The approaching complex cavity emits light purple mist, and the suction cups stir.

Feeling dizzy, the old curator reacted incorrectly, lifting the thick old photo album in his hand and slamming it down again!

The old man's withered and slightly trembling hands still couldn't stop the tenacity engraved in his bones. His first reaction was not to retreat out of fear, but to defend and counterattack!


Lethe was slapped in the face by the thick photo album, and her fish eyes dangled for a few times. She never expected that an old lady would have such courage and reaction.

The first team leader and the second team leader were shocked, and a thought flashed through their minds at the same time——

Damn it, she is indeed a heroine!

Lethe's fish eyes stared fiercely, and the human palms turned into frog-like claws. The claws covered with octopus suckers secreted mucus and hit the old photo album in the old curator's hand!


A sudden change occurred.

The second team leader immediately stretched out his wrist, revealing the shiny metallic wrist-style sleeve arrows, and the items contained in the magazine burst out instantly!

The silver-gray spherical bullet shell dissipated like smoke the moment it came into contact with the pollution, and the small ball made of golden-green branches and vines was shot into Lethe's open mouth!


A sharp and shrill scream exploded in an instant, and the golden-green sap oozing out of the golden-green vine ball burned Lethe's skin and flesh like sulfuric acid. The branches densely wrapped with vines stretched and expanded when they came into contact with the wound, and then took root in Lethe's mouth!

But the pain did not stop Lethe's annoyed movements. The trend of hitting with the claw webs did not change, and even the speed did not change!


The corrosive mucus did not corrode the album. The old curator curled up and blocked Lethe's claws at the moment before the album was corroded.

The skin was almost torn apart, and the pain made the old man groan, and he fell to the ground while holding the photo album tightly.

"I'll fuck you!"

The team leader immediately stood up from the ground, bursting out with terrifying speed, and rushed towards the angry Lethe!

Lethe's eyes were bulging on both sides, and his blood vessels were swollen and visible. With red eyes, he stretched out his claws to pull out the rooted branches, but he was pushed to the ground by his excessive momentum in the next second.


The corrosive juice secreted by the takraw balls poured into the cavity, making a tooth-piercing sound. Lethe desperately tried to chew the branches with his fangs, but his big mouth was held up by the roots of the "tree" and could not be closed.

The second team leader put his hands on the mouth of the pipe and slid out quickly, and hurriedly helped the unconscious old curator.

"Director Tang, Director!"

The old man showed no signs of waking up, the corroded wound on his back was bleeding continuously, and even his breathing was shallow and slow.

"Damn it," the second team leader couldn't help but cursed, "Damn it!"

"Save people, send them to the hospital quickly!"

A group of captains strangled Lethe's neck and let its claws slap on his bare skin, gritting his teeth and urging:

"You idiot, you are so fucking hesitant, I can control this by myself!!"

The second team leader was carrying the old man on his back when he heard this and yelled angrily: "Keep your fucking mouth clean!"

The golden-green purifying liquid absorbs pollutants. The pain of removal made Lethe shake his head wildly, and the team leader almost couldn't control the strength of its struggle!

"Get out of here, sister, go quickly!"

The group leader's angry voice suddenly became louder, and with force in his hands, he punched Lethe directly with lightning speed! !


Lethe screamed suddenly, the dead fish's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and the branches and leaves in its mouth were also frantically absorbing polluted nutrients, growing outward at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and large golden-green branches took shape in an instant.

The second team leader no longer hesitated and immediately left with the old curator on his back.

There is no way to let more people in now. Breaking in will only cause changes in the tiny magnetic field in the control area, affecting the jammer's accurate suppression of the abnormality.

The data room cannot allow the [forgetfulness] pollution produced by Lethe to spread.

Just now, Lethe wanted to attack the old curator. He clearly wanted to fight to the death, resist the pressure of the interference device, absorb enough nutrients, and gamble for a chance of survival.

At the same time as he walked out, the golden-green hands closed up and clamped down accurately on Lethe's head, trapping its large mouth full of cavities in the palm of his hand.


Lethe screamed, pure white mist emerged from the covered face, and the team leader quickly stood up.

Seeing Lethe's whole body, blood and body fluids being sucked into the big hand like crazy, pouring from the branches into the [Fruit] bulging from its mouth.

The abnormality waved its hands desperately, but the various parts of its body quickly shrank and became smaller, and were stuffed into the golden-green [Fruit] in the blink of an eye.


[Fruit] rolled down from mid-air to the ground, shook the two golden-green leaves on his head, and burped with satisfaction.

"I wipe."

The team leader shook his arm that was corroded by the pollution factor and couldn't help but smacked his lips, "It is indeed a new generation of containment items. The process is also cruel... What kind of abnormality is this thing taken from? How did the research team come up with this?"


The moment the second team leader stepped out of the data room, he received the news of "Containment Successful" and felt a little relieved.

