Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 19 Eggs should be divided into baskets

Chapter 19 Eggs should be divided into baskets

The door at the corner leaked light, condensing into a long and narrow light and shadow on the black and red ground.

The ghost mother held the door handle, panting slightly, and looked inside cautiously.

The windows are still the same, and there are only traces of the doll being automatically dragged into the machine.

The ghost mother locked the door with her backhand, stepped closer to the location of the [Human Extraction Machine], and suddenly fixed her eyes on the cupboard.

Quan Heng held his breath and clung to the doll in the darkness. The fishy smell made his nose numb.

"Oh, Darling," the ghost mother held the handle of the cabinet with her left hand, and the nails of her right hand continued to lengthen, "Why are you always disobedient and running around like an annoying mouse?"

"Stop hiding, mom knows you are here!"

After saying that, he suddenly opened the cabinet door!

The dolls are neatly arranged, exuding fragrance, and even the angle of placement has not changed.


The ghost mother looked strange, closed the window and looked around.

The human-extracting machine, the table, the bed, the cupboard... there was no place to hide.

The ghost mother then softened her expression and casually pressed the switch of the human-extracting machine.


When the machine starts, the three-blade blade at the bottom of the pile of dolls begins to rotate, chopping up the dolls one by one.

She turned back to the corridor and gently touched the mirror to restore it to its original state.

"Ghost mother! Ghost mother!" screams came from downstairs, "Help! Come down quickly!"

She is the landlord of the Triangle Building, and it is normal for residents to cry out when something happens.

The ghost mother opened the door as usual and went downstairs with steady and calm steps.

“Buzz—kack, click, click!”

The three-leaf blade rotated faster, and the number of dolls dropped rapidly.

Just a few seconds after the ghost mother left, a cold light suddenly shot out from the pile of dolls!
His flying claws hooked on the glass wall, Quan Heng kicked his feet on the glass wall, pulled himself up, and quickly rose up.

The next second, the doll in its original position was chopped into pieces, and the sharp blade scraped against the back.

If it were any later, she would be the one who was minced!

[xdm, why do I feel that every time I come to Quan Heng's place, it must be a life and death situation? I haven't dared to speak since she came in through the window]
[Informers will not die well]
[How dare Quan Heng, he was minced into a pulp later! ]
[This is a wonderful escape route. No wonder she had to close the window and restore the angle of the doll. I thought she had obsessive-compulsive disorder!If these details were not correct, how could the ghost mother be lured away by the female ghost, and how could she leave so happily]

Quan Heng landed on the ground and adjusted his breathing with restraint.

The ghost mother was walking too fast just now. She had no time to run back and would only be cut off halfway.

The cabinets are too obvious to be hidden.

The closest and most effective option you can choose is a human exploitation machine.

There are enough dolls, but they are also scary enough. Even the bottom of the dolls is a huge blade that crushes the dolls. The ghost mother will not rummage around, but at most open the machine.

From the moment the machine is turned on to the moment he dies, these ten seconds are the golden period.

Either the ghost mother is lured away by the female ghost, or she comes out and fights with the ghost mother.

Quan Heng turned his head and looked at the human-extracting machine again, his eyes suddenly paused.

There are two lines of words welded on the machine control board:
[Production date: 12th year of Xiyue]

[Manufacturer: Watt Alheim]

"The Rusty Moon... The Rusty Moon should refer to the Red Moon, Vat Alhelm... Norse mythology?"

Quan Heng was slightly surprised.

Wat Alheim represents the "land of dwarfs" in Nordic mythology. It is the hometown of dwarfs. The weapons of the gods in mythology are all made by them. It is a paradise of science and technology and the cradle of miracles.

The piper seems to be a dwarf too, but it's possible he's simply short.

The doll in the glass wall is about to bottom out.

Quan Heng raised his hand and pulled out a prop card from his sleeve.

..."Okay, okay, I said the color of the water was so colorful. It turned out to be my makeup. I thought there was something wrong with the water in the pipe...Okay, thank you landlord, when will my love brown sugar water be available this month? Can we get there? Oh, okay...walk slowly."

