"Nothing to do with you."

Sang Ting was coaxed by his sudden action and said with a cold expression, "My boss doesn't need anyone's guidance when doing things."

"Also, you'd better keep your mouth shut," Sang Ting turned his gun and glanced at Song Jingyun warningly, "You really can't tell what the background of Wu Gang is? Or is it that Daoist Song has never disposed of garbage here? "

Why is this attitude exactly the same as Mu Jing's, but it's still a dynamite.

"I didn't say I blamed Quan Heng, I meant she..."

Song Jingyun sighed, not in the mood to smoke anymore, and put out the fire directly: "Forget it, I will talk to Quan Heng myself after I go out."

Quan Heng has strong control over her subordinates and people around her, and these people will not disobey her at all.

The pros outweigh the cons, but not without them.

If she had really done something detrimental to herself, her subordinates might not have been able to tell even a clue about it.

Sang Ting looked at his expression and wondered: "Have you really figured it out?"

"Ah, what else?" Song Jingyun walked past him, really convinced, "This luck is so bad, how can I not know what she did?"

"...Is it really that amazing?"

Sang Ting muttered in doubt, jammed the gun with his fingers, and stepped forward to catch up with Song Jingyun.

"Hey, wait a minute. What is bad luck? What impact will it have on my boss?"

"It's useless to tell you." Song Jingyun said in his heart that even if he told you, could you persuade Quan Heng? Come on, little Du Wei, it’s good if you don’t accuse me.

"Don't ask," Song Jingyun handed him a talisman, "It's all feudal superstition. Believe in science and put an end to cows, horses and snake gods."

Sang Ting was stuffed with an exorcism charm: "..."

Damn it, I’m here now and I still believe in stupid science! It’s almost enough to believe in science fiction and metaphysics!

"What I hate the most is you who only half-talk." Sang Ting said with a sullen tone, turning his gun around irritably, "Don't tell me."

Didn’t you say half of it yourself, that the nature of human beings is double standards?

"No, you still want to use torture to extract a confession?" Song Jingyun raised his eyebrows, "Okay, you try."

Sang Ting loaded the weapon directly, and before he could raise Song Jingyun's backhand, there was a thunder talisman!

The cinnabar runes flashed with golden light, and electric current suddenly exploded!

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Sang Ting’s health value is -1! 】

After the weak current passed, the faint smoke choked Sang Ting and coughed several times.

"Fuck!" Sang Ting cursed and gritted his teeth, "What is this?!"

"It's a low-grade thunder talisman," Song Jingyun said happily, shaking the talisman in his hand, "it won't hurt you too much."

"Professional Brand: Celestial Master"

"Explanation of the brand: The heavens are full of energy, and our way is prosperous. The professional brand connects players with the same profession. Those who equip this brand will be able to use talismans and magic spells smoothly."

"Restrictions: Due to the special nature of professional branding, the number of uses is limited: five games/time."

"Oh, my hand skills and talismans were disabled before, and I was not even allowed to fight. Now I have been released."

Song Jingyun felt comfortable all over and stretched his arms, "But again, I have to believe in science, kid."

[Can Song Jingyun’s brand "Heavenly Master" be used? ! ]

[Damn, it’s been a long time! ! In addition to professional brands, professional brands that can connect players’ abilities are the most helpful! Even better than Zhuanluo! ! ]

"I believe you, sir," Sang Ting sneered and drew the knife, a cold light suddenly appeared, "You did it first!"

He took a step forward, gave up his gun and went straight for the sword, hitting his vitals with the sword!

Both of them had excellent skills, and their boxing and kicking skills were several times faster than ordinary people. The blade of the knife was pressed against Song Jingyun's neck several times.

[Damn, I'm about to log out of the map. Why did these two people start fighting on their own? What's the situation? Don't you think this game is not difficult enough? ! ]

[It’s such a beating, it hurts so much, I’ve lost all my HP! ! Do you still remember that you are teammates? ! ]

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Sang Ting sets the betting plate]

Keeper’s voice sounded:

[Betting content: Can you cut off 10 points of the opponent's health in one minute]

[Hey, are all the newcomers in S18 so cruel and arrogant? Why do I see the shadow of Quan Heng in this kid? ? ! ]

[Hiss, this kid is related to Quan Heng, is he the Yama sibling? It’s all so outrageous, do you want to jump to another level? ? ]

[You little brat, do you think human beings can casually cross sequences? !One Quan Heng is enough! ! ]

[I don’t believe it, Song Jingyun can already use Tianshi, okay? ! The one I am crushing in this round is Song Jingyun! ]

[I also crush Song Jingyun! ! ]

[Follow, follow, follow! ]

[Ding dong! The betting ended, with a total of 1416 people betting "No" and 101 people betting "Yes". The wind is rustling and the water is cold. It’s really annoying to have no one to support~]

The blade pressed forward step by step, Sang Ting turned around and used the force to slash straight down! Song Jingyun suddenly stopped and let the dagger cut deeply into his arm!

