Chapter 18 Artificial Genius

Whose minced meat?

Quan Heng thought calmly.

It only took more than five minutes for the ghost mother to take Ji Jie away. It was impossible to chop it up and bag it so quickly.Besides, if it was really Ji Jie, there would be no need to bag it, just chop it into pieces and use the ready-made ones.

There are only two dead players, so these fragments can only be...

Mu Ruang was chopped into pieces by a werewolf.

Quan Heng frowned slightly.

The werewolf eats meat and urgently needs food from the ghost mother, so why not just eat Mu Rui?

After all, buttons, or ghost coins, must be accepted voluntarily before they can be used. Mu Ruan may not be able to say "I do" in this form, and it will be useless to the ghost mother.

Quan Heng suppressed his emotions and looked inside the house.

The ghost mother hummed softly and held the pile of minced meat in her arms with great affection and tenderness, as if she were holding a baby who had just turned one month old.

At first glance, she really looks like a loving mother.

"Don't be afraid, my child, my darling. Soon, soon you will be safe forever."

The ghost mother murmured softly, reaching out to touch the dressing mirror hanging on the wall.

The mirror surface fluctuates, revealing a deep corridor like black clouds rotating.

"Welcome home." She said with a low smile, raising her hand and throwing the body parts in her arms.

The tunnel began to churn violently, and soon there was a "gurgling, gurgling" sound. Even the ghost mother's own belly made the same sound.

Like gastric acid digestion, but also like teeth chewing.

Quan Heng straightened up and leaned back. When he wanted to change his feet, he accidentally brushed against the withered yellow ivy beside the window sill.


The crackling sound of dead leaves is slight, which is like a landmine in this dead night!
The ghost mother immediately raised her head and looked at the window!

bad thing.

Quan Heng's heart sank and he lowered his head to look down.

The female ghost who had been looking around on the fifth floor noticed something was wrong and waved eagerly.

Tat-tat-tat...the sound of high heels approaching, one step at a time.

If you go downstairs now, you will definitely be exposed. Not only will you not be able to enter the sixth floor, but you will also implicate the fifth floor.

Quan Heng tightened his grip on the flying claw rope and looked up.


The window was pushed open with great force and bounced against the wall.

The ghost mother watched carefully, and there was only silence everywhere.

She glanced over and saw that the black buttons were shining, but only a few dead ivy leaves could be seen on the window sill, swaying in the wind.

"You don't have fucking eyes, do you? Why are you so sneaky?"

"I just came out to look for clues..."

There was a small noise in the corridor. The ghost mother paused and closed the window again, then left on high heels.

Following the ivy upwards outside the window on the sixth floor, a bundle of flying claw ropes fell from the rooftop.

Quan Heng leaned against the guardrail and breathed a silent sigh of relief.

The sound of opening and closing the door sounded. Quan Heng tied the rope around his waist, grabbed the guardrail with both hands, turned over and hung down, pushed open the window with his toes, and swung in neatly.

There was only one light on in the house.

The floor was stained dark red by dried blood, and the moment you stepped on it, you felt sticky, as if you had stepped on glue.

The fishy smell in the house is pungent to the nose, and there is a sticky fishy and spicy feeling when it enters the throat.

Quan Heng calmly closed the window and approached the entrance of the corridor.

The inner wall was dimly glowing, and you couldn't see the end, nor could you see the body parts just thrown in.

This corridor... does it lead to the world in the mirror?
Quan Heng stretched out his hand and lightly touched the inner wall of the corridor.

It feels warm and moist, like the warm lining of the mouth, but looking at the segmented structure, it looks more like the intestines.

"Ghost mother's digestive tract?"

Quan Heng pulled out the butterfly knife and planned to do a quick dissection. The tunnel in front of him suddenly began to squirm, accompanied by a noise like the restart of an old machine.

The deep corridor advances step by step.

Quan Heng vaguely saw something inside, and immediately took half a step back.


The doll was regurgitated and rolled down at Quan Heng's feet.

Poor quality sutures, orange-red buttonholes, and a half-cut doll's head. ——That’s Mu Ruang’s face.


The doll began to sway, and an extremely thin blood thread extended from each of its arms and legs, dragging it deeper into the room, even grinding out a clean floor line.

"Is this place... used to mop the floor this way?"

Quan Heng stepped on the floor line to follow.

The doll's body was covered with dried plasma, and after being dragged for several meters, it suddenly took off and was thrown into a huge machine in the corner.

The huge glass wall is packed with dolls. At first glance, it looks like a giant "human-extracting machine." There is even a doll stuck in the front with crooked words sewn on it:

[Invest mediocre talents and you will squeeze out perfect talents!Use quantitative changes to accumulate qualitative changes. This is the power of science! 】

"From quantitative change to qualitative change... perfect talent," Quan Heng finished reading in a low voice and couldn't help but muttered, "So that's the case, I'm still limited."

The ghost mother wants to use ordinary people to cultivate geniuses.

But the [talent] of ordinary people is far inferior to that of geniuses with [talent], so the ghost mother uses [corridor] and [human extraction machine], and uses the accumulation method of many people to synthesize a [talent] that is close to [talent] 】.

Among them, the dolls made by Yongdao don't even need to "players voluntarily accept buttons". They can be directly processed from the corpses of players who were killed by their neighbors. The process is more like "wholesale goods".

And the ghost mother spent a lot of effort, using her dreams to trick players into voluntarily wearing buttons, and created an absolutely obedient "hardcover" doll... which is the carrier of this [synthetic talent]!

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Player Quan Heng unlocks plot line content!Your crack rate is 80%! 】

A cheerful prompt sounded immediately:

[Ding dong! KP tip: Your story’s first unlock rate is 50%. Congratulations on getting 500 game coins!Has been sent to the account! 】

[Current wealth list ranking: No.2]

The idea is correct.

Quan Heng intuitively felt that Ji Jie's body was nearby, and turned to look at the closet next to the human-extracting machine.


The cabinet door opens.

Quan Heng raised his head and faced a row of smiling children uniformly dressed in decent clothes.

[No. 01, Mathematical Genius]

[No. 02, chemical genius]

[No. 03, sports genius]


[No. 15, Art Genius]

Neat buttonholes and neat labels, lifelike.

Like a perfect piece of art for people to admire in a showcase, the maker can get countless compliments and vanity.

Quan Heng stood in front of these dolls, feeling only a numbing suffocation and depression.

She reached out and inspected the embroidered words on each doll's clothes:
【Absolutely perfect】

"Absolutely perfect..."

Human beings are not math problems and will not have perfect answers.

The word "perfect" when applied to "people" often carries strong subjective emotions, and "absolute" can never be achieved.

Even sometimes, it is the "malice" of others towards others.

"You're not perfect enough", "It's okay, she's not perfect enough", "It's okay, he's not perfect enough", resentful imbalance, secret jealousy, and disguised disapproval can only be used to criticize and suppress someone with the word "perfect".

But why does Ghost Mother have to pursue these?

Quan Heng frowned slightly.

Is it really just the vanity of the new world?Or does she want to be an all-around genius?

After all, there are not only [genius children] here, but also [genius mothers]. Ghost coins can also share this [synthetic talent] with ghost mothers at the same time.


If this motive is true, the remaining 20.00% should be unlocked.

After all, she had long known about Ghost Mom's new world popularity achievements from Alice.

Is it really...


The sound of high heels sounded extremely urgent and suddenly sounded from the corridor.

The ghost mother is back!

Quan Heng closed the cupboard and didn't have time to get close to the window. The door was pushed open the next second!

(End of this chapter)

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