"Although I don't quite understand what you said, I probably know that you are a... how do you say that, oh, a god of learning."

The Mad Hatter folded his arms on the railing, thoughtfully.

"Xiaowogua said that you have a high IQ and strong learning ability."

"Thank you for the compliment," Quan Heng considered, "but who is Xiao Wo Gua from your club?"

"That's Yolande," the Mad Hatter put his head on his arm, his voice drawling lazily, hiding a hint of fatigue after relaxation, "You can also call him Little Pumpkin, anyway, pumpkins and nests are the same thing."

"He likes eating melons very much, and his favorite is the pumpkin millet porridge made by the eldest sister in our cafeteria. Moreover, he is a dwarf. He has a long beard and doesn't like to smile. He looks just like the melons in the stand-alone game."

The Mad Hatter said with a stern face and a serious expression, imitating the expression of the zombie-smashing man to the 100%.

However, he looked superior and looked more like he was simply angry.

Quan Heng laughed, "Who are you imitating?"

"Yoland," the Mad Hatter shrugged, "he is stubborn and taciturn, like an uncooked melon. And he has this look every day, at least when he sees me."

"Besides, all dwarves like pumpkins. I have seen other dwarves in the New World - they repair Cinderella's pumpkin car, sell pumpkins to the Fairy Godmother to make money, and are also responsible for applying pumpkin masks to Sleeping Beauty. I heard that annual beauty services can 9.99% off.”

"Dwarves are very smart," Quan Heng listened with interest, "and they know how to make money."

"Yes, they are very smart, and they also like to collect valuable things like gold, silver and jewelry."

The Mad Hatter said: "Xiaowogua's IQ is higher than that of the old man. He is the deputy director of our club. He and the old man discuss the game tactics together."

Deputy Commander.

Quan Heng noticed this word.

There is generally only one commander for the club's starting team, because this can avoid disagreements and conflicts on the field to the greatest extent, and at most have one think tank.

The Mad Hatter's approval of the deputy commander's attitude can basically reflect the behavior and decision-making of the chief commander - Yolande is the official deputy commander with the official seal of Father Crescent Moon, and his authority and status are different from ordinary think tanks.

Quan Heng listened to the Mad Hatter continue.

"And I heard about the deeds of the dwarves when I was catching March Hare in the Fairy Tale Peninsula." The Mad Hatter sat on the edge of the second floor, swinging his legs. He met Miss Wang Jue and Cinderella, and then helped her drive away her stepmother and made a lot of money..."

Quan Heng: "?"

Something doesn't sound right about this information.

"Doesn't that sound interesting?"

The Mad Hatter suddenly raised his chin and smiled at Quan Heng, his eyes clearly filled with ridicule and mischief.

"Is it different from the fairy tale your mother told you?"

Quan Heng's hand holding the beads stagnated slightly, and he smiled appropriately: "Maybe."

She didn't have the chance to listen to her mother tell stories when she was a child, and the private school she attended was not a good place for her. Although she was not bullied, she was kicked out of school by the Quan family. Later, she started to learn the necessary knowledge on her own, and she had no time to read these children's stories.

Quan Heng knew what fairy tales were like because he later read picture books to children in the orphanage.

But the experience at that time could not be the same as when I was a child.

When she saw the daughter of the sea, she thought about whether the little mermaid had seen enough beautiful scenery on the shore.

What comes to mind is that the princess does not need to wait for the prince to be rescued. The princess can also become her own "prince" and kill the evil dragon to defend her homeland.

And how to solve various unfavorable phenomena between business managers and relatives and subordinates derived from various types of king's favoritism and queen's deception.

She had forgotten the innocence of children, and all she saw were naked interests and exploitation, as well as the bloody spoiling of beauty.

"It's really different from the fairy tales I know." Quan Heng said.

"I haven't heard of fairy tales, but people in the club say that the ruling system of Fairy Tale Peninsula is different from fairy tales in the real world, at least it's different from what they know."

