"This is a brainiac, no, what level is the monster?"

On the viewing platform, the connector who was almost led away by Quan Heng asked.

"I don't know, you can check the movie viewing manual." The companion next to him said and pressed the button above the [Emotional Eye].

Real-time updated monster information is presented in front of you, marked above the meat ball.

[Monster BOSS1: Kamo (Black Sun)]

[Level: SS]

This kind of information can only be presented to a single person and will automatically close after five seconds. It will not reveal too much information and will not affect the viewing of the movie.

"This is only the first SS-level BOSS."

The connector couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "I've been able to watch a movie in the first hall before. The difficulty is correct, but Quan Heng is a newcomer... I really didn't expect to see him in the viewing platform behind the second hall. This kind of content.”

"Newcomer, ha," his companion laughed dryly, expressionless, "Except for his qualifications, Quan Heng doesn't look like a newcomer at all."

“But this is good,” my companion sighed. “It’s much better for Chinese people to unlock the ‘Ancient City of the Dead’ than other foreigners. "

"Cause and effect reincarnate, maybe it's God's will."

He sighed, and suddenly felt a rustling sound behind him, as if someone had just passed through.

When the man turned around, he saw two shadows slipping past in the darkness of the theater.

"??" What is this? Why are you still sneaking around?

"Brother, I think our sneaking around is very similar to being a thief with a guilty conscience."

Lu Xiaoman, who was walking with a short body, whispered:

"Otherwise, we'd better not place any bets. Let's take the game currency given by the chief and invite everyone in our club to drink the first cup of milk tea in autumn. I heard it's a new product launched by Bianyu - pollution-free pumpkin juice, clean. It’s also hygienic.”

Lu Qiusheng lowered his voice: "Although I agree, are you sure you want to use the chief's money to buy this super expensive new product?"

"We can buy two cups for the chief," Lu Xiaoman suggested seriously, "plus a cup of 'Third Brother Aloe Juice'."

"Hey, this is what you're talking about..."

Lu Qiusheng stopped, thought carefully and came to a conclusion. He simply couldn't agree more: "Okay, let's go now."

"Okay, okay." Lu Xiaoman was happy and immediately prepared to turn around.

"Hey, Quan Heng is going to cooperate with the Mad Hatter to bake brains. What's going to happen..."

"Brainy? What kind of brainy?!"

Lu Xiaoman listened for a while and straightened up, "The brains don't taste good when roasted, but they taste better when fried!"

The two spectators who were whispering to each other were startled.

I knock, where did you come out! !

"Want to make brain flower? I have an exclusive recipe!"

Lu Xiaoman grabbed the back of the chair and said, "The brains are wrapped in egg custard and fried in a hot oil pan. The color is golden and the skin is crispy, and then it is topped with sweet and sour sauce."

Lu Qiusheng immediately straightened up and nodded in support with a serious look on his face: "It's extremely delicious!"

other people:"……"

It can be seen that he is a senior foodie and a professional fan.

"It turns out it's Lu Shen and Xiao Lu Shen from Wugou Dawn," he laughed. "They almost scared us. You two are also watching Quan Heng's channel."

Lu Xiaoman nodded, then shook his head: "I just came to see it, but our chief asked us to come here for free... Hmm."

"No, no, no, we are just passing by," Lu Qiusheng stopped the quick-talking Lu Xiaoman and quickly explained, "Then we came to check out Sister Heng's channel. We are definitely not here to earn gambling game coins."

The melon-eaters who thought there was some secret that should not be revealed said: "..."

I understand, you are sent by the chief to gather wool.

"Quan Heng has not opened the betting market," someone said, "If you two really want to place a bet, you can wait."

"It doesn't matter," Lu Xiaoman finally regained the freedom of speech and asked curiously, "What did you just say to roast your brains?"

"Quan Heng wants to cooperate with the Mad Hatter to kill monsters," he replied, gently reminding, "You two can sit down and watch."

Lu Xiaoman and Lu Qiusheng, who were still leaning on the backs of the seats in the movie theater, nodded in unison: "Oh, okay."


"Then we just break it," the Mad Hatter said, walking on the lime bricks at the edge of the glass cover, "and then go inside and bake it?"

"No need," Quan Heng glanced at the buttons on the machine's console, "let's force it out."

"How to force it?"

"Incineration experiment."

Quan Heng adjusted the buttons on the console, closed the door cabin, and turned the temperature knob directly to the bottom. "But the boss is not that easy to kill. Let's wait for it to knock out on its own."

The equipment was turned on, the boiling furnace underground began to operate, and the temperature in the laboratory began to soar.

"The floor seems to be red."

