Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 165 The soul returns to its hometown

Human World-Shencheng

"Hey, He Keming is really good at lantern art. It's hard to see authentic ones these days, and we can only see them on Hero Street!"

"That's right, they're all passed down. You're here to travel, girls, take a look..."

"Hey, Captain He is here!"

On the ancient street where people were coming and going, the old lady who set up a small bench and shelf in front of her house waved and responded with a smile: "Yes, come out to bask in the sun and cut some paper."

"Lao Hai's craftsmanship is here," the woman who spoke told the tourists. "The old man is over a hundred years old. He used to be the leader of the frontline women's pioneer group. In the team, he often gave haircuts to his comrades. Now he likes to come out to bask in the sun and take photos when he has nothing to do. Wear old photos and cut paper.”

He Yuan placed an old photo album on her knees, put on her reading glasses, and turned to an old photo of Shencheng before the war——

This is the one she looks at most, a photo taken with her comrade Ming He.

——This is also the only group photo.

But He Yuan didn't need to look at the photos anymore, she already knew the faces of her comrades just by bowing her head and cutting paper.

She is already over a hundred years old, and her eyesight doesn't work that well even if she wears spectacles. From time to time she holds up the paper-cuts and looks at them in the sun.

But this time when he raised his hand, there was a person standing in front of him.

The old man was stunned and slowly put down the paper-cutting, but the lifelike face on the paper-cutting became real inch by inch under the sunlight. The girl was carrying a big knife and had not yet changed into her military uniform. She stood against the light, like a scene in a dream.

"Little girl..." The old lady stared blankly at Ming He in front of her, her old hands gradually started to tremble, her eyes under her reading glasses were blurred by tears, which fell along her cheeks on the old photo album, and she cried because of the long time.

" look a lot like an old friend of mine." She said with trembling lips.

Tianfu-Old Noodle House

"It's still the same bite, so strong!"

"It goes without saying that the boss's father was the former squad leader of the cooking class, so his skills are incredible!"

"Hey, why is the old man here!" The customer was praising, when suddenly he saw the centenarian man walking in the door, still full of energy, "Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

The old customer smiled when he saw this and said, "Old monitor, are you here to inspect again?"

"That's right," He Lianghong also sat down with a smile and said to the waiter who came over, "Let me see if the dan dan noodles you make are up to standard. Don't embarrass me and cut corners to make dirty money!"

"I've known for a long time that you want dandan noodles," the waiter smiled at the old boss, "I've prepared yours a long time ago, I'm sure you'll be satisfied!"

After saying that, he served the hot dan dan noodles. He Lianghong looked at the noodles on the table. When he picked up his chopsticks, someone suddenly sat across from him.

He Lianghong was stunned and slowly looked up, only to see the shabby and thin military uniform, the young man's frosty eyebrows and blue lips.

"Squad leader," the fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy looked at him and slowly shed tears, "I'm hungry, I want to eat our dan dan noodles."

He Lianghong's hands were trembling, and he dropped the chopsticks in his hands under the puzzled gaze of the waiter, with tears streaming down his face.



"My mother can't hold on much longer, but those beasts keep dragging her away without even a single apology!"

"Aunt Sheng, please calm down," the doctor's voice sounded outside the room, "Grandma Sheng's health is already very bad. She suffered too much back then, and she only managed it with one thought. We..."

In the room, Sheng Baiwan closed her eyes, feeling the pain that had been in her body for several years. The area on her leg infected by the poisonous gas was still festering, and more invisible wounds on her body were haunted by nightmares.

"The scenery along the Qinhuai River is splendid, and the girl..."

The familiar sound of pipa sounded in the memory, gradually overlapping with reality.

Sheng Baiwan suddenly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the girl playing the pipa under the light.

She blinked, tears fell down the corners of her eyes, and her lips trembled: "Sister Yue'e... is that you...?"

"It's me." An Yuee stopped and looked at her with gentle eyes, "Sister Wan, I'm back to see you."

"These years..." An Yuee wiped away her tears and smiled, but her tears couldn't stop, "Thank you for your hard work."

Sheng Baiwan shook her head with tears in her eyes, but then nodded: "Sister Yue'e... I feel uncomfortable."

"I'll take the pipa and sing another song for you," An Yuee'e touched her forehead, "After listening to it, we won't feel uncomfortable."

Sheng Baiwan nodded slowly, watching her play the pipa with her fingers, but her tears unknowingly soaked the pillow.

Zhongzhou-Hero Monument

"The part I played just now was still not good. We said we were playing the trumpet for our ancestors, so how could it be bad?"

