"This is the Anguo River. Does it look like the Yin Yao in the Yin Yang Bagua?"

The trumpeter pointed to the slowly gathering dark river in front of him and said to Quan Heng:

"Look at the pale circle in the middle of the Anguo River. That is the Yang Eye in Tai Chi Bagua. The red moon rises and the Yin and Yang Eyes are connected. The collected auras of the three city bosses can build a bridge between the two worlds. .”

In this way, the Wuguo River in the border area is Yangyao.

Quan Heng listened carefully, his mind racing.

Another strange skill? Did the person who created the Border Territory use strange magic?

"When the moon is full, the monsters from the three cities will come out. Leave them alone, cut the blood and run away."

The bugler warned: "Otherwise, once the Wugou Bridge is opened, they will also run to the human world. Don't worry, my comrades and I will..."

"Senior," Quan Heng interrupted softly, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

The trumpeter was stunned for a moment. He turned around and smiled very softly. The fine lines at the corners of his eyes were filled with relief and love.

"No more," he smiled, lowering his head and caressing the hometown soil in his hand, "Just know that we have won and become stronger, and that you are living well."

The trumpeter looked up to the other side of the Anguo River in the distance. The hope and joy in his eyes were about to turn into reality. He seemed to have seen the prosperity of this world. "What we want to protect is the future of our flower-growing family. Now there is no more." Sorry."

"And we will carry it," the soldier turned around and smiled, his eyes clear, "it will be you who carry the burden from now on."

Quan Heng lowered his hand and touched the Shibazi on his wrist, slightly closing his eyes, "Yes, I understand."


A buzzing sound sounded behind him. The bugler's face changed slightly, and he pulled out a big knife from behind, "Those dirty guys from Sancheng are here."

At the end of the line of sight, shrouded by the blood moon, pools of sticky spineless monsters surged towards this place——

"My lord!" The bugler waved his sword forward and said angrily, "Watch me deal with these spineless things!"


"What a bunch of people who have to be beaten to be honest..." Sang Ting sat in the movie theater and sneered at the picture on the screen, then lowered his voice and tilted his head, "Hey, so when you are in the map, does it count? Come out? What's going on?"

Song Jingyun quickly looked over Quan Heng's data and answered perfunctorily: "Of course I figured it out, there are only two comments."

"Don't show off," Sang Ting straightened up and said, "Say."

Song Jingyun sighed deeply and said: "'Knowing that you can't do something but doing it' and 'Taking the wrong approach'."

Sang Ting frowned and realized something was wrong: "What do you mean? It seems good and bad at the same time."

"I can't figure out the latter yet, but I can probably guess the former."

Song Jingyun closed his eyes and sighed, "But the use of branding affects the SAN disk, and Quan Heng's current SAN disk...

"It has fluctuated by more than 25%."


"Ding! KP prompts: Player Quan Heng's price exceeds 30%!"

"Ding! Endangered reminder: Your current san plate fluctuates abnormally! Please complete the game as soon as possible and leave this map!"

Quan Heng cut open the viscous monster that was coming towards him with a knife, calmly filled the monster's blood in the prepared glass bottle, and threw it to the waiting Mad Hatter, "throw it all into Yang's eyes."

The Mad Hatter did not hesitate to use his shackles to sweep away the large sticky monsters, and the chains flew across the Dark Dirt River. He stepped on the chains to reach the sky above the Yang Eye, and dropped the three glass bottles at the moment when the red moon took shape.

"Under the right temperature and environment, adding the right seasonings, there will be a suitable reaction."

A light red beam of teleportation light burst out from the center of the Yang Eye. The Mad Hatter quickly moved out of the way, and the light beam instantly illuminated the night.

What is formed is not the bridge shape that humans understand, but a door falling on the stone mountain next to the Anguo River.

"It's a bit far." The Mad Hatter tutted, "And it seems that the moon is only full for five minutes. If it exceeds, we can't leave."

"You guys leave quickly!" The bugler chopped off the last sticky monster and looked at the group of people coming from behind again. It seemed that they were affected by the aura of Wugou Bridge, and the image of the sticky black liquid became even more twisted and crazy, "Everyone Walk!"

Quan Heng put away his sword and looked at Jiang Jin: "Senior."

Jiang Jin clenched his fists and wiped away his tears, turned around and ran towards Shishan.

Ming He put away his sword and glanced at the bugler: "Take care."

After she finished speaking, she ran towards the stone mountain with the wolfdog on An Yuee's back.

"Go." The bugler slowly put down his sword and looked at Quan Heng and the other three, "You guys can go too, go quickly - otherwise you won't be able to leave."

Quan Heng nodded, "Let's go."

After watching everyone leave, the bugler took off the bugle from his waist, walked step by step to the small slope where the flag was placed, looked at the incoming enemies, raised his head and blew the bugle again!