The Mad Hatter looked at the brain flower under the glass, the clown's eyes on the playing card flashed red, and saw the ferocious screaming soul in the flesh ball, "It's like boiling fish, these fish are about to jump."

"Then let's wait until these fish can't hold on any longer," Quan Heng walked to the guardrail, looked at Kamo below who was beginning to twist uneasily, and said with a smile, "jump out of the pot by yourself."

The ground is getting redder and hotter, and the hot ground stimulates the monsters to squirm, and the frequency of ferocious human faces appearing is increasing.

The black membrane seemed to be burst by a human face, and the sticky threads were pulled out, and gray steam emitted from the whole body.

At this time, the whole meatball woke up and realized that something was wrong. At this moment, all the faces on the ball raised their heads and looked at the foggy glass above their heads.

"It seems to have discovered us, which is really rare."

The Mad Hatter observed Kamo's movements through the glass covered with gray and black dirt. "These heads with long necks are like centipede legs, like inferior moldy thorn balls. No wonder they call themselves 'Black Suns'."

"Put them on," Quan Heng threw two earplugs to the Mad Hatter, "You come up first."

The Mad Hatter saw that Quan Heng was also putting it on, so he put it on indifferently, jumped back and sat back on the railing, "What's wrong?"

"The fish soup is half cooked," Quan Heng knew what the Mad Hatter was going to ask without looking at his mouth. "The fish is about to jump out."

"What?" The Mad Hatter couldn't hear clearly what Quan Heng was saying, and was about to raise his hand to remove the two special earplugs——


The next second, the buzzing sound exploded and became even sharper!

The ultrasonic waves approaching the intensity of destructive sonar directly shattered the glass cover. The heat wave wrapped the broken glass and rushed towards the ceiling, melting the ordinary walls in an instant, and the air flow broke away the top soil, revealing the ground landscape!

"Hey," the Mad Hatter glanced at the exposed blood moon sky, "It has such a big voice."

Quan Heng took off his earplugs.

This special earplug can only be used once and can resist sound attacks and control body parts so that they do not resonate with sonar and cause excessive damage.


Quan Heng looked at the black meat ball that jumped out of the laboratory in an instant and hit the platform.

Its whole body was in a semi-melted state due to the high temperature transpiration, and it was radiating heat.

"How do you want to hit it?" The Mad Hatter tossed the earplug in his hand, "Lead it out?" "No," Quan Heng said with a calm look, "Lead it down."

"Why go down there?"

Lu Xiaoman sat in the movie theater and asked curiously, "Isn't the ground more spacious? I just like spacious places, it's easier to fight."

"I don't know," Lu Qiusheng rubbed the stubble on his chin, "If you ask the chief, I can't think of an answer."

"It's better not to," Lu Xiaoman said depressedly, "Brother, when will you be as smart as the chief? Otherwise, we won't know anything without explanation."

"...Then you'd better change your request as soon as possible."

Lu Qiusheng was very clear-eyed about his own understanding, "If I were smart, the koi carp in Wuguo River would be able to land on their own. Our club wouldn't have to go into the water collectively and take turns being dragged a mile by a fish."

"That's right," Lu Xiaoman thought for a while and agreed, "Brother, what you said makes sense!"

Lu Qiusheng was proud: "That's inevitable."

Others who listened: "..."

Understand, after all, the night watchman is responsible for everything alone.


"Going downstairs?"

Yan Su found the screenshot he had left, which was the scene where the camera was focused on the structural diagram of the underground laboratory.

The moment Quan Heng looked at the structural diagram, Yan Su also reacted simultaneously and took a screenshot using the [crawler bug].

"What kind of building is there on the lower level? This is..."

Yan Su's eyes stopped on the three characters in the corner, and he suddenly realized, "Incinerator."

So that’s it, Quan Heng wants to lure Kamo to the incinerator!


"I'll introduce it into the incinerator," Quan Heng ran while avoiding the sonar attack spewed out by Kamo, "You press the [Start] button."

"Okay." The chain took off, and the Mad Hatter jumped onto the shackles.

Quan Heng stepped on the railing, jumped up and down, and cut his forearm with a butterfly knife in mid-air, causing blood to spurt out.

【Ding! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -3]

The blood instantly soaked into the white clothes and flowed down the texture.

The squirming black flesh ball stopped for a moment, and several human faces protruding from the black membrane appeared one after another, all facing Quan Heng's position ferociously at this moment.

Quan Heng raised his bloody arm slightly and said in a calm and calm tone: "Come here."

Kamo squirmed, neighing and grinning from the center of the ball.

No teeth or tongue could be seen, it was still a black sticky substance, stretched into threads connecting the upper and lower parts of the crack.