The female ghost confirmed that the ghost mother had gotten on the elevator, immediately closed the door and floated to open the window.

"Come down, come down! Oh my God, my heart almost stopped! I almost couldn't breathe just now! Fortunately, my heart doesn't beat and I don't need to breathe... Hey, did you fall? On your body Why is it so dirty?"


Quan Heng landed and returned the flying claw rope to the female ghost.

"I was originally wondering why you said the ghost mother was 'back', but I didn't expect that she really left to chase the player. Within a few minutes, she went back as if she had been shot. The high heels were clicking hard, and I was downstairs. It feels like she’s going to punch through the ceiling!”

The female ghost patted her chest with lingering fear and couldn't help but ask: "But how do you know she will leave and come back suddenly?"

Quan Heng wiped his cheek with his fingers, and there was indeed blood on his fingertips. He just laughed when he heard this.

"Because everyone knows that 'eggs are not put in the same basket'."

"Huh? What?"

Quan Heng didn't say much. It would be a waste of time to tell the female ghost these things.

"Thank you, can you give me a wet towel to wipe my face?"

"Towel?" The female ghost bared her teeth, "I don't have a clean towel. Do you want a footcloth?"


Quan Heng sighed softly: "The ghost mother once tried to win over me. She wanted me to be the mole among the players to help her win."

"You agreed?" The female ghost was startled.


"That's good..." the female ghost relaxed, "Her ability is related to [promise], it's bad if you agree! It's because of this that I am trapped here by her, to embarrass other players."


Quan Heng's heart moved slightly and he looked at her carefully.

The female ghost had just washed off her overly exaggerated and heavily powdered dead makeup. Now, except for her pale complexion, she looked the same as a normal girl.

She's even pretty, looking like she's in her early 20s.

"Look what I'm doing, I haven't finished talking yet!" the female ghost urged nervously, "Do you really want to wipe your face with a footcloth?!"

"Since the ghost mother can bewitch me, she can also bewitch others to become moles. In the game, there is no difference between other players and the Boss. They are all competitors for profit. Not to mention that there are two old people among the players, and the competitive pressure increases exponentially.

"In this case, you can seek shelter by cooperating with the Boss. At least he will be safe until other players die. Not only can he use the ghost mother's knife to kill players to reduce competitors, but also the ghost mother is killed in the middle, as long as he is not exposed, he will be safe." You won’t suffer any loss.”

Quan Heng concluded:
"It's a very good deal."

"Here, I'll knock it! Are the twenty-five boys so popular?" The female ghost smacked her tongue, "But the ghost mother's promise..."

"You can not break the promise and let the old players and the boss fight at the right time. The task for most players should be to survive for three days. After all, this is a Dark audition book, and the game will not be too difficult for newcomers, unless... "

"Unless what?" The female ghost couldn't help but ask.

"Unless the system is doing something shady."

Quan Heng's tone couldn't help but increase in intensity, and the passing emotions were once again submerged in gentle words:

"In this way, you can leave a note [Survive the boss for three days without dying] or [give up the reward if the boss dies], and finally exit the game safely. The details of the operation are a bit tricky, but it is not difficult."

The female ghost was dumbfounded when she heard this. Aba Aba opened her mouth for a long time before she managed to squeeze out one sentence:
"Then you, why don't you be a second or fifth son?"

"...Me?" Quan Heng raised his eyebrows, "Of course it's because I'm a good person. 'Friends' all say I'm 'compassionate'. How could I be a second-rate kid?"

"Good guy..." The female ghost looked disgusted, "Are you serious?"

Quan Heng smiled and said nothing, and changed the subject: "By the way, I have something to ask you."

"Hey, you can also 'ask', I thought you can only 'examine'," the female ghost curled her lips, "Quickly ask."

"Ghost mother, she..."

Quan Heng thought carefully and asked, "Have you ever had a child of your own?"

(End of this chapter)

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