Quan Heng stepped up the mountainside and looked back at the battlefield, "Did you hear that?"

The Mad Hatter was stunned for a moment, tilted his head and listened carefully, "A very powerful voice, what is this?"

"The Charge," Quan Heng stood on the stone mountain, looking from a distance, his voice was very soft, "it is also the existence that the enemy is most afraid of."

Because when the charge horn sounds, it means that there will be no end to victory and death. These warriors will fight until the last person falls. The high-pitched and loud sound of the charge echoed through the night, just like the charge into battle decades ago, and the sound of the muddy soil breaking was like the powerful bamboo bursting out of the night in spring.

Jiang Jin was stunned, and suddenly realized something. He turned around and ran like crazy towards the boulder on the mountain. The moist dewdrops and moss made the boulder slippery. He was so eager that his eyes were red with tears, and his knees were knocked heavily. We have to grit our teeth and work our way up the stone wall.

Smoke rose again from the endless trenches, the red ribbon on the golden bugle fluttered in the wind, and the figure of the bugler stood tall under the nearly full red moon.

Jiang Jin stared blankly, his eyes wet with tears. He gritted his teeth and still couldn't help but choked out a sound with trembling lips.

The broadsword with a red belt gradually became clear in the smoke, and countless strange but familiar figures stood upright in this borderland leading to the human world.

Like a Great Wall that will never collapse.

"Comrades," the bugleman waved the military flag, the bright red flag was like a bright sword splitting the chaos, and shouted loudly, "hold the border and send comrades home!"

Thousands of rays of light were like sparks, and countless pairs of clear and firm eyes looked at Jiang Jin and others in the firelight, as if they were still the same as they were decades ago.

Countless swords and spears lit up, and someone turned around and shouted "Kill the enemy!", and the sparks rushed towards the incoming darkness, gathering into a raging fire that was about to start a prairie fire.

——Almost light up this dark night!

"Ding! KP prompts: This map has half a minute to close the passage!"

The light beam became smaller and the door began to become blurry. Quan Heng looked at the Mad Hatter and said, "You go first and take Mr. Jiang and the others away."

The Mad Hatter looked at Mu Jing behind her, then at her, and smiled as if he had some understanding: "Okay, I'm leaving."

He teleported to Jiang Jin in a few steps and helped Jiang Jin, who was emotionally broken.

"Davari, your comrades also want to use your eyes to see what their homeland looks like now."


"Ding! KP prompts: The map channel will be closed in ten seconds, ten, nine, eight..."

"What is Quan Heng doing?!"

"I'm so anxious, Quan Heng, please leave quickly! Why are you stopping at the teleportation door again!!"

The viewing platform was in chaos. The anxious people were so nervous that they were clenching their fists. All the emotional eyes in the hall were bursting to three levels. The tears in the corners of the eyes of the viewers were not dry yet. They were crying and shouting:

"Quan Heng, can you think of a way to make them all go away? As long as you can, I will be your die-hard fan from now on..."

"Ding! KP prompts: Brand-Inverse Cross has been released from the shackles to enhance own data..."

"Ding! KP prompts: Brand-Shi has been released from the shackles!"

"Ding! Special permissions detected! Connect the two world spaces and release the shackles of the ban at a fixed point!"

The keeper’s imprint explanation resounded throughout the viewing area——

The whole place was in an uproar!

"Holy shit, what did I just hear?! What happened?!"

"What?! Release the shackles?!"

"Holy shit," the person who had just taken the oath was dumbfounded and had a snot bubble burst from his nose in shock, "That's true."

"Knowing that you can't do something but doing it is worthy of your heart."

Song Jingyun stood up amidst the noise of the crowd and sighed, "Hurry up and wait at the Xingdial Transfer Station. Your boss's situation is not very good. This is not only a treasure, but also a move of the jade mine!"

Sang Ting's pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately followed Song Jingyun and left the viewing platform.

In addition to them, several connectors sitting on the viewing platform also left the table with different expressions.


"Ding dong! KP prompts: All maps this time have been cleared!"

Quan Heng, who was standing next to the portal, put down his hands and watched quietly as the buglers and countless heroic souls at the foot of the mountain were wrapped in bright white spots of light, and were gently sent into the beam of light in a daze.

From the sinful and desolate land of Three Cities, several rays of light extend, leading to the portal of Wusu Bridge——

The bright light is like a white bird, spreading its wings and returning home.

Quan Heng slowly relaxed and entered the portal with Mu Jing.

The portal closed and the beam of light slowly dissipated.

And as the light pillar in the sky faded, countless bright and gentle starlights also spread out where the light pillar disappeared.

They fell in the smoke-filled battlefields of the three cities, fell on the bones with mountains of evidence of guilt in the second city, and kissed the foreheads of the souls who had been tortured and could not rest in peace in the first city.

Like a heavy snowfall, tears are shed in the vast expanse of whiteness.

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