

"Beasts!" His voice was hoarse, like tears of grief and hatred, and his burned face was full of tears, "They are all beasts...!!"

"This kind of preservation of internal organs," the girl outside the screen was choked with breathlessness, "is when you are alive..."

The boy next to her nodded slowly and silently.

"This is not something a human being can do."

The Mad Hatter looked at the baby whose blood had been drained and soaked in a bottle of formalin. It was only the size of a palm. He wanted to reach out to help wipe away the dust but carefully pulled it back. He murmured, "No wonder even monsters can't look down on it."


Quan Heng pushed open the door of the compartment and looked at the mother and son who were still and solidified into a gray "statue" in the center. He was silent for a long time before slowly reaching out.

He touched the mother's cheek lightly, as if he wanted to travel through time and space to catch the desperate tears from the corner of her eyes.

She was in so much pain under the poisonous gas, but some animals wanted to see if she would trample the child under her feet to avoid the gushing poisonous gas. The mother protected the child in her arms, and finally died forever amidst the laughter of the animals and the cry of the baby. Gone.

Her posture was frozen and sealed at the edge of the new world. Her sad soul and tears traveled through the long river of history, stirring up the hell cave where reality and illusion intertwined.

Mom loves you very much, but she can't do it.

Mom can't save you.

"I have never been in China. Since my country was divided, I have stopped thinking about reality," the Mad Hatter asked softly behind her. "I know there are also my countrymen here, but why do foreign countries have such a history of these things?" …”

"This is the most ridiculous thing," Quan Heng lowered his eyes and said in a very soft voice, "Now only the victims are learning history, but the perpetrators avoid talking about it without repenting, and even try their best to erase the evidence. It will take until the last witness dies."

"They deserve to go to hell," Mu Jing hugged the puppy toy tightly and said angrily, "Go to as many floors as there are in hell."

"No...we never need the sanction of gods and ghosts."

Jiang Jin clenched her teeth so hard that her face trembled, tears couldn't stop flowing from her eyes, and she clenched her fists tightly:

"We will not forgive them. I will not forget this debt even if it is wiped out. I will make them pay with blood."

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