The sounds outside the building gradually became quieter, the door was knocked, and the servant came in with tea.

Quan Heng glanced at the chess game and said with a smile: "Taoist Song, are you going to admit defeat in the middle of the game?"

The situation is so bad that it is irreversible, and there is no point in continuing.

Song Jingyun picked up the two pieces and put them on the table. This was the sign that the Go player was admitting defeat.

"Admit defeat." Song Jingyun sighed, "I feel good enough."

"Yes, it's better than I expected." Quan Heng said.

Go can best reflect a person's scheming and temperament, and this game of chess can be regarded as another kind of honesty between the two of them.

Song Jingyun was able to fight alone for so long. It was impossible for him to have only the same skills as before. She was looking forward to the super S sequence without hiding his clumsiness.

"Boss, the traces outside have almost been cleaned up."

The man put down the tea and asked softly, "Do you want to go take a look?"

"No." Quan Heng took a sip of tea to cheer him up, "You can go out first."

"Yes." His men gently closed the door.

Quan Heng breathed a sigh of relief and pressed his eyebrows tiredly.

"The body is the capital of revolution. Your body... you should think less about it."

Song Jingyun took a sip of hot tea, thought for a while and then suggested: "How about you and I go to the mountains to live for a few days, so that you can be pure and meditate - my ancestor really wants to meet you, maybe you and I are destined."

Quan Heng laughed. She did not respond, but turned around and approached the glass wall of the room.

Song Jingyun pursed his lips and lowered his eyes at the three copper coins in his hand.

"Daozhang Song, ask what you want to ask and say what you want to say."

Quan Heng suddenly spoke and looked at Song Jingyun through the reflective glass.

"If I miss this opportunity today, I probably won't tell the truth."

Song Jingyun was quiet and asked in a low voice, "Did you kill all the bounty hunters on the seventh floor?"


"There are so many people from all over the world. Where do you come from and what time do you log out?"

"Trading with Bianyu." Quan Heng fiddled with the beads, "I can't comment on the content of the transaction."

"……it is good."

Silence fell in the room.

Song Jingyun twisted the copper coin and thought of the hexagram he had drawn:

Even though he couldn't calculate Quan Heng's outcome or her clear destiny, that hexagram really affected luck. If he couldn't control this move well, he didn't know what the outcome would be.

But if he gives an early warning to avoid disaster, the person with the greatest impact will not be Quan Heng. This kind of leakage can be fatal if not managed well.

——This is also the reason why the interpretation of hexagrams by warlocks is always confusing.

Quan Heng, Quan crazy man who insists on taking risky moves.

"I am not opposed to using violence to fight violence, nor am I opposed to eradicating the roots."

Song Jingyun tightened his grip on the coins in his hand, raised his head, and spoke with a sigh:

"Quan Heng, they deserve death, but you know it's easy for you to do this..."

"——I won't die well." Quan Heng interrupted what he wanted to say lightly.

Song Jingyun suddenly froze on the spot, watching Quan Heng slowly turn his head and put his hand on his chin.

There was an obvious smile on her face, but there was no emotion in her black eyes, which only made people feel cold all over.

"I will die badly."

Slowly and clearly, word for word.

"...Don't say that."

Song Jingyun felt cold in his heart and exhaled tremblingly: "Quan Heng, don't say that. It's just bad luck, but you are legitimate..."

"It goes without saying, Taoist Master Song."

Quan Heng shook his head slightly, and his smile became slightly warmer:

“I know exactly what I am doing, what I have done, and what I will face on the path I choose.

"You can't stand this rotten world, and I also hate this rotten order, but am I not one of the defenders of this rot?

"I used it to gain authority from this chaos, and I am just as dirty as it. If the night crows are used to symbolize chaos, decay, and darkness like literature, then I am also one of them."

Quan Heng turned the beads, his white clothes were clean and moist, he closed his eyes in the dim light of the border area, his voice was still gentle and calm.

“No matter how out of place the white crow is, it is still part of the crow flock.

"The bright new world doesn't need me."

At dusk and dawn, the dim light in the borderland falls on those child-like eyes, as bright as the morning star when they first wake up from ignorance.

"This is the same as your idea of ​​retiring to seclusion in the prosperous age, except that I belong to chaos, am not a good person, and will never be compatible with the real light. Of course, I don't think my ending will be so tragic.

"The old world of chaos will never end. Maybe I won't be able to see the light on the day of my natural death."

Quan Heng suddenly turned her head, and the glimmer of light splashed on the tips of her hair, and her cheeks were bathed in the dawn light. It was so beautiful that the breath of those who saw it was stagnant.

"Don't worry, Taoist Song."

She looked at Song Jingyun with a warm smile on her face:

"Maybe I can live a long life."

Song Jingyun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Quan Heng turned around and said, "Go down and take a look."


There were corpses everywhere, and Quan Heng walked around them calmly. They are like unique sprinklers on the border, quietly spraying blood until all the blood dries up.

The ground became sticky, and stepping on it felt like stepping on expired glue. The viscosity was not high and it smelled bad. The light red silk threads stretched and broke when I lifted my feet.

"It's so dirty, isn't it?"

"But one day, I'm going to clean this place up."

