At the end of September, Wugang officially settled in Gujiang, and Quan Heng used the opportunity to celebrate his birthday by entertaining celebrities.

After the feast, a low-key and elegant "Qu Shui Liu Shang Banquet" was held in Lanzhuang. All the partners of Wugang were invited, as well as company bosses and people from all walks of life who were interested in cooperation.

"Boss, a guest has entered Lanzhuang."

Family office manager An Lan knocked on the door and said respectfully: "It is recommended that you arrive within ten minutes. All procedures have been arranged for you."

"I see."

Quan Heng nodded slightly and looked at Liu Shen, the boss of the mobile phone digital company who came across to ask for cooperation.

"You...why don't I come back another day." Liu Shen was embarrassed and embarrassed, "I still have too many questions to ask today."

If her mother hadn't helped Quan Heng when he was at his lowest point, how could she have received such treatment? The disparity in achievements was so disparate that it was disturbing...

"It doesn't matter, there will be no delay." Quan Heng said with a smile, "So the essence is that domestic products pursue cost performance, and your company wants to improve its brand advantage."

"Yes, we want to take the high-end route. Low profits are not friendly to employees."

Quan Heng nodded, thought a little, and spoke gently and patiently:

"I still suggest that some of your company's products continue to take the low-profit route, and the core products become high-end, and the two tracks are differentiated. There is nothing wrong with pursuing cost-effectiveness, but for merchants whose brand awareness is not high enough, cost-effectiveness itself is the best advertisement , is also the best advantage in facing brand competition.

“If you don’t have brand awareness and abandon product cost-effectiveness, you won’t be able to compete with other well-known data brands, and you won’t be able to bring social value that can impact the upper market. Only with the support of cost-effectiveness will it be easier to open up the sinking market.”

Liu Shen was not willing to accept it: "But the wages of our employees are low now. If we raise the price, we will double the profit margin..."

Quan Heng took the time to pour out the warm tea in his hand and said:

"The current economic downturn and sluggish consumption are obviously a problem of distribution. The sinking market with the greatest demand has the least money in its hands. With such an environment, how does your company plan to raise prices? Is the sinking market really going to sink after raising prices? Can it support it?

"Let's talk about profit margins again. Price increases cannot drive profits up. If profit margins double, will the income of lower-level employees double? No, the essence is that wealth is still in the pockets of a few people.

“So do what I say first and develop in a limited environment. This kind of mainstream enterprise still has to look at the environment to survive.

"I still have something to do. Someone will take you out later. Remember to say hello to Aunt Liu for me."

Quan Heng said and left.

"She came here to invest, not really to ask questions."

An Lan, who was waiting outside, immediately moved forward, pushed the wheelchair, and whispered: "From the time she started her business to now, you have been the one to help her every time, and now she is actually using employees' wages as the excuse. It has gone bad, why should you bother anymore. "

"I was just helping. Her mother was the same way back then and didn't bother to say anything." Quan Heng said,

"But she... When a small business sees capital, it wants to imitate it and become capital and pursue greater development. So it wants to learn to search for the sinking market. It doesn't want low profits and wants the effect of a big brand. It's too greedy and short-term. See you."

After all, An Lan is a confidant, and she is also the family office manager. She can see through some things, and she only dares to speak to Quan Heng if she feels deep in her heart.

“The development of capital must open the market to the outside world, and inject excess profits from the external market into the internal market to drive market development. If we only think about internal circulation, it is impossible to continue to let the upper class plunder the wallets of the sinking market.

"If the economy is driven by rising prices, just like today's real estate market, by overdrafting residents' wallets and driving economic development by high residents' debt, a lot of blood will be shed when the bubble bursts."

Quan Heng said softly, "Yes" and said calmly: "When she goes bad, someone will deal with it."

An Lan was startled for a moment, then a chill ran down his spine, and he responded in a low voice.

That's right, how could the boss be so soft-hearted?

Once the bottom line is crossed, no matter what the feelings are, there will be no way to survive.

"Oh, Boss Heng!"

Someone from a distance greeted him warmly. Quan Heng raised his eyes and smiled:

"Song Bureau, long time no see."

"It's so grand!" Song Ju looked at the water flowing from all directions, and the tea snacks placed on bamboo trays were flowing in the center of the stone table. He couldn't help but sigh, "It's still elegant."

"You are a distinguished guest, how can I neglect you." Quan Heng raised his hand, "Please."


"It's so lively."

The two drivers who followed the guests were sitting not far away, looking at the banquet.

"How can she, a little girl, be so capable? I used to wonder, but now I know it when I see someone. It's no wonder she's so pretty," the driver said.

The other driver listened, looked at the person, and gave a strange and ambiguous smile: "They say people are good at what they do, no matter how sharp the knife, no matter how powerful the gun, no matter how ferocious the beast falls into the hands of someone else, it's not like being a janitor." A mad dog is a demon who protects his master, and even if he refines steel a hundred times, he can become soft and soft."

"Who says it's not the case? Our wife even asked me to keep an eye on her... You said she's just disabled and can still seduce people?"

"What's wrong with the disability? I can still play..."

Before the man could finish his lust, there was a sudden force of gravity on his shoulders, and he was immediately pulled up and overturned, and he was plunged headlong into the cobblestone road with a bloody head.

The other driver looked up in fear and saw a smartly dressed woman standing behind them. Before he could say anything, he punched her fiercely.

