Game world, Three Cities Wugou River

The red moon is about to take shape, and not far away, the Wuguo River, which forms the shadowy lines of the Bagua semicircle, flows slowly. It looks like a dream under the light of the red moon, and the space is vaguely twisted, connecting the border world.

"So...they came from outside?"

The bugler sitting on the small mound wiped the bugle's hand for a while. After listening to Jiang Jin's words, he blinked and reacted for a while, jumped up suddenly, and almost fell down the small dirt slope without losing his balance. .

"Be careful." Jiang Jin quickly gave him a hand.

"It's okay, it's okay." The bugler didn't care about standing still, "Are you the baby of the family?"

He looked at Quan Heng, his eyes lit up the moment she nodded, and he said eagerly: "Then have we won? Have we beaten out those bastards?!"

"Yes, we've beaten them out," Quan Heng nodded seriously and repeated, "All of them have been beaten out."

"His grandma, but damn, he sent those sons of bitches back to their hometown," the bugler said excitedly as he slapped his thigh. He looked at Jiang Jin and then smiled, "I knew we could do it!"

He then climbed up the small slope and stood under the military flag. He shouted excitedly to the position with his hands half clasped: "Brothers! Did you hear that? We won! Drive those beasts out!"

"Brothers! We won!! Our team beat out all those jackals!!"

The long wind blew the flag, and the sound echoed in this battlefield for a long time, but it was so empty that no one responded.

The ammunition box was still leaning against the trench, the machete was still on the position, but the people were gone.

Here...he is the only one left.

The smile on the trumpeter's face slowly faded, and he stood alone under the flag, like a lonely watchtower.

Everyone behind him was silent.

"I was... fifteen years old when I joined the war, and I was not the youngest. Many of my comrades, whose families were killed by the enemy, followed us to fight in order to protect their families and the country. I still remember the old man in the village saying when we left, ' Waiting for us to go back to celebrate the New Year, but it’s a pity that we can’t eat crispy meat again.”

The bugler said as he wiped away his tears, "My comrades' hometown has seen millions of people come out one after another, and I don't know how many people have gone back."

Quan Heng remained silent and did not answer. She knew very well that in the end, only a few hundred thousand people went back, not even a tenth.

"When I left home, I put a handful of soil from the mountain in front of the city in my pocket." The bugler said as he carefully took out an old piece of cloth from his pocket and slowly opened it. Inside was the soil that was kept close to his body, already soaked with blood. It became a clot of soil and blood.

"I keep it in my heart all the time, as if I haven't left home."

There was a very clean smile on his face stained with dust, and his clear eyes seemed to be shining in the night, with the hope of tears.

"I think where you die in battle, your soul will return to your homeland."

In the raging war, aspiring young people sacrificed their lives for the country, and most of them did not even leave their names.

"The war was so cruel. I used to do a cooking class and cooked for hundreds of people, but later I came back with only a few people."

"But we must take up arms and drive the wolves out. If we don't fight this battle, we will have to leave it to future generations to fight! We ourselves cannot carry it, and outsiders will not carry it! We must fight to the end!"

Flesh and blood build the Great Wall to guard the tranquility of rivers and mountains, but also hold on to light in the darkness and dig out vitality from hopelessness.

"You're right! That's how it is!"

The girl's voice suddenly sounded, and everyone turned their heads to see a female soldier in military uniform running towards them.

"You just shouted victory, was it you who shouted it?"

The little girl stopped in front of everyone with a big knife on her back.

"You are?" Jiang Jin was stunned.

"Ming He," she turned around and saluted. She looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, "a soldier."

Jiang Jin saluted, looked at her blankly, and asked her softly, "How old...are you?"

"Not counting here," Ming He replied, "I am fourteen this year."

"Only fourteen..." Jiang Jin exhaled tremblingly.

"You're not young anymore," Ming He retorted, "I defended Shen City, and there were many soldiers younger than me. Le Bei was only eleven years old, and he even taught foreign soldiers how to use machine guns, and they all obeyed him!