Quan Heng took steps to walk towards the port, when suddenly brilliant fireworks exploded directly above the twin screens.


"KP summary: The world has been decided. Congratulations to the players for unlocking the Ekhi-Daybreak way (human direction)"

The connectors who had already stood up and were about to leave the viewing platform turned around in shock and looked at the screen where fireworks exploded in celebration.

They didn't leave the viewing platform simply because it was not peaceful outside and they wanted to stay quiet.

But I didn’t expect that the screen would go black for almost half an hour, and there would be a surprise.

After the fireworks, golden notes suddenly emitted from the projection equipment and were projected around the viewing platform——

The score of the piano song "Victory" took shape, and the notes brushed past everyone's cheeks and foreheads with substance, forming stars flowing in the dark space.

The melody began to rise, and it sounded from a location other than District 1 like never before, spreading to the entire border area!

"No, isn't it true that only the first sequence of IMAX theaters can enjoy the celebration song?!"

"Damn it, didn't Quan Heng let it go when he tested the waters? But he also spent resources to enter the first area of ​​the viewing platform. What kind of record has this been broken? Why is the celebration song played in areas other than the first area? !! "

Outside the viewing platform, people watching the notes coming from Area 4 were dumbfounded:

"What's going on? It's not Zone 1, right? Then how come there are notes coming out?!"

"Look at the twin screens! Look at the twin screens, family!"

Ding Dong!

Connector Quan Heng-data has been submitted!

The joyful sound of the dual-screen system sounded——

[A total of 301660 emotional points were harvested in this game, and a total of 686988 game coins were obtained! ! Breaking the professional rookie record from the S1-17 season! Reach the top of the rookie list and enter the top of the new gods! Breaking the record for the fastest rise in history! 】

One wave after another, the originally dull music style in the void changed. At the moment when the female and male voices accompanied the piano music, it officially entered a majestic climax, and all the notes vibrated together!

The border system’s celebrations pushed people’s consternation to a climax——

【Ding! Congratulations to Quan Heng, the first border connector, for winning the title of "Emperor Sequence-Preparatory Position"! Become the first player in the restricted area game to win this title in four games! Unprecedented and unprecedented! 】

【Ding! All channels have been announced and rewarded! ! 】

The sound of the border system set off a storm, instantly exploding on the global channel. Countless connectors in the seven border areas stopped to watch the playback screen suspended above the border areas——

【Ding! Big news: Quan Heng, the connector of the first border area...]

The announcements from the Second Frontier continued. The man cleaning the knife paused and turned his head to look out the window.

His light blond hair lay softly on his shoulders, and his vintage French white shirt was stained with blood.

"It's been a while since I heard a game-wide announcement."

He stood up and stepped on the pure white carpet casually with his bare feet. Blood bloomed on the snow carpet: "It's not taboo, it's not the Mad Hatter. The First Frontier has a new god? It sounds like a Chinese."


"Chief, he's from the First Frontier again."

In the fourth realm, the girl wearing a red hood and sitting by the window turned around and said to the lady behind her who was making black tea: "It's a name I've never heard of before."

"Yeah, that's normal."

The elegant lady raised her hand and said with a gentle smile: "I just didn't expect that the intercontinental competition will start tomorrow. Today, I am stuck on the final ranking reward of S18 to earn achievements - come on, the black tea will not taste good when it is cold."


"I won the emperor reserve position for the fourth time, cool!"

In the sixth border, the beret girl who was painting immediately stood up and waved to the girl who was observing the seagulls not far away, her eyes bright:

"Chief! I want to buy coordinates with Bianyu now, and I want to fly to Asia to have a look!! I won't be attending the intercontinental competition, there is nothing fun anyway! I will be back for the global competition!"

The girl holding the telescope only glanced at her and said "oh" indifferently, as if she didn't really care about her life or death.

"Don't worry," the girl picked up the drawing board, "If I see her -"

She grinned, her eyes filled with interest and danger, "If you are too weak, you will be killed and used as paint~ Don't miss me~ Bye!"

The girl looking at the seagull sighed and shook her head, muttering and turning her head to continue observing.

"These days, mental illness that seeks death has become common."


First side.

"Quan Heng?" The woman standing under the Beidou of stars chuckled, "This man is indeed powerful."

"Then Earl, should we take action?"

The girl following him tilted her head, "The Special Investigation Bureau has sent a negotiation email to the leader, hoping that we will not take action against Quan Heng in the human world, otherwise it will count as..."

"It counts as tearing face off with the Special Bureau?"

The count sneered, "No, when did our Red Right Hand become affiliated with their special investigation bureau? We have already complied with the national regulations not to carry guns, and we still want to extend our hands to the head of the private scavenger organization. That incident six years ago I haven’t done the math yet.”

The girl asked tentatively: "Then let's..."

"Jie," she said, walking towards the port, "even if it doesn't succeed, let the Special Investigation Bureau see its attitude."


"It turns out that if you reach the top of the rookie list and reach the top 20 in the New Gods sequence, the system will push relevant information on the list."

Inside the club, Quan Heng looked at the announcement that popped up.

His eyes stayed on the top of the list of new gods for a moment, and he suddenly smiled softly.

“What an unexpected, expected surprise.”

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