In front of the Hero Monument, the teacher patiently said to the students holding the bugle: "Let's perform it again. When we go to the cemetery tomorrow, we must play like a young man in the new era to these seniors who are protecting our home and country!"

"Okay!" the children responded in unison. "Good boy," the teacher smiled happily and said again, "Get ready-"

The sound of the charge trumpet was one step ahead of her command. The teacher was stunned and looked up in the direction where the bugle sounded.

All the children holding trumpets also looked. They stood under the national flag and stared for a long time at the bugler who blew the bugle.

Military uniforms were burned by artillery fire, and military flags burned by gunpowder smoke fluttered in the wind.

The golden trumpet shines brightly, and its high-pitched sound lasts for a long time.

There was silence in front of the Hero Monument for a long time. The trumpeter slowly put down his trumpet and looked at the group of children wearing red scarves among the seemingly unaware crowd.

The teacher unknowingly burst into tears. She wiped away her tears and suddenly realized something.

Except for them, no one else seemed to notice the trumpeter's presence.

"Classmates," she said, "salute to the seniors."

The children raised their hands one after another and gave the Young Pioneer salute to the trumpeter. The trumpeter looked at them in the sun and raised his hands to salute at the moment when the white doves were flying in front of the hero monument.

The dove of peace flies between the flags, as if building a white bridge between artillery fire and tranquility, a meeting and companionship in different time and space.

——It is a watch that spans a century.

Furukawa-Central Hospital

"Don't worry, it's fine. It's just that the old man is old and his body is definitely not as good as that of young people." After checking the ward, the doctor helped the old man adjust the drip speed, and then said, "Just take a good supplement when you wake up, and go out first. "

Nie Cang nodded slowly and followed the doctor out of the ward. The only sound left in the room was the beeping sound of the instruments.

I don’t know how long it took, but a pair of hands gently wrapped the old man’s old and thin hands.

Jiang Jin quietly looked at the appearance of his beloved wife, and reached out to lift her forehead to spread her hair, just like before.

"Xinlan, I'm back to see you." Jiang Jin whispered, "I'm sorry, I broke my promise for so long and I haven't protected you yet."

Looking at his beloved wife's haggard face, he unknowingly moistened his eyes, "I'm sorry, Xinlan, I'm sorry..."

Jiang Jin trembled and buried himself in his arms. Suddenly he felt someone gently touching his head with a weak voice:

"I heard your voice in my dream, and I thought that the strange things before had given me new hope... Are you really back?"

Jiang Jin suddenly raised her head, only to see Tang Xinlan froze suddenly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Ah Jin..." Tang Xinlan touched his face with trembling hands, "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Jin shook his head: "It doesn't hurt."

He pursed his lips and smiled: "Glorious."

Tang Xinlan also smiled, tears falling down her cheeks: "Okay."

"Stop crying, haven't I come back?" Jiang Jin helped her wipe away her tears, "There is no kapok now, but if..."

As soon as he said the word "kapok", golden light suddenly emitted from his arms. Jiang Jin was startled and took out the little paper dove from his arms.

The little white dove suddenly blinked smartly, tilted its head towards the two of them, then spread its wings and flew up, casting a pale golden light around the room: green branches and leaves grew, and the petals of the hero flower bloomed with strong curves, welcoming the spring. Spreads from the top of the tree downwards.

——In this way, spring hope blooms in the depressed season.

"This is... kapok." Tang Xinlan murmured as she looked at the grand scene in front of her.

[My sister asked me to give this to you. 】

The child's words echoed in her ears. Jiang Jin frowned and whispered "Thank you" in a low voice.

"Wow! Look! There are so many white birds outside! So beautiful!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation outside. Jiang Jin and Tang Xinlan also looked at the glass and saw countless white birds soaring across the sky.

"This is it?" Tang Xinlan looked at Jiang Jin's focused eyes, and her heart moved slightly.

"I'm back home, my soul has returned to my hometown." Jiang Jin looked at the white bird and said softly, "When you see the person you want to see, you will feel at ease."

"By the way," Jiang Jin looked at Tang Xinlan and smiled softly, "I know a few friends, including our children. Let me tell you..."

Ding Dong!

"KP summary: The world has been decided. Congratulations to you all for opening up the Ekhi-Daybreak way (humanity direction)"

The white bird from the human world flew into the border area, fluttering its wings and landing on the shoulders of Quan Heng, Mu Jing, and the Mad Hatter.

The three of them narrowed their eyes slightly in greeting, and the white bird nodded, and flew high in the next moment, heading towards the stars in the sky.

Under the gaze of countless people, the heroic soul turned into a white bird and flew to the nest of the sea of ​​stars. Following the stars, the soul rested in its hometown.

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