"It looks like I'm going to be hungry, which is really an unpleasant thing."

The Mad Hatter glanced at the battered monster meat. He felt a little regretful about the seasonings he had spent. He felt his withered stomach carefully and concluded: "I probably won't be hungry soon."

After being promoted to the 3S sequence, human-related appetite, material desire, and even lust will be reduced.

It's like stripping away some of the "human" characteristics.

"Then let's skip the stage of food." The young man squatted on the edge of the pile of matches, tilted his head to look at Quan Heng and the others, and asked earnestly, "Let's go to help Jiang now... Oh yes, who is Jiang Jinjiang gentlemen?"

His cloak fell on the firewood ash behind him, but it was still not stained, and there was a faint golden sheen on the edges.

——Special items.

At least the rare ones.

[Hey, the Mad Hatter is full of top-notch items. As far as wearable special items are concerned, they are rare. I have learned a lot. ]

[What’s the use of your knowledge? Quan Heng, a newbie who has passed the game three times, is a real savant. Okay, is this the law of higher order attraction? Danger is danger, but this is all about stacking buffs and feeding her with resources. ]

[Laughing, your thesis was not established from the beginning. Quan Heng himself is not an ordinary person. Have you ever seen any newcomer set records so frequently? People first have strength and potential before they routinely add buffs. ]

[Upstairs said that the Mad Hatter also added a boost buff back then, and he was the linker of the S15 season, so he was the most brilliant. ]

"Jiang Jin," Jiang Jin responded, bowing slightly, "Thank you in advance for your help."

The Mad Hatter propped up his chin and looked up and down Jiang Jin, and said "oh" twice in surprise.

"Are you really a cultivated... soul?"

He paused and pressed the playing cards over his eyes with some uncertainty. The outline of Jiang Jin's original body was reflected in his pale golden eyes——

Wearing the old military uniform that has experienced the smoke of gunfire, he has a tall and straight posture, a handsome appearance, and an indescribable calmness and determination between his eyebrows.

The whole body is exuding a pale golden light. This is the energy fluctuation that can only be generated by souls with pure faith and who have truly done noble things during their lifetime.

"You are not a resident of the new world, but a human soul that has been sucked in?"

The Mad Hatter put down his hand and suddenly realized: "No wonder it's a mission to let you go back."

"Why?" Mu Jing was confused.

"Child, I just realized that there is a child, and my attention was not here just now."

The Mad Hatter perked up and put his hand into his front pocket. His pocket was obviously small, but there seemed to be a lot of space when he put it in.

He pulled out a square piece of thin paper more than 20 centimeters without any creases. He quickly removed the afterimage with very dexterous hands, and folded the ordinary brown paper into a vivid puppy in a few seconds.

It was even three-dimensional, just like Mu Xiaoliu in Mu Jing's arms.

"Wow! That's amazing!" Mu Jing's eyes lit up and she applauded.

"Thank you for supporting me. I like the way children are surprised the most."

The Mad Hatter pinched the puppy's tail and shook it happily, and said with a smile: "Here, I'll give it to you."

Mu Jing hesitated and looked up at Quan Heng.

A good child will not come into contact with strangers just because of a toy. This is the most basic safety awareness.

The Mad Hatter noticed and turned his gaze away, looking at Quan Heng together with Mu Jing, and asked seriously: "Madam, parent, can I give the origami puppy to this child?"

If it were another scene, this scene could be said to be a joke among young people, but in a place that had just experienced hunting, his serious inquiry was both weird and ridiculous.

Quan Heng nodded as usual, "Thank you."

Mu Jing held the puppy in her hands, her eyes seemed to have stars in her eyes, and she thanked her emphatically: "Thank you, big brother!"

"You're welcome, I haven't seen any children in Ekhi."

The Mad Hatter watched Mu Jing happily take the origami puppy, and he also smiled happily.

"When I was little, I wanted to be a comedian, or a street clown, so that a lot of people would like me - and I could do whatever I wanted and act weird and no one would think I was weird."

"Big brother, many people like you now, and you are number one," Mu Jing said. "When I was in school, everyone said, 'First place is the most glorious and most popular,' so you are also popular!"

"I haven't been to school. It turns out that school is like this. It sounds very interesting."

The Mad Hatter rubbed his chin and stood up with a smile. The shadow reflected by the firelight lengthened as he stood up.

"But this game is different. The number one player is sought after and welcomed by non-professional players, but they don't really like me. On the contrary, they are all jealous of me and afraid of me, and no one wants to form a team with me.

"They like me because I can bring them emotional stimulation and gambling gains. This kind of entertainment income without any effort is what they really like and pursue. I am just a false carrier, just like being Trapped in a cage, with its feathers clipped to perform like an eagle.”

The Mad Hatter chuckled lightly, put one hand in his pocket and stepped down from the edge of the piled firewood pit. He raised his other hand and moved his index and middle fingers together. The shackles restraining the giant beast behind him suddenly loosened, and the clear dark red chains flew into the air and closed. A brand icon that transforms into a flag.

The shackles pattern gradually dilutes and disperses, like the process of fireworks scattering into broken stars in the dark night.

[Brand: Endless Shackles]

[Loneliness is a shackle, freedom is a shackle, death gives this decayed phantom the meaning of life. 】

[Explanation of the brand: The attribute of the brand is control type, and the concrete shape is shackles. The bound person loses the sequence ability, has a confinement state that lasts for 10 seconds, and the health value continues to decrease]

"As for the initial problem, it's because Ekhi is a map that leads directly to the new world, not some inexplicable small space far away from the royal area and not even connected to the dungeon."

It was obviously Mu Jing's problem, but the Mad Hatter looked at Quan Heng. He knew very well who was the backbone here.

"In the new world, monster citizens will have privileges, and humans will be prohibited from passing through. Players will still be absorbed into the new world's souls."

"Then the Three-City Pass is also a privilege given to monsters," Quan Heng calmly turned his eyes and continued what he said, "Humans are not eligible to obtain it."

Therefore, Jiang Jin and other talents have never been able to get the three-city pass, and they almost died here and could not return home.

"Bingo, correct answer."

The Mad Hatter snapped his fingers and suddenly approached Quan Heng's ear with a smile and whispered.

"I remember who you are. You are Quan Heng, whose head is being offered a high price in the New World and the Day and Night Frontier, right?"

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