Chapter 20 Welcome back
"Ghost mother? My own child?"

The female ghost scratched her hair in confusion.

"I don't know. When I came, there was only the ghost mother. The other tenants came earlier than me. Why don't you ask the old man on the second floor? She should stay here the longest."

second floor?

Where Tang Bao and the others have been.

"I understand, thank you," Quan Heng nodded, "I will give you the talisman you want during the day..."

【Ding dong! 】

KP's cold reminder sounded throughout the triangular building, breaking the calm for the second time late at night.

[KP tip: Player Xue Rou’s SAN value has fluctuated beyond the limit, her health value has been cleared, and her death has been confirmed! 】

"Xue Rou...?"

Quan Heng's pupils swayed slightly, his fingertips pressed against the blood-red tourmaline, and the jade beads gently collided.

"What's wrong?" The female ghost hesitated, "Is it the girl who came with you today?"

"It's nothing."

Quan Heng shook his head, his voice was gentle and gentle, with a little sigh:

"I just think they are too naive."


[wtf?Xue Rou is dead? ! ]
[Wait a minute, what’s going on!knock!Where's the lens?Why no death scenes? ]
[broken!On the second floor, Quan Heng was about to take the elevator, and he was about to run into that person! ]
"Why are you here?"

Peng Qinan stopped and looked at Quan Heng coming out of another elevator, his voice obviously deepened:

"Xue Rou is dead, what's going on?"

[Okay brothers, I'm not in a hurry to see the dead now. I want to know how Quan Heng is going to solve this death Shura field? ]
[It’s simple, can’t you just find the clues yourself?We are not the nanny, we just meet by chance, why should we be responsible for other people's lives?If I were to play, just come up and kill them randomly]
[I see upstairs that you only know how to quack, and then you are killed randomly by others!Just now, the ghost mother chased three people everywhere, from the second floor to the fifth floor, without running into Quan Heng. Now what does it mean that she got off the elevator?
[Explanation Quan Heng went upstairs!And it’s the sixth floor!Ghost Mom’s sixth floor!How does a newcomer without a prop card get on board?Don't say she is still "disabled"! ]
[Let’s just say they exchanged it with the flute player. Anyway, Peng Qinan also suspected that Quan Heng and the flute player exchanged prop cards]
[Brother!Prop cards will not be destroyed automatically, even after they are used up. Do you think people like Peng Qinan will not ask to see them?Don’t you think you can snatch it after seeing it? !No, don’t you watch the live broadcast without thinking? ? ! ]

Peng Qinan took two steps closer and narrowed his eyes dangerously:

"Aren't you with that woman?"

"Disabled, fighting against the five scum," Quan Heng wrapped the Eighteenth Son around his four fingers and said calmly, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to kill someone."

"Disability? Are you really disabled?" Peng Qinan sneered coldly, "Why do you think you're not?"

"Why not?" Quan Heng raised his eyes and spoke in a gentle tone, "It's easier to see physical disabilities than brain disabilities."

Peng Qinan was startled and angry: "You dare to say that I am mentally retarded?!"

"Senior," Quan Heng loosened his fingers and said with a smile, "You are so wise."

"You're fucking looking for death—"

Peng Qinan concentrated his strength on his feet and shouted forward angrily.

The elevator door opened with a ding, and a figure rushed out first, raising his foot and kicking Peng Qinan towards Quan Heng's leg.

Then he turned around and kicked Peng Qinan in the chest with a smooth and fierce movement!
Peng Qinan fell a few steps and almost lost his balance.

"You want to use the topic as a pretext?"

Ah Xiao retracted his legs and loosened his wrists indifferently, his knuckles cracking.

"Don't bully her, come and fight me."

Peng Qinan's already downcast expression became more solemn. He sneered twice, reached for his waist and drew the knife.

"Okay, since you're shameless, I'll clean it up with you!"

"What is this doing?"

The stagnant atmosphere was broken.

Tang Badan walked from the second floor to the elevator, followed by Mu Ze. The two of them had obviously seen the body.

"Is this going to lead to internal strife?" Tang Bao looked at Peng Qinan and said helplessly, "Brother Peng, I've noticed something. Don't argue with the newcomer."

"...Okay," Peng Qinan nodded and snorted viciously, "You're lucky, just wait for me!"

After speaking, he walked towards the scene, and Mu Ze hesitated to follow.