Inside the "mouth" that opens to the extreme is a human face, protruding arms, and fingers and palms that are clawing outward crazily.

[Okay, just take a screenshot of this screen and send it to the forum. Won the championship of this year’s forum “The Bottom Monster Prototype Photography Contest”]

[Sure enough, it won’t rain all the time, but it will definitely rain! ]

The next second, the greedy monster rushed towards Quan Heng!

The sinful soul imprisoned inside revealed the shape of arms or legs during the rapid friction, and was crushed under the body as it squirmed, causing messy and shrill screams.

"As long as it is not a stable SSS level, it will always have a fatal weakness." Yan Su looked at Quan Heng's behavior of leading Black Sun into the incinerator and nodded in approval, "The reaction is very fast, very smart indeed."

First, the laboratory was used to test Kamo's weaknesses to confirm that the monster BOSS was as afraid of high temperatures as its derivatives, and then the practical results were used to carry out targeted attacks.

After all, these monsters are not mythologically invincible, and the ratings are only based on their overall strength.

Comprehensive strength is a very vague concept that deserves to be studied: strengths make up for weaknesses, and advantages cover weaknesses. This mixed data forms "comprehensive strength."

But what determines the true success or failure of a monster or a sequence is often their shortcomings - just like a barrel used to hold water, the shortest one determines the final level.

Smart opponents will target weak spots and shortcomings, and even take advantage of this to make strong enemies vulnerable.


The dark incinerator is right in front of you, and the monster behind you is chasing after you. Ultrasonic waves that can shatter your internal organs and cause death will attack in the next second!

Quan Heng slipped away from her original position before the sound wave erupted. She could not exceed the speed of sound now and had to transfer in advance.

Quan Heng raised his hand, "Tianshu" wrapped around the door handle of the incinerator, and when he pulled it back, he pulled open the heavy door!

Then he rushed into the narrow incinerator without hesitation. Seeing this, the monster chasing after him also squeezed into the incinerator.

The narrow interior was pitch black, with an indescribable stuffy heat and dead silence.


The monster cannot see clearly in the darkness, and the ultrasonic waves that can detect the position are emitted, and Quan Heng is positioned above the instant location!

"Tian Shu" burst out with lightning, and Quan Heng took action before the monster could react!

Every inch of darkness is illuminated by electric light, and extreme heat suppresses Kamo everywhere.


The monster was so angry that countless faces appeared, screamed silently, and vibrated with ultrasonic waves!

The wait is now!

Quan Heng immediately turned his head: "Start burning!"

The waiting Mad Hatter pressed the button immediately, and the temperature rose instantly.

Kamo was trapped by the temperature, and the ultrasonic waves he shot caused constant reverberation in the small space. While it shocked Quan Heng, it also hurt himself in the reaction! !

Quan Heng chose the incinerator not only because it was afraid of high temperatures, but also because it took advantage of the characteristics of ultrasonic waves that reverberate when encountering barriers, allowing Kamo to trap himself.


It was almost an endless cycle of screams. The moment Kamo was attacked by his own sonar, more intense sound waves erupted!

【Ding! KP Tip: Player Quan Heng’s market fluctuates violently...]

Quan Heng was shocked by the sound waves, and his mind was filled with buzzing. Warmth flowed out of his ears, and dizziness invaded his consciousness at this moment.

"It's about to close," the Mad Hatter warned as his fingers touched the suspended chain. "Close the door and you will be burned to death."

"I know."

Quan Heng spat out a mouthful of blood with cold eyes, and with one blow pulled back Kamo who tried to escape, and slipped out at the moment when the incinerator was about to close!

The Mad Hatter's gloomy gaze cleared up and he released his hand from the chain.

The furnace door was closed, the burning fire completely rose, and the monster screamed.

"Cough cough cough..."

Quan Heng placed his right hand on the console, closed his eyes to mitigate the influence of the sonar, and his fingertips trembled uncontrollably.

【Ding! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -20]

The smell of blood filled his throat. Quan Heng listened to the system's announcement and could probably deduce the extent of his injuries.

Shock injuries are unavoidable, and damage to internal organs is not small.

Quan Heng exhaled slowly, and when he opened his eyes, he was clear again. He directly placed an order for the highest quality healing item [Refresh Buff], shook the spray bottle, and sprayed it thoroughly from top to bottom.

Except for the dizziness that did not dissipate, the pain caused by the wound disappeared in an instant.


The buzz of the monster's struggle was only for a moment, and the next second there was a sweeping explosion, accompanied by flames that engulfed Quan Heng's sight that had just returned to normal.

The dirty sinful soul was burned by the karma fire of hell, and the extreme high temperature swallowed the monster's body!

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