"Puff——!!" Blood spurts out! !

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Song Jingyun’s health value is -10! 】

"The plan works." Sang Ting curled his lips and stopped immediately after cutting off his health points.

Ding Dong!

[Congratulations on winning the bet, winning all the "No" game coins and 1517% of the "Yes" game coins. A total of 4241 bets were made, and a total of game coins were obtained! 】

[wtf, my dick? ? ? ! Make a game! ! ]

The barrage on the channel exploded, and the emotional points quickly skyrocketed.

[Holy shit! Damn humans! ! The abducted monster was fooled! ! knock! I can watch a TV show and get scammed! ! ]

[Nima, where is my anti-fraud app? ! ! You just beat us so hard just to trick us poor monsters? ! ]

"Monsters today are so innocent."

Song Jingyun also slowly sprayed the wound medicine. He seemed to have heard the sound of game coins falling into the gambling board, and he did not forget to remind me, "Remember to give me half."

[Damn, help! Song Jingyun was not like this before, so I didn't think about gambling scams. Who did I learn this evil intention from? ]

[What else are you asking upstairs? Who else do you think you can follow? ! ]

[It’s been calculated! ]

[Ding dong! KP tip: Detect your harvest of 31496 emotional points! A total of 4241 game coins were obtained! Reached the S18 water test passing line! 】

Along with the silent wails of the gamblers, Keeper's excited voice sounded:

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Congratulations to the player Sang Ting for clearing all the plots, winning the PK, and obtaining the title of "Professional Player"]

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Congratulations to the player for passing the level, you can freely choose to log out and transfer]

"I don't know if I'm a black heart or not," Song Jingyun tutted, "Anyway, this method works."

"Okay," Sang Ting said in disgust and agreed to the border teleportation, "Go out and see what's going on with the boss, I'm not too reassured."


The ancient city of the undead, air raid shelter.

It was pitch dark inside the cave. Quan Heng felt his chest was tight due to lack of oxygen, so he took an oil lamp from the wall next to the steps and lit it.

If the lights go out, you should leave the air-raid shelter as soon as possible, or use other methods to introduce oxygen.

"They actually hollowed out the mountain again - but it looks like it's human engineering."

As the Mad Hatter spoke, he swung his flashlight and took a photo above his head: "You have played several games, and you should have discovered that the new world has copied the human world and entered its own territory."

"Hmm." Quan Heng put away the lighter, "Bianyu likes to collect plots from the dual worlds, and then put the relevant copies into the new world for players to copy - for convenience and authenticity, it is indeed a good choice to directly copy the original buildings. "

"Yes." The Mad Hatter walked down the steps, and there was a slight "click" sound the moment the soles of his feet touched the platform, as if he had stepped on something.

The Mad Hatter shined the light into the air-raid shelter, hissed slightly, looked back at Quan Heng, and pursed his lips in embarrassment: "Do you want to take a look?" Quan Heng paused and looked in the direction of the light - —

The air-raid shelter was filled with white bones. Some were holding on to the ground with their fingers, and some were lying on their backs with their hands hanging on the ground. Just from the squeezed and deformed bones and the ferocious movements, you can see the pain of suffocation of the deceased.

Corpses and bones were piled up in piles all around, so densely packed that there was no place to stay.

Quan Heng breathed heavily and his eyes darkened: "Air defense disaster."


Something suddenly came from the depths of the dark air-raid shelter, like the buzzing of a monster or the roar of an engine.

The bones illuminated by the light began to shake, the phantom was pulled away from the bones, and the flesh and blood grew, as if time was going back.

The air-raid shelter suddenly became brighter, all the oil lamps were lit, the temple disappeared, the walls disappeared, and the old sky spread down, like the curtain changing in a drama performance.

The Mad Hatter looked at the surroundings that suddenly dissipated and turned into transparent walls, and was shocked: "Time and space go back."

The darkness in front of me turned into the entrance of the air-raid shelter, surrounded by panicked crowds squeezing inward. Looking up, I saw the sky full of gunpowder smoke, and turning around, I saw the street corresponding to the entrance of the air-raid shelter.

"Child! My child!!"

"Mom, I want mom..."


There was chaos all around, gunpowder smoke spread across the city, roaring enemy planes roared overhead, and countless screaming and panicked people ran out of their houses.

The air raids continued. Planes roared through the sky, dropping countless bombs and incendiary bombs. The ground suddenly became a sea of ​​fire, and people far beyond the capacity of the air raid shelters poured in.

"Too many people will cause chaos." Quan Heng watched the woman holding a bleeding child running into the air-raid shelter crying. Just as he was about to raise his hand, he saw a shadow passing through his fingertips, and he could only curl up his fingers and slowly clenched them.

