Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 17 Your acting skills are too fake

Chapter 17 Your acting skills are too fake

pursuing perfection……

But where can absolute perfection exist in this world?

Quan Heng put away the blood book and looked at the anxious Xue Rou: "I need to go out."

"Can I come with you?" Xue Rou whispered, "I don't dare to stay here alone."

Quan Heng smiled gently: "Of course not."

"..." Xue Rou opened her mouth in vain.

"But we can look for clues separately," Quan Heng motioned to the photo frame in his hand, "There are still six rooms left, and the owners are not here. Get these photo frames back."

"But two players are dead, three players are gone, and Muze hasn't left yet..."

Xue Rou spoke hesitantly, and her voice could no longer be heard clearly at the end. Quan Heng waited patiently for her to finish speaking, and then gently and without hesitation said: "You are safer here than following me. Muze won't be here." , go do things.”

Why not?

Xue Rounuonuo nodded, and Quan Heng had already left when he came back to his senses to ask.



The elevator door opened on the fifth floor, and the sensor lights in the corridor came on.

Quan Heng drove the wheelchair in, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

She is not worried about Xue Rou.

The quarrel in the corridor and the announcement of Ji Jie's death did not lead to Mu Ze, indicating that he was not in the room.In addition, the other party has some killing methods, so it is most reasonable to look for clues at night.

As for herself...

There are no stairs in this building, only two elevators.

The three people had already used the props to get to the sixth floor, and now she had to take a detour to go to the ghost mother's room.

The door of the room opened with a creak, and a chilly air floated out from inside.

"Who in the middle of the night——"

The sound stopped suddenly. The female ghost's eyelids jumped wildly when she looked over to see the person coming. She raised her hand to close the door!

Quan Heng quickly resisted with quick eyes and hands.

"Let go!" the female ghost shouted angrily.

Quan Heng sighed softly: "We have done business with each other after all. It would be rude to refuse someone thousands of miles away. I am here to apologize tonight..."

"No need to apologize! You hurry up and leave, I thank you eight generations of ancestors!"

"...I'm here to discuss some business by the way." Quan Heng finished speaking slowly.

The female ghost looked at her warily: "What business?"

"I can help you get out of the triangular building."

The female ghost's eyebrows twitched: "I don't understand what you mean!"

"You understand," Quan Heng smiled slightly, "because there is no mirror in your room."

"Nonsense! This is because the ghost mother can control the mirror. Who is not afraid of the landlord these days!"

"But other residents do."

The female ghost paused. Just as she was about to say something, Quan Heng raised her hand to stop her and continued:

"The old people on the second floor rely on the ghost mother's buttons to make dolls and sell them for money. The couples on the third floor need the ghost mother's red candles. The werewolves on the fourth floor need the ghost mother's food. What you call 'love brown sugar water' is also the ghost mother." Provide you with spiritual support.

"You, like the other residents of the Triangle Building, are under her control."

The female ghost was silent for a long time, then said hoarsely: "So? You understand everything, what else do you want to ask?"

"You are the same, but different. The residents on the second, third and fourth floors don't avoid mirrors, but you do.

"The residents on the second, third and fourth floors all made murder traps, but you didn't. Even without the so-called [Love Brown Sugar Water], you gave us twelve copper coins. I think compared to them, you still have the consciousness of [struggle]. I don’t want to be completely stuck here.”

There is actually some substance in this statement.

On the fourth level, Mu Ze fabricated a story in which Mu Ruang was hindered by a mirror and was killed. Moreover, the werewolf was indeed ferocious and had dismemberment behavior.

On the third floor, Xue Rou and his wife had seen the dressing mirror and the desk mirror, but the two girls were clever and ran away before the couple got into trouble. It could not be said that they encountered a "murder trap", but they did not get any copper coins.

On the second floor, Tang Bao and the other two were attacked by the monster in the mirror. However, judging from the wealth list, these two people should have completed two tasks and obtained game coins and twelve copper coins. Tang Bao was even playing the flute. What did people trade? The matter of "murder trap" is questionable.