Tang Badan nodded to Quan Heng indicatively and turned to leave. [Hey, anticlimactic, no fight]
[Why is Peng Qinan so serious?Doesn't he often kill people too?What kind of righteous condemnation]
[nonono!This is not a righteous condemnation, but the prey that Peng Qinan originally looked down upon has exposed its fangs. He is wondering if he has been tricked!He is an old player, and he can't afford to lose face. What's more, he now suspects that Quan Heng wanted to plot against him before and really hid clues and props secretly]
[Family weirdos, cherish those who watch games with brains above (crying.jpg)]

Ah Xiao looked away disdainfully and tilted his head to look at Quan Heng.

"What's wrong?" Quan Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh, should I applaud and say 'so handsome'?"

"Fart!" Ah Xiao sneered and suddenly reached out to grab Quan Heng's calf.

Quan Heng reacted faster and raised his hand to intercept the opponent's palm in mid-air.

Very quick response.

Ah Xiao's eyebrows skipped a beat.

"What are you doing?" Quan Heng put the side of his palm half against the inside of A Xiao's wrist and said with a smile, "To touch the injured area at will is a bit disrespectful to the disabled."

"Are you really disabled?" A Xiao asked.

Quan Heng smiled but didn't answer, and hit Ah Xiao in the middle of the back of his hand with his backhand. The latter's right arm went numb and he closed his hand uncontrollably.

"Hiss..." Ah Xiao waved his hand.

"My hands are numb and there are tendons on the back of my hands," Quan Heng explained simply, "I controlled the force of the strikes and I was able to recover quickly."

"I shouldn't have been nosy just now. I just asked Peng Qinan to give you a try." A Xiao pressed the back of his hand, "I see if you dare to scold him, I guess there are ways to solve the trouble."

"This is so unfair. I didn't say a single curse word."

Quan Heng sighed half-seriously, showing a bit of distress, "We are players on the same map after all. If you hadn't come, I would have had to try to convince people with reason. After all, I am the kindest person."

"Kindness?" Ah Xiao asked coldly, "Do these two words have anything to do with you?"

Quan Heng laughed and drove to the second floor: "What do you think about this?"

"You didn't kill him," A Xiao said. "Xue Rou died because the SAN value fluctuated beyond the limit. Only monsters can do this."

That's why she said that Peng Qinan was "making use of the topic". This was simply not the killing effect that players could achieve.

"Of course I didn't kill her," Quan Heng was surprised, "I'm asking why you think she came up to the second floor."

"...I don't know," Ah Xiao suppressed his words, "Is it possible that you know?"

"I do know," Quan Heng chuckled, "I also know who the murderer is."

A Xiao was startled: "What..."

Without waiting for Ah Xiao to ask further questions, Quan Heng entered the storage room opposite his neighbor on the second floor.

[This girl...fuck!Help!Why did it break? !Mosaic, ghosts and monsters also need Mosaic protection! ]
[Xue Rou was with Quan Heng at first, but later the camera showed the three people playing "cat and mouse" with the ghost mother, and then showed Quan Heng going to the sixth floor. Why, how could he die?It's over here! ]
[The only ones who have not appeared during this period are Mu Ze and Xue Rou. The murderer is Mu Ze! ]
There were splatters of blood everywhere in the storage room. "Xue Rou" was piled in the corner. Her clothes had been chewed to pieces along with her flesh and blood. Even her head had been broken into several pieces and dug and licked clean.

"She was bitten to death," Tang Bao said. "We didn't hear the sound because her tongue was pulled out first."

"What is she doing here?" Seeing Tang Baoshao shaking his head, Peng Qinan suddenly looked at Mu Ze, "How did you get to the sixth floor just now? Where were you before you got to the sixth floor? You killed the person!"

"No, no, no, how dare I kill anyone!" Mu Ze waved his hands in a panic and suddenly pointed at Quan Heng, "Yes! Ask her! She just said she knew who the murderer was, and I heard it!"

The rest of the people immediately stared at Quan Heng.

Tang Badan raised his eyebrows: "Quan Heng?"

"I know for sure," Quan Heng leaned back in his chair and didn't hide anything. "There were no signs of fighting in the house. Xue Rou most likely came here voluntarily. With this time to take action, Xue Rou could not call for help before her tongue was pulled out. Yes, it can only be..."


The door to the room behind him was pushed open, and the elongated noise was lifeless.

Everyone looked up and their expressions changed instantly.

" acquaintance committed the crime."

Quan Heng finished speaking slowly, turned around in his wheelchair, and said with a slight smile:

"Welcome back, Ji Jie."

The girl at the door looked up sluggishly, her mouth covered in bloody pieces, her black buttons flashing strangely, and she slowly smiled.

——It is Ji Jie who has come back from the dead!

(End of this chapter)

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