“The greening on the seventh floor is well done.”

Quan Heng looked around and smiled softly.

It was her first time to come to the club area on the seventh floor, but everyone who met Quan Heng greeted him respectfully, and even called every Sang Ting by name.

"Now...are all your people here?"

Entering the renovated living room on the seventh floor, Song Jingyun discovered that it resembled the interior of Lanzhuang, and there was even a chessboard.

"Because my time is too precious to waste."

Quan Heng sat down, looked at the chessboard and held up his pieces: "So I cleaned the inside as quickly as possible."

"You want to deal with the troublemakers here?" Song Jingyun sat across from him, "But killing is prohibited in the border area."

"What are the rules of the border area? You can solve it by throwing game coins, and you can break it by using props and privileges," Quan Heng smiled, "I don't want to dirty my Lanzhuang. It's the place my mother left for me. I can't get any of it. Bloody filth."

"And the border area is already dirty enough, it doesn't matter if it's a little bit dirtier."

There was movement outside the window, and Quan Heng turned his head to look.

"——The show begins."


"Second Master, the boss's previous instructions were to complete the matter within ten minutes."

Seeing Sang Ting in place, his subordinates whispered, "The sooner you say it, the better. It's best for each person to only deal with one person and do it himself."

"Yeah." Sang Ting's eyebrows were cold, "A bunch of blind people - I'll keep an eye on those who deserve to be watched. If I let them run away, I won't show mercy."

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged." The subordinate said, "As long as they fall into the trap..."

Sang Ting's eyes turned violent as he looked at the few people entering the club and sneered: "Do it."

Song Jingyun looked through the one-way bulletproof window at the chaos outside the house, then turned to look at Quan Heng who was calmly playing chess.

The right hand holds black and white and places the pieces on the chessboard.

The Eighteen Zi is twisted in the heart of the left hand, and even the frequency of rotation is slow and orderly.

"As expected of my boss, the bottom line is really stable." Song Jingyun sat across from Quan Heng and joked, "No matter how wind blows from east to west, north to south, I will remain unmoved."

Quan Heng gave him a look, slowly sat up straight, and the black pieces collected in his hand fell from the knuckled palm into the chess jar:

"I gave the order, and I want to see satisfactory results. If you can't deal with this kind of mess..."

After all the chess pieces fell from his hand, Quan Heng calmly stopped: "I don't raise idle people, let alone worthless trash."

"You let Mu Jing go back to sleep and let Sang Ting go kill people?"

"Different knives have different uses and care methods."

Song Jingyun was silent for two seconds and picked up the black chess jar.

"I'll go first and stay with you for the next game, and see how long you can survive."

Quan Heng smiled and saw that Heizi went first, "How about playing chess without sticking to your eyes?"

Black has an advantage if he moves first. Generally, in order to offset the efficiency of Black's first move, in current games, when calculating the outcome in the final game, Black needs to post three and three-quarters of his stones. In ancient times, the seat system was used to limit the first-mover advantage, which is to first place two black and white stones in the diagonal star positions.

But the seats are not as restrictive as those of Tiemu, and the first mover still has more advantages.

"Hey, you don't have to give in, and in ancient times, Bai Zi went first, so don't do this fancy thing of mixing ancient and modern times."

Song Jingyun said in disapproval, with standard moves: "I said you can hold on for as long as you want, but I can't beat you, and I won't take advantage of you on the chessboard."

Quan Heng only smiled: "Okay."

"Now can you tell us your purpose of being so public?" Song Jingyun asked: "Spread your brand, and the forum will be on the front page for three days."

"Isn't it bad? It just makes up for the lack of competition promotion."

Quan Heng hung up the corner and played chess, breaking Song Jingyun's corner route.

"The reason why I made such a big fuss is to promote the competition. This can also achieve the purpose of finding opponents for the intercontinental competition."

