
A strange hum penetrated the entire underground laboratory, causing slight vibrations.

In the gaps between various containers, something was squirming in the shadows that were not illuminated by the light, like thick black mud pulling out arcs and opening one blood-red eyeball after another.

"Here we go again," Mu Jing frowned, "These sticky things are so disgusting."

Quan Heng touched Mu Jing's head and said warmly: "Xiao Wu, you and Mr. Jiang step back."

Mu Jing nodded and obediently retreated to Jiang Jin.

The viscous black liquid on the wall bulged up and fell down, mixed with several eyeballs, and gradually condensed from the fluid into a foul-smelling gel that could be propped up.

"There are nearly a hundred evil beasts outside," the Mad Hatter stretched, "How many evil beasts are there here?"

"Let's lure them out and fight them." Quan Heng glanced at the surrounding ruins and stayed on the structural diagram of the entire laboratory for a few seconds. "Then we take the opportunity to find the Black Sun. It is the mother body. Killing it will completely solve the problem." These minions.”

"OK." The Mad Hatter understood Quan Heng's concerns.

Quan Heng took out a card from his [backpack] and handed it to Mu Jing, "Use this as protection."

Special Item: Monkey Brother’s Golden Circle

Number of uses: 1 time/20 minutes

Explanation: "Master, I know you don't have much ability to sit, so let me help you find a way to stay safe." The practitioner then took the golden cudgel, used it as a shield, and drew a circle around the flat ground - produced by the golden cudgel. Exclusive copyright, demons and ghosts retreat!

"Wow, it's the Monkey King!"

Mu Jing's eyes lit up and she looked at the Monkey King flying in the clouds and mist on the card.

"Don't worry, sister, the Monkey King is protecting me," Mu Jing raised his head and said, "Uncle Jiang and I will stay together."

"Okay." Quan Heng said with a smile, holding the butterfly knife between his fingers.

The blade cut across the palm of his hand, and scarlet blood dripped.

The bloody smell spread, and the newly formed criminal beasts twisted their bodies, and their gaping mouths faced Quan Heng's direction.

"It looks very effective." The Mad Hatter tugged his hand on the chain, and the black mist broke through his protection and corroded, and his bloody palm faced the sinful animals.

At this moment, all the evil beasts around turned their heads, and the monsters staring at Jiang Jin and Mu Jing were also attracted by this strong high-sequence aura.

The smell of blood lures and offends the beast, its eyes are red, and it lunges forward with a neighing sound!

The "Tianshu" was pulled down, and the high-radiation current instantly scorched the intruding criminal. Black gelatin mixed with eyeballs rolled down the criminal's body, and screams mixed with a stronger stench swept over.

"Let's go!" Quan Heng slashed his wrist, and in the movement, he knocked away several evil beasts that had gathered, opening a path straight to the door.

"Now in their eyes, I am a powerful ginseng."

The Mad Hatter followed Quan Heng and ran out of the room. He turned around and glanced at the squirming beast chasing after him, suddenly becoming curious.

"What does the walking ginseng look like? A fat white baby wearing a red bellyband?"

Quan Heng turned sharply and hit the railing on the second floor with "Tianshu".

"After I kill Kamo," Quan Heng used his strength to swing up and land on the second floor platform, "I will ask them for you."

"You are so kind."

The Mad Hatter jumped up, as light as a thin leaf, and landed steadily on the railing. His balance and explosive power were as good as that of a young cheetah.

"But how do you ask?" The Mad Hatter straightened his hat and looked at Quan Heng with inquiring eyes.

"Are you psychic? Or do you understand the monster's language system?"

"They had mouths, and they used to know some language," Quan Heng looked calm and had already thought about his answer. "I can help you get one. Whether you can make them speak human language depends on your ability."

"Oh, madam," the Mad Hatter squatted down on the railing, almost eye level with Quan Heng, "I am a madman, not a fool."

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows. She really didn't fool the Mad Hatter, but this person... was probably not thinking about the method.

"If the nature of the soul is not human, even if you use necromancy, you cannot have a conversation. This is species isolation."

The Mad Hatter looked back at the criminal beasts that were catching up, his eyes indifferent, "Ask them, why don't you go watch a movie - I don't even have the interest in torturing them, it would feel dirty."

"I'll give you a DVD after you get out," Quan Heng said, "The Ginseng Doll animation produced by Meiying. The painting style is very beautiful."

The Mad Hatter blinked and was stunned unexpectedly, "Really? Give me a gift?"


"Amazing! You are the most kind-hearted player I have ever seen."

The Mad Hatter happily jumped off the railing, put his right hand forward and bowed slightly: "Thank you very much for your gift, I will give you a suitable gift in return."

"You're welcome."

Quan Heng looked at the sin beasts that had all gathered in place, stretched out his hand and threw dozens of "controlled acetylene balls" that had been looted from the seventh-floor warehouse into the pile of monsters. The acetylene balls melted into something the moment they came into contact with the sin beasts. Seed gas wall.

The climbing monster rolled its blood-red eyes, swung its gelatinous body and slapped the air wall in confusion.

[Hey, what is this? ]

[Class representatives are here, remember to give a thumbs up. Dear friends: Controlled acetylene balls have spatial isolation in the combustion range. The gas wall formed by this will open the internal wall after the acetylene is ignited, and burn with pure oxygen. At the same time, a vacuum layer will be formed on the outermost side to prevent the acetylene combustion range from getting out of control. ]

[Although I don’t know what acetylene is, it sounds like it’s very suitable for spending the death night in the extremely cold forest without causing a fire. Hiss... tell the price to make the monster give up. ]

[This kind of acetylene ball with large reserves costs 800 game coins, and Quan Heng is really willing to spend it]

[800 game coins is 800 gold coins...ah, Shushu, I'll run away first]

"These criminals..." The Mad Hatter looked at Quan Heng's movements, tilted his head and asked, "Are you afraid of burning?"

"of course."

Quan Heng had a faint smile in his eyes and replied almost cunningly: "After all, colloid is afraid of heat and is sterilized by high temperature."

She said and pumped "Tianshu" into the wall of air!

The terrifying electric current instantly ignited the acetylene gas wall, and light blue flames exploded. The evil beast inside was torn into countless elongated black shadows by the flames, and the sticky black shadows melted and evaporated almost in the blink of an eye. !

The vacuum layer isolated the sound, and Quan Heng looked at the screaming criminals with no way to escape with interest.

"I thought only your weapons could electrocute them." The Mad Hatter's pupils dilated with excitement, looking at the blue flames that seemed to come from hell with excitement, "I didn't expect that this kind of item can also do it."

"Tianshu" is accompanied by lightning. Its temperature can reach 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is about five times the surface temperature of the sun. Naturally, it cannot be compared with ordinary gases.


"The temperature of the acetylene flame formed by burning in pure oxygen can be as high as 3000 degrees Celsius," Quan Heng said as he loosened the 300 seeds wrapped around his wrist. "But for sterilization and disinfection, degrees Celsius is enough, not to mention the melting temperature of the colloid."

She twisted the beads on her fingertips, her eyes reflecting the burning fire in front of her, like the vengeful hell fire, and after a long time she chuckled:

"Since they like to do experiments and study bacteria so much, it is most appropriate to die in the way of bacteria.

"The flames of vengeance will burn all evil animals. This is judgment and their inevitable end."

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