The force was so terrifying that he felt dizzy and heard the sound of something breaking.

When he reacted, he fell to the ground, his jaw broken.

"Trash." The woman snorted coldly and loosened her fists.

The commotion got louder, and the bodyguards patrolling the surrounding areas rushed over immediately. They were stunned when they saw the person: "Yun, Sister Yunbai?!"

"Who is in charge of Lanzhuang today? Can't you see the dirty things?"

Huo Yunbai took off his gloves and kicked the man down as he tried to get up. He could not suppress the ferocity between his eyebrows. "I saw this kind of stuff when I came back from my trip. If your dirty words reach the boss's ears, I will break your legs!"

The bodyguard in charge was so nervous that he lowered his head.

Huo Yunbai glanced at the banquet in the pavilion from a distance, took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Take care of these two bastards and call Sang Ting. He is so wild when I'm not here. I think the boss is too lax on him! Go quickly!"

The bodyguard who was nearby hurriedly responded and called for someone.

"Sister Yunbai is back? Are you still in a hurry to find me?"

Sang Ting was still confused when he was called over. When he saw Huo Yunbai, he said hello first: "Sister Yunbai, is everything going well? Why are you back so...ouch!"

Without saying a word, Huo Yunbai kicked him down. Sang Ting cursed: "What are you doing?!"

"Ask your men if you deserve this."

Sang Ting was stunned for a moment and looked at his subordinates. After the person he was looking at explained the cause and effect, Sang Ting's face darkened and he turned around and left.

"What are you going for?"

"I killed them!"

"If you dare to cause trouble for the Boss, I will kill you first." Huo Yunbai said coldly.

Sang Ting then suppressed his anger and gritted his teeth, wanting to say something but didn't.

"My business is going well, how is Boss doing lately?"

One code returns to another code, this matter is a turning point.

Huo Yunbai calmed down and answered the question.

"Boss, everything is fine." Sang Ting said in a low voice.

"Of course I know about the body, I mean the two newcomers who came with me."

"I've checked them all," Sang Ting said, "Mu Jing is an orphan. Song Jingyun is a good guy with a clean resume."

Huo Yunbai nodded and took a bite of a cigarette, but didn't light it.

Sang Ting took out a lighter from his pocket, "Want a fire?"

"Just hold one in your mouth and don't smoke." Huo Yunbai waved his hand, "I'll go see the boss later, and I won't be able to taste it."

She then lowered her eyes and glanced at Sang Ting's lighter, warning: "The smell of cigarette smoke is not good for the boss's health, and you are often around her, so don't smoke addictive things."

"I just used a fire when burning corpses a few days ago. Don't be unjust." Sang Ting casually threw the lighter to his men, "Quit your cigarette first, then kick me when you come back. It's true." your."

"Okay, brother, you have to deal with others." Huo Yunbai pointed at Sang Ting with his cigarette finger, and sneered, "You can drag me here for 25,800 yuan, but in front of the boss, you will behave like a cat."

"I'm happy to, what's wrong with pulling?" Sang Ting snorted, "Is it against the rules to pull?"

"Good boy, remember how unruly you are now." Huo Yunbai narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked, "When are you taking the midterm exam?"

Quan Heng didn't have time, so she was usually responsible for Sang Ting's studies.

"Seems to be……"

Sang Ting suddenly remembered something and was shocked: "Fuck! Tomorrow?!"

"Retribution is so fast, I was caught off guard." Huo Yunbai gestured, "Sister, I'll give you a 9 because the 6 was turned over."

"The exam will start at eight o'clock tomorrow, let alone review," Sang Ting said with a headache. "I haven't seen the seat number and test number in the exam room. They are all posted in the class."

"Then let me just take the test naked. If you don't follow the procedures, you will be embarrassed." Huo Yunbai threw the cigarette into the trash can and sneered, "There is no need to look at the examination room. According to the results, you designate the last examination room."

"It's nonsense. Our third-term high school entrance examination is a city-wide joint examination," Sang Ting retorted, "We don't arrange examination venues according to our scores."

"That's a good feeling."

Huo Yunbai laughed mercilessly. She looked a bit like Xu Hanbai, but her temperament was more ferocious and crazy. Her uncontrollable savage energy was all the smell of being grinded in the black boxing ring.

"Just throwing money at it, you really can't betray your appearance. As for your math and physics, just to pass the exam so as not to be embarrassed."

After all, research reports have said that at all stages, girls are more likely to be top-notch students, especially in science. IT was created by women, and WIFI was invented by women.

"..." Sang Ting was choked and speechless. The exam was really his Achilles' heel, "I would rather sleep than cheat."

"Yes, the Boss doesn't care about your grades. Cheating is just for fun." Huo Yunbai said, "But the Boss just wants you to go to school to temper your temper. There are a lot of jerks in the school."

Children's views of good and evil are often immature, and their bad deeds are more pure and disgusting.

"Well, the school has its own chain of discrimination."

Sang Ting saw it clearly, "It's not just the students, the teacher's colored glasses will only go too far."

"If you really can't stand it, just do it. The boss asked you to temper yourself, not to suffer injustice." Huo Yunbai said casually, "I'll go back to the room and take a shower first. I'll see the boss later. You keep an eye on everything in Lanzhuang."

"If anything happens again, I'll rip your head off and use it as a ball."

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