The Mad Hatter looked at the gradually extinguishing blue flames, his eyes darkened slightly, "The relationship between monsters in the new world is very confusing. If you happen to have heard of some real-life characters that overlap with monsters, remember not to judge them based on realistic perceptions. "

When he and Quan Heng looked at each other, he raised his lips again, but there was no emotion in his eyes, and his words were clear.

"——It's serious and can lead to death."

"I remember it," Quan Heng said, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome," the Mad Hatter reminded, "you must remember my ginseng doll."

Quan Heng laughed: "Okay." She still wouldn't swallow a DVD.

"Okay," Quan Heng looked at the burned beast, "Let's go find Kamo."

The Mad Hatter grabbed the railing with both hands and stood up with the strength of his arms. "The center of the buzzing has to be moved forward. It's not too far away - it sounds very noisy, like it's in some closed space."

Players in the SSS sequence have different perception sensitivity than other players.

"Is the separation of low and high frequencies obvious?" Quan Heng asked.

The Mad Hatter listened carefully and nodded: "Yes, the sharp sound is more obvious, and the low voice is a bit intermittent."

"It should be the same glass soundproof structure as the poison gas laboratory. Some low-frequency sounds cannot be transmitted."

Quan Heng recalled, "I saw the structural diagram of the entire laboratory before I left - there is a large semi-enclosed observation room that connects the first and second floors, and you can observe through the glass on the third floor."

"You only looked at it for a few seconds," Mad Hatter was stunned for a moment, "and you remembered the structural diagram?" "It's just a shallow memory, that is, you remember the shape, and you have to recall the specific content." Quan Heng gestured to Mad Hatter. Hat came with her, "The stairs are over here. You can see the observation room soon after you go up."

"……it is good."

"Everyone has it these days," the Mad Hatter murmured, "He actually has a photographic memory... Then why are my memories fragmented? Is it because I'm a psychopath?"

[I also want to know this question, what kind of material is Quan Heng’s brain made of? ]

[I’ll answer the question above, it’s about nerve cells and glial cells (manual dog head)]

[Wait and wait, when Quan Heng is promoted to SS this season, we will be able to see her top level - as for SSS, it will definitely not work this season, but it will be next time]

[Upstairs, although Quan Heng is really awesome, I don’t really believe that she can get the first sequence of S18. It’s too difficult for newcomers, especially since there are too many unspoken rules in the global competition]

[Plus one, as long as Quan Heng does not start his own business, he is still very likely to succeed with the help of the resources of a large organization and the help of top starters]

[Is there something wrong with your discussion? Whether Quan Heng can win the Intercontinental Championship is still a mystery, okay? In the global competition, there are no old people who can’t navigate the muddy waters... I guess there’s no information on the seventh floor, they don’t even have professional players]

[Speaking of this, the intercontinental competition starts tomorrow. Is Quan Heng going to form a four-man team? The application channel for professional players is closed, how can I get it? Use PK? ]

[Hiss... Good question, but we don't have an information channel either. The monster forum and the player forum do not communicate with each other...you have to buy information from the system or the "ferryman"]

"Finally found!"

The Mad Hatter's voice was pleasant. He stopped by the railing on the third floor and looked down at the glass partition.

Just like the picture on the structural diagram, this laboratory penetrates the first and second floors, and the top is capped with glass. Researchers can stand on the stairs on the third floor and look down through the glass to observe and record.

——It’s like studying an insignificant guinea pig.

"There's a meat ball down there."

The Mad Hatter climbed out of the guardrail, stepped on the edge of the ladder, turned around and called Quan Heng: "Come and take a look."

Quan Heng walked to the guardrail, looked at the squirming meat balls under the stage, and frowned slightly——

It was bloody, like a flayed brain, and its size occupied half of the underground laboratory.

More "human head"-like lumps protrude from the rugged skin, and a thin layer of fleshy membrane covers the lumps. The ferocious human face holds up the fleshy membrane from time to time, and the painful and crazy expression is clearly revealed.

"What a twisted soul."

The Mad Hatter flipped the playing cards and peered into Joker's bloody eyes to see another scene: stacked and entangled souls squeezed together, bulging with a whole group of wriggling spheres, leaving not a single gap.