"Captain!" he shouted, "the old curator is injured!"

The rest of the staff quickly entered the reference room to clean up the remaining contamination. The medical team immediately surrounded him, placed the old curator on a stretcher, and skillfully sprayed emergency drugs to eliminate contamination.

"How is it?" Nie Cang said solemnly.

"The contamination factors have been removed, but the damage has been done. Corrosion wounds need to be sutured."

The medical team responded quickly, "The old man suffered a lot of injuries when he was young, and he is getting older. The intruding pollution factors will only bring out these old injuries - it is very likely to breed malignant tumors, and further examination is needed in this regard." .”

This is the greatest harm caused by pollution factors. They almost precisely attack the damaged parts of the human body, causing old injuries and causing immune system disorders.

Unless they are specially trained personnel or those who are often exposed to pollution, these people have a certain tolerance to pollution factors and have special antibodies in their bodies.

"And we can't use special methods to control it. The elderly's bodies can't withstand even slight pollution."

The medical team members pushed the old curator into the mobile emergency room with a serious expression, "The situation is not optimistic."

Nie Cang glanced at the old man who was still protecting the photo album tightly, and gave a death order, "Then snatch it back from behind bars."

"Team Bu, the sterilization of the sterile room is completed." the medical staff reported.

"I understand." Team Leader Bu nodded solemnly, turned around and went to the mobile rescue room.

"They say a lot that they are not optimistic. That's what the prediction team likes to say."

A team leader came out with a bloody arm and threw the [Fruit] to Gu Xingze first.

The medical staff around him were cleaning his wounds. When Team Leader Bu got in the car, he dared to mutter and comfort him in disguise:

"Last time, I cut my finger with a stapler. He also said that the situation was not optimistic. It was very likely to cause tetanus and then turn into scurvy. Finally, he ordered me to do a blood test and also had a full body examination. .”

Nie Cang: "..."

The team leader smiled naively: "So don't worry, captain, the old curator will be fine."

Nie Cang finally sighed and nodded: "Yes."



Jiang Jin frowned tightly, holding a golden pocket watch and worriedly touching the black and white photos on the watch. "Don't worry." Quan Heng said in a gentle voice, "We will speed up and let you pass through the Wugu River as soon as possible."

Jiang Jin carefully placed the pocket watch and said "Okay" softly.

"Where is the location of the Second City?" The Mad Hatter held a string in his hand, with a glass bottle hanging on the other end of the string. As he walked, the monster fragments in the bottle were shaking around.

"The second city is south of the first city and closer to the Wugou River."

Jiang Jin glanced at the blood moon, which was close to a semicircle, and discerned the direction, "If you continue walking in this direction, we will reach it. We will pass by a large sycamore tree.

"The biggest monster in the Second City is called Matsui. Before it died, it built a Bodhisattva temple for itself to protect itself, so it also likes to nest in a Bodhisattva temple after its death, located in the southernmost part of the Second City."

"Bodhisattva Temple?" Quan Heng held a Buddhist bead and raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

She laughed softly, with no emotion in her eyes, "A Bodhisattva doesn't have such great merits to save such an evil beast."

The sinner must let the victim control the judgment, take revenge, and personally send it to hell.

"Miss Quan is right, gods can't control these things," Jiang Jin pursed her lips, with hatred in her eyes, "He should pay the price for the loss of those innocent people."

"Sister," Mu Jing suddenly raised her hand and pointed forward, "There is a large tree there."

Everyone looked around and saw a large sycamore tree swaying in the wind under the blood moon. A thin mist filled the air, which was indescribably depressing.

When I entered this sycamore forest, I realized that the ground under my feet was blood red, as if it had been soaked by blood flowing like a river, over and over again, and it took a long, long time for it to dry up.

"There are more than 300,000 sycamore trees here, with no end in sight from east to west. They are always guarding the gates of the Second City." Jiang Jin touched the sycamore tree at hand and listened to the bleak sound of the sycamore trees blowing in the wind.

The voice was like crying blood, and every sentence expressed grievances and anger.

"Every time I wake up, I come here to take a look," Jiang Jin said softly. "Listen to their voices, and even more to their grief and indignation. Especially when the wind blows the sycamore leaves, the sound is like the cry of the soul.

"I could hear the mother crying for her child, the wife crying for her husband, the child calling for her mother, and even the baby screaming...

"A devil has invaded my hometown, slaughtered my compatriots, burned, killed, and looted, turning the land I love into a hell on earth, and turning the people I cherish into wandering ghosts."

Jiang Jin rubbed the scars on the sycamore tree and trembled her lips, "It was me who failed to protect them and defend the city... At that time, I wish I had tied the bomb and killed a few more enemies. If I could protect one, I would one.

"In fact, I don't deserve to wake up at all. There are so many comrades and countrymen, and I am the only one left..."