"Looking for opponents in the intercontinental competition..." Song Jingyun paused and suddenly remembered, "Yes, you have to find your own opponents in the intercontinental competition. Tomorrow and the next two days will be the free laning and combination period!"

The team competition format of the "Secret Forbidden Zone" intercontinental competition is quite special.

The border system only issues orders and rules, and each competition area conducts PK duels according to competition requirements. Only one PK can be conducted a day, and multiple teams can participate in one game.

A team wins 1 point and loses 2 points. Finally, the rankings are based on points, with a total score of 20 points. The first side can allocate five global competition places each season, that is, Quan Heng and others can enter the global competition if they get the top five points in the intercontinental competition.

There are two days of laning combination period and twelve days of official competition period.

As for why there is a laning combination period... it is because the official does not organize a battle list.

Want to get points during the official competition period? Yes, you can either spend game currency to buy through the system during the combination period to make arrangements, or you can find contacts yourself, otherwise you won't even have the chance to play games and earn points.

"I'm really convinced. This intercontinental competition is really like the selection of the Chinese men's football team." Song Jingyun leaned against the chessboard with a headache. "If you want to play, you have to pay money first, or you have to find connections to buy connections. This system really changes the human world. The "essence" has been learned thoroughly. "

"Because the borderland is a dark microcosm of the human world, rotten, dirty, and inhumane, like dirty water in a ditch."

Quan Heng placed small flying birds on both sides, flanking his star position, and arranged the two flying swallows. His voice lost its warmth:

"And this turbid water breeds a bunch of maggots, creating a vicious cycle again, creating a current situation of exploitation, profit-seeking, plunder and oppression."

The noise outside was faintly transmitted indoors, and the jackals attracted by the fragrance and wealth were in a mess. Most of the people who followed were reckless and ignorant, with blind confidence in their abilities and a rotten love of biting each other. .

“Everyone is trying to find ways to draw blood from elsewhere to make up for the grievances they have suffered, to increase their own value and the bargaining chips they have, so as to ensure that they are not the worst one - people unknowingly fall into the vortex of similar competition and devaluation , eventually forming internal friction in the same layer.

"The biggest beneficiaries of this kind of internal friction are the exploiters at the highest level. Because the lower and lower levels are actively or passively involved in internal friction, no one has the time or energy to think about who is the culprit of this pain. .

"Even if some people think about it, they will be unable to unite because of suspicion and scruples, let alone fight against exploitation regardless of their own safety. So they become paralyzed again, imprisoned by hidden rules and shackles again.

"And these vampire bats just need to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor."

Song Jingyun couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine, and said softly: "Border system?"

“In the frontier it is indeed He, for it is He who guides and makes the rules.”

Quan Heng laughed softly, "In our world, it is the upper-class people who control and monopolize most of the resources. Such resources include but are not limited to the economy, connections, power, but also include information, medical care, education, etc. .With these resources in hand, you also have the power to formulate social rules and unspoken rules."

Song Jingyun was dazed and his heartbeat was a little abnormal. This kind of intertwining of reality and illusion was so suffocating.

"Of course, what I just said was wrong."

Quan Heng stretched out his hand to remove several sunspots and poured them into his own jar:

"That is why the Lambs can unite without hesitation, but mostly in order to become the upper echelons of this old order, to become exploiters of the old world, to become new vampires, to taste the taste of power."

Quan Heng raised his eyes with a smile in his eyes: "After all, who doesn't like power?"

"I also like that power can change many things. If you want to break away from the control of the game and change the order of the border area, you need power."

But she is not a lamb, she is a poisonous snake, a poisonous snake that has long been perched on the pile of bones.

"The seventh level is just the beginning. Although I used the method of stripping away the brand to replace everyone with my people, this exchange of blood is not enough. There are still too few professional players - I need more, and everyone who comes is Professional gamer, this is also one of the purposes of exposing my brand.

"The one who wishes will take the bait."

Quan Heng held the black robe, curved his lips and smiled:

"This move is just right."

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