Walking deeper into the air-raid shelter, carefully bypassing the bones that filled the tunnel, there were buzzing monsters crawling in the darkness.

Quan Heng reached out and hung the oil lamp aside. Looking at the weak light, the feeling of suffocation in his chest began to linger - there is too little oxygen here, and this monster must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"SS level," the Mad Hatter tapped the clown card and saw the huge bone ball in the darkness, "It's so ugly."

Quan Heng stretched out his hand and put on the "cat eye" that was visible at night.

This item is like a simple version of contact lenses, which are reusable and can be worn automatically as long as they are placed in front of your eyes.

The scene in front of me gradually became clearer.

The monster, sleeping soundly in an oxygen-deprived environment, curled up into a ball, and its leg bones and hand bones with muscle tissue residues were branched into sharp spikes.

The spikes are covered with black and red balls like "fruits", which are densely packed with the outer layer of the bone balls. Waxy yellow mucus is constantly dripping down from the "fruits". Flies are flying on the ground, and cockroaches are also gathering. .

Quan Heng couldn't help but frown.

"Oh, there are so many rotten heads, and there are flies and cockroaches..."

The Mad Hatter suddenly pinched his nose and said in disgust: "It stinks."

Bad head?

When Quan Heng heard the Mad Hatter's words, he looked at the "fruits" carefully and caught the slight squirming sound.

Those black and red "fruits" were split open with a not-so-obvious hole, which was stretched out by the monster's breath when it snored, revealing several faces with a handful of Rendan beard. The faces were ulcerated, covered with white spots. Wriggling maggots.

—The putrid effects of poisonous gas.

Think about the survivors who are still tortured by bacteria...

It’s really reincarnation, it should have been like this a long time ago.

"How do you need my cooperation?" The Mad Hatter didn't care about the combat effectiveness of the SS-level boss. It was just a little troublesome, but Quan Heng probably wanted to solve it himself more than he did.

——Just like the big meat ball that was roasted before.

The Mad Hatter looked at the transparent bottle that contained the remains of the meat ball in his hand. He suddenly made a fist and tapped it on the palm of his hand. He had an idea and made a decision: "I'll stop it and prevent it from coming out. You can deal with it inside."

"it is good."

Quan Heng waved his hand and used the butterfly knife to cut off the protruding head at the top. The turbid blood mixed with the rotting insect body splashed down!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The sleeping monster was woken up by the severe pain, roaring and holding on to its curled up body. The two-meter-high sphere almost filled the tunnel, and the fine tissue residue was shaken off with the movement. , hitting the stinky slime on the ground, causing flies and bugs to fly everywhere.

[Help! Is this alien species using filth to attack humans? ! ]

[This picture is so beautiful that it makes me dizzy... No, is the mushroom waste water squeezed out from below? ]

[Don’t mention it upstairs, our monster world is connected with the human world, and the God of Sin has a good relationship with the undead goddess who is in charge of navigation... This thing may really come from the Sea of ​​Storms, which is the human ocean. ]

[Q Shuan, I don’t need a program that can smell something. There is a spatial connection between the Mad Hatter’s IMAX channels, which means it smells! ! It stinks! The pig's nose is about to fall off, please help me! ! ]

Quan Heng calmed his mind and chopped down the Tianshu at the moment when the butterfly knife was whirling.

The dark red lightning explodes with blazing white light due to high pressure, and the high temperature burns with the butterfly knife pinching. The burn destroys the white joints of the lower part of the "fruit". The butterfly knife harvests without any gap!


Black blood spurted out, and the "fruit" fell to the ground, being corroded by the mucus and causing scars again!

"Amazing! What a beautiful skill."

The Mad Hatter exclaimed, then suddenly tilted his head. The clown on the Joker card had scarlet eyes.

"But beheading doesn't seem to be a monster's weakness."


The bone ball screamed and shook the bone spurs covered with "fruit" angrily. Mucus dripped from the opening of the fruit, corroding and softening the stone floor, exposing the original soil in the scorched breath.

The stench became even stronger. Quan Heng felt her stomach turning physiologically, and the vomiting sensation made her feel dizzy and uncomfortable. She turned her head and glanced at the dying oil lamp.

The hypoxia will only get worse, and the mucus may also deplete oxygen, forcing people to suffocate.

Leave it on for a maximum of two minutes.

The "fruit" in front of him fell to the ground, cracking open to reveal the rotten monster head inside. The head rolled a few times, and suddenly turned its head, grinning a ferocious and crazy smile, and the corroded and blurred facial organs were twisted and kneaded together. .


A sharp and weird neighing sound came from the mouths of the two heads on the ground, like a wolf pack effect. All the "fruits" hanging on the bone balls shook wildly, bursting the flesh membrane, revealing the monster head inside, and the twisted organs began to follow. Scream!

【Ding! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s three games fluctuated by more than 10%]


The sound caused pain in the eardrums. The sound waves spread rapidly and violently outward from the bone ball, with the Bodhisattva Temple as the center shaking the entire Langya Peak!

