The overturned incinerator instantly spattered countless pieces of iron, and flames mixed with molten black slime splashed everywhere.

Quan Heng stepped back and was about to use "Tianshu" to block, when the Mad Hatter suddenly raised his arm.

"Try this." The Mad Hatter said, his white cloak spread out in front of him.

"Special item." Quan Heng had also thought about the specialness of this cloak.

"Well, it's the reward for S17."

The Mad Hatter himself looked at the unfolded cloak with curiosity, "To be honest, I haven't used this thing before. The old man asked me to put it on - I heard it is a magic cloak that can change the direction of attacking objects."

He thought for a while: "Okay, it's a passive skill. Even if I've used it, I don't know it - now try it actively."

The cloak formed a square air wall of about two meters at the moment it was lifted up, and the edge of the churning air flow shone with an inconspicuous golden light.

All iron pieces, monster fragments, etc. that are close to the air wall are bounced back at the same speed the moment they approach the air wall!

Quan Heng looked at the air wall formed by the cloak and stared thoughtfully at the surface of the air flow.

Is this special item... capable of deflecting any kind of attack?

The splashing debris gradually stopped, and the noise also slowly stopped.

"Stop," the Mad Hatter lowered his arms and muttered, "No wonder no one can attack me from behind since this season. It turns out it bounced back."

"I seem to have discovered it before," the Mad Hatter suddenly felt a little impressed by this conclusion, and finally gave up, "Forget it, I don't remember."

Quan Heng looked at the squirming monster fragments on the ground. He took out the tweezers as he expected, bent down and picked up an earthworm-shaped fragment.

"There should be experimental containers such as glass bottles in the cabinet," Quan Heng said, "Please get one for me, thank you."


The Mad Hatter found a glass jar to catch the squirming black slime, fastened the lid and shook it, "Caught it."

"Well," Quan Heng threw the tweezers into the incinerator, "Let's go back."


"...It is because of the existence of these aspiring young people that our country can emerge from the darkness."

Mu Jing and Jiang Jin sat in the golden circle and listened carefully to his story about the past that was full of youthful passion and full of twists and turns.

Mu Jing looked up into his eyes and suddenly said:

"Uncle Jiang, there is light in your eyes."

Jiang Jin was stunned and gently blinked only half of his eyelids.

He turned to look at the wall of the container at hand, and saw the incomplete right eye rolling under the burnt eyelid, and irregular polyps growing under the bayonet-gap left eye.

But there is indeed light, so clear, like the stars falling into the eyes, shining brightly.

It seems that as long as he talks about the beliefs he adheres to and the ideals he pursues, his soul will shine brightly in this incomplete body.

"Like a spark." Mu Jing hugged Mu Xiaoliu and smiled, "Uncle Jiang must love his faith and this country very much."

Jiang Jin looked at Mu Jing and smiled softly, "Yes, I love that land and mountains very much, and I am willing to shed my blood for her and defend her dignity and integrity."

He had his nose cut off, his lips cut off, and finally he was burned beyond recognition by the sea of ​​fire, but now he still looks so handsome when he smiles.

"Uncle Jiang," Mu Jing held her face, her eyes sparkling when she smiled, "I think you are very cute, you are the cutest person!"

"Okay," Jiang Jin laughed and rubbed Mu Jing's head, "Okay."

He sighed with emotion, there seemed to be tears in his eyes, and his voice softened unconsciously:

"so good."

As long as he knows that the mountains and rivers he protects are well and the people he protects are well, then everything is worth it.

"By the way," Mu Jing took something out of his pocket and handed it to Jiang Jin, "Uncle Jiang, this is a gift for you."

Jiang Jin was stunned and looked at the origami dove in Mu Jing's hand.

"Neither my sister nor I know how to fold paper, so we asked my eldest brother to help with the folding." Mu Jing held the little white pigeon in her hands, and her smiling eyes were clean and pure, "Does Uncle Jiang like it?"

Jiang Jin carefully held the white dove in Mu Jing's hand, her hands covered with mottled scars and the child's soft and white palms formed an incongruous yet consistent image.


Jiang Jin unknowingly shed tears and smiled at the child: "Thank you, child."

"You're welcome," Mu Jing said, "my sister asked me to give this to you."

Jiang Jin was a little surprised: "Little comrade?"