But it does not prevent Quan Heng from exaggerating a little and praising the other party.

In negotiations, there must be a "let go of the strong points and reduce the weak points", and add some psychological hints. If you have seven points of loopholes, I will make up for three points to round it up.

"I can help you get out of the control of your ghost mother and get out of the triangle building. Whether you want to find your boyfriend or start a business again, it will all be smooth sailing."

Quan Heng has a soft voice and is persuasive.

"Don't you think a cup of brown sugar water is too little? You have to hold your things tightly in your own hands. Once you leave here, you can find your so-called boyfriend and take control... Don't look at me like that. If you want to be gentle, , it’s not a problem to do brainwashing and surgery.”

The female ghost's originally bewitched heart immediately became alert, she maintained her momentum and sternly condemned:
"What were you talking about just now? I am a serious person and do not engage in letters and imprisonment!"

"The first part is enough. As for the second part..." Quan Heng paused and couldn't help but smile, "You don't have a boyfriend, so it shouldn't matter if I tease you."

"What... what?"

Seeing that she really didn't realize it, Quan Heng suppressed the teasing in his eyes and felt a little helpless.

"Miss Ghost, if you really fall in love and talk about life and death, then you won't have a single male item in your room.

"If you really miss your boyfriend that much, you won't be without a single relevant item on your body. If you are really unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with love brain, you won't listen to a few of my scumbag quotes and shout 'I'm not a love brain'. At most, you'll just Be confused for a while."

She paused, finding it quite interesting:
"You were overacting and your acting was a little fake. It would be difficult for me to even detect the loopholes."

Female ghost: "..."

"Get out of here!!" The female ghost was extremely angry, "I haven't had any trouble in so many years, but you idiot dares to question my acting skills! Come in!!"

She grabbed the wheelchair and dragged it into the house, slamming the door shut!
"Don't you just want to go up to the sixth floor from my place? Okay, let's say, this is the window of the ghost mother's room. I can even send you up."

The female ghost threw open the curtains and took out a flying claw rope from under the light of the strange red moon. The weird and ridiculous face that was smeared with foundation calmed down and her tone was serious.

"But I still have one condition."

"tell me the story."

"There is a couple on the third floor who often quarreled. They made their children into imps and sealed them with various talismans. I want a yellow talisman."

Quan Heng: "Easy to say."

It's not difficult.

The female ghost breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little tangled in holding the rope: "It's hard to deal with the disability of your legs. How can I help you..."

"give it to me."

Quan Heng took the flying claw rope and checked the safety: "One more thing: if the ghost mother comes back but I don't come out, you should immediately find a way to lure her away."

"Of course, but the ghost mother is in the room."

"He'll be gone in a moment."

The female ghost was confused: "Huh?"

Quan Heng smiled, opened the window and looked at the top floor, then landed on the narrow window sill outside the window on the sixth floor.

The female ghost was thinking about whether to use a big bathtub to lift the man up using the wheel axle and lever principle. When she looked up, she saw the man in the wheelchair stepping onto the window sill and climbing up the rope in the blink of an eye!

"I rely on!"

The female ghost floated to the window sill and looked up with wide eyes. Quan Heng was already standing on the window edge!

"what's the situation?"

The female ghost was shocked and confused, "Now that things have developed to this extent outside? Is this because I am a disabled person or a Paralympic champion... Did I die for too long and am I hallucinating?"


Quan Heng took a breath and wound a few times around the rope with one hand to stabilize his body.

There was barely enough room for one foot to stand on the window sill, and there were yellowing ivy outside the building.

Quan Heng stood at the edge and bent down to open some cracks in the window.

"The rusty moon shines on the waves of the Black Sea, the storm cuts off the backbone of the earth, destiny praises the emperor's virtue, and the nine stars of the Fourth Age of the Big Dipper..."

The ghost mother hummed the lullaby she had sung before, turned her back to Quan Heng, took out something from a large black plastic bag on the ground, and turned around like a dance——

Quan Heng's pupils narrowed.

It was a handful of neatly chopped meat.

(End of this chapter)

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