"Sister Yunbai brought you a gift, saying it was to make up for your birthday."

After the banquet, An Lan held a black wooden box and handed it to Quan Heng who was in the chess room.

"It's the fish skin clothing and paper cuttings of the Hezhe tribe, as well as the core carvings carved by Yun Bai himself. They are also inside. I heard that they have been carving since the beginning of the year."

Quan Heng opened the box and took a look. The fish skin clothes were stuffed with soft and velvet urala grass. The cloud patterns and deer patterns on the clothes were elegant and detailed, vivid and lifelike, simple and elegant, and there were also some fish skin paper-cuts from the shamanic culture.

There is a small box on the top. When you open it, you can see the hand-kneaded walnuts engraved with "Three Friends of Suihan".

The two sides of the wrinkled ridge are carved into a pine and a plum tree. The pine trees are vigorous, the plum trees are ancient, and the bamboos are luxuriant among the rocks.

The uneven wrinkled ridges on the walnuts are painted with knives and pens, the plum blossom petals have clear cores, the needles of pine leaves can be counted, and the bamboo leaves are dancing gracefully.

——It is indeed something Quan Heng would like.

"I'm good at craftsmanship. Let's keep it here." Quan Heng said, rubbing his eyebrows slightly tiredly.

"You have been too tired these past two days. Those people are all old foxes." An Lan felt a little distressed. "Everything you say is a trap, and some people even use your age, life experience, and body to make excuses."

Quan Heng was indeed very young, so young that he had to use more blood and intimidation to build such a huge interest group. She ascended to this position prematurely, and everyone was afraid, jealous, and envious, and everyone was waiting for her to collapse.

The road before her was narrow and dark. To light it, she had to burn the blood of her enemies.

Quan Heng sighed almost silently, and the tiredness she showed just now disappeared in an instant. When she lowered her eyes, she returned to the gentle and calm person who had no plans left, and even had a demeanor and etiquette that made it impossible to find anything wrong with her. people.

“They have formed an interest group that I want to join and it is normal to be scrutinized and questioned.

“But the tides turn and the emperor takes turns, so don’t be anxious.

"Let's go out first."

An Lan nodded, stood up and left.

After the door closed, Song Jingyun walked out from behind the screen, yawned lazily, and sat across from Quan Heng.

"Ouch! Why are you looking for me this late at night, Lafayette!

"Hurry up and tell me that I can go back to sleep peacefully. Otherwise, my morning class will be delayed tomorrow - I can't just sleep in the room every time. Let my master practice. In the long run, he will have to go around. You can't beat me on the mountain."

Quan Heng laughed and tapped his fingers on the box: "Our time is limited, you still have to meet this person below."

"The one who just gave you a gift," Song Jingyun yawned, "If it's not an urgent matter, you can wait until tomorrow, right?"

"I have something to do tomorrow, so I can only hurry up at night," Quan Heng said, "But it's not bad news."

"What on earth is so mysterious?"

"Aren't you a magician?" Quan Heng said leisurely, "You can forget it. Anyway, you have already betrayed me."

"Hey, little bastard, don't bear any grudge against me." Song Jingyun pointed at the window next to him and threatened, "There is no one here now, be careful I push you down!"

Quan Heng blinked and said regretfully: "The balance will be gone."

"Hey, you are really..."

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door, and Quan Heng tilted his head and said, "Come in."

Song Jingyun stopped speaking and looked at Sang Ting who pushed the door open and Huo Yunbai behind him.

"Boss," Huo Yunbai greeted Quan Heng first, then looked at Song Jingyun, squinting his eyes warily, "Daozhang Song."

Song Jingyun was not surprised that Quan Heng's subordinates would recognize him. He casually said "hmm", his eyes that were not lingering suddenly paused, and he looked back suddenly, hesitatingly saying: "Have I seen you somewhere before?"

In addition to the "memory blur" caused by substandard sequences and predicted sequences, there is also a certain "memory blur" effect between the connectors of non-forum friends in the border area, so as to avoid rash encounters in the human world and cause unnecessary trouble. Of course, the degree of this blurred memory is not deep.

This type of buff can be removed at once if the affected person tries to recall it, or if the person being investigated directly admits it.

"I haven't met him before, but I think I've seen him before."

Huo Yunbai spoke politely. After all, she didn't obey anyone except Quan Heng, and it was hard to see a good temper in this industry.

"If it weren't for the Boss, I wouldn't have any interest in understanding the defeated opponent."

"My general is defeated?"

Song Jingyun didn't care about the other party's tone and tried to remember: "I don't remember who I lost to? You..."

"New God Sequence."

Quan Heng reminded him warmly, "Daozhang Song, don't forget that you are second on the list, and there is a real first place ahead of you."

Song Jingyun was startled.

New God Sequence: A list formed by each continental division, with a total of fifty places on the list.

All connectors who have not participated in the global competition can enter the New God sequence, and they will be ranked in a weighted manner based on the sequence, the level and number of maps cleared, and the comprehensive channel data.

Song Jingyun has occupied the second place on the list for a long time since he was on the list. The one who has always been unbeatable at the top is——

"White Rakshasa?" Song Jingyun blurted out.

"it's me."

Huo Yunbai admitted frankly, "Huo Yunbai belongs to Wugang and only takes orders from the Boss."

"Your people?!" Song Jingyun looked at Quan Heng again, in disbelief, "Then Bai Raksha has a club for a full season, so what were we busy with before?"

Quan Heng rubbed his forehead helplessly: "I really didn't know about this before, and I just discovered it just now."

"Boss, it was my fault for not reporting to you in time." Huo Yunbai said respectfully, "By the time I knew you entered the border area, you had already reached the seventh level. It was my negligence and omission of information."

Quan Heng's development was so fast that it only took two weeks for him to enter the border area. What's more, these two weeks coincided with Huo Yunbai's dispute resolution abroad, so he didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the border area.

"It's not your fault." Quan Heng said, "Sooner or later I will take the path of annexation."

"I have a club under me, and it's in the top fifty in the rankings." Huo Yunbai asked, "When does Boss plan to merge? I'm not the chief to coordinate the overall situation. This organization is prepared for you."

"No rush," Quan Heng said not in a hurry, "I will deal with it before the global competition."

"Yes." Huo Yunbai said no more.

"No, just wait." Song Jingyun looked at Quan Heng in shock, "You said you just discovered it? When?"

"After clearing the undead book, I saw the list of new gods." Quan Heng looked at him, "I didn't pay much attention to it before, maybe because of the influence of the border rules. Later, the system actively pushed it, and I saw the top name."

"When I met Boss, his code name in the black boxing ring was "White Rakshasa". "Huo Yunbai said.

"I just found out about this." Sang Ting couldn't help but sigh and geared up, "We are in the border area, which is a big help. Now I want to enter the intercontinental competition!"

"Intercontinental competition..." Huo Yunbai paused and asked, "Boss, did you also sign up for the singles competition?"

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