"Yes." Mu Jing nodded, and suddenly saw Quan Heng's figure from the corner of his eye.

Mu Jing's eyes lit up, and she immediately stood up and ran over: "Sister!"

Jiang Jin also stood up: "Are you injured?"

"No," Quan Heng said in a gentle voice, "Don't worry, Mr. Jiang."

"That's good," Jiang Jin finally felt relieved, "Have you got a city-wide pass?"

"Pass? Yes, we got the monster's body fragments."

The Mad Hatter tossed the glass bottle in his hand and watched the black slime rolling around inside, having a great time:

"Look, it can still move."

As he spoke, he shook the glass bottle in his hand again, watching the mucus struggle to get up and beat the wall of the bottle like a kowtow.

[Kamo: Ah, yes, yes, I can move, I can move my stump very well]

[It will definitely move. People move more cheerfully when they are alive. You two just blew them up]

"Oh, this is a spineless monster," the Mad Hatter said in disgust, "Look at how soft it is, it must be begging for mercy from me."

[Laughing like crazy, you’ve already killed someone, and yet you still laugh at them for being spineless]

[That's true. This monster's derivative is quite bullying and afraid of the strong. Just look at their attitude towards Quan Heng and the Mad Hatter at the lighthouse - they have been defeated by the sanctions, and they will all kneel down and recognize their father]

"It's settled," Quan Heng looked at Jiang Jin regardless of what the Mad Hatter was doing, "We can leave now."

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Jin thanked her, but just as she was about to take a step forward, her expression suddenly changed and she leaned forward suddenly.

Quan Heng supported Jiang Jin to prevent him from falling to the ground, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"I feel sick to my heart."

Jiang Jin gasped for breath, and while pressing her heart, she touched her golden pocket watch, "I have a bad feeling... Xinlan, did something happen to Xinlan?"

"Mrs. Tang?" Quan Heng's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly thought of something. There is a memorial hall on Gujiang Hero Road. Xiaoting's school once organized student activities to visit it. When he came back in the evening, he mentioned that the old curator who explained the history was named...


"Mr. Jiang, we will leave for the next city immediately," Quan Heng made a quick decision, "Complete the task as soon as possible and help you cross the Wugu River."

The place where this map will be contaminated by invasion is most likely the memorial hall, and looking at Jiang Jin's current situation, Mrs. Tang is probably not optimistic.


Furue City-Memorial Hall

"The portable containment items have been put on, and the breath concealment equipment has been put on."

The leader of the first group and the leader of the second group reported separately.

"The inspection is correct." Gu Xingze reported.

"Captain, it has been pried open." The team members removed the shutters of the ventilation duct. "You can enter at any time."

"Be careful," Nie Cang told the two of them, "Go ahead."


After the two of them finished speaking, they immediately used the ladder to enter the vent. According to the basic structure just described by the instructor, drive to the small room in the data room as quickly as possible.

"Don't worry, Army." Gu Xingze recorded the values ​​​​on the jammer. "Lethe's pollution is not radioactive, and there is no other attack method except physical attacks. It is impossible to devour memories too strongly under the jammer."

At most, he would forget what he had eaten this morning, or the containment regulations he just memorized last night.

It would be a disaster if it was the latter. After all, tomorrow is the professional assessment day of the Special Investigation Bureau. If you can't keep silent, you will be penalized. Even if you are not penalized, you will have to start memorizing again.

"I know they are not the children they were back then." Nie Cang sighed, but his brows did not relax, "But the old curator's health is not good, and I am really worried about her."

"Ms. Tang survived the war-torn era and experienced almost all major events in the new era."

Gu Xingze recalled what he heard the commentator say, and he truly admired her: "Later, she sold her property to fund scientific research and students. She didn't seek credit or fame... She was a true hero. Heroes will be protected by their firm beliefs and nothing will happen to them. of."

"Yes." Nie Cang looked at the screen. Lethe's figure was getting closer and closer to the cubicle where the old curator was, and his eyes darkened. "It must be in time."


The small cubicle is located at the back of the data room. There is a lounge chair and a small cabinet that can be used as a table by the window. When you look up, you can see the kapok tree outside.

It's a pity that it's autumn, and now we can't see the kapok in full bloom, nor can we see my family back home.