Jiang Jin nearly collapsed, holding on to the sycamore tree, her tears falling on the crimson earth.

He actually never considered himself a hero.

This scarred body has been put on some kind of shackles, and every person who cannot wake up will put a pair of shackles on the surviving soul.

The deeper the bond, the heavier the shackles.

Quan Heng was silent and didn't speak. She rarely didn't know what to say, but now she didn't know how to comfort her.

This blood debt was too heavy, and future generations were filled with grief and resentment, not to mention the city defenders who were involved.


Like the cry of blood, the clear and sad sound spread to every place in the sycamore forest.

The wind blew the sycamore leaves, and the fog suddenly thickened, obscuring the view.

"Huh?" The Mad Hatter flicked Joker's right eye, and saw the light golden light through the thick fog. He tilted his head in confusion, "It's not the energy of a group of monsters... what is this?"

Not a monster?

Quan Heng looked into the depths of the thick fog. The light of the red moon made the fog in front of him feel strange. He could vaguely see the faint outline of the light golden light in the fog, and the distant sound was accompanied by the sound of shallow drums.

[Heaven and earth are dark and yellow, punishment is rewarded for merit]

*The sound of drums and flutes merged together, like the music of breaking formations, and a blurry figure appeared at the end of the line of sight. You could see that he was wearing a dark red sacrificial robe, with wide sleeves and hands stretched outward, and the thick fog in front of him was like a curtain. Open, the vision is instantly clear——

The goddess wore pure white lips and a cinnabar face between her eyebrows. There seemed to be waves of mist rolling under her body, making her soar in the air.

"Nuo play?" Quan Heng recognized the Nuo face the moment she saw it. She also took Sang Ting to watch related stage plays.

"What is Nuo opera?" Mu Jing asked curiously.

"Nuo opera is also called ghost opera," Quan Heng explained simply. "It originated from Fang Xiangshi's exorcism activities in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It is the oldest dance in China that is used to worship gods, dance with ghosts, and drive away plagues and diseases. I will take you to see it in the future. After all, you still need to understand these traditions."

Mu Jing nodded obediently: "I remember."

In the mist, the goddess gathered her hands and leaned back in the lotus seal. The mist under her feet suddenly surged out of the waves, covering the sky and the earth like a curtain lifting and then calming down.

[The sun and the moon are full, and all the gods are coming]

The sound came, the drum beats began to become denser, and the flute sound dropped and became darker.

The mist surged again, and the gods in dark clothes and white masks surrounded a goddess in red.

Weird yet awe-inspiring, sacred and majestic.

The goddess slowly spread her arms, and the male lions lined up behind her raised their heads, with black faces and red temples, standing behind the [gods].

For a time, an overwhelming momentum came over with the charm of ancient times.

[The blue wisps of the road open up the mountains and forests]

The distant sound sounded again, the drum beat became more intense, and the flute sound became more rapid.

The mist surged, and thousands of spears protruded from the mist. It was difficult to see the faces of the enemies, but oppression and crisis were already coming.

Then several opera characters wearing armor walked out of the fog. Their faces could not be seen clearly, but they could only see thousands of spears pressing down, and the general was standing tall.

A lion with red temples fights with the besieging jackals. Black air and golden light suddenly swim out of the white mist above. The dragon flying in the clouds, riding in the mist and wearing golden light, fighting with the giant black snake, is majestic.

The picture is weird and sad, but it is even more stunning and magnificent, bursting out with a different kind of vitality.

[Don’t forget the way you came, the road is long]

The sound of the drum gradually calmed down, the mist surged again like a curtain, the black air dispersed, the golden dragon and red lion remained, but the general was nowhere to be seen.

From the depths of the white mist, a human dressed in white clothes and a white mask slowly walked out. A pure white and agile lion followed behind him, with a faint golden light scattered around his body.

He walked out of the fog and stopped in front of Jiang Jin.

After standing quietly for a moment, he turned around and took out a large leather-wrapped knife from the mouth of the white lion behind him. There was a piece of red silk tied to the handle. It was already a bit old and stained with blood.

Jiang Jin took the big knife from his hand with trembling hands and felt the familiar carvings on the handle.

He stroked it carefully, recalling in his mind the scene where the old company commander made a mark after killing an enemy, and suddenly raised his head:

"This is--"

Jiang Jin's pupils shrank suddenly, the white lion in front of him was gone, and the person who just handed him the knife was also gone.

The mist dispersed and the sycamore forest disappeared.

——In front of us is an ancient city that has been destroyed by war.


*Inspired by teacher Yang Liping's "Impression of Pingtan"

To put it bluntly, Footpot Chicken’s “ability to dance” is copied from ours. The "Jing Yao Nuo Dance" in the original god is also Chinese Nuo culture. Remember it, don't be stolen again.

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