“Moreover, Sir taught us that every man is responsible for the rise and fall of a country.

"This is what I should do. Later when I returned to Qinhuai River, it was the same thing."

"Shencheng..." Jiang Jin suddenly remembered something, "Which Qinhuai team are you from?"

"The Red Mountain Orphan Army." Ming He replied, carrying a pair of real swords and a pair of clear and bright eyes on his gray face.

"Orphan Army...?!"

An Yuee'e trembled her lips and looked over with wide eyes, "Are you the daughter of the Orphan Army?!"

Minghe nodded.

"Come here," An Yuee'e stretched out her hand, tears falling, "let me see you."

Minghe walked over and said, "Are you from Qin Huai too?"

"I am." An Yuee nodded, looked at her carefully, stretched out her hand to help Ming He tuck her hair behind her ears, but saw a fatal wound on her forehead that penetrated her skull.

An Yuee retracted her trembling hand and forced a smile, "Who by the Qinhuai River doesn't know you, heroes of Xiaohongshan."

Among the Hongshan Orphan Army, the oldest is sixteen years old and the youngest is only ten years old.

The earliest one was an orphan adopted by three nuns in Jiashan Temple. More than 60 children spontaneously formed a team to fight the war, showing unparalleled bravery.

"What's wrong with the young son? But there are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned." An Yuee'e shed tears with trembling lips. "Those beasts started harming the people before they even entered the city. There were piles of corpses on the roadside... Children hate them too."

But there was a beast who recognized the thief as his father, and the enemy troops raided and suppressed them. In the end, these children were forced into the cave, lit bombs, and died together with the enemy.

That year, the average age of Hongshan Yinghun was 16 years old.

"They all say that fighting is a man's business," An Yuee wiped her tears, managed to cheer up and smiled, "but we girls also have to protect our families and our country, and we are never worse than men."

"There is no distinction between men and women when it comes to defending our country. Many of us are girls, even on the battlefield."

Ming He straightened the sword behind him.

"We are not only in the rear, there are many female soldiers on the front line! We are not absent in every battle, and we are at the forefront of every battle! I have a sister who used to follow the Long March. She said that lesbians who were persecuted and had their feet bound also followed the team. .”

"Yes, at that time, the female comrades on the Long March were menstruating. Some of them jumped into the ice lake in order not to delay the march. They even refused to come because they were malnourished. Many of them contracted gynecological diseases due to improper treatment." Jiang Jin sighed.

"Our comrades are all good." Ming He tilted his head to look at Quan Heng and asked stubbornly: "It's always been like this, right?"


Quan Heng nodded.

“After the victory, there was the Great Patriotic War, which was the war in which the largest number of female soldiers participated, and they were all fighting tough battles on the front line.

"Women have never been absent from the great cause of defending the country. They are all heroes."

"Well," Ming He asked again with a smile on his childish face, "You haven't forgotten us, have you?"


"They rarely appear in foreign war films, and they are even used instead," the Mad Hatter suddenly said, frowning slightly, "Aren't you guys?"

Quan Heng was startled and turned to look at him, his pupils moving slightly.

Ming He looked up at the foreigner and then at Quan Heng: "...will you do this?"

"Let's see who dares! If anyone dares to do this, I'll give them a good beating!"

The trumpeter slid down the small slope.

"These are our comrades who have passed their lives! Everyone is indispensable! Everyone is good!"

"Well said," Jiang Jin nodded, "It is the responsibility of all people to protect our country and our country. This is our common history. No one can be missing, and no one can be forgotten."

"If this piece of history has been forgotten," An Yuee'e cried, "I ask you to find it, remember it, or use it as my eternal epitaph."

"Even if it is difficult to bury our bones in our homeland, we can bury them in the sky and the whole world. We never seek to be famous and go down in history. We never seek to wrap our bodies in horse leather."

Ming He raised his hand, pointed at the deserted trench, and spoke loudly.

"But this past event cannot be forgotten by the world, let alone by our compatriots!"

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