Every soul was struggling, their expressions were distorted by suffocation, their orifices were bleeding and their faces were horrifying, and their research clothes were ground and torn.

An inch of land becomes purgatory, death cannot transcend life.

"Is it the handiwork of the Blood Emperor? His ability seems to be related to the soul. He can leave a mark on the soul level and even change memory and cognition. I have seen several battles about him. His methods are very cruel. The newly strengthened Golden Crow is here After losing the leader, he was dispersed by Him a few times, but then..."

The Mad Hatter paused, blinked suddenly in realization, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Hey, ma'am, this is a secret of our club. It's not exclusive to me, nor is it information I'm exploring - although the channel will be automatically blocked, informing me of the secret would make me look immoral and ungentlemanly."

He said it very seriously, and he must have completely forgotten about allowing Quan Heng to talk in a cliché.

Moreover, these pieces of information are inherently intertwined, and it would be impossible for an unknown person to distinguish between what is owned by an individual and what is owned by a group.

"I admit my mistake," Quan Heng looked down at Kamo in the audience and smiled. "Maybe I can make up for it. Do you have any suggestions?"

The Mad Hatter sat dangling on the railing, his dissatisfaction quickly dissipated. He only held his chin and thought for a few seconds, then whispered: "Just say you discovered it yourself, and please don't let others know that I am the leaker." , that’s OK.”

Father Xinyue read the lips simultaneously off the screen: "..."

He knows that the Mad Hatter likes to be lively and chatting with people. His strength and personality also make the Mad Hatter not care about exposing any information or weaknesses.

But the Mad Hatter usually plays Ekhi's solo version. Even if he happens to open a multiplayer version, most of his partner players will be wary of him - after all, the players who can enter Ekhi are all top players, or the top players of each club bring experience. The core starter, no one will mess with him, and he basically doesn't need help.

During the day-night border, the Mad Hatter likes to sleep on top of the cross anchor, or mess with other starters in the club like a cat catching a mouse, with almost zero communication with the outside world. Therefore, messages in the club will not specifically avoid him.

Father Crescent sighed silently: This news will be of great help to newcomers to the league. If this year’s S18...


Nyx, who was lazily taking a nap on the Forbidden Queen's lap, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were as bright as gold. For some reason, he suddenly extended his claws and knocked over the chess jar on the table.

"Boom-boom..." The black chess pieces poured and splashed at diagonal angles, and some even fell to the ground and were broken into pieces.

Black stones poured overwhelmingly onto the chessboard, completely covering the previous chess game. White's advantage was forcibly collapsed, resulting in an unexpected "end".

"It's strange, Nyx is never so naughty."

Taboo chuckled and gently rubbed the arrogant cat's chin.

"Perhaps everything is animistic, especially the psychic black cat... Maybe there is some wishful thinking that makes it unable to listen."

"But there's no such thing as a free lunch in the world. We can't keep this information." Taboo's voice was very calm. "The priest should have thought before hinting at the Mad Hatter. Don't have any evil intentions now."

Father Xinyue looked at the chaotic game of Go, and after hearing these words, he understood the meaning of the taboo——

This is a warning to him not to use any evil means to erase Quan Heng's memory: special items with this function are difficult to obtain, but there is indeed such an item in the "First Sequence" reward of S17.

Most of the reward items in the first sequence are kept secret, and the information in the Empire of Thorns is indeed well-informed.

"I understand what Your Majesty means," Father Xinyue said harmoniously, "Please rest assured."

"Quan Heng's ability to get information is hers. I will not use tricks on my competitors outside the arena - this is not only disrespectful to the arena, but also disrespectful to the players and opponents."

The Forbidden Queen glanced at Father Crescent Moon, her cold indifference dissipated a little, and finally she said softly, "Yeah."

Nyx looked away, turned around and became lazy again, wagging the tip of his tail.

"This is easy," Quan Heng's voice sounded, "but I can make another apology."

Taboo raised his head and looked at the screen——

The Mad Hatter wondered: "What?"

Quan Heng smiled: "How about I teach you how to bake brains?"

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