"Ah - my child, please save my child, please. Please..."

The mother's face was covered with tears, and she desperately called for help from passers-by, while the roaring incendiary bombs were mercilessly dropped from the sky!

The Mad Hatter shrank his pupils, and was about to move forward when Quan Heng grabbed him.

"It's useless." Quan Heng slowly raised his head, closed his eyes, and said in a very soft voice, "They are all phantoms. We should stay where we are. Don't move around at will."

The Mad Hatter was stunned and turned his head to look at the mother who was tightly protecting her child with her body. He was moved and saddened by her desperate cry for help.

His pure white eyelashes trembled slightly, and his pale golden eyes showed sadness and intolerance: "Mother..."

The incendiary bombs exploded amid screams, and the intense heat turned the city into a purgatory. The shattering shrapnel took away the lives of innocent people and shattered the illusion - the space was like a broken mirror, and the lenses fell in pieces.

The inside of the air-raid shelter looked like it again. The remaining lamps on the walls were burning, explosions were heard one after another outside the cave, the bustling city was in ruins, and countless innocent people had to hide in the air-raid shelter under the pressure of the invaders.

Too many people gathered in the air-raid tunnel. In addition to the benches on both sides being filled with people, even the aisles were filled with people. The unusually stuffy air made people uneasy.

"There are too many people." Quan Heng whispered, already foreseeing the future, "There will be a lack of oxygen."

The entrance to the air raid shelter was tightly closed, and there was a lack of oxygen in the cave. People began to feel short of breath and felt weak all over. The bombing on the ground continued, and the oxygen in the cave became less and less. Even the oil lamps on the tunnel walls gradually became fainter.

"I feel bad, mom..."

"Mom, it hurts so much, my chest hurts too..."

The babies and young children finally couldn't stand it anymore and began to cry loudly. The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and some people began to be restless and behave abnormally.

The Mad Hatter looked at Quan Heng.

This is Quan Heng's compatriot, and he knows that in this powerless situation, Quan Heng will only feel more miserable.

The oxygen is getting less and less. Some of the oil lamps in the cave have been extinguished due to lack of oxygen, and the crowd has become more commotion. Suddenly someone screamed like crazy, with a red face, waving his hands, and screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Too little oxygen, suffocation will lead to mental disorder," Quan Heng slowly closed his eyes, "But if you go outside, you will die."

But the panicked people could no longer care. Faced with the latest death, they began to squeeze out of the cave, which was under fire. But there were too many people, and everything was of no avail. Most people were squeezed into the gaps. The huge squeezing pressure made people suffocate and even displaced their internal organs.

This fatal air raid lasted for nearly five hours, and they experienced more than four hours of torture and struggle. Near midnight, the screams in the cave gradually weakened.

Just like switching film reels in an old movie, the scene in the cave changes——

Many people were lying on the ground, dying, their complexions changed from red to purple-blue, and the saliva at the corners of their mouths changed from white to red with bloodshot eyes. Many people had silently fallen on others.

After the air raid ended, the air-raid tunnel was in deathly silence. No sound of living people could be heard. The corpses of the victims were everywhere. Their faces were distorted, their skin was scratched, and their bodies were covered in bruises. They struggled until the last moment of their lives before passing away.

The oil lamp went out because there was no oxygen, leaving only the one in Quan Heng's hand.

Loneliness and stubbornness illuminate the darkness in front of me, the phantom disperses, and the reality reappears.

"The May bombing." Quan Heng silently looked at the air-raid shelter that had returned to darkness. All he could see were bones.

The Mad Hatter was stunned for a moment and asked in a low voice: "What is that?"

"A frenzied, no-holds-barred killing."

Quan Heng slowly walked down the steps and stopped in front of numerous bones.

"Back then, under the order of indiscriminate attacks, the Japanese began to carry out continuous bombing of core cities in China, and used a large number of incendiary bombs."

She paused and lowered her eyes to look at the skeleton of the child in front of her, which for a moment overlapped with the childish face crying and suffocating.

"This major bombing was carried out under this kind of order, and it was also the root cause of this air defense disaster."

"The bushido they always preach in a high-sounding way is nothing but the devil's hypocrisy."

Bloodbathed the ancient city, played killing games, used germ warfare, humiliated women, slaughtered fetuses and pregnant women, and killed the common people, including men, women, old and young.

No righteousness, no morality, no bottom line, no lower limit.

Nine million innocent civilians died in the war, 900 million people became refugees, and poison gas was used by Japanese ghosts 9500 times in 14 counties in 77 provinces, causing tens of thousands of casualties.

The dead never sleep peacefully, and the survivors are miserable and have nightmares.


The buzzing sound of monsters came from the depths of the air-raid shelter, a pale and strong electric current burst out from Tianshu, and lightning lit up the darkness.

"Let's fight quickly."

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