Immediately afterwards, the mucus-covered land began to wriggle out of ripples, and with a "bang" sound, moldy limbs stretched out from the softened earth without any obstacles. The mucus was stretched and torn like a thin film, and the rotten corpses crawled out of the ground, hugging them. His own screaming head.

At the same time, in the land outside the temple, in the entire soil of Langya Peak, countless headless Japanese ghosts emerged and crawled towards the source of the sound in dense numbers!

"Sure enough, he will summon the Japanese ghosts and try to break in." Mu Jing let go of the doll in his hand, and the ferocious giant wolf dog appeared instantly, biting several Japanese ghosts in one bite, throwing their heads and biting them all into pieces!

Jiang Jin held the machete tied with red silk in his hand and slashed the Japanese ghost to death with one strike!

In the air-raid shelter, the mad hatter guarding the door released his shackles and knocked back all the Japanese ghosts that popped up in the corridor of the air-raid shelter! Almost every time he was killed in one blow, he could not be killed in one blow, so he could just crush it twice.

Quan Heng slashed away the gathering Japanese ghosts with one blow, reached out to catch the whirling butterfly knife, and closed his eyes slightly as he felt the intense burning pain in his chest in the suddenly squeezed oxygen environment.

【Ding! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s three games fluctuated by more than 20%]

After listening to the report, Quan Heng curled his lips, suddenly put away the "Tianshu" and retreated!

"It's time."

Mu Jing looked at the time on her bracelet and patted the wolfdog beside her.

"Xiao Liu, carry this sister on your back, we will stay away from this temple immediately."

Mu Xiaoliu immediately lowered his body to let An Yue'e sit down, and a group of people were already prepared and ran away from the temple!

Suddenly, a large number of Japanese ghosts began to pour into the unguarded temple gate.

"Hey, aren't you going to kill me?" The Mad Hatter sat on the ground and looked at Quan Heng who ran out suspiciously.

"Of course I have to kill him." Quan Heng took out a card containing special items with his backhand and chuckled, "But I said, please watch the fun."

She looked at the Japanese ghosts pouring in, clamped the card that had been taken from Lu Mang's backpack between her fingers, flicked her fingers and flew straight into the withered fruit where the bone balls had fallen off! Then he picked up the confused Mad Hatter and ran outside!

Special item: Honkai Fireworks (out of print and rare)

Details: Are you troubled by market fluctuations? There is no need to worry about fireworks! It can be used when the user's disk fluctuation exceeds 20%. It is a large-scale group attack explosive item. Oh~ Bianyu Brand Fireworks Gift Pack, the effect is amazing, monsters will explode after using it! -

【Ding! KP tip: You have used locked special items (only out-of-print rare items can be used), the countdown is 10 seconds, 10, 9...】

The bone ball shakes the skeleton, trying to pull out the card stuck in the seam, but it can't be taken out. More and more Japanese ghosts are getting closer, but their heads are either in their stomachs or separated from their bodies. The Bluetooth has been disconnected and there is no way. Recognize what is happening.

【......3, 2, 1! Oh, let's have a beautiful and free fireworks feast, this collapsed world! 】

Strong light exploded in the gap between the bone balls, instantly lighting up the entire dark tunnel!


A huge sound exploded behind Quan Heng, strong winds and debris instantly covered the top of the mountain, and blazing flames came overwhelmingly!

The moment Quan Heng lay down, he opened the one-time protective barrier. The flames and strong wind behind him dispersed, and countless fireworks exploded in the dark night covered by the blood moon!


The silver fire tree lights up the dark and silent night, as if life is flourishing but fleeting.

Quan Heng dusted himself off, removed the barrier, and looked at the young man lying on the ground next to him, staring at the sky intently, his eyes bright and hot.

For a long time, like bright fireworks that never went out, they were reflected in his eyes, like a weak but prosperous life falling into the pool of death and silence.

"Is it really for me?" He suddenly turned his head and asked, his eyes bright with hope, like a newborn deer in the forest, catching a glimpse of the warmth of the morning light and the beauty of the world for the first time.

He really looks like a child who doesn't understand the world.

"Yes." Quan Heng nodded and chuckled, "It's fun for you."

The more monsters are killed, the more fireworks will explode. The higher the level, the more beautiful the fireworks will be.

"You are a good person!" The Mad Hatter laughed, his pale face slightly rosy due to long-term mental confusion, and he looked very happy.

"You are the best person I have ever met!" He repeated it happily, as if it was a very important thing.

But for Quan Heng, this is really just an additional effect during the mission.

But he was so happy that his vivid emotions could even infect the people around him. Quan Heng laughed and responded politely:

"Thanks for the compliment."

Although there are many flaws in this sentence, it may indeed be a good thing if it can bring happiness to some deserving people, and even give additional materials an unusual meaning...

Quan Heng thought of the children she adopted, the impoverished mountainous areas she supported, and the company that finally had female employees who pursued their ideals on an equal footing...

She smiled and looked at the gorgeous fireworks.

——Maybe it is indeed a very interesting thing.

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