After the fireworks dispersed, Quan Heng carefully picked out the remains of the monster Boss from the ruins and put them into the glass bottle in the Mad Hatter's hand.

I can't help it, I just forgot to leave something with my breath. You can’t use your belongings as a passport, so you can only pick them out now.

"It's really hard to choose. It's fried so cleanly," Quan Heng thought to himself, "but this roasted monster meat can be considered sterilized."

It's rare to see something more disgusting than Quan Lin. It's so rare that it really needs to be sterilized.

"Oh, let's get a pair together and we can make some noise if we shake them together!"

The Mad Hatter tied the two bottles together, and the brothers shook them together, shaking the conscious residue inside to the point of vomiting.

Quan Heng took off the "cat's eye", and non-disposable items can be kept and recovered. This night vision item is indeed very practical.

"Your special items are not like the quantity that newcomers who have been in the border area for two weeks will have. Newcomers usually lack items." The Mad Hatter noticed Quan Heng's actions and was curious, "You have only been in the border area for two weeks, why can you develop? So fast?"

"Huh?" Quan Heng smiled when he heard this, "Because I'm not a good person."

Ordinary newcomers will indeed be short of items, but Quan Heng has searched for the items of three mid-to-high-ranking players on the seventh floor. Although this group of people did not participate in the competition and did not have any equipment brands, because of the reward for killing, there are two chief deputy seats and special items. Not a few.

——This just makes up for Quan Heng’s lack of resources as a newcomer and scarcity of items.

"Hey, madam, you are a good person." The Mad Hatter corrected, seriously, "The other party must have caused trouble first and made you unhappy."

"That's right." Quan Heng laughed, "Let's go, let's go to the last city."

"Where is the last city?" asked the Mad Hatter.


"The last city is close to the river, right next to the Anguo River."

After a few people met, they set off again. Jiang Jin walked in front, leading the way and answering questions.

"But there is no city wall, and there is no real city. It is a battlefield. As for the monsters in the three cities, I have never seen them, and I don't know about them."

"I understand." Quan Heng nodded.

"The Dark Stained River? That river that connects the monster world and the border area, Davari, it is now called the Unstained River. Your descendants have purified it beautifully." The Mad Hatter said, "But it is true It can be used as a terminal point.”

Humans in the border area all know that the Wuguo River is connected to the monster world, and even birds and fish will be polluted, but the Mad Hatter's attitude...

"Wugou River directly connects the monster world and the border area?" Quan Heng pondered, "Pollution is connected, and monsters can also sneak across?"

"Yes." The Mad Hatter nodded, "The Wugou River can pass through pollution, and it can also use pollution as a medium to sneak monsters out - but this happened a long time ago, and the pollution in the flow of the Wugou River has been purified. , and there are people stationed at the border area, and the monsters can’t get through now.”

make life difficult for? Purify pollution? Stationed?

The area along the Wugou River is the least pleasant place. The only place there covers all the areas along the Wugou River——

Unsullied Dawn... Sure enough, the problem is not small.

"Then what else do you know about Wugou River?" she continued to ask.

"What I know is only trivial things. The most important thing about Wu Guo River is..." The Mad Hatter tried hard to rummage through his fragmented memory, "Oh, that's right!"


"The bridge to be built in the mission is based on the pollution caused by the monster bosses in the Three Cities as a medium," said the Mad Hatter, "and it does not have the designation of the person crossing the bridge."

That is, if the bridge is successfully built, monsters can cross it and enter the border area... or even the human world.

"Cough cough cough..."

A violent cough sounded, and An Yuee'e, who was sitting on the back of the wolf dog, trembled and doubled over due to the cough.

"Sister," Mu Jing said worriedly, "Sister Yue'e coughs so badly. She looks so weak."

Quan Heng walked over and couldn't help but pursed his lips when he saw An Yuee's translucent body.

The Mad Hatter said from the beginning that An Yuee'e's soul was very fragile. Now it was not fragile, it was about to dissipate.

But the wounds of the soul cannot be healed with items.

"Uncle Jiang," Mu Jing looked at Jiang Jin, "What can you do? What's wrong with Sister Yue'e?"

"I... can't help it." Jiang Jin couldn't help but tilted his head and sighed deeply.

"The weakness of the soul is not due to the wounds she suffered during her lifetime. We survive by relying on the memories of the living. If we are completely forgotten by our compatriots in the human world, we will become weak and eventually disappear from this world."

*A person will die three times in his life: the first is the death of the brain, which means the physical death of the body. The second time is the end of the funeral, which means the disappearance of the person's presence in society.

The third time is the end of forgetting. No one in this world will remember you anymore, and you can only pass away worthlessly, alone, and forever. "Then what if I remember?" Mu Jing looked at Quan Heng for help, "Sister, what if I remember? I am also a compatriot of my sister, and I also know what sister Yue'e went through. Can I help her..."