The old man was sitting on a recliner with a thick old photo album on his lap. He was carefully and lovingly turning over the pages, his eyes full of nostalgia.

From the black-and-white photos of her college graduation to the ribbon-cutting of companies reviving state-owned and private enterprises, to the photos Mr. Jiang took of her when she was rescuing people during the war.

There are also photos of her inspecting fabrics in the factory. Her eyebrows are serious, but when she looks up at the camera, she relaxes her brows and smiles. There are also wedding photos of her and Mr. Jiang, and military uniform photos that Mr. Jiang sent home.

At the end of the page, there is only slightly yellowed letter paper. Even if it is carefully preserved, it still cannot withstand the wear and tear of time.

Tang Xinlan gently rubbed the letter paper, and the tender nostalgia in her eyes turned into tears.

She was already over a hundred years old and could not stop trembling when she moved, so she took out a golden pocket watch from her pocket more carefully, opened it and saw the old black and white photo inside——

Jiang Jin, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, was handsome and upright, with tenderness and love in his eyebrows. He smiled and looked at the girl who wanted to take the photo himself on behalf of the boss.

Even if the war roars and suffering is everywhere, even if the victory at dawn is nowhere to be seen, even if the road ahead is bumpy and long, they are still closely connected in this broken mountain and river.

"I see this victory for you," Tang Xinlan smiled, tears sliding down the corners of her wrinkled eyes, "The children can go to school well, and people no longer have to be afraid of robbers coming to burn, kill and plunder. Everything we have given It’s all worth it.”

"I actually... miss you a lot," she wiped away her tears, but the tears couldn't stop falling, "but I'm afraid that if I go to find you, the young people in the future won't remember my comrades... I So scared."

People cannot praise suffering, but people cannot forget suffering, let alone the heroes who sacrificed their blood for future generations in suffering.

What happened today was like a sharp thorn that pierced the deepest and softest place in her heart.

"Boom, boom, boom."

There was a knock on the door, and the old curator wiped away his tears, gently touched the photo on his pocket watch, and finally put it down with great care.

"Please come in." She said as calmly as possible.

The door of the room was pushed open, and the boy with a sweet face said carefully: "Director, can I come in?"

"Ah, it turns out it's Cheng Lin," the old curator said in a gentle voice, "Come in quickly. Did you encounter some problem in your study, or did you quarrel with your parents again?"

"No," the boy slightly raised the information in his hand, "I have some questions to ask you about the classification and collection of information, and I want to know more about this history."

"Which section?" asked the old curator, "Bring it over and let me take a look."

"it is good."

The boy slowly walked to the old curator and handed over the information in his hand.

The old curator was stunned for a moment, but his hand was wet: "Why is this book so wet?"

"I just accidentally slipped in the toilet." The boy was a little embarrassed, his eyes fell on Tang Xinlan's old photo album, "Director, what is this?"

"This?" The old curator's eyes softened again, "These are some old photos, some years old."

"That should carry a lot of things," the boy said without looking away, murmuring absentmindedly, his eyes covered by bangs shining with a cunning and greedy light, "especially history, or emotions."

The old man didn't hear clearly: "Cheng Lin, what did you just say?"

"Nothing." The boy looked up and asked expectantly, "Director, can you tell me what is recorded in this album?"

"Ah, of course."

The old curator was stunned for a moment, then nodded happily, "I'll tell you some of the things I've experienced. Wait a minute and I'll see where to start..."

She lowered her head to search for a suitable photo, but she didn't see the boy leaning forward slightly, his originally human face twisting and twisting into a big raised mouth.

Two eyes popped out from the ears, like ugly deep-sea fish eyes, staring closely at the [memories] and [emotions] slowly emerging from the old curator's mind, and opened his mouth greedily——

"Fuck me!"

The leader of the group who had just arrived at the vent burst out in cold sweat. He immediately shouted the quintessence of Chinese culture, slammed into the blinds without thinking, and used inertia to open the window!

The old curator suddenly raised his head and saw the players above him falling down regardless.

The second team leader who was following closely behind raised his head and his expression changed drastically: "Old curator, be careful!"

The old curator turned his head as if he was aware of it, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw the sharp shark-like teeth opened in front of him, and the sucker was revealed in the mouth like a straw, and he bit it with a hiss!

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