"Good boy, good boy. Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry." An Yuee'e stretched out her hand to touch Mu Jing's head, her tone was gentle as an elder, "It's okay, cough, cough, cough..."

"According to what the omniscient card said before, this method is okay," the Mad Hatter replied, "but the prerequisite is to complete the task and return to the human world."

"There's enough time." Quan Heng said firmly, "Nothing will happen."

"Sister said nothing will happen and nothing will happen. She never lies to me."

Mu Jing calmed down and reached out to help An Yue'e wipe away the tears coughed from the corners of her eyes, "Sister Yue'e, good people will be rewarded, and you will be fine."

An Yue'e smiled softly, with subtle fine lines showing at the corners of her eyes, as gentle as Qin Huaishui, "Okay."

"Let's speed up," Jiang Jin looked at the road, "We're just ahead..."

"Don't move!"

A voice suddenly came from the grass, sternly interrupting the conversation of Quan Heng and others. Several men who had been hiding in secret came out from the grass with guns raised, "Who are you?!"


The borderland of day and night.

"Hey, the chief logged into his account."

Lu Xiaoman took a sip of "the first cup of milk tea in autumn" and looked at the account that was forced to go offline with confusion: "Is it because I spent too much? I can double the compensation."

Bianyu is used to looking at what other people are doing - starters from big organizations like them not only get a 20% tax deduction, but also get 60% of the channel's revenue.

However, they do not rely on channel income to survive, and will even close the channel directly due to confidentiality. The main source of income is the clearance rewards of advanced maps, as well as the ranking rewards of intercontinental competitions and global competitions. There is no shortage of game currency.

Moreover, Immaculate Dawn’s membership fees are based on a percentage system. The more you earn, the more you pay. The total amount for a season can be enough to cover the club’s land rent and tax, so there is not much pressure on the total tax.

Moreover, the starters of Immortal Dawn don't like to play support. If they don't use the bonus, they invest all the necessary expenses such as the club's infrastructure, item purchase, and member subsidies.

It's quite harmonious, so that except for the chief who is concerned about taxes, no one else in the organization cares much about the use of game currency.

"The chief will not be so stingy," Lu Qiusheng affirmed, holding up the aloe vera juice in his hand, "and we bought him two cups of aloe vera juice!"


Lu Xiaoman thought it made sense. He took a sip of "Pearl" and felt a strange delicious taste when chewing it:

"But are we going to clean up the Wugu River as a routine today? Last week, the chief suddenly changed the cleaning frequency, and I couldn't catch up because I was running out of money. I must clean up more seriously today - otherwise there will be a lot of them like before. A deformed creature that doesn’t look good or taste good.”

"When you talk about this... I also remembered one thing," Lu Qiusheng recalled, "You were not there during the cleanup of Wugu River last week. It happened that a bunch of pollutants came out of Wugu River. Where did it go? It was pouring out like a floodgate, and there were not enough manpower, so a few balls of black balls climbed onto the shore!"

"Climb ashore?!" Lu Xiaoman was shocked. Lu Xiaoman couldn't believe it. "Didn't the chief say that climbing ashore would affect my cooking skills?! No wonder I burned the fish before!"

Lu Xiaoman's eyes filled with tears: "I never dared to let those things climb ashore... What happened after that? Did you catch them?"

"...No." Lu Qiusheng said awkwardly, "Those black groups disappeared immediately, but the chief sighed and said something."

"What did the chief say?"

Lu Qiusheng thought carefully: "The chief seems to have said something -"

"The universe rotates around, cause and effect reincarnate, blood connects"

The night watchman sighed slightly.

He stood at the edge of the Wugou River, looking at the semicircular light red river in front of him, and squatted down to check the water quality.

The reddish river water shone with a faint golden light and slowly flowed away through the gaps in the palms, leaving a light black mist in the palms.

He silently stared at the remaining traces for a few seconds, lowered his eyes under the dusk light, slowly closed his palms, and muttered to himself in a low and deep voice:

"I couldn't clean it thoroughly back then, but now the spring breeze is blowing and things are growing again..."

The night watchman sat on the ground and sighed at the koi bubbling in the river: "You must not break the shadow of the Wugou River, otherwise weeds will take root and be seen everywhere - I am a bit worried, or there will be little carp You vomit three bubbles, and I wish you a good image of the prosperity of all things."

Koi: "..." He rolled his eyes, flicked his tail and walked away.

Night watchman:"."

"Forget it, it's unlucky, it must be due to feudal superstition," the night watchman said sadly, and clicked on Quan Heng's channel again, "I